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Guest Kamui

Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

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I wonder if they drew straws to paint this one of their ban gun.

Nah, Zach and Sass need to get all the practice in that they can, heh.

I'd hate to see Sass misfire on his first attempt at using his bangun, and banning some poor innocent bystander in a thread

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*currently searching for himself*

In a physical or spiritual sense? If spiritual, you have much insight for one so young.


Yes insight......"does not the yonder wind blow on the mountain? Does not the fire burn? Does not thy scrotum need kicking!?"


*kicks frozenblockofpiss in the nads*

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Guest Cerebus
Something tells me he thinks that getting banned was all just part of his plan all along.

I guess I found something where me & Kamui agreed then.

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Yes insight......"does not the yonder wind blow on the mountain? Does not the fire burn? Does not thy scrotum need kicking!?"


*kicks frozenblockofpiss in the nads*


Bah, your original reply was funnier.

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Guest JMA

It's Kamui's own fault he was banned. He could have stopped what he was doing at any time and avoided this.

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Something tells me he thinks that getting banned was all just part of his plan all along.

Meh, if he wanted that, it's his perrogative(I'll bet that I spelled that wrong) and honestly, I can't be bothered to give ashit either way.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

How does it feel to kill all of the fun out of this place? All of you 'ought be ashamed of yourselves. This isn't fun drama - its lame and boring....like most of you. Now excuse me while I watch Judge Greg Mathis.

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Guest Cerebus

Seriously, this thread has been one of the most uplifiting things since my surgery...it has been a long time since I laughed as hard as I did at that Tecmo Superbowl GIF. Thank God for you Jobber...

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How does it feel to kill all of the fun out of this place? All of you 'ought be ashamed of yourselves. This isn't fun drama - its lame and boring....like most of you. Now excuse me while I watch Judge Greg Mathis.

It's a sad state of affairs when one of those lame court shows is more fun then the board.

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Would it be wrong of me to start a 'classic thread' chant, if only for Jobbers and Kotz' posts?

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I'm having a hard time figuring out which of those Flame Warrior things I am.


Found Mr. Rant though.

I don't have anything against "homos".




And, true to Troglodyte Warrior form, I knew you'd pick that one for me. Stop being predictable and you might be upgraded to simple "Jerk Warrior."

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

And when typing Mr Rant..one gets the following:




Those pantaloons are absolutely capital!

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