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Lil' Bitch

Should Bret Hart be at WM 20 or not?

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We know he can't wrestle, but would you want to see Bret appear? To see him again and to go out properly the way he originally wanted to with a goodbye speech at least. I know some people would order the event just to see him and not even give a damn about the card. I would certainly love to see it happen. It would truly be a fitting moment at such a milestone just to see him again, even if it was just for one last time.

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It all depends on his condition. If he can barely talk, I really don't want to see the "god he looks like hell" posts that would follow his return.


As someone who lives with a father who had a stroke, I know how down on themselves they get when they can't talk right. Bret probably just doesn't feel like Bret anymore.


So as much as I'd like to see him return, I'd much rather he didn't until he is back to 100% or somewhere close. He may never get to that point of course, but I don't know how understanding people will be of him if he still can't talk the way he used to.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

No, I personally feel as if Bret has done enough for the business. He had his career destroyed by it, and lost a brother and brother in law to it. He should stay as far away as possible.

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Of course he should be there!


This is, after all, WrestleMania 20, a show being built up as the ultimate showcase of the immortals.


I can almost guarantee that almost every WWE legend will be there that night to celebrate.


As the torchbearer of the WWE from 1992-97, Bret would be conspicuous by his abscence.


Besides, who says he has to give a speech? Just being there will be enough for the fans at MSG and for the millions around the world to mark out.

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Guest nikowwf

He should be there if it would make him happy to do so. If he "looks like crap" but has a huge smile on his face being in the ring again, it won't faze me a bit.



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I would LOVE to see Bret, in any capacity. Just for a farewell speech would be amazing.


As well as other legends, not necessarily in matches, but as "guest appearences", perhaps pre-taped segments with their thoughts on Wrestlemanias of the past and the legacy of the event. I think it would be a great idea, as the spots would be scattered throughout the show from past superstars like:


- Tito Santana (has been in numerous WM matches early on)

- Ricky Steamboat (appeared in the legendary WMIII bout with Savage)

- Paul Orndorff (was in the very first Wrestlemania Main Event)

- Rick Martel (appeared in several early Wrestlemania matches)

- Ted DiBiase (icon heel in the 80's and was in the final of the Iv tournament)

- Bobby Heenan (the manager of all Wrestlemania managers)

- Jimmy Snuka (appeared in several Wrestlemanias)

- Roddy Piper (Wrestlemania legend)

- Randy Savage (had many memorbale WM matches)


Also, I'd love to see a huge tribute package to those past superstars who are no longer with us. A package designed to show their efforts in past Wrestlemanias would be fitting. Superstars such as;


- Andre the Giant

- Adrian Adonis

- Mr. Perfect

- Big John Studd

- Dino Bravo

- Junkyard Dog

- Gorilla Monsoon

- Yokozuna

- Owen Hart

- The British Bulldog

- Rick Rude

- Elizabeth

- Freddie Blassie

- Road Warrior Hawk

- Crash Holly


THAT alone would make it a AWESOME Wrestlemania for me.

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I hope he dosn't show at WM20. Especially not as a ref or as part of some angle.

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Guest Brian

Give Hart a big ceremony at WrestleMania 20 and thank him profusely for what he's done for the company, sticking with it through the hard times.

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Why should Bret get a "big ceremony" ?


Did Hogan, when he returned? No, he actually competed and earned his place on the roster (well, temporarily) with a true WM moment.


Bret was a tremendous talent and all, but putting him as a "special ref" or giving him a speech takes away from the current talent who deserves to perform and or alters their storylines (the ref bit).


Bret refused to DO THE JOB he is paid to do at SSeries 97. Jeez, if Triple H refused to job the day of a PPV, and hasn't he (?), you'd call for his death.


Bret gets all this "return to the glory!" bullshit just because Vince dealt with his self-promoting ass.


I'm sorry your brother died, and your career ended b/c of Goldberg, and about your unfortunate stroke, Bret. You were a great WWF talent.


But you don't deserve to be at WM 20. So fuck off.


Does ANYONE remember Bret bashing Vince and WWE non-stop on any indy or 2nd-rate PPV he could get on?


Why should the washed up, unprofessional, has-been be apart of a CELEBRATION?


If he DOES appear, it should be to apologize.


Sorry, but I'm SO sick of all your Bret Hart ass-kissing. It's not 1992 anymore, it isn't even '97. GET OVER IT.

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Guest Trivia247

I got no serious opinion on if Bret should be there or not.


I mean on one hand would be good to see Bret there, however not counting the gimmick battle royal there has never really been a time when a guy makes a dramatic reappearance at a major event without a subsequent angle following it.


asides the fact that Bret Can't wrestle. Its hard to believe any farewell speeches or tributes. Foley got what 3 and still he is the most honorable of the whole bunch who mean't not coming back to wrestling. (Least not in a wrestling compacity) Austin got a pretty decent send off...even though it is just a angle and he'll return. He could have left his career right there in Dallas with that.


There isn't too much Bret or the WWE can do for each other. If perhaps WWE had the means to bankroll Stampede wrestling or help fund and maintain the Hart Family Dungeon for future canadian wrestlers to train at. Some kind of Lasting incentive. I doubt it would be enough to Bret to come back just to hobble down to the ring and Chairshot McMahon. There will have to be something else to give him reason to. He had built his Post WWF Career, what little there was on his Bitter Stryfe on the WWF and McMahon in particular.

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"Welcome back Bret! We're going to give you the send off we should have given you back in '97... no hard feelings, huh? Ok, you're going to be in a match with Randy Orton, who has a legend-killer gimmick, and he's going to challenge you because you're a legend. You'll wrestle for 20 minutes and it will all end in a big schmozz.



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it'd be neat if he was there just to say good bye the right way. No match, no refereeing. I don't know how well he recovered from his stroke but my mom had a stroke in '96 and has never quite been the same since

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Guest JMA
Sorry, but I'm SO sick of all your Bret Hart ass-kissing. It's not 1992 anymore, it isn't even '97. GET OVER IT.

Maybe you should tell that to Vince. He's clearly not over it.

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Maybe he should return to put over HHH in a match.

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........Shawn said he wanted to talk to him and ask him to FORGIVE him.


Shawn also said if he could back the clock, he'd do it again.

Edited by Rico Costantino

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I still like the guest ref idea. A Benoit/Angle (possibly Benoit/Lesnar) match for the title looks possible so reffing that match would be perfect, as there'd be plenty of scope to put Benoit over as Bret's natural successor.


e.g. Benoit has Angle in the Crossface/Sharpshooter, Vince runs down to interfere but gets smacked by Bret and put in the sharpshooter as both Vince and Angle tap...Bret raises Benoit's arm for a nice visual. That sort of thing. If Bret wants a speech, the show's bloody long enough to justify fitting one in.


Bottom line: Bret's appearance will get PPV buys for McMahon, plenty of crowd heat, an opportunity to put over a current worker, and provide Bret with a big paycheck and an opportunity to make a final farewell speech, should he wish. Everybody's happy. Well, most people.

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Guest reshad974
Did Hogan, when he returned? No, he actually competed and earned his place on the roster (well, temporarily) with a true WM moment.

He earned his place on the roster ?!! Upon debuting, he was positioned in a top programm with the hottest babyface The Rock. I can't call that earning its place.

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It would be nice to see Bret give some kind of farewell speech, or to have the announcer (most definitely Finkle) announce his name and to have Bret stand up in the front row and wave (like Monsoon did in 99). Just a small tidbit to honor one of the WWE's most important wrestler's of the past 15 years.

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Guest Brian

And the difference being Bret can't wrestle.


If Vince can mend fences publicy with Hogan, he should be able to do likewise with Bret.

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Why should Bret get a "big ceremony" ?


Did Hogan, when he returned? No, he actually competed and earned his place on the roster (well, temporarily) with a true WM moment.


Bret was a tremendous talent and all, but putting him as a "special ref" or giving him a speech takes away from the current talent who deserves to perform and or alters their storylines (the ref bit).


Bret refused to DO THE JOB he is paid to do at SSeries 97. Jeez, if Triple H refused to job the day of a PPV, and hasn't he (?), you'd call for his death.


Bret gets all this "return to the glory!" bullshit just because Vince dealt with his self-promoting ass.


I'm sorry your brother died, and your career ended b/c of Goldberg, and about your unfortunate stroke, Bret. You were a great WWF talent.


But you don't deserve to be at WM 20. So fuck off.


Does ANYONE remember Bret bashing Vince and WWE non-stop on any indy or 2nd-rate PPV he could get on?


Why should the washed up, unprofessional, has-been be apart of a CELEBRATION?


If he DOES appear, it should be to apologize.


Sorry, but I'm SO sick of all your Bret Hart ass-kissing. It's not 1992 anymore, it isn't even '97. GET OVER IT.

So... is not OK to be fans of Bret... or like you said "kiss-ass", but, I guess is OK to be in the I Hate Bret Club.


It looks like someone else is the one who needs to "Get Over It".


Bret Hart is a LEGEND.


He was a master of performing, not just bumping like a beach ball or bleeding just because, trying to kill himself throwing himself of a higher place everytime.



Yes he is a mark of himself... everyone is a mark of himself, damn, even some guys here in the forum are already marks of themselves. I guess Hogan is not a mark of himself... or Rock or Austin or Angle or RVD...

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