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So What Did You Think Of The Contract Singing?

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Oh and here's an idea if and when Benoit loses a case Benoit snaps and puts the judge or one of the jurors in the crossface.


I truly miss the sadistic heel Benoit.

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Guest Trivia247

Ok even with this triple threat Kliq Gang screw of Benoit out of the title is probably most likely...... There maybe the angle where benoit will get the belt but Beat old HBK so HHH doesn't have to dirty himself with a clean loss to Benoit...


Looks at the positive side of everything

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The Big Bossman can be the bailiff who comes in and announces Benoit in...


"And now, making his way to the courtroom, the prosecutor, from Edmonton Alberta Canada, The Honourable Wolverine, Chris Benlaw!". Bail will be set at $15,000 if the defendant wishes to leave the ring and quit..."

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I DEMAND that Arn Anderson be cast as Benoit's law professor who is now retired but helps out on cases every so often. He'd be the Donald Sutherland to Benoit's Matthew MoConaughy ala A Time To Kill.

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Guest JRE

"And I'm talkin about the thing(s) that actually happened regardless of what your circle of friends thought. I can't predict what the "casual" fan wants, no one can, I can only use what is on TV and I presented it to you as such. What was presented on TV made Benoit look bad. "


Whoa wait (and this is an edit)...me and my friends don't count? I mean...yeah...stuff was presented on TV...and Benoit is just fine to us. So are we just presenting different stuff...well, we are gonna change our minds now are we...ahhhhhhrrrrh. Fuck the internet.



Well...I'm happy.

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Even though I fully expected something like that to happen tonight, it still makes me sad that no one who is over and/or highly respected by the fans (and not just us smarks) will never get a clean shot at running with the title.


That is the bottom line.

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I enjoyed the segment until HBK came down, and the collective groan was because everyone knew Benoit was getting SCM'd. The promo by HHH was quite good, in my opinion, and served to put both him and Benoit over, yet before Benoit even has a chance to respond, the true heat stealer, HBK, has to come to the ring.

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Guest reshad974

The main-event of WM XX must be Chris Benoit vs TripleH for the World title and the ending must be TripleH submitting to the Crossface and Benoit paraded aroud the ring by the entire babyface roster. Any other scenario would be a BIG letdown.

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Guest Deviant

Benoit jumping to Raw screwed Michaels, so Michaels gets a rematch? Benoit's jump also took away Chris Jericho's shot at the title, where the fuck is Jericho's shot?!?


Also, what everyone has said about contracts is correct. Benoit's named would be printed on the thing a thousand times, HBK's signature wouldn't make any difference except for wasting the paper it was printed on. They'd print off a new contract, sign it legally and we'd have Benoit vs HHH.

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Kayfabe wise, it was a great segement, however we all know this reeks of the clique power~! and poor Chris is getting sucked into that vacuum. It started out as a successful segment in which Triple H put heat on the match by basically telling Benoit "Let's see if you can grasp this moment". Instead of Shawn Michaels coming out, Benoit should've just reiterated "You don't have to tell me about reality, Hunter. It bites, just like a rabid wolverine does" and then he could've signed. Then after we could've had the confrontation between the three. That segment last night showed me how desperate the clique duo is to retain their heat by stealing Chris Benoit's heat.

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Guest reshad974
"Since being in the WWF, I have noticed that there are many different ways to succeed and achieve success. I've noticed that talent is pointless. I've noticed that sheer will and determination are useless. And being the best damn technical wrestler in the entire industry does not mean one damn thing. See, here in the WWF, success is not gauged by your wrestling ability. A perfect example of that would be Triple H." - Chris Benoit, October 2000.

Where did he say that ? During a promo or a radio interview or something else ?

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Guest Goodear

I disagree with some of Rudo's points so I'll be all counter-pointy.


1) HHH punked him out in-ring and he didn't respond. He didn't sign the contract, he didn't say anything to him. This makes Benoit look BAD.


I never got the impression that Benoit really gave a crap about anything HHH was saying to him. While HHH was all "you're a choker" Benoit was basically no selling the entire thing and just staring him down and waiting for him to shut the hell up so that Benoit could just sign the contract which Benoit tried to do about 3 times because the only thing that matters to him is winning the strap.


2) HBK said him vs. Hunter is "beyond" any contract (aka, beyond Benoit and what Benoit has done since that contract represents his chance at vindication) and Benoit said "yeah, you're right". This makes Benoit look BAD


I think you're reaching here. Benoit recognizing that Shawn and Triple H have a beef is rational. All that stuff was lead in though to 'but not over my shot at Wrestlemania' which is why Michaels had to superkick him to sign the contract.


3) With HBK signing the contract and superkicking Benoit and Benoit *not responding at all 'cept for bitching at Bischoff* it makes Benoit look BAD.


Man you've got the negative glasses on. Benoit didn't run into Bischoff's ranting and raving. Bischoff chased him down to avoid a fight backstage and to promote the main event for next week.


4) They keep bringing up this loophole and never actually say what it exactly is or was. They say that Benoit has worked hard over the past 18 years all over the world, but they never show any of it. Why should the fans believe ANY of this? They are basically being told (rather than shown) why they should cheer Benoit which does him no favours. When they say something and don't deliver on it, it makes Benoit look bad.


The loophole is simply that he could jump brands and face whatever champ he wanted. I understand that and I only partly pay attention to the show. Plus: How would it make sense of Triple H to have video accompanyment to his promos? People know that Benoit has been working a long time because they watch WWE and are at least somewhat familiar with WCW. They've watched Benoit struggle already.


5) Benoit's Royal Rumble win is now officially meaningless since HBK can get there at a motion of a pen. This makes Benoit look bad.


No it makes it look like Shawn won't wait on Triple H since he wants him so bad and doesn't care who gets in the way. Benoit will still get his shot.


6) Benoit did not come out first thing on the show. He has yet to take a dominant role (or even a significant role) in ANYTHING HE HAS DONE ON RAW.


He appeared in the first and last segment on the first RAW he was on. He had Triple H basically pull back a punch rather than risk getting killed. He killed Mark Henry dead in four minutes and injured him for four months. He beat Ric Flair. Chris Benoit will never be 'dominant on Raw' ... no one is anymore

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Guest Goodear
Why not just have Benoit say "I don't care who I face. You want HHH? Do it on your own time. But Wrestlemania is mine."

Uhm that is what Benoit said.

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Guest Goodear

8) Paul Heyman. On RAW. And not a single segment with him and Benoit together. I guess Goldberg is more important.


Yes, to Paul Heyman, the guy that is going to almost assuredly interfear with his main event on Sunday is more important than the guy that left his show. Heyman already addressed that on Smackdown.

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Why not just have Benoit say "I don't care who I face. You want HHH? Do it on your own time. But Wrestlemania is mine."

Uhm that is what Benoit said.

After kissing Shawn's ass.


Chris Benoit will never be 'dominant on Raw' ... no one is anymore


*cough* Austin.

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Guest Goodear

Benoit's a face. What's he supposed to say? 'Look you Jesus Freak, STFU and die!" He might do that now, but before the superkick it would have hurt Benoit's image as gutty underdog to just whack Shawn for no reason (which you can clearly tell happened to Shawn when he superkicked Benoit).


*cough* Austin.


Even Austin participation is way down. He was only in two segments last night and one was only like 30 seconds long.

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Guest Ghettoman

It was a Triple H promo followed up with some kliq gang banging, whats not to love.


I mean all those times Triple H would bitch out Benoit, telling him his dream wasn't gonna happen, and Benoit had to sit there, not like a tough guy who would of ripped the mic out of his hand and shoved it all back down his throat, not like an edgy guy who can snap at any minute, but a guy who's ok with sitting there and being run down completely, those were awesome.


All that talk about how there's only one real championship, and that Benoit left because he wanted to beat the best, the guy who was handed a fake belt, really put over not only the importance of there title but the WWE Title as well.


And using HBK, one of your most over babyfaces as a tweener in all of this, now thats fucking genious. It's not like you'd want to make it clear who's side the fans should be on going into a World Title match at Wrestlemania.


Your awesome Raw Main Event. Who needs smart booking when you've got HHH and HBK?

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Guest Goodear

Benoit can't talk to save his ass, don't try and tell me that he should have cut this monster promo when the last few weeks everyone has been saying 'They're exposing Benoit by making him talk'. This is the result, Triple H cutting a promo where he outlines the whole story while Benoit just stares his ass and the title down. Why everyone makes it seem like Chris was shaking in his boots or something, I don't know, but that wasn't the case from my view. Benoit just didn't care about that bull, he wanted to sign the contract and get the belt... beating up Triple H there wouldn't have served that purpose.

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Why everyone makes it seem like Chris was shaking in his boots or something, I don't know, but that wasn't the case from my view.

It was the constant shaking of the head to me. It was screaming "No Hunter...none of what you're saying is true...None of it! None of it! STOP! I don't want to hear it!"



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I liked the contract signing up until "Sexy Boy" hit. HHH cut an amazingly good promo and Benoit being silent while staring both him and the title down was great and I honestly began to think that they were going to get it right for once and then...


:::: toilet flushing ::::


Right down the commode.

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You know, if they didn't decide to put Michaels in the match, you know what they should have done?


While HHH was talking, Benoit sighs, and without HHH noticing, Benoit signs the contract.

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Guest Ghettoman

All Benoit had to do was grab the mic and go over how his dream is bigger than history, how his dream is bigger than Triple H, how no matter what Triple H says, he knows if he is to stop Benoit, it's gonna be the biggest acheivement on his list.


All of this could of been said without exposing Benoit's weaknesses, all of it would of clearly defined the heel/face roles and it would of set up a number of out comes for Mania.


Of course that would work, without HBK, and well thats not happening.

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Exactly. Shawn Michael's role in this match is the only thing that irks me from the segment (and the entire feud in general). Up until Shawn Michael's music hit, I was anticipating everything that was going on between Triple H and Benoit. Personally, I saw Benoit's cold stare as an act of defiance to Triple H's lewd statements about how he is "reality" and "dreams don't exist". One of the best Triple H promos I've seen in a long time. It feels weird saying that.

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Benoit can't talk to save his ass, don't try and tell me that he should have cut this monster promo when the last few weeks everyone has been saying 'They're exposing Benoit by making him talk'.

I think they could have had Chris say something as long as he kept it simple. After Hunter cuts that promo, Chris could have taken the mic and, while keeping eye contact with HHH, get real close up and go, "You what, Hunter?" -small, dramatic pause- "You're wrong." in a low, menacing voice.


Of course, that would only have worked if it was just HHH/Benoit, so it's meaningless at this point.

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Why do I get the impression this is Vince flicking off the IWC just to settle the fact he hates the net. If we look at this match from the common smark viewpoint... this is it... its the Kliq vs The smark wrestling god... Chris Benoit. I honestly hope Vince's hate of the IWC isn't responsible for the injection of HBK.... yet again though.... for the internet this is the ultimate heel vs face fued.... The kliq vs Benoit... lets stop bitching about it and sit back and enjoy. Lets just wait until the night after WM... then if Benoit has lost... we can happily bitch.

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Wrestling should just become a weekly sitcom where feuds and storylines are based around one show. People just won't sit back, be patient and let angles play out.

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You know, if they didn't decide to put Michaels in the match, you know what they should have done?


While HHH was talking, Benoit sighs, and without HHH noticing, Benoit signs the contract.



A little roll of the eyes by Benoit, or perhaps a "yap yap yap" hand gesture would have sealed it for me. Even checking his watch would have sufficed. Unfortunately, Benoit had to play it like he was actually moved by HHH's yakfest.


Don't even get me started on the "legality" of HBK signing Benoit's contract.


Nothing good can come of this Clique crap.

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If it turns out to be Triple H vs. Benoit ONLY (assuming next week's match between Shawn and Chris is for the contender's spot) then this match has definite potential of being a classic for the marks and the smarks. For the marks, a ring veteran is finally pursuing his dream against the bastard heel that is living his dream. For the smarks, if Benoit wins, it'll mean that there is some hope for a new era not ruled by the kliq. However, the results of Wrestlemania will also have ramifications as well.

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