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So What Did You Think Of The Contract Singing?

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K here's the easy thing that would have put Beniot over before HBK even came out...after HHH finishes his 8 minute rant about whatever dream. Beniot picks up the mic thats laying on the table and goes.."Just realize HHH that after I beat you and the cheers rush over me, that you'll be laying on the mat while the pain rushes over you" or something similar to that...I had a better phrase when I was watching it :P


I did like what Lawler had to say through "I think HHH and HBK are in on it together" Man, how right was he on that one?


Oh and I was craving a bullshit chant after HBK signed.

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The resounding boos were a breath of fresh air. I would have thought the people would cheer, but I liked it when most of them (some were cheering) started booing. We'll have to see how Michaels plays off of his reaction (if he plays the tweener or not).

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IF this is leading to a situation where Benoit gets a relatively uncontroversial win over both of them, I think it works. If its leading to a loss, its a burial.


Isn't it funny how often feuds with HHH are like that? B-)

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Well I'm just angry b/c I think the WM main event should be a 1 on 1 match.....and none of this triple threat bullshit. I'd be pissed if it was some other smark wrestling god interjecting himself. The fact that it's HBK does piss me off a little bit more....but still.........1 ON 1!!!!!!


I did like hearing the fans boo HBK. Hopefully Vince will take this as "They don't want a triple threat!" which was what I was getting out of it.


Oh and who's waiting for HBK to try and steal the show against Benoit and get the fans chanting his name and booing Benoit?

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Isn't it funny how often feuds with HHH are like that? B-)

If HHH's "People like you don't win World Championships" promo on Booker last year is any indication, then Benoit unfortunately might lose.

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I did like hearing the fans boo HBK. Hopefully Vince will take this as "They don't want a triple threat!" which was what I was getting out of it.


Eh, I didn't even take the boos as "We don't want a triple threat", so I doubt Vince would. It wasn't really the whole crowd booing HBK. It was more like 50% - which is the perfect reaction. It showed that there is a good amount of support for Benoit, but that not everybody is turning against Shawn Michaels. They're pretty much both faces, and that is the reaction you want to get IF you're shooting for a "two faces fighting for the heel's gold, while having problems with one another as well" angle. Personally, I would like a 1-on-1 match as well (Benoit/HBK would have been a good Main Event match), but I haven't found any major faults with the way they've built up this Triple Threat.


The people that booed Shawn Michaels booed him because he had to resort to a dirty trick to interject himself into the title picture. Considering the reactions Michaels has gotten the past few weeks, I doubt there would have been many boos if Austin had just put him in the title match. The boos seemed to be more for the action itself, rather than adding him into the match.


Oh and who's waiting for HBK to try and steal the show against Benoit and get the fans chanting his name and booing Benoit?


You mean like providing high spots in the match? Giving the crowd something to cheer for? Keeping them even further enthralled in the match? I would say he's more like "trying to make the match better" rather than "stealing the show against Benoit."


Besides, I doubt the fans would chant "Benoit sucks" just because Shawn Michaels pulled out a nice-looking move.


Not everything is a conspiracy. Would it be okay for Benoit to pull out a super-duper twisting flying headbutt off the top rope in the Triple Threat match? Because if so, then Michaels can't be at fault for trying to impress the fans either. If not, then you're limiting the crowd response and participation the match can get - which shouldn't be the case in a title match at the Biggest Show of all Time.

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Like I said I thought HHH cut an amazing interview. See when Hunter wants to he can put his heart and soul into in interview and the results can be very good. The last time I remember HHH that good with interview was when Foley came back.


Anyways, on to HBK he said that the match between him and Hunter has been building for ten years. HOW? You mean to tell me that since you lost the ladder match to Scott Hall this match has been in the making? Whatever, he acts as if this feud has been building for years and years.

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Oh and who's waiting for HBK to try and steal the show against Benoit and get the fans chanting his name and booing Benoit?


You mean like providing high spots in the match? Giving the crowd something to cheer for? Keeping them even further enthralled in the match? I would say he's more like "trying to make the match better" rather than "stealing the show against Benoit."


Besides, I doubt the fans would chant "Benoit sucks" just because Shawn Michaels pulled out a nice-looking move.


Not everything is a conspiracy. Would it be okay for Benoit to pull out a super-duper twisting flying headbutt off the top rope in the Triple Threat match? Because if so, then Michaels can't be at fault for trying to impress the fans either. If not, then you're limiting the crowd response and participation the match can get - which shouldn't be the case in a title match at the Biggest Show of all Time.

Everybody is forgetting why Benoit is loved by the IWC. It is because of his wrestling. That is the reason so many people are passionate about Benoit. It is not because it is the cool thing to say on the internet. I can guarantee you that Michaels will not "steal the show" in a match that involves Benoit.

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Anyways, on to HBK he said that the match between him and Hunter has been building for ten years. HOW? You mean to tell me that since you lost the ladder match to Scott Hall this match has been in the making? Whatever, he acts as if this feud has been building for years and years.

Well, if we're sticking close to WWE history, then it hasn't exactly been building for ten years. But very close....


DX was formed in 1997 between Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Chyna. If we're to take some of these HHH and HBK interviews lately literally, there were some ego problems in DX way back when. "Shawn thought he was better than HHH, when he wasn't", "Shawn had to carry the team", etc. This would give the feud a life of 7 years.


But if you go back even further, by this point, even most marks know about the Clique. Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, and Justin Credible. They were all supposed to be relatively close friends when they were in the same federation. Triple H joined WWE in 1995, which is when we're to assume they became friends. That would give the feud a span of 9 years. And then it could have been extended because Shawn and Triple H were friends a year before Hunter came to WWE, or simply because a ten-year feud sounds more impressive than a nine-year feud.


Yeah, looking at it at first glance, the number seems like bullshit. But actually, if you look it in both a storyline and a backstage sense, the duration of their "relationship to feud" isn't too far off at all.

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Oh, he definitely won't outwork Benoit, he's not capable of doing so. What he might do though, is no-sell offense, and do all sorts of flashy stuff that turns the crowd to his side. He's done it before.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I don't recall the IC champ (status) ever being #1 contender in the WWE.

Only time ever = When Warrior had it.

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Regarding the legality or not of Michael's signing a contract that Benoit was supposed to, doesn't anybody remember that it's happened before? Jeff Jarret was about to give Barry Horowitz an IC Title shot when out of nowhere came Bob Backlund and signed the papers instead of Horowitz. Jarret had to defend his IC Title against Backlund. It happened on RAW a few years back so it's nothing new or something to cry about. Also, IT'S AN ANGLE. So stop calling Perry Mason for this.

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Oh, he definitely won't outwork Benoit, he's not capable of doing so. What he might do though, is no-sell offense, and do all sorts of flashy stuff that turns the crowd to his side.


Are we still talking about HBK or the matches Benoit has had with Kurt Angle?

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Also, IT'S AN ANGLE. So stop calling Perry Mason for this.


Angles still have to be believable. If your sitting there shaking your head because of how actual contracts work then the angle shouldn't happen.

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Also, IT'S AN ANGLE. So stop calling Perry Mason for this.


Angles still have to be believable. If your sitting there shaking your head because of how actual contracts work then the angle shouldn't happen.

Exactly. Wasn't it too long ago that Vince promised us fans a "more sophisticated product", one that didn't stoop to insulting our intelligence?




And the only way to salvage this is if HBK "gets injured" before WMXX and they have to go back to a one-on-one match-up with Benoit and HHH. Fuck HBK. I've had just about enough of His Holiness clogging up the airwaves with his over-inflated greatness and sub-par performances.

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My opinion?


Chris looked like he was about to cry as big mean Triple H made fun of him. I swear, I expected tears to start coming down Benoit's face and him to start whining about Triple H being a big stupid head.


And then HBK (who we must take serious now cause he grew a BEARD!) comes down, preaches to Chris who still looked like he was emotionally traumatized by Triple H and then when Benoit finally decides to stuck it up, dry his eyes and sign he gets superkicked like a bitch.


Benoit wasn't the face, christ he was the cowardly Mikey Whipwreck of the segment. He should have hit his knees and started hugging HHH's legs saying, "Please don't hurt me! I'll leave! You can have the title just DON'T HURT ME!!!"


Then what do we get as the big response? Chris Benoit acting LIKE A HEEL in the back and crying to Bischoff like Veruca Salt asking for an Oompa Loompa. When do faces CRY about injustice in the back? Yeah, that bah gawd tough Wolverine turning to Uncle Eric to help him out.


The perfect way to settle this would be to have HBK superkick Benoit (who comes out in his little vest from WCW) and pin him in 10 seconds. Then Benoit can battle Molly or whichever woman has the Lady title.

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Guest Quik

Just a question to everyone who typed out an actual sentence that Benout should've said (Y'know, something along the lines of "My dreams are real, Hunter... and I will achieve them at Wrestlemania."), you do realize that something like that would sound so fucking goofy the crowd would probly start groaning and pelt the ring with trash, right?

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That sucked. I'm sick of Hunter and his buddy taking up all the time they can. And this match has been X amount of years in the making? Yeah, except that they've had a few matches already and Shawn has beaten him for the title.


Fuck HHH, Fuck Shawn Michaels...the Rumble seems to mean less and less every year/

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Wasn't it too long ago that Vince promised us fans a "more sophisticated product", one that didn't stoop to insulting our intelligence?


He also said something about "wrestling being more than just the good guys vs the bad guys"...and shock horror, this is! See, when I cut and chop something said by someone else, I too can twist it however I want.



I'd usually be pleased by a possible HBK turn, if Raw wasn't dominated by heels already. So, I'm not pleased. Then again...I'm not exactly outraged. How long has this been a 'rumour' of happening? A good few weeks. I've gotten used to it being inevitable I guess. The only thing that really pisses me off is the execution of this.


To be honest, if HBK will add some more emotion to the match then I'm all for it. Benoit recently hasn't made me believe in ANYTHING he says nearly enough to warrant the position we all want him in...me included. Good actors are believable actors, and Benoit can't consistantly hit that believability. That's the thing that lets him down IME. Hell, I've said many times before...Benoit's Rumble win, for someone who's supposed to be playing the character of 'man finally getting closer to achieving his dream', was totally forgettable. I can't remember being in noticable peril at all. That's my problem with Benoit.


I'm not trying to turn this into an anti-Benoit rant so I'll stop there. Hell I'm not pleased about Benoit's Rumble win being hijacked either.

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My favorite moment, by far, was when Michaels said that the blood feud between him and HHH that has occured over the past month and a half overshadows Benoit's entire career.


Way to go, Vince.

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Guest Repo Man Reborn
My favorite moment, by far, was when Michaels said that the blood feud between him and HHH that has occured over the past month and a half overshadows Benoit's entire career.


Way to go, Vince.

What do you mean "Way to go Vince?"


Bah gawd, Chris Benoit has only been wrestling for a short time according to Triple H when called him "kid." How could his career have been overshadowed by an all-important Clique belt jerk-off?



Triple H calling Chris Benoit "kid" is like Scotty Too Hotty telling Ric Flair he can't draw.

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Actually, Michaels took a 3 year feud, turned it into a 10 year feud when HHH wasn't in the fed 10 years ago and said THAT was better than Benoit's career.



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posted by quik

Just a question to everyone who typed out an actual sentence that Benout should've said (Y'know, something along the lines of "My dreams are real, Hunter... and I will achieve them at Wrestlemania."), you do realize that something like that would sound so fucking goofy the crowd would probly start groaning and pelt the ring with trash, right?



It all depends on what he would say...yeah if he said something like that which is corny no one wold have gave a damn....but if he said something like "remember that as I make you tap" or what I said eariler about "realize when the cheers rush over me, the pain will be rushing over you while your laying in the middle of the ring"....that could so easily work.

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Benoit could come out of this looking very good (I thinki Naibus was suggesting this). Say at Wrestlemania XX he has to face HBK in a number 1 contenders match and then the winner goes onto face HHH (which he wins).


So not only does Benoit have to defeat two top wrestlers to win the gold on the same night but Wrestlemania also keeps the 1 on 1 finale it needs.



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I never got the impression that Benoit really gave a crap about anything HHH was saying to him. While HHH was all "you're a choker" Benoit was basically no selling the entire thing and just staring him down and waiting for him to shut the hell up so that Benoit could just sign the contract which Benoit tried to do about 3 times because the only thing that matters to him is winning the strap.


I got the impression that HHH had him mezmorized and dreaming about the gold - to which the cold sound of "reality" snapped him out of it. Benoits gaze and how he was basically like a cobra to hhh's snake charmer certainly would add to that.


I think you're reaching here. Benoit recognizing that Shawn and Triple H have a beef is rational. All that stuff was lead in though to 'but not over my shot at Wrestlemania' which is why Michaels had to superkick him to sign the contract.


HBK said that him vs. Hunter is more than any contract. HHH said that the contract represented Benoits vindication. HBK ended up signing the contract and Benoit did *nothing* about it. Reaching? For what, they're giving it to us on a platter.


Man you've got the negative glasses on. Benoit didn't run into Bischoff's ranting and raving. Bischoff chased him down to avoid a fight backstage and to promote the main event for next week.


"What are you going to do about this!" - Benoit. If they wanted to position Benoit on the offensive he would be attacking HBK in the backstage. Instead, he was walking "away" (as opposed to Foley who was walking "to" Orton, given the camera positioning).


The loophole is simply that he could jump brands and face whatever champ he wanted. I understand that and I only partly pay attention to the show.


What section was it in? Under what ruling? The Details make it believable. No details, just on their words alone - I don't buy it. It's as simple as reading the contract on-air.


Plus: How would it make sense of Triple H to have video accompanyment to his promos? People know that Benoit has been working a long time because they watch WWE and are at least somewhat familiar with WCW. They've watched Benoit struggle already.


The Week after Benoit was on RAW they should have had a video documenting his struggle rather than just saying "He's been doing this for a while". They should have had a sitdown interview with him asking why RAW, why now. It makes him seem important, it highlights his career and it gives his struggle MEANING. The fans don't know it all. And when they do, it will mean more. Him getting robbed would mean more. Him winning would mean more.


No it makes it look like Shawn won't wait on Triple H since he wants him so bad and doesn't care who gets in the way. Benoit will still get his shot.


Benoit plays second fiddle and isn't strong enough to stop Shawn and can't get in his way. The guy who went over an hour and past 29 other guys couldn't stop one and got KO'd by one kick. All Michaels had to do was land one kick to get his shot at mania. I know, it's horrible.


He appeared in the first and last segment on the first RAW he was on.


Getting upstaged by HBK, HHH, and Austin in the first segment and they never followed up or focused on the last segment.


He had Triple H basically pull back a punch rather than risk getting killed.


And then looked on with a know-it-all grin.


He killed Mark Henry dead in four minutes and injured him for four months.


After getting beat up by a glorified jobber. His "first match on RAW" was unimpressive and did not nearly display the skills that he has. Not to mention that Henry sold the crossface horribly so the "injury" from that move isn't believable.


He beat Ric Flair.


As did Rico. Beating Flair means nothing. Especially when he's clueless in the ring and THE FANS SEE IT.


Chris Benoit will never be 'dominant on Raw' ... no one is anymore


Not only is he not dominant, but he looks like a bitch to not only HHH but HBK as well.


Yes, to Paul Heyman, the guy that is going to almost assuredly interfear with his main event on Sunday is more important than the guy that left his show. Heyman already addressed that on Smackdown


So I guess Chris Benoit is just not worth the effort to confront in person. I guess his jump doesn't really matter to Paul Heyman. Chris Benoit, not a big loss to Smackdown. Just makes him seem so darn important, doesn't it?

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Benoit could come out of this looking very good (I thinki Naibus was suggesting this). Say at Wrestlemania XX he has to face HBK in a number 1 contenders match and then the winner goes onto face HHH (which he wins).


So not only does Benoit have to defeat two top wrestlers to win the gold on the same night but Wrestlemania also keeps the 1 on 1 finale it needs.



This would be great.


And they will never allow it.


Benoit beat HHH clean after already being worn out from HBK? HHH would just as soon let Hurricane beat him in a HIAC match.

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Benoit *is* the #1 contender. Why does he have to face anyone? Logically (in this ghastly illogical setting), HHH vs. HBK would happen then the winner faces Benoit. It would satisfy Benoit because "the best" would be the winner and he'd still be guaranteed the title shot.

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...Also, while this really would make Benoit stupid, I'm just curious.


Why can't he just go back to Smackdown and screw over Cena, Show and Angle then?



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...Also, while this really would make Benoit stupid, I'm just curious.


Why can't he just go back to Smackdown and screw over Cena, Show and Angle then?



By this point, he MUST have signed a contract to Raw.


.....well, unless Batista gave him a spinebuster right before the signing. Then it's all still up-for-grabs.

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