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I thought it was a good show, and congrats to Landon for pulling out the goods with the whacky stip involved.


I'm angry that I didn't get enough time to write, because my match was rushed, but I figured I should at least get something in. I blame the Hardcore Stip! The man's trying to bring me down...


Anyways, let's see some comments to spark some interest. I noticed a comments thread was lacking for the last show.

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Guest Aecas

I was very surprised that both Janus AND Duran no showed this one....


Congratulations to my first challenger Toxxic! I'm looking for a 200 Light Tube match at From the Fire or maybe a Log Cabin light Tube match ask for details ;). What do you say? :headbang:


Congrats go out to Johnny as well for earning a shot at Sacred.


Citizen DUB-CEE gets the win over Todd in a very nice match but I'm sure Mr. Royal wrote a cracker.


Landon I LOVED that match of yours very entertaining stuff.


And finally congrats to Grappler as well for tightening his hold on that IC belt some more!


Barring the two double no shows at the start this was actually a pretty good show. Of course not our best but I was happy reading through what we got.

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I remember when wacky, craziness was my calling card. Now I couldn't get it done. I felt absolutly retarded trying to write spots knowing I wasn't going for a pin or a submission. Full respect for Landon for being able to expand his writing style out of the box, as it were. You were a better writer than me tonight.




However... take me in a straight up match and let's see how you do ;)



going to check the rest of the show tonight after work. I'm sure to be in the mood for a shitkicking then so reading people getting the shit beat out of them will be relieving :)



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Guest Evolution



No, I'm sorry.


File that one under "Not a no-show."


Janus and I did a co-write on a double countout match, and I was under the assumption that he had sent it in. We got it finished very early, after all.


This is shaping up to be a fantastic day.

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Thoth, you'd better get that picture working...and fast. As you'll see, I spent a lot of time and effort on that...





...I assumed you just put the URL in image tags, but maybe my doing hat in the PM screwed things up.




...anyway, HOLY FUCK I WON!?! Well...color me shocked. I guess the lure of Mr Bukkake was too great. :P



Seriously though, I'm thankful for the wacky stip because eitherwise I most probably would have been destroyed by Annie.


Looked a decent show from what I skimmed through, so I'll be re-reading that now more in-depth.

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No, I'm sorry.


File that one under "Not a no-show."


Janus and I did a co-write on a double countout match, and I was under the assumption that he had sent it in.  We got it finished very early, after all.


This is shaping up to be a fantastic day.


Duran is correct.


As anyone can see, there is a Duran vs Janus match on Lockdown. It was always there. Everyone must have been glazing over it or something.


Now, on a completely unrelated topic, let's sing the praises of our incredibly handsome, genius head booker~! :wub:


(This post has not been modified to protect the incompitant)

Edited by realitycheck

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Guest ToddRoyal

First of all, congrats to WC for handing me my ass, even though it was expected. My match didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it, and I knew I had to be perfect to get it done. Ah well, at least I get another shot soon, eh?


My partner wrote one heck of a...er...match I suppose. I don't advocate mouse trap matches, but Landon's certainly got the talent to write crazy, whacky stip matches.


Good showings by Toxxic and Johnny to earn title shots, and Aecas for kicking ass like always. I had you pegged to be the breakout of our group and you're certainly living up to it.


Grap keeps winning, but he's on a hell of a roll right now.


Oh, and Alan Vs. Thugg is going to be one brutal match. I just hope Calrk survives...

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Just thinking - did I REALLY want to win that match against Jake?


Oh well - i'll take what comes. Which will probably include a hardcore beating from the Black Angel.


Particular congrats to Landon - that match rocked!

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Why thank you, Janus.


And on a completely unrelated note that has nothing to do with the fact Duran vs Janus was never missing from the show, and you're all clearly blind, let me just remind everyone for no real reason that you should never, ever send me stuff through chat or over AIM instead of PMing it, because odds are I'm going to forget about it.



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Former SJL Wrestler, SJL Television Champion and Member of Red Storm Rising chipping in with his own "comments".


*will now read again, just to make sure I actually comment "correctly"*


Firstly, Alan Clark... That was just a deep and dramaticly cutting promo you did to open Lockdown. I mean, really now. That's quite damn good. Makes me really want to see Thugg vs. Clark. That and it got me to read the SWF stuff again. I was just wanting to look, see what was up, then split, but no. You had to cut a hell of a promo about you wanting revenge upon Thugg and it was downright awesome. Good stuff!!!


Can I just say whoever the hell made Comet a commentator should be commended, because I was enjoying the flow of the cuts inbetween each part of the matches.


What the...? Ced's a (bleep)ing ref? Since when?


*because it was added, I'll add it here*


Duran vs. Janus. The return of the old Janus and we get a double DQ for that. Nice how he just murdered everyone to get his hands on Duran. Hell Machine he may be, but it was a good buildup. However, match wise, meh.

Rating: Meh (segment was good stuff though, match wise wasn't too good, but story was definitely nice)



Toxxic vs. Helmsly was pretty good match. A bit of humor, some good spots and a good story within it. A little bit excessive with the "Calgary/Canadian" stuff, but I think that's probably gimmick related, if I remember Helmsly correctly so probably just not used to seeing it. Description of this match was pretty good I'd say. Nice finishing spot, Caffiene Bomb through the chair.

Rating: Good


Spike Jenkins vs. Johnny Dangerous. This was an interesting turn of events. Was expecting a match, but if Jenkins can't go, this was a nice way to play fair. Definitely makes me think that if Johnny Dangerous wins the USJL Title (United States Junior League Title, that's a mouth full), it'll be fun figuring out whether the current (but would be former) Champion wold get the first crack, or would Jenkins? Or would we get one of those triple threat matches that I hated so much writing when I was still around? House of Todd? ...a cult religious thingy? Oh look, insult trading, building up the main event for tonight, setting the stage for FROM THE FIRE, and damn well just having fun with it.


...can you tell I liked this segment? You so know I did. I'll stop my tangent there.

Rating: Ugh. (My thoughts on the segment as a whole, GREAT!)



Aecas vs. Sacred. Great spots and definitely good description all-around. My only problem is a couple of "big" moves (I consider them that) where hit a little early in the match, specifically, the Evenflow Brainbuster, the German Suplex, and a Superplex into the guardrail (nice spot though, I have to admit). Then again, I'm sort of the ol' school mentality, so that might just be that creeping out on me. Good back and forth action as neither man had a clear advantage (till near the end), and for a "hardcore match" it wasn't like really "hardcore". Don't get me wrong, it was a hardcore, but I was expecting more out of it. Although, the piledriver through the barbed wire table was a nice image to finish things out.

Rating: Good


Todd Royal vs. Wildchild. I was so wishing Riley actually had the Book Of Todd, no rhyme or reason. Just saying. I liked the spot with the knee bruising by Wildchild to set up the fact that, yah, you try those high risk moves and you can get (bleep)ed up every now and then. The psychology following that is pretty damn good, and worthy of the attention and detail given to it. I stand corrected on the Riley parts, I missed him quoting it, thus I don't mind him not actually having the book now. Wildchild really built up on Megan's outside interference well and helped with the flow of the heel using every tactic in the book to get the victory (but didn't get the v). The finish I like as even though Wildchild couldn't fullout use his speed to his advantage, he could use it in limited fashion against Todd's spear and make it his downfall (so in other words, Todd played right into Wildchild's strength, speed).

Rating: Great



Annie vs. Landon. Can someone please tell me what the hell IT-CHI-BAN stands for? Please? Thanks. Spots were good, well-timed and some of the stuff was just lovely in description. Near perfect moonsault especially. I'm dying from the whole "Citizen Bukkake", that's just great stuff there. Nice "fear" aspect done by Landon as it brings out how much he doesn't really want to face off against Annie and is quite worried about getting out of this match with the win. I also liked how Landon kept on beating on Annie (now don't that sound wrong) and she kept getting up, thus retaining her "Hardcore Queen" image. ...Mouse In The Trap Stip? WTF? ...ook. That was an interesting finish. Gotta admit, Landon sure is a willy one, as I probably couldn't come up with that for a finish. But seriously, who in the bloody hades thought this up, because that was just weird... All out weird. Good match, but weird.

Rating: Good.


And so, that's what I comment on. Yah, not that great, but for a guy hitting 24 hours of straight being up, I'll give you what I can give with my fuddled mind.


*realizes I missed the MAIN EVENT, and start cursing myself for my sleepy mishap; I also finally realize that Dace is probably going "wtf is he doing here and WHY is he still in this thread"*


Chris Matthews vs. Coy West. Good match, pretty decent psychology, but I don't understand why Coy would suddenly give up going for the leg, to do a move that has no possible chance of actually working. That doesn't make sense unless Coy is a rookie, or that Coy has little to no skill in the mat based style of wrestling. I thought the match was alright, but really average at best. Don't get me wrong, it is a good match, but Main Event it wasn't. Now I don't mean that as a slap to Matthews, I'm just saying, it lacked something to it. If I was more awake maybe I could figure out why I believe so.

Rating: Average.


As for why the hell I commented, I read it didn't I? I gotta have at least the common courtesy to comment on it.

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Ichiban is the japanes for "number one" and it's one of Ann Onita's nick names.


And Coy is an new character of Ejiro and an old school red neck.

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Ichiban is the japanes for "number one" and it's one of Ann Onita's nick names.


And Coy is an new character of Ejiro and an old school red neck.

Oh... Ichiban...


Well then, someone added an unneccessary T to it. If it would've been I-CHI-BAN, then I would've gotten it easily then.


Coy is Ejiro? Really? ...oookay... I wouldn't have been able to guess that. Now is this like a different side of Ejiro, or is Ejiro "gone" and Coy is here to take his place?

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Guest Aecas

Yes I do realise there were some fairly big moves to start with, but to be brutaly honest I felt I had to do it, I just couldn't scale down the match enough, and rest asured there would have been more hardcore action if I had more words to wrk with. I've spent too long writing 5-6K matches look what its down to me you bastards! ;)


That being said it was still good fun to write and I'm glad people enjoyed reading it.

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Yes I do realise there were some fairly big moves to start with, but to be brutaly honest I felt I had to do it, I just couldn't scale down the match enough, and rest asured there would have been more hardcore action if I had more words to wrk with. I've spent too long writing 5-6K matches look what its down to me you bastards! ;)


That being said it was still good fun to write and I'm glad people enjoyed reading it.

Just saying that I'm of the ol' school psychology, so it probably just was me that had those two moves just sort of "uh, ok, out there in left field".


I understand that they had to be there, don't get me wrong, but it did detract me from the match at times.


Glad I read it. Was enjoyable and fun to read. Can't wait for the next one.

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I just can't believe I won with...that match.



Note to self: If drama practice consumes entire week, don't wait until the day of, two hours before deadline, to start a match.



Everyone else, awesome job. Landon especially. I reiterate, you are the man.

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Ichiban is the japanes for "number one" and it's one of Ann Onita's nick names.


And Coy is an new character of Ejiro and an old school red neck.

Oh... Ichiban...


Well then, someone added an unneccessary T to it. If it would've been I-CHI-BAN, then I would've gotten it easily then.

Well Flikster, it's spelt Ichiban, but pronounced Itchiban...I guess you could say there's a silent 'T'. The - marks in the chant are for the seperate sylablles, which is why the T is added...so it isn't pronounced 'Eyechiban'.


And the stip was thought up by Thoth. Believe me, that was a tame stip by his standards.

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hmph... Toxxic, I no-shoed that match, but it was a good match anyways.


On a slightly related topic... I'll be on hiatus for a month or two until my situation with work cools down some.


earning money = teh bitch (but has to be done)



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Please, the fed only has the one ring apron. With the amoutn the Unholy Trinity and The Unnamed get paid, it's all they can afford.


And let's not even talk about the kind of green guys like Thugg, Grand Slam, King, etc all get. It's crazy I tell you.

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hmph... Toxxic, I no-shoed that match, but it was a good match anyways.

Cheers - but I just want to know, have I actually beaten ANYBODY? I'm not thinking my debut would have won against Jake... then Rando beat me... then I'm positive I MUST have been up again two no-shows with the Falls Count Anywhere, cos my match sucked... I know Kibs no-showed for Redmond... and now this.


Does Liston ever show?

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Well, Toxxic, if it makes you feel any better, I lost my first three JL matches against people that actually showed; my first three "wins" were all via no-show, and I didn't get my first legit win against competition until my first title match (which I strangely wrote myself to job in), so as far as I can tell, you're on the right track... (Y)


So, judging by that timeline, by Genesis you should be the next big thing...

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