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The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

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Not among the best of the season, but another solid episode that is building nicely on:


Dutch's rape case

Money Train cash

Vic's family issues

Tavon getting better

Julian getting tough, and his straining relationship with Dani

Acevada's problmes

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

this was basically a plot filler episode, but I do like this bit with Aceveda's safe. I laughed when it took Vic all of 3 seconds to decide to break into it.


also the grandma rapist thing got intreresting as he apparently has a brain now.

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I liked the episode. Like was said it was probably the weakest this season so far, but even then it's still good.


When Tavon either dies or wakes up it's gonna hit the fan though.

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Good episode, but I was hoping we'd see more interaction between the Strike Team and Decoy Squad. Perhaps if Tavon doesn't make it, Trish (black Decoy Squad officer) will try and get on Vic's team?


Nice panty shot of Vic's wife though.

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Another good show, imo.


My favorite part was seeing flamer Shane -- then he starts talking about cars with the other male hooker.


Damn that new black chick is hot.


And who didn't know Vic's ex would be banging that dude that's teaching his son...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Everyone knew his wife was nailing the teacher's son


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I think he meant the son's teacher.

I sure as hell hope so. I'm liking this season a lot, particularily because of the eventual chaos that will no doubt ensue once someone finds out about Aceveda's incident (ie Vic), and also what will happen when Tavon recovers.

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Yeah, just look at how it was shot. The ass dominated the screen and you couldn't see any other part of her body, then she goes around the corner and the original actress comes back. Stunt ass.

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Yeah this season is like a slow building avalanche waiting to run wild.

To be more exact, episodes 305-310 are one huge arc detailing the rape and aftermath of said rape on Acaveda and that after a brief lull in action in episodes 3011-314, the show will have an explosive season finale where the whole rape storyline returns and causes massive repercussions that will permenantly change the status quo of the series, as Shawn Ryan has stated that not all of the cast members will return for Season 4 as a direct result of the endings he's established to the various storylines this season....

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Last week's preview showed Aceveda saying "They pulled eight bodies out of frog town." I've fallen in love with that line. Looked forward to it all week.

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Yeah this season is like a slow building avalanche waiting to run wild.

To be more exact, episodes 305-310 are one huge arc detailing the rape and aftermath of said rape on Acaveda and that after a brief lull in action in episodes 3011-314, the show will have an explosive season finale where the whole rape storyline returns and causes massive repercussions that will permenantly change the status quo of the series, as Shawn Ryan has stated that not all of the cast members will return for Season 4 as a direct result of the endings he's established to the various storylines this season....

The cast:






Decoy Squad










I'd say that the only people guaranteed to survive are Vic and Aceveda. Claudette and Julian are also strong possibilities.


Shane, Ronnie, Tevon, and Dani all strike me as people that could be written out somewhat easily, especially since Dani has been a part-timer this season and Tevon's been in ICU for a couple of eps.


Shane's also being set up for a fall if Tevon ever comes to and can shoot hole in Shane's BS story.


Ronnie's only crime, per se, is that he's pretty much a background guy outside of getting his face melted off.

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Shane, Ronnie, Tevon, and Dani all strike me as people that could be written out somewhat easily, especially since Dani has been a part-timer this season and Tevon's been in ICU for a couple of eps. 


Shane's also being set up for a fall if Tevon ever comes to and can shoot hole in Shane's BS story. 


Ronnie's only crime, per se, is that he's pretty much a background guy outside of getting his face melted off.

Regarding the cast changes:


Only Claudette, Dutch, and Vic are safe given that Vic and Claudette are in the middle of a long-terms storyline and the fact that they need Dutch so that there can be secondary storylines in each episode, not to mention the fact that Dutch is one of the show's most popular characters second only to Vic.


Julian seems safe especially since it seems that the writers have realized that they've put the character through so much shit already that they've decided to leave him alone at long last.


Dani is safe given that the show went out of their way to push the cosmic reset button on her (giving her old job back and pairing her with Julian). Plus she has unresolved issues with Vic that need to be sorted out and the narc storyline that hasn't been explored by the writers yet.


As for the Decoy Squad, they all have temp characters written all over them save for Trish, who I wouldn't be suprised ends up joining the Strike Team next season.


As for Ronnie, he's the show's walking deux de machina for Vic's various schemes so I doubt they will get rid of him. Plus David Snell is friends with Shawn Ryan (the show's creator), so I can see David Snell staying in his role or possibly getting his big break at long last next season when the cast shake-up happens...


My guess is that Shane, Acaveda, Lem will be the ones who go.


Shane will either die as karmic retribution for what happened to Tavon or sacrificed by Vic after the GF fucks them over and lays all of the blame for the Tavon fight on Shane.


Acaveda will get elected to City Counsil and be put on "special guest star" status, so as to open up Claudette to her promotion and the resuming of Claudette and Vic's feud storyline...


Lem is the big dead man walking casting wise. He's had his screentime/storyline development cut to next to nothing and tonight's ulcer revelation/confrontation with Vic about how he's tired of all of the illegal shit they've been involved in easily set up Lem's possible departure as I can easily see him telling Vic to go fuck himself and skipping town once the money train storyline ends. Especially if he ever finds out about Tavon and the truth behind how Vic protected Shane and his GF....

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Good episode. I'm liking the way they're handling David's story better then I thought I would. I'm really looking forward to how it's going to end.


When it comes to who's safe for next season my only pics are: Mackie, Claudette, Julian, and Dutch...and maybe Dani

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After watching tonight's ep I having a strong feeling that Shane stole that 7 grand and it's going to lead to him or his GF getting killed off by season's end.


When Julian went in to give his sperm sample I just know that he was going to jerk it to gay porn. I think somehow, someway (like maybe finding him in bed with a man) his wife is going to find out his was/is gay and then is going to leave him.


And damn I really didn't think Tommy was going to kill himself.

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He already told his wife he used to be gay, though. Were they saying he couldn't cum, or she just couldn't get pregnant? If it was the latter, it's not such a big deal yet.

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