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Kurt Angle Mark

Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I wanna see Benoit/Austin from SD in June 2001. Probably one of my favorite Smackdown matches ever, plus the mark out moment of TEN ROLLING GERMANS!!!

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Guest wildpegasus
I doubt they'll have any of his Japanese footage.


And they'll need to put him breaking Sabu's neck, just for the whole Crippler thing.

I was thinking about that. WCW obviously had rights to footage (as they would show New Japan on their shows simetimes) but maybe that was just temporary or something. I really don't have a clue here.

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Guest wildpegasus
I wanna see Benoit/Austin from SD in June 2001. Probably one of my favorite Smackdown matches ever, plus the mark out moment of TEN ROLLING GERMANS!!!

I wanna see it unedited. If they could slip that extra 3 to 5 minutes back in that match it would make me happy.

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And they'll need to put him breaking Sabu's neck, just for the whole Crippler thing.

He was called the Crippler before he broek Sabu's neck. I'm pretty sure.

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Guest OctoberBlood



*takes breath*



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He was called the Crippler before he broek Sabu's neck. I'm pretty sure.



No it was after, even Beniot has said this.


Its great that Beniot finally has a DVD coming out. It better be a set, it'd be dumb if it was only one disc. Looks like all the DVD's I've been preaching about lately has been coming out, a Beniot one, The Critic series, now is it to much to ask for a Nightcourt dvd(s)

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There is one Japanese match I know they have rights to, and that's Benoit vs. Ohtani in the finals of the cruiserweight tournament. This match HAS TO BE ON THERE. Best CW title match ever for me, above Rey-Eddy and Rey-Dragon. This match ruled.

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I don't expect any Japanese stuff, though it would be nice.

Does the WWE have any access to Japan footage?

Probably just the limited amounts WCW had in their library.


And here's hoping they have Liger/Benoit from Starrcade 95 and the Raw 10 Man Tag on the DVD as well as the obvious matches. Knowing our luck they'll replace that with RVD/Benoit from Summerslam 02 or some shit.

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When the fuck will the Dallas series be on dvd???


I don't care for a Dallas series on DVD, so I'm not preaching. :P

Do it for me, brah.

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Guest Coffey

Well, the "Pillman Memorial Show" Vs. William Regal should be on it. I don't think that anyone mentioned that match yet.


I liked the Raw cage match against Kurt Angle too. The match where Austin was doing guest commentary.


His Ladder Match with Jericho and his Royal Rumble match against Angle should most definitely be on it. As should the recent Wrestlemania XX main event. I suppose his Royal Rumble win has to be on there too.


Obviously the "Owen Memorial" match with Bret Hart from Nitro should be on it. I'm not so big on the "Best of Seven Series" with Booker T. however.


If they can get it, the Super J Cup 94 Finals with Sasuke would be cool too.


I don't recall anything too breathtaking coming out of his ECW run.


The DVD could use some Tag Team matches (something the Flair DVD lacked), and I think Jericho/Benoit Vs. HHH/Austin would be a good one to include.


I believe all of these matches have already been mentioned, but it's still what I'd like to see.


I'd also like to see some non-match moments. His joining of the Four Horsemen for example.

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I don't recall anything too breathtaking coming out of his ECW run.


Not really, but he did have a nice match against Al Snow.


Will they include Benoit's WCW Championship win onto the DVD or no?


I figured they would since they recognize his WCW World title when WCW and Benoit himself do not.


My Picks:


Vs. Eddie Guerrero (any match)




vs. Bret Hart (Owen Hart Tribute and maybe even the Mayhem match)


vs. Booker T (any of Best of 7, preferably all)


vs Jushin Liger (Starrcade 95)


w/ Saturn Vs. DDP and Kanyon (Nitro)


vs. Kevin Sullivan (Great American Bash) < - - - this is where Kevin retired right?


Vs. Raven (Souled Out 1998)


Vs. DDP (Superbrawl 8 or Road Wild 1999)


Vs. Sid Vicious (Souled Out 2000)




Vs. The Rock (Fully Loaded)


vs. Chris Jericho (RR 2001)


vs. Kurt Angle (Ultimate Submission Match from Backlash 2001)


w/ Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin & Triple H (Raw following JD)


vs. Brock Lesnar


Wrestlemania XX


Wasn't one of the Best Of Seven matches at a house show?


No, but he did win the WCW TV Title twice from Booker T at house shows.

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Guest wildpegasus
Did Benoit ever wrestled the Dynamite Kid?I heard rumors that they did but there wasn't any footage of it, so i don't know if this is true or not.

Yes, he did. I believe it was only 1 time as far as singles go. I don't know if it was televised or not because Stampede footage becomes pretty rare after March of 1989 or so. Nobody seems to have it. I believe in the past Benoit once commented that while it wasn't his best match it was his favourite.


For sure because I have it on tape there was a Benoit/Johnson vs Kid/Johnny Smith (British Bruisers) match from Stampede. My footage is not from the actual original TV airing (because this was from the rare footage time) but from the Benoit special they had at the very end on TV after Stampede had fallen. Stampede showed both an Owen Hart tribute show and a Benoit tribute show on consecutive weeks after the closure. In the Benoit tribute show they show the aforementioned match but I think it comes in at a later time during the match than the original airing does. Anyway, Benoit gets the hot tag in this and cleans house on Smith and Kid only to go back in his corner pretty quick so the interaction between the two is very brief. Still, it's great to watch because Kid despite being completely crippled at this point in time still bumps like a complete maniac for Benoit. After the match is over they continue the feud between the two teams of Benoit/Davey Boy vs the British Bruisers. Dynamite and I believe Johnny too trap Benoit in the ropes Andre the Giant style and proceed to inflict damage on the helpless Benoit. Davey than comes out from the back to help Benoit and the Bruisers run away. I've never seen it on a tv tape listing but I have heard that Benoit/Davey did have a match on TV against the Kid/Smith(who BTW is an awesome wrestler) that is spoken very fondly of. I've never been able to find it though. This is the match that I'd love to have on the DVD because even though the Kid was super broken down (you can tell by watching his matches in Stampede after he came back in 1989) he could still go.


I just remembered there was a backroom altercation between the two teams of Benoit/Davey and the Bruisers. I've never seen it but from the sounds of it, it sounded like it was televised. Part of the Benoit/Davey vs Bruisers feud.


Before Dynamite turned heel in Stampede he gave his boots to Benoit in which was almost a retirement speech calling Benoit the (or "a", I couldn't make it out) wrestler of the 90s after a Benoit match against "Lethal" Larry Cameron.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I can imagine probably a two disc set, but not all matches. Like Hulk still Rules, a 1hr. or so documentary on his career, and a bunch of matches for extras.

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Guest wildpegasus
I don't recall anything too breathtaking coming out of his ECW run.


Not really, but he did have a nice match against Al Snow.

The Benoit/Malenko vs Sabu/Taz tag match is all sorts of fun and certainly a worthy edition to the DVD. If you count them (I'm not sure if they were ECW or NWA matches) there were two sweet Benoit vs Sabu handheld bouts. You could also show the "famous" top rope powerbomb of Sabu onto one of the members of Public Enemy.

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There's no one match that I would be upset if they left off (sans the Owen tribute match), so everything is really gravy at this point.


Realistically, this'll be a double disc set with 6-7 matches.

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Guest wildpegasus
I don't expect any Japanese stuff, though it would be nice.

Does the WWE have any access to Japan footage?

Probably just the limited amounts WCW had in their library.


And here's hoping they have Liger/Benoit from Starrcade 95 and the Raw 10 Man Tag on the DVD as well as the obvious matches. Knowing our luck they'll replace that with RVD/Benoit from Summerslam 02 or some shit.

Back in the day, I don't think WCW was too limited in their New Japan footage as evident by the clips of Liger, Fujinami and the matches they showed. I even saw clips of a match I've never seen elsewhere. Up here in Canada they showed quite a lot of footage and matches on the Canadian WCW Power Hour. Now if WWE has rights to any of that; well, that's a completely different ball game. The WWE did show the footage I believe WCW had of Rey Mysterio Jr, on his DVD so evidently if they want to show international footage they can show the tag of Wild Pegasus, Scorpio ans Santana from When Worlds Collide.


Actually, Benoit was great in the RVD match so I'd prefer that over the 10 man Raw tag. I say we put on every match that ever existed so that way we can keep everyone happy. :) We need at least a 20 DVD set at the very least.

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Guest Askewniverse
My Picks:




vs. Bret Hart (Owen Hart Tribute and maybe even the Mayhem match)

While I agree that the Tribute Match should be on the DVD, I can't say the same about the Mayhem match. There's no reason to put Hart-Benoit from Mayhem '99 on the DVD. Wildpegasus made a really good post about the Tribute Match in a thread in the wrestling polls & lists folder.


Vs. DDP (Superbrawl 8 or Fall Brawl 1999)

DDP-Benoit took place at SuperBrawl VIII. Fall Brawl '99 was Benoit-Sid.

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Cool, I wonder if it will get 2 discs like most of the recent releases?

I ask for only 2 matches, vs. Austin from Smackdown 01 in Edmonton which I haven't seen since and vs. Bret for the Owen tribute match (unless they're saving this one for the inevitable Bret retrospect, if so then maybe the match they had on Thunder around or after Bret's concussion.)

Anyway this will be good! :)

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Some of the major angles that should be shown are Benoit as a Horseman in WCW, Benoit breaking the neck of Sabu, Beniot vs Sullivan (Women's restroom no DQ match!), Benoit vs Kurt Angle vs Jericho.

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Guest Choken One
My Picks:




vs. Bret Hart (Owen Hart Tribute and maybe even the Mayhem match)

While I agree that the Tribute Match should be on the DVD, I can't say the same about the Mayhem match. There's no reason to put Hart-Benoit from Mayhem '99 on the DVD. Wildpegasus made a really good post about the Tribute Match in a thread in the wrestling polls & lists folder.


You could always use the arguement "This was Benoit's first Main event of his career" as a reasoning it for it to be there.



I never liked the fucking Best of 7 Series anyways and it's already been put on the Monday Wars DVD anyways...


With Benoit, unlike Foley You are better off SKIPPING A story thing because he won't be a good storyteller...just make it like Flair's (Three Discs with little Intros from Benoit)

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Guest Real F'n Show

*channels the great Joey Styles*




I wonder if Vince just got the internet or something?

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*channels the great Joey Styles*




I wonder if Vince just got the internet or something?

If he did...imagine him becoming a poster here...


It'd be...interesting...to say the least.

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