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I turn eighteen on Friday, so I was thinking about getting a tattoo. The only issues

are that A) I can't think of anything, and B) I have a slight phobia of needles.


Now I'm sitting at work and I'm incredibly bored, so I figured I'd ask if anyone here had any tattoos. What did you get, when did you get it, do you regret it, and any pictures would be pretty cool. Share, please, so that I can steal one of your ideas and spin it off as my own.

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Nah, I'm a youngin.


That's my problem, too...one of my friends keeps rushing out and getting spur of the moment tattoos, and I'm just like, "What the fuck will I not regret in a couple months?"

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The only tattoo I'd ever get is the Rhode Island flag. In my opinion, if you're going to get inked, then make sure it means something to you. I love Rhode Island, and even if I were to move out of state, my time here has been awesome, so I'd never regret something like that.

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I have a crucifix on my left forearm which is just a beautiful piece of art that took about 4 hours to complete. I wouldn't say I regret it but i'm a business professional and feel the need to wear long sleeve shirts at work. Got that a few years ago.


When I turned 18 I got my last name on my chest above my heart. Mexican wannabe gangsta thing I guess. I don't regret it except for the fact that the guy didn't do the greatest job. Guess I should be happy he at least spelled it right.


Made the mistake everyone says not to make, which was getting a rose with my girl's name in it. We had only been dating a year when I did it but I knew she was the one and after close to 11 years of marriage she's still around. If anything I would have just gotten something bigger to cover it up if she left, so whatever.



The rose and the last name I got in my teens. The crucifix I got in my late 20s and man I don't know if I became a wuss in my older years or what but that was 4 hours of straight pain and I vowed to never go through that again.

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I've got none right now, but I'm planning on getting some in the near future:


The kanji symbol for ten on one of my upper arms. It's the same symbol that Akuma gets on his back in Street Figher. I'm a huge Street Figher fan, and a lot closer to the dark side then the light side (no shit) so I'm thinking that symbol would be tight. Plus, I'm Japanese, so I wouldn't be a complete poser. I thought either getting the kanji for Akuma or Gouki, which both mean Demon (I think), but that shit's too complicated and could be fucked up. The ten sign's nice and easy.


Some kind of straight edge tattoo, probably the three X's on my upper back, between the shoulder-blades. Nothing too massive or anything, just keep it nice and simple.


Also, eventually get Unscarred tattooed on my stomach, a la Phil Anselmo/Nick Mondo. I think it looks bad ass as hell and I want it soon.

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I have none, but I'm a huge tattoo fan and have plans for them. On each elbow I want a red spider web with a hollow star in the middle, because I saw a guy that had that once and I really liked the way it looked. I actually considered the kanji Akuma has as well, except actually on my back in that size. I'd like the Mortal Kombat dragon on me somewhere as well.

Only problem is it might conflict with what I want to do for a living, which is (brace yourself) criminal investigation. Probably not too much, I'd wear a suit all the time.

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Guest Dids

Sandy's Japanese?


I want ink- but I'm letting myself get any until I lose weight. It's part of the incentive plan.

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Sandy's Japanese?

Yep. From father's side via grandmother, so 1/4 Japanese, enough to be considered Asian/Pacific Islander legally.


Speaking of which, I pass for Samoan way too easily, so people usually tend to avoid making me angry. You don't make Samoan's angry. They smash.

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Sandy's Japanese?

Yep. From father's side via grandmother, so 1/4 Japanese, enough to be considered Asian/Pacific Islander legally.


Speaking of which, I pass for Samoan way too easily, so people usually tend to avoid making me angry. You don't make Samoan's angry. They smash.

And give Bootscrapes.

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Sandy's Japanese?

Yep. From father's side via grandmother, so 1/4 Japanese, enough to be considered Asian/Pacific Islander legally.


Speaking of which, I pass for Samoan way too easily, so people usually tend to avoid making me angry. You don't make Samoan's angry. They smash.

And give Bootscrapes.

And headbutt.

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Guest T®ITEC

I don't know why I haven't gotten it done yet, but I've been planning on getting an ankh on my left middle finger for years now. I have a sort of Egypt fetish, so now it would make sense.


Princess sounds hot~, on another note.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I've been thinking of getting a tattoo, but the only thing I can think of I won't regret would be a cross.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'm going to get a plague of locusts on my shoulder very soon. I'd also like a couple solid black bands about 1 inch wide around one of my legs. Somewhere below the knee. I've got one lousy scrawling that's more or less embarassing in its poor quality that I never show anyone or talk about.

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On my left shoulder I have a powder keg with "Irish" on it. On my left ankle I have a Japanese symbol meaning "artist/poet". I regret the ankle, and do not regret the arm.

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I am getting a half angel with the feathery wing on the frount part of my chest and hald demon with the bat like wing on the my back. It angel itself will be on my left upper arm. It is going to be huge.


This whole, evil is behind me and only good is left thing. Plus I have this poem about how I am still the ripper if provoked written in script that I wanted the angel to be on top of.


Obviously, I have been planning this one for years.

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I have two, one on each upper arm/shoulder. On my left arm is a picture of a wolf's head, with a skeletal hand dripping blood. I got it at 19, mainly because it looked cool. It still does, but it could use a touchup after 11 years. A year after I got that one, I got a yin/yang tattoo on my right shoulder, with the yin underwater and the yang in flames.

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I don't have any ink on me. (I know I know- don't sound so shocked)


I've always thought of getting one of the logos of my sports teams tattooed but the fact that it's with you forever scares me

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I don't have any ink on me. (I know I know- don't sound so shocked)


I've always thought of getting one of the logos of my sports teams tattooed but the fact that it's with you forever scares me

You should get a tattoo of your face on your entire back.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Bob DESPERATELY needs to be the little guy with the barbed wire around his bicep.

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I'm planning on getting my last name vertically down my triceps/back of my right arm, then my mom's maiden name down my left, in a caligraphy/Old English style as a symbol of my family and background. I also dig the tattoo that Jack Bauer has inside his left forarm, but I don't think I'm going to get that.

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Guest Vitamin X
I turn eighteen on Friday, so I was thinking about getting a tattoo. The only issues

are that A) I can't think of anything, and B) I have a slight phobia of needles.

If you can't think of anything and are looking elsewhere for inspiration, let me be one to tell you that is one of the lamest things you can do. An honestly cool tattoo is one in which is completely original and that you want for yourself, not because you saw it look cool on someone else and thought "hey, that's cool I want that". People who do that usually end up being the ones who regret it later on. Just a piece of advice before you do anything.


I personally have Free Thinkers Are Dangerous written across my back in sanskrit writing with two red stars on both sides. I'm considering a few more, but I don't know what to get that would look good on my arms, back, chest, or lower legs.

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Guest Dids
I don't have any ink on me. (I know I know- don't sound so shocked)


I've always thought of getting one of the logos of my sports teams tattooed but the fact that it's with you forever scares me

I'm sorry- but tats of (non-college) sports teams are lame. Tats of things like "No fear" or corporate logos are name.


Tats in kanji if you're not Japanese are lame.


Tribal tats are lame if you're not native.


I'm going to get a grizzly bear on my shoulder. (that's at 250).


At 200 I'm getting a Warner Borthers 1 Ton weight (the kind that always falls on Wile E. Coyote) but instead of being 1 ton, it'll be 200- so sympolize the weight I wanted to each and remind me not to fuck up.

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Tats in kanji if you're not Japanese are lame.

At least, they are now they got so freaking popular. That's what made me decide against the Street Fighter one, although I still think the sheer size would have been cool. And you know, it is from a video game, so that's not very cool.


edit: By the way, don't let these rules discourage you if that's what you want. I'm not of the opinion that ink has to carry any significance, do whatever you want, as long as you're sure it's what you want. Hell, I'd considered a Starbucks or Microsoft logo, just because it's anti everything rebellious.


double edit: The Japanese don't like kanji tattoos either. They like them in English. Just for the record.

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I was thinking of getting a barcode tattooed on my left bicep, but at the bottom, where the numbers are, instead of numbers, it'll say "Human"....just a thought.


I could tell Metalheads that it's a reference to the Iron Maiden song "The Prisoner" or something. What do you guys think? Specifically IDRM, for some reason I seek his approval.

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Guest Coffey

I wanna get some ink. A spider web on my left elbow. A cross on my right arm on the bottom of my forearm. A japanese kanji symbol on my left wrist, but I don't know what word to get. Eventually I'd probably get some shit on my upper arms too...but I don't want to get anything like a tribal band or barbed wire....


The shit costs a lot of money, that's the main reason why I don't have anything yet. I want the best too...and there are several good tattoo artists around, but I'd rather go to California or New York to get the shit done.

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