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Guest Nanks

Top Drawing Actors

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Guest Nanks

Are there any actors whose movies you will always go and see regardless of the plot, etc??


For mine, I always make sure I catch Ed Norton, Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, Jim Carrey & Adam Sandler flicks.



(Yeah, I know it's a weak topic, but I'm trying to avoid study, so this is what I'm going with, this is further evidenced by my Snooker thread in Sports. Sorry......)

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Guest Choken One

Jim Carey hasn't made a bad drama yet....either has Norton or Hanks...


So yeah...


Carey, Norton and Hanks.

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Jim Carey hasn't made a bad drama yet....either has Norton or Hanks...


So yeah...


Carey, Norton and Hanks.

The Majestic....


William H Macy

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I see any movie with Owen Wilson, Johnny Depp, and Jim Carrey.


Actress wise, I have none, but Uma Thurman is getting there.

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Guest El Satanico



I don't give a fuck who's starring, I must be interested in the story of the movie. If I'm standing on the fence of being interested, a favorite actor being in it may make me lean towards wanting to see it at some point.

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All the ones named so far along with DeNiro....I know there are more but I can't think right now, heh

So basically you see every movie that comes out.


I won't see a movie based on an actor, but there are some who'll get the movie on my radar faster. Depp, James Gandolfini (though funnily enough I've only just recently watched the Sopranos), maybe a few more. More directors than actors.

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I agree with IDRM, more into directors than certain actors. While in the 70s De Niro was a must-see, the 80s we had Harrison Ford and in the 90s we had Tom Hanks for the first half and Kevin Spacey for the second half, I don't feel anyone is able to do that right now. I'm surprised some people have Connery on their list: he hasn't done anything worthwhile since Hunt For Red October, nearly fifteen years ago.

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Guest Dids

Directors are what move me, not actors. That said- if you have Norton, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, William H. Macy or Depp I'll be more interested.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Samuel L. Jackson.


Historically speaking, see my avatar. Clark Gable is an effing pimp.


Same with Humphrey Bogart. He was hot shit back in his day. So much so that in Casablanca, a young Ingrid Bergman has her chin held very low through most of it, because her jaw was shaking so bad while filming with him.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

He's smooth, too. All the dashing swordsmen from that era were ok..Basil Rathbone (best name ever), Tyrone Power, both also pretty swank.

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Unless the film stars an actor I find so horrendously bad that he/she will ruin every single scene the're in, even the ones they're not in, I don't really care who stars in the film. The only thing that really matters to me in that aspect is who directed the film.

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Guest Choken One
Unless the film stars an actor I find so horrendously bad that he/she will ruin every single scene the're in, even the ones they're not in, I don't really care who stars in the film. The only thing that really matters to me in that aspect is who directed the film.

yep because even Ben Affleck and Pauly Shore have made good movies.

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Guest MissMattitude

I don't go to the Cinema to see films but I buy a lot of DVD's. That said the actor's that have me going out of my way to buy the films are, Johnny Depp, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Michael Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Christian Slater... I think that's it.

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Jim Carey hasn't made a bad drama yet....either has Norton or Hanks...


So yeah...


Carey, Norton and Hanks.

That is pretty much exactly what I was going to say.


I also really like Renee Zelwegger, Charlize Theron, Ewan McGregor, Tim Robbins and Bruce Campbell, and try to see all of their films no matter how small or large their role.

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