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Guest glennsoe

Sting says he'd like to work for wwe

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Guest glennsoe

In an interview with IGN.com (to promote the upcoming new Legends of Wrestling game), Sting says he wants to work for WWE.


"If it were done properly, I would do it. This last Wrestlemania would've been a good one, Wrestlemania XX, just the fact that I've never been a part of one. I would definitely do it. You know, Vince and I have talked several times over the past few years. The Wrestlemania before, he wanted me to repel out of the ceiling and do something with Stone Cold Steve Austin, and we were set to do it, we were going to do it, but once the attorney's get going, and it's not my attorney, he's only doing what I ask him to do, but once their attorney's get involved, it's tough. When I talk to Vince, it's easy. Anyway, I had to call Vince and tell him that we couldn't do it. He's been great every time I've talked to him, so you never know. It's something I'm interested in."




When "The Stinger" shows up in wwe, i'll mark out like a bitch !!


What do you say ?? Yes or No to Sting ??

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Guest Dynamite Kido

No. Honestly I do like the guy and all, but they have NO use for a guy with his talents. He was never the greatest worker, and now you have that guy with added age to him. It's just another thing that really wouldn't help their company as much as people think it would. The WWE has to continue to create their own new stars, not bring in washed up old ones.

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EDIT: Nevermind...as was just mentioned I wouldn't want to see Lex anywhere near my TV ever again. I wouldn't mind seeing Sting again, if just for a few months, to see what kind of reactions he gets and to see if he could hold his own in the ring anymore.

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Guest TigerDriver91

Never cared much about Sting, and I don't like the idea of bringing in another washed up wrestler from WCW days.

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Guest drdrainoscott

There is no way they would have him repel out of the ceiling. Just think what would happen to the WWE if something went wrong again.

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No. At least not on a constant basis. String would be best used in a one-time Wrestlemania match for a nostalgia pop.


Don't let him repel out of the ceiling however, it would remind too many people of Owen Hart.(at least I would think so) Speaking of which, the 5 year anniversary of his death is next week.

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Guest glennsoe

I think his theme music in wcw was;


"Seek & Destroy" by Metallica.......(could be wrong though)

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Guest Dynamite Kido
There is no way they would have him repel out of the ceiling. Just think what would happen to the WWE if something went wrong again.

Not to mention that maybe Vince wouldn't have talent do that again out of simple respect? But maybe that's asking too much.....

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re·pel ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-pl)

v. re·pelled, re·pel·ling, re·pels

v. tr.

To ward off or keep away; drive back: repel insects.

To offer resistance to; fight against: repel an invasion.

To refuse to accept; reject: a company that was trying to repel a hostile takeover.

To turn away from; spurn.

To cause aversion or distaste in: Your rudeness repels everyone. See Synonyms at disgust. See Usage Note at repulse.

To be resistant to; be incapable of absorbing or mixing with: Oil repels water.

Physics. To present an opposing force to; push back or away by a force: Electric charges of the same sign repel one another.



rap·pel ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-pl)


A descent of a vertical surface, as a cliff or wall, by sliding down a belayed rope that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder or through a device that provides friction, typically while facing the surface and performing a series of short backward leaps to control the descent.




But yeah no Sting, he's old and was never the greatest wrestler in the first place imo.

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rap·pel .

Wow. I never knew they were different words. Thanks Crimson Platypus, I am now more learned.

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They were going to do that at WM19? The same WM Austin was having heart attacks the night before and planned on simi retiring at?

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I'd rather not remember the last match of Sting be him being RKO'ed or Tombstoned or whatever.


The WWE would bring him in, have him pop the crowd and then job him in under 10 minutes to someone completely worthless.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Short answer yes with an "if", long answer no with a "but".


If he does come in, it should be a Undertaker like thing now where he does a short program now and then. I'm sure Rock/Sting or something will be a nice dream match to do. Hell, HHH/Sting, Taker/Sting, anyone in WWE that wasn't around in WCW when Sting was or has never faced him in a high profile match. Maybe even Angle/Sting.


If they want him on a full-time basis, I say no because he's expressed his feelings about staying home with his family than traveling all the time, hence his now and then appearences in TNA, which is a few hours away from where he lives.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
job him to Mordecai

Thats just mean...

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job him to Mordecai

Thats just mean...

To be honest... I'm not sure, they could write a good storyline between the two and I haven't judged Mordecai either way yet, he may turn out to be good and could benefit from the rub. After having Sting beat someone like Hardcore Holly the next month build a major fued between him and Charlie Hass which contunues on and off as a background story until Mania 21 where Sting jobs and retires honourably.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Sting, a re-born christian, vs. Mordecai, the avenging priest...




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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

McMahon would bring Sting in simply to punish and ridicule him for being so loyal to WCW. I would stay away. BUT, I'd love to see Orton/Batista vs. Luger/Sting fued. That would truly be passing the torth down by the younger team as the younger guys in Evolution do remind me of those guys when they were just becoming popular.

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No. Not only is Sting washed-up, but he'll try to get Luger into WWE with him, and I know no one wants to see those two as either Benoit's or Guerrero's next challengers.

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I would love to see Sting have a run in the WWE as long as he dosent bring Lex Luger in with him. I think if done right Sting could be big in the WWE for a little while I still think that it is really to bad Sting didnt come into the WWE when the Invasion happened since he was the heart and soul of the WCW.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
F*** STING!!

You CAN use the "f" word man, it's not a crime.

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