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Guest MikeSC

BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

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Agent really needs to check out the Galy Records label from Quebec, and more specifically...NEURAXIS.


And Mike is just flaimbaiting with some conservative column by some conservative that probably wants to cut all ties to Canada or something. The smack about "alleged comedian Mike Bullard" was golden though. No concern of mine

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Many great musicians hail from the Great White North


Alanis Morrisette

Celene Dion

Sarah McLachlan


Gordon Lightfoot



Get my gun...

If we're talking great musicians from Canada how the hell could you forget Avril Lavinge man?

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Guest macheteofodin

If attending wrestling shows in Montreal has taught me anything, it's that everyone, whether they be American or Canadian, loves it when a bear gets hit with the Asspunch.

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I'll just post exactly what I posted at the DVDVR message board:


"64 PERCENT??????, what kind of a lazy hippie ignorant fuckin province am I living in goddammit?, most of these kids haven never even been to the States for christ's sakes!


Personally my trips to Boston and Miami were more "cool" than "filled with evil", I must be the one who's crazy. "

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Tim Hortans > Starbucks.


Canadian teens base their entire culture from America add a few Canadian musicians, hockey, and better beer.


Though I do think many of them realize what they are talking about, and have a clear understanding on whats going on in the world.

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Starbucks > Tim Hortons.


Tim Hortons totally screwed things up when they changed the way they bake their dutchies and their blueberry fritters. They're both just lumps of crap now.




I had something mildly thought-provoking here, but I decided to replace it with proof that you people are truely evil:





Edited by CM Funk

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Guest Vitamin X
Personally my trips to Boston and Miami were more "cool" than "filled with evil", I must be the one who's crazy. "

Yes but in all fairness, Miami is only part of the United States in theory.


When the last white person leaves, they'd take the flag with them.

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does anyone else realize what they are trying to say here..


40% of Canadian teens hate America





Maybe it's just me but I always thought 40% of Teens just hate everything



just thought I should point that out


Oh and I'm suprised there havent been any jokes about it being Shawn Micheals fault, or any south park references

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We've apologized hundreds of times for Bryan Adams. Lay off OK

Here is the SP reference you were looking for. Could have been inadvertent though, I guess.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think we should collectively rename the new redbaron.

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I blame Canada's youth disliking us on Hoff


It's true...it's not the nation we hate...just that bastard.

I did pee in your drinking water while you were at work.

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Hardcore Discussion --- Where People With No Thought Go To Fully Demontrate Their Flaw To the World


"Demontrate" must be one of those five-dollar words Mike likes to use.

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Not sure if this has been brought up but a similiar article has surfaced which falls under the theme of this thread: "Hating America" article


Mr. O'Reilly's article is painfully outrageous and blatantly ignorant. As a Canadian, I find it pretty offensive being told that we're given half the story when one cannot turn on FOX or CNN without having ones stomach turn over the blatant disregard for truth. Only in America could a man that was (in)directly responsible for Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban and 9/11 be deified on (American) television while its leadership claims to be waging a war on those who threaten their safety. Laughable considering that history dictates that no one is more a threat to the average American citizen's safety than it's own administration.


No one is more to blame for the American public having the wool pulled over their eyes than you and the rest of the slanted American media. How patriotic of him. How much he must love America, its principal and its people to do so.


Fox News is run by one Roger Ailes, an individual who has been credited for helping to elect Nixon, Reagan and George H.W. Bush and being a 100% Republican supporter, and obviously was hired for these reasons. Apparently the guy cleaned the house when he took over, actually asking the employees of Fox News when he arrived whether they were Liberal or not and then firing them. He refers to Fox News as 'fair and balanced' since but only looks right wing because the rest of the media is so far to the left. Taken into consideration, I'm glad we don't have the clap trap that Fox News spews here in Canada. My home and native land, bitch. Bill O'Reilly with his fair and balanced program can stay the hell out and keep me quite happy.


Furthermore, there's a nice rebuttal on Mr. O'Reilly's 'article' in Matt Good's (while on the subject of Canadian musicians, one of Canada's best, they don't have to make it big in States to mean anything, kids) latest blog:



O'Reilly Helps With the 40/60 Split


Today, one of the world’s most ignorant men – Fox’s Billy O’Reilly, ran a story entitled “Hating America”. Here are the first few lines:


“Hating America. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo." According to a new poll, 40 percent of Canadian teenagers think America is an evil country. Among French-Canadian teens, the number jumps to 64 percent. Those numbers can be laid right on the doorstep of the Canadian media and government.”- (Source)


Since the invasion of Iraq the President of the United States has been met by tens of thousands of protesters in those foreign countries that he has visited. At no time in American history has a President been so uniformly disliked by those abroad, or by Canadians for that matter. President Bush has yet to come to Canada, but it’s positive to know that 40% of English Canadian youths would consider turning up to make their voices heard, and exercise their democratic rights, were he to visit, say, Winnipeg. It’s even more positive to know that 64% of French Canadian youths would consider turning up to greet him were he to visit Quebec City.


Of course Mr. O’Reilly points the finger at the Canadian media and government. God forbid either would dare have a “Canadian” point of view about the United States or allow Canadians to disagree with US policies. Being that Mr. O’Reilly lives in a nation that, of late, is used to blindly doing what it’s told, I’m not surprised in the least that those numbers disturb him.


Mr. O’Reilly goes on to say:


“As you may know, the FOX News Channel is not allowed in Canada, but CNN is. Fair and balanced? You decide. The USA takes a relentless pounding from many Canadian news organizations and from the liberal government. So, what can we expect from the kids? They're not getting a full picture. And neither is most of the world. Increasingly, the bully America is being portrayed as the devil. And the far left in this country is gleefully piling on. Guys like Michael Moore [are] running around the world telling everybody what a bad place America is. Moore and his enablers should be very proud of themselves.”


I found the use of “the full picture” interesting and ironic, especially coming from someone at Fox News.


Continuing, O’Reilly then provides examples of why Canadian kids should be thankful that the United States has taken it upon themselves to “protect” the world:


“For the benefit of the Canadian kids, let's take a look at the record:


The foreign and defense policies of Ronald Reagan resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the freeing of approximately 122 million people in Eastern Europe.


One has to wonder when the mythological “US Cold War victory” will finally be transformed into “thank God for Gorbachev”.


Of course while President Reagan was “freeing” 122 million people he was also in bed with Saddam Hussein (you remember him from TV), funding the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (some of whom would go on to other projects, such as September 11th), and supporting Latin American regimes resulting in the deaths of countless innocents (Salvador wasn’t just a film).


Reagan was a real sweetheart and Canadian kids should never forget it.


“The state of Israel would cease to exist if not for American protection, and about 5.5 million Jews would be in grave danger.


Israel is one of America’s largest arms customers. Since 1950 the US has provided over 46 billion dollars in “military aid” to Israel. Israel has also benefited from billions more in economic aid, loans for military purchases (of products largely built by American contractors), and second hand American armaments.


Freedom isn’t just in the giving, as Iraq is demonstrating yet again, it’s also in the “getting”.


O'Reilly goes on:


"Nearly 23 million Taiwanese would be denied freedom if not for American protection. More than 48 million South Koreans would be living under a dictatorship if not for American protection. USA action led to the removal of the Serbian dictator Milosevic, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans."


Freedom is an important thing to protect, and so is the exploitation of cheap labour markets. I would mention Taiwan’s strategic importance but that’s besides the point –the real point is that the Taiwanese government buys American advanced weaponry for its defense against the Chinese (on June 2nd of this year the Taiwanese government backed a plan to spend 18.2 billion US dollars on eight US subs, Patriot missile defense (or a modified version, the PAC III), and anti-submarine aircraft).


But we should thank Mr. O’Reilly for pointing out to Canadian kids that “freedom” is America's top priority.


While the US was “removing” Milosevic they were also, by way of military aid, helping the Turkish government displace Kurds in south East Turkey.


O'Reilly continues:


"The USA and Britain removed the Iraqi dictator Hussein, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East. And we have also removed the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan."


It’s amazing how soon people forget who bankrolls these people. Anything that might help people get “the full picture” I suppose.


"America is sending $15 billion to Africa to help victims of AIDS. We were unable to find out how much France contributes, if anything. To be fair, Canada sends $270 million, which is substantial."


Canada should be spending more than $270 million dollars and I'm sure many other Canadians would agree. But that does little to detract from the fact that the forte of the western world is to use “aid” as a device with which to enter into exploitive economic and arms agreements with developing and third world countries. It is, in essence, a form of blackmail. Back the war on terror? Here’s your aid.


O'Reilly goes on to say:


"American action in Central America, Grenada and Haiti has kept millions of people out of totalitarian regimes. Of course, all of this has cost every American taxpayer big. And thousands of American service people have lost their lives protecting people overseas."


-In 1954 a US sponsored coup in Guatemala killed over 120,000 Guatemalan peasants. The coup ousted the democratically elected President President Arbenz-Guzmán.


-It is estimated that some 200,000 + people have been murdered In Central America by US-backed forces since the late 1970s.


-In the 1980’s over 30,000 Nicaraguans were killed during the US sponsored Contra terror war.


-In Chile in the 70’s the CIA sponsored a coup against left-leaning President Allende, assassinating him and establishing dictator Augusto Pinochet. Over 30,000 Chileans are believed to have perished. Pinochet has long since been accused of war crimes and ordering abductions and torture.


-In 1989 the United States invaded Panama in an attempt to capture Manuel Noriega (who had had ties to the CIA since the 1960’s). Some 8,000 people were killed.


-The United States helped overthrow the government of the Dominican Republic in 1965, which resulted in the deaths of some 3,000 people.


For a look at US interventions since the 1940’s (Click here).


It did cost the American taxpayers big. But it cost the people of the above listed regions far more.


O’Reilly then says:


“It is insulting and dishonest for Americans and Canadians and Europeans to condemn this country because they don't like certain policies. Dissent is good. Slander is unacceptable.”


Freedom fries anyone? How about beating up some Canadian hockey fans?


And just when you thought it couldn't get any more ignorant:


"The truth is that the USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. France has freed almost no one. Ditto Canada."


42,042 Canadians were killed during WW2, 53,145 were wounded. The United States lost 291,557 brave men in combat. Canadian young men constitute nearly 1/6th of those deaths though only 1,086,343 Canadians served in the war compared to 16 million Americans.


O’Reilly closes with:


“So, pardon me as I object to the Michael Moores of the world — and that man is too cowardly to come in here, all right? Pardon me as I object to the anti-American foreign press and bums like Chirac in France and Chretien in Canada.


America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators. Canada should be ashamed that so many of its young people are flat out ignorant. And Americans should wise up and realize we are living in a changing world. Old friends are not necessarily true friends.”


If Mr. O’Reilly is at all in the dark as to why Canadian youth seem to dislike the United States all he need do is find a mirror and take a long, hard look.


That said, there are plenty of problems right here at home to be concerned about. And Canadian kids should also take the time to educate themselves about Canada's involvement in underhanded dealings over the years.

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Guest FrigidSoul

C-Bacon had a good rant going and I respected it until he brought up Matt Good. He doesn't suck because he's from Canada, he sucks because he's talentless. I don't care for his music so I certainly don't give a shit about his opinion.

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To each his own, but to say Matt Good is 'talentless' is quite a stretch given his track record for producing some of the most unique and thought-provoking records, admist a pool of mundane cookie cutter artists that is the music industry.


Any reasons as to why you think he's talentless? Or more importantly why his musical talents hold any relevance to what he says in regards to politics? If his opinion coincides with yours, what does it matter if you don't like his music?

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Guest evenflowDDT
You guys made like four great things. Congrats.

Uhhh...how about David FUCKING Cronenberg? Ginger FUCKING Snaps? Jim FUCKING Carrey? Atom FUCKING Egoyan (even FUCKING though I don't like the FUCKING two films of FUCKING his that I've FUCKING seen)? Michael FUCKING Myers (he FUCKING hits enough to merit FUCKING mention)? An ever-FUCKING-increasing number of Hollywood FUCKING productions because it's FUCKING cheaper to FUCKING shoot there?


Have FUCKING I made FUCKING my point FUCKING yet?

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