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Most dissapointing games ever

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Me and a couple friends (IK Cool Jew) were talking about this the other night. We came to the unanimous decision that State of Emergency was by far, the biggest letdown weve ever experienced. The Getaway was also a close second of mine.

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Perfect Dark.


Now, I know that it held up pretty good as a stand-alone game, but as a "sequel" to Goldeneye? What also frustrated most users was the requirement of the (newly-introduced) expansion pack for that crop of releases. Basically, you needed the hardware to access about 95% of the game's features.

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Perfect Dark is a good one.



My big issue with PD is the pace of the game. The great thing about GE was that unlike most FPS, it has a really slow, methodical pace. They tried to speed it up and it just doesn't work with the engine. What a mess.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz

Donkey Kong Country 1, once the prettiness wears off all that's left is a standard platformer with lame bonus rounds.

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NHL 2002. Basically, it was a dark year between them remaking things for 2003 and the horrid 2001. There were queer NHL Cards, which allowed you to make players on the other team sick, put your players on a hot streak, etc. You got points for doing menial tasks in games. Seriously. You'd be playing a game and complete a pass, and this graphic would pop up '500 POINTS: COMPLETE A PASS!!!' '1000 POINTS: SCORE A GOAL.' It was like hockey for retards, rewarding players for doing nothing out of the ordinary.


MVP Baseball 2004. I know this may cause a brew-haha, but I rented this game and was incredibly disappointed in it. Rather than having the 'pick-up-and-play' ability that the MLB series has, you have to master this weird meter thing or else every fucking pitch you throw is a homerun. I played a 9 inning game against Cincinnati (the worst team in the game) and lost by 23 runs. They hit 13 HOMERUNS. Incredibly disappointing, especially since I can go buy MLB 2005 for 40 bucks and have a better looking, better playing game.

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Devil may cry 2 by a long way.

It's what happens when you let the fanboys create a game and not the professionals.

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After a year or two of hype and high expectations, Batman: Dark Tomorrow turned out to be a pile of shit. They should have seen it coming. Why do they still have hope? Luckily, I'm dead inside, so I have never played this abombination.

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

Final Fantasy 3, I mean every website talked about how badass and amazing the game is and what you end up with is a thin plot and decent graphics. Kefka was so overated.

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Boy, it looks like none of you have played a really dissapointing game. Black & White and Daikatana, taken seperately, are each more dissapointing than the rest of the games listed combined.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Dino Crisis 2 was pretty disappointing. The whole changing of actually looking around for bad ass weapons to killing dinos and buying new weapons with Dino-Points~ allowed me to beat the game within 5 1/2hrs on the day of purchase. Seeing as how I was a big fan of the first one because it mixxed the parts of Survival Horror I loved with Jurassic Park and some actual puzzles that needed you to think made the second one all the more disappointing. Like Jurassic Park 2 it showed alot of promise, but in the end it was less than fulfilling.

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I'd definitely put Black & White in that category. Yeah, the premise sounds great (you are god and can be merciful or vengeful, and you have a creature you can train to be the same), but that damn creature is too much a hassle to take care of, and the gameplay is horrible.


I'll add FF8 into the discussion. Worst....story....ever.

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You losers. :P


Legend of Dragoon is TOPS.


Game was in development for FOUR YEARS. So it should be like a great RPG.


Turned into one of the greatest flops ever.


Edit: Forgot my smilie.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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DKC, Dino Crisis 2, and yes even FF3 I'll admit to really liking. No, you people seem to not know what "disappointing" truly is. :P All were "easy but fun" as far as I'm concerned.


I actually feel DC2 was a vastly superior game to Resident Dino. Just so much more fun to play for me.


As for Batman: Dark Tomorrow...what the hell did you expect? Kemco made it. Awesome box art, though, just like on Man of Steel.


Anyway, just going to throw out a few of my personal ones...


Knuckles' Chaotix: going by the Crackers ROMs, supposedly this was a looong time in coming, and could have been the best 32X game out, and been the 32X's answer to Sonic CD. Nope, didn't happen. It's a game so heavily encumbered by its gimmick it is practically unplayable. Of course, you can just pick up your partner and basically run to the exit., but then the other flaws--lack of actual enemies in the game and mediocre-at-best level design--become even more apparent.


Cool special stages though.


Driver 3 and Malice--games that would have been disappointing if they'd come out when they were supposed to. Of course, who needs to be putting out good games and on time when (as in the case of Driver 3) you can buy a good review. ;)


Bujingai looks to be in a similar situation as the above.


Early reviews seem to put Crimson Tears as barely average to bad. It saddens me since I really liked Tobal and was expecting Dream Factory to deliver with this one. *sigh*


I'd put Red Dead Revolver as a mild disappointment--especially if you have a PS2 only.

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Biggest letdown in awhile had to be Xenosaga.


I expected FF8 to suck so it wasn't disappointing when it came out and it did.

I feel Gears sucked hard, but it was still sooo much better (well, around half the game at least) than Saga it hurts even more. Oh, don't get too excited about Part II....


FF8 I agree on. FFVII pretty much paved the way Square was going to be going.



Bushido Blade 2 comes to mind as well. Okay...you've created one of the coolest, most innovative fighters in years. So, how do you follow it up? By screwing it up completely, of course!


Another one only I cared about--Fighting Force 2. It could have been the Streets of Rage 2 for the new generation, but instead they changed everything.


I've noticed that, agree or disagree, many of the disappointments are sequels that changed the gameplay almost completely and for the worse.

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Wrestlemania X8 for Gamecube. Alot of people were hoping for a game that could live up to No Mercy on Nintendo. What a disappointment when I got home and played it.

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I feel Gears sucked hard, but it was still sooo much better (well, around half the game at least) than Saga it hurts even more.  Oh, don't get too excited about Part II....

I hope 2 is crap so I don't have to force myself go back and play the rest of 1.. heh.

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I feel Gears sucked hard, but it was still sooo much better (well, around half the game at least) than Saga it hurts even more. Oh, don't get too excited about Part II....


Xenosaga is really only a game for perverts.....um, guys like me who are entertained by preteen robots who are constantly flashing their panties.


[Anyone who mentions rorikon is going to face my wrath.]


FF8 I agree on. FFVII pretty much paved the way Square was going to be going.


Now, now - many people (like me) liked FF7, but many of those same people (like me) were disappointed at just how bad FF8 wound up being.

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I feel Gears sucked hard, but it was still sooo much better (well, around half the game at least) than Saga it hurts even more.  Oh, don't get too excited about Part II....

I hope 2 is crap so I don't have to force myself go back and play the rest of 1.. heh.

Previews of the Japanese version seem to indicate it is worse.

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Previews of the Japanese version seem to indicate it is worse.

Yeah, I read some reviews on gamefaqs, but those people all loved xenosaga ep 1.


Kinda scary if it's true though.

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WHAT!? Andrew didn't lash out at Metal Gear Solid 2?!


It's been done. Gameplay was good. To me, that counts more than anything. Besides, it's a MGS1 "simulation," just way more talky and pretentious. So it's only a mild disappointment to me. I always set my expectations low automatically when the hype machines really get rolling.


Granted, I'd take Snake over Raiden, Mei Ling over Rose, and certainly Meryl over Emma anytime, but those parts in between cutscenes and codec conversations were top notch.


It's a good game in a lot of ways. I still really, really, really hate it for other reasons, though.


I'd like to add Luigi's Mansion to the list. Very, very weak for a debut game, especially since the N64 was christened with Mario 64.


Yeah, I read some reviews on gamefaqs, but those people all loved xenosaga ep 1.


Kinda scary if it's true though.


Well, the characters don't look like creepy Precious Moments figurines anymore...


Too bad that's the only actual improvement I've heard about.

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Wrestlemania 18, my God, that game had no business being sold

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Guest Dumb Fuck

For me... Tiger Woods 2000.


Tiger Woods 99 was a very popular online game, that was loads of fun... then 2000 was released way too early, and seriously was not playable at all. Couldn't play at all online, and could never finish a round. EA even gave up on it after a month or so. Just deplorable, and it made me skeptical of buying another EA game again.


FF8 - definitely... even though I've never been a fan of any RPG after FF6 (barring a couple DC ones).


FFX - when I first got my PS2 this year... I couldn't wait to play this game. But the 2 main characters are so boring, the story stinks, and the ending is just so blah.


NHL 2002... I agree with whoever mentioned that. NHL 2001 was a good revival of the series... but holy shit, 2002 blew. Not only the lame kiddie popups... but that fucking Hero mode that ruined EVERY game. If you were up 5-0 with a few minutes left... it was definitely going to be 5-5 eventually, where the "Hero" could shoot from anywhere on the ice, and it would score. And there was NO way to turn this off. Thankfully, 2004 is a better return to the series.

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