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Guest Horse hockey!

The Finisher Thread

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Guest Horse hockey!

Okay, so it was brought up in chat that a list of people's finishers should be made up so that when someone is going through their moves, they won't have someone else's finisher as a common move, and degrade the value of said finisher.


Just reply with a finisher change and I'll adjust as necessary. Or if I have the name of your move wrong..



Ace Lezaire - Ace Crusher

Double Chickenwing with Bridge


Alan Clark - Reverse Figure Four Leglock

Wild Bomb to Styles Clash to Texas Cloverleaf or Cross Lightning


Andrea Montgomery - STO to Double Underhook DDT

Springboard 450 Splash

Handstand Neckbreaker


Austin Sly - Lionsault

Super Swinging Neckbreaker


The Birdman - Northern Exposure

Mexican Stretch Buster


Candace - Sleeper Hold

Diamond Cutter


Ced Ordonez - Top Rope Corkscrew Swanton Bomb

Reverse Figure Four Leglock

Fallaway Moonsault


Chance Silver - Cattle Mutilation with Tazmission

Springboard Inverted Shooting Star Press

Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb to Ace Crusher


Crowe - Jumping Brainbuster Suplex


Dace Night - Double Arm High Angle DDT

Torture Crab

Single Arm Sleeper Suplex


David Cross - Powerbomb to Spinebuster

German Suplex to Dragon Suplex to Straightjacket Suplex


Edward James - Canadian Backbreaker Crucifix Powerbomb

Cross Arm Northern Lights Driver


Jamie Drazon - Sheer Drop Angle Slam

Yakuza Kick

Hiza juji-gatame Cross Kneebar


John Duran - Burning Hammer to Inverted Diamond Cutter

Full Nelson Bomb


Johnny Dangerous - Fallaway Slam

Over the Shoulder Half Crab

Moonsault Double Stomp


Landon Maddix - Tornado Downward Spiral

Shooting Star Legdrop


Manson - Diamond Cutter

Elevated Half Crab


Mark Stevens - Pedigree

Standing Octopus Stretch


Martin Hunt - Sleeper Hold

Reverse DDT


The Masked Man - Fall Forward Brainbuster


Max King - Reverse DDT variant

Reverse DDT stretch


Mike Van Siclen - Styles Clash 03

Gokuraku Clutch


Munich - Cradle Piledriver

Standing Full Nelson


Nathan Xavier - Stalling Hangman's DDT

Death Valley Driver


Petey the Irish Penguin - Reverse DDT

Corkscrew Moonsault


Rob Gilbert - Downward Spiral


Ryan Dustin - Phoenix Splash

Shoulder Neck Breaker variant


Sean Davis - Thunder Fire Powerbomb

Back Mounted Full Nelson


Spike Jenkins - RKO

Dragon Clutch


Suicide King - Half Nelson Forward Russian Legsweep


Tod deKindes - Dragon Sleeper to Russian Legsweep

Pumphandle Michinoku Driver



Todd Cortez - Miracle Ecstasy Bomb

Dragon Sleeper/Armbar Takedown with Grapevine


Toxxic - LSD II

Sliced Bread #2

Hammerlock to Dragon Sleeper


Tom Flesher - Sheer Drop Gutwrench Suplex

Face Driver, Knee

Back Mounted Dragon Sleeper


Vladimir Everheart - Northern Lights Bomb

Jumping Kneeling Piledriver

Reverse STF

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Guest Horse hockey!
That is what this thread is here for, right?

Partially. More so that people can rearrange moves they may already have as common or signature if someone else already has that move as a finisher. To keep credibility.

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What establishes precedence and/or priority? I mean, if somebody (read: Sly) has a finisher that I had as a signature move (read: lionsault), does that mean I'm expected to get rid of it when I come back? Because nobody was using it as a finisher when I joined, and I was using it as a signature move for something close to two years before he joined and started using it as a finisher.


- Dub "who decides?" Cee

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Guest Suicide King

It seems to me that I must bear this tremendous weight alone. No finishers for anyone.

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Candace will be changing her finisher in the very near future, I've just got to think of something special that would work well for her. I guess the diamond cutter is used by a few others so I'll find something new and exciting.


Ok she now has a new finisher and i'll be updating her stats section. Its "The asian death lock" and its basically an octopuss stretch she holds onto her opponent submits. The ultimate humiliation--taping to Candace!

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What establishes precedence and/or priority? I mean, if somebody (read: Sly) has a finisher that I had as a signature move (read: lionsault), does that mean I'm expected to get rid of it when I come back? Because nobody was using it as a finisher when I joined, and I was using it as a signature move for something close to two years before he joined and started using it as a finisher.


- Dub "who decides?" Cee

Here's how I always thought about it, though as a curmudgeonly ol' retiree I certainly do not make the rules.


As long as it makes sense, go with it. A lionsault isn't exactly heavy impact, and it's fairly common among cruisers. Which isn't to say that it can't make a good finisher - it's all in the build and the sell. But I'd say a move like that is pretty close to public domain. It's also a simple enough manuever that it's very easy to vary it - there's no reason that Dub Cee's Lionsault has to be portrayed as powerfully as Sly's. I see the reverse DDT (which, surprisingly, 3 people have among their finishers) in a similar light. They're moves that are much more common outright in North American wrestling.

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In a moment of shock and horror, I'm in semi-agreement with Dub Cee's question. Do 'retired' people get their finishers on this list? Particularly because if we make a return, and some newer character has our finishers, why should we be obliged to change them if our character had them first?


I doubt a "who does the finisher better" feud would bring in the ratings. ;)

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Or, I could always go with a fistdrop; I'd certainly like to think that Dub Cee's character is established enough that I could pimp a fistdrop. I'll do it from the top rope, like the Rockers used to.


- Dub "and maybe I'll add a flip or something" Cee

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I doubt a "who does the finisher better" feud would bring in the ratings. ;)

Feh; that's because all your finishers are painstakingly slow and cripple people. ;)


- Dub "or TMM could reprise Grappler, and he and Janus could do a 'who has the best bearhug' match" Cee

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Guest Fire and Knives

I think it's appropriate that we have anybody using the Demonstar drawn and quartered.



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Well dubs, I've pretty much seen the finisher priority on who has used it the most. I've used the Hangman's DDT forever now, going back to Jacob's post-pedigree days (in late '01, most of '02) so in that sense, I would pretty much have priority over some newb who comes in when I'm away and takes it.


But if a newb comes in and choses the Death Valley Driver as his main finisher, and all of the sudden I come in and take it as well, I'd probably be the one to give it up to the newb, since he had it first and I haevn't used it very much (if at all).


It all pretty much comes down to experience and the "First come, first serve" method of doing things.

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I think that should fall under the same circumstances as well. If you had the move first as a Signature move and some newb came in and chose it as a finisher, they have no right to ask you to change it just because their's is more "important" to their bio.

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Feh; that's because all your finishers are painstakingly slow and cripple people. ;)


- Dub "or TMM could reprise Grappler, and he and Janus could do a 'who has the best bearhug' match" Cee

Crippling = ratings! Didn't you see Kibagami vs Edwin? :P

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The way I see it, any well respected finishers of previous SWFers/legends should be put on the list so they aren't re-used. If only to avoid the inevitable 3 page thread of arguement. Also, any rare moves that nobody wants using without permission being on the list would help too.


However, common sense said you can't block people from doing certain moves. Lionsaults, as WC brought up as an example, aren't all that common in the SWF. But I certainly wouldn't call it a 'specialist' move. Depends how it's booked I suppose. Common sense would have to be used though and blocking a newb from using a Lionsault because WC uses it alot would be pretty drastic.


Besides that though, this is a good idea to avoid any immediate finisher clashes. But it shouldn't (always) mean immediate death for using the same move as someone else...


Case in point: If I were to use for example Ejiro's old finisher then, as long as he had no problems with it, I wouldn't really see a need for a change. If he had a problem with it though then I'd expect to be asked to change it.

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You really shouldnt use old finisher (not big ones anyway) as it's become complete canon that they will always been deadly, eg the Demonstar. Not just because Kibs is an asshole about, but because he got the thing so fucking over it's now part of history and such.


Other less moves in time fade and such, so it doesnt matter as much. But mainly, your character should be less skilled at the move than the original user to make it less effective and so not a finisher.

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Guest PimpDaddySarp

Nathan Xavier stole my Agony of Defeat. Booo










even though he probably doesn't know who the fuck i am

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Maddix, I'm not saying that I think that Sly should have to change his finisher just because I have it as a signature move. To the contrary, in fact, what I'm actually saying is that I think that I shouldn't have to change my signature move just because he decided to make it his finisher.

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Yes, yes you should WC.


Because you're a better flyer than Sly, but if HE can get a win with a Lionsault, then WC should be able to as well. But with WC's speed he can do, FAR, FAR, FAR better moves.


But the Lionsault is a bad finisher anyway. Most people do it from the 3rd rope and get a 2 from it.

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Bah, this conversation needs more salt. It tastes a little whitebread to me.


*The_Mak kicks out of everyone's finishers*


Original, I know. But in this Sly and WC case, there are numerous reasons why WC's lionsault can be weaker -- Sly's weight advantage being the easiest off the top of my head. Common sense = not all that common.

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Not to mention the age old 'it's his finisher because he's perfected it, where as Wildchild hasn't' arguement. And DubCee...I agree, you shouldn't have to change. After all, it's not like Jericho's the only wrestler in North America to use the Lionsault...



...anyone get the feeling we take this place WAY too seriously sometimes?

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Yeah, really, WC don't weight but 10 pounds or so. Having him fall on you isn't very fatal. ;)


As far as finishers go, I think I'm safe unless Kurt Angle has something to say about it.

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Thing with different feds, is most of the time you can ignore their move psych as there...."different worlds with different rules". Barring the biggest and baddest of moves.


I dont care who you are, a Tiger Driver 91 should always be a "DEATH!" move. Much like the Demonstar will always be here.


It's a balance to strike and all that. But it can be done with a little jiggling around.

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I dont care who you are, a Tiger Driver 91 should always be a "DEATH!" move.

Eh. Kicked out of one of them in the OAOAST. Nobody kicked up a fuss. Then again, if that happened here...


Ah well.


*stunners Dace*



EDIT: I'm sorry. I of course cannot do that, because it could be seen as an attempt to steal Ace Lezaire's finisher. I humbly apologise and after consulting the list, I will instead place Dace in the Hangman's Clutch.


Hopefully he won't no-sell his neck after though ;)

Edited by King Cucaracha

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You have to remember, the line can only go so far. Then nothing will be a big fininsher because it's all been kicked out off.


Look at AJ Styles kicking out of a Super Ki Krusher...right, now what uber death move does Ki has left to finish him with in a huge battle later on?

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