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The Finisher Thread

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I agree.


I'm just saying...sometimes, you have to remember what we're doing here. My OAOAST midcarder kicked out of a Zack Malibu Tiger Driver '91, but I only got good reviews for the match. Since then there's been no harm done to Zack, I've gone back to jobber and everyone has likely forgotten about it.


If it were here, I wouldn't hear the end of it.


I realise this is a totally different fed and everything. But the point is, it shouldn't matter if WC and Sly both use a Lionsault as long as neither of them minds. And to be honest, neither of them really should. We shouldn't really need five or six posts on the matter.


There's a line of common sense in e-feds...just like there's a line in anything. No offense to anyone because I know some people take this place very seriously and for good reason. I just feel it goes a little too far sometimes.

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Nathan Xavier stole my Agony of Defeat.  Booo

Not Stolen, PDS... just borrowed with every intention of returning if you even decide to return.


I use it in rememberance of your greatness. B-)



By the way... I could really care less if anyone uses the same finishers that I do, as long as their not blatantly ripping me off, or turning them into a Signature move or worse. If that happened, that is when I would get pissed off about it.

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There is NO problem having the same finisher as anyone else.

Because if the move still gets the job done, it doesn't mater. It's the making the moev seem weaker issue that I have a problem with.

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Guest Horse hockey!
By the way... I could really care less if anyone uses the same finishers that I do, as long as their not blatantly ripping me off, or turning them into a Signature move or worse. If that happened, that is when I would get pissed off about it.

I had the Death Valley Driver as a Sig move. It's been taken out since noticing that you have it as a finisher.


IF I had a problem with that, who would have to change? I had the move first as a signature move (which probably wasn't very smart anyway), but Jake has obviously been around longer, though not with that character.


Dace suggested I get rid of it because Xavier had more strength than Davis. It would be more realistic. The deal with the Lionsault between Sly an WC is about weight and impact. Realism over seniority?


I suppose this thread has turned into more than I intended it to, but it must have needed clarifying, heh.

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Guest Evolution

The Break Point is actually a Full Nelson Bomb Into A Full Nelson With Body Scissors.


But the Blunt Force Trauma description is right on.

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Tod deKindes

DVX - dragon sleeper into russian legsweep

Spirit Breaker - pumphandle Michinoku Driver

Silent Scream - Tazmission


I ain't coming back yet, I just don't want ya'll to touch 'em.






Maybe if you ask nicely. :)

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Everyone should use the dragon sleeper into Russian legsweep. I used it for a while, so did Mak, so did Tod, and it's totally sweet. Great late-stage transition or near-fall if you can swing it.


::pees on Tod::

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You never used dragon to russian, Edwin. Stop being a dork.

SIGNATURE MOVES (Edwin’s ‘trademark’ moves and innovations)


1. Corkscrew brainbuster – often a setup for a finisher, especially the Union Jack. Usually not straight-drop; more of a suplex onto the head.

2. Dragon sleeper Russian legsweep – again, often a setup for a finisher, especially the Union Jack.

3. Shotei. Used very frequently and in varying strengths. Pelvic thrusting optional.

4. Delayed German suplex.

5. Springing sidekick – a straight-leg jumping sidekick (re: Booker T style).

6. Inverted DDT - primarily a fast counter out of suplexes and power moves.

7. “Love Rollercoaster” - spinebuster-into-powerbomb chain. Faster than it is strong.

8. “Midnight Special” - bulldog/facebuster combo. Edwin leaps for a bulldog, sitting out and bringing his knees under and into the falling opponent's face for a double impact.

9. “Cocktail O' Shame” - two brisk slaps, "bitch-slaps," if you will, one across each of the opponent's cheeks, followed by a graceful flourish and a final strike, ranging from a spear to a snap kick to a reverse elbow to whatever Edwin's feeling at the moment. Humiliation in three hits.

10. “Sound Check” – a desperation Roll-the-Dice (inverted facelock swinging neckbreaker). Fast and strong, usually floors both Edwin and the opponent, and is almost always either a counter or the desperate last grasp of a floundering MacPhisto.

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The Antichrist Superstar, Crow's Finisher

Natural Born Chaos (Jumping Brainbuster Suplex)

The attacker applies a front face lock on the victim and throws the victim's near arm across their shoulders. The attacker grabs the victim's tights and lifts them straight up in the air so they are upside down. The attacker then jumps in the air, kicks his legs out and falls onto his back, causing the victim to fall straight down on their head at a neck-breaking angle.


I wish for this to be added. To this day, only one wrestler (Sean Atlas) has ever kicked out of it. I spent my entire career building it up as an "instant-death" finisher and would love for it to be immortalised and not stolen. Thank ye.

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Well, I took his title in the same match, so I think it's a fair trade. And then I kicked out of his finisher in the next match. :D

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I love not needing to worry if I can kick out of finishers or not. "Should I do it? Will he/she be mad at me? Does it fit the story of the match?" I CAN'T kick out of ANY finisher. Makes it a whole lot easier.


Of course, the trick is to hit me with one in the first place... ;)


p.s. Davis - I've been meaning to tell you this before, but you might want to lose the 'Cylcone Piledriver' from your stats. Because that's a Demonstar Driver, and that is sacred.


No, not Andrew Blackwell.

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I love not needing to worry if I can kick out of finishers or not. "Should I do it? Will he/she be mad at me? Does it fit the story of the match?" I CAN'T kick out of ANY finisher. Makes it a whole lot easier.

I had two finishers you could kick out of/avoid. The Bret Hart Level Of Death Sharpshooter and the Evenflow Moonsault (which was later moved to signature moves due to lack of use). So shut your pie hole. :D

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I know one newbie out there (one David Cross) , also has the Steiner Screwdriver (aka, Janus' "Rage Unleashed") as a rare move.



Oh, and props to the motherfucking bird Crow for being the one who got the Hell Crush OVER~

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I love not needing to worry if I can kick out of finishers or not. "Should I do it? Will he/she be mad at me? Does it fit the story of the match?" I CAN'T kick out of ANY finisher. Makes it a whole lot easier.

I had two finishers you could kick out of/avoid. The Bret Hart Level Of Death Sharpshooter and the Evenflow Moonsault (which was later moved to signature moves due to lack of use). So shut your pie hole. :D

I wouldn't have kciked out of the moonsault when it was a finisher. When it got moved back to sigs, I might have done. And submissions are different.


*no-sells all Crow's offence*

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It is convenient to have a nice list like this. Plus, it's interesting just to see all the moves that people are using as finishers right now.


And on the note of what people had been saying: Only one person ever kicked out of the Boston Massacre, which was an elevated Death Valley Driver (gorilla press slam into DVD). The only kickout was Erek Taylor kicking out in our retirement match. That Taylor thought he was so good...

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