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Ok, one more post...


- Sawyer singing "Redemption Song"

- Michael asking Sawyer if he is a Hero or if he wants to Die - Sawyer saying he ain't a hero



Michael needs a hero. He's holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight.


That's Sawyer. (And apologies for quoting Bonnie Tyler)


Overall, this was a fucking awesome two hours. I still need more time to absorb it all...

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I was incredibly dissapointed.


The Good: Artz speech abut "40 other people on the island" was funny.

The flashbacks were good, I felt like Claire got left out.


The Bad: The monster is the love child of Doc Ock and PigPen (it's something with long arms that could pull Locke towards it and is surrounded by a cloud of smoke/dust). Did anyone else think that cranking noise when it was pulling Locke sounded like a roller coaster before it takes the big plunge?


The others turn out to be the hillbillies from Delverence. Sawer and the rest should have jumped on the other's boat and started the fight as soon as the guy said he wanted the kid and where were Walt's shining powers when he needed them. You think the kid could have at least kicked or bit or fought back a little.


They open the hatch and we don't get to see any of what's inside ---- Lame.



They were several cool moments but, they could not overcome my dissapointment. I am now convinced more than ever that the creative team doesn't know where their going with this and they're just fucking around with us.



This was is from AICN


Huh?? What Was Supposed To

Happen On LOST But Didn’t!!


Were we victims of the weirdest disinformation campaign ever? Bits from the media in the days leading up to the “Lost” finale:

From E! Online:

KRISTIN “WATCH WITH WANDA” VIETCH: Okay, what's going to happen with Charlie?

DOMINIC MONAGHAN: You'll find out more stuff in the finale. Charlie's story intertwines a lot more closely with Claire by the end of it. There's going to be quite a rift in the camp, with the 13 or 14 regulars we've come to know split into allegiances.

From TV Guide:

TV GUIDE: Is Greg Grunberg reprising his role as the pilot in the finale?

DAMON LINDELHOF: He is. He has a scene with Claire at the airport.

Also from TV Guide:

SEASON 2 SECRET No. 3. Expect to see some new faces. Dr. Arzt (Daniel Roebuck), the high school physics teacher and resident explosives expert who first appeared in the May 11 episode, will be back. And executive producer J.J. Abrams hints he won’t be the only actor packing his bags for a lengthy stay in Hawaii.



I know that despite what the producers were saying, Daniel Roebuck was telling people he was only a guest star.



There's going to be a deleted scene on Good Morning America. Maybe that'll be Claire's flashback.

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This was is from AICN


Huh?? What Was Supposed To

Happen On LOST But Didn’t!!


Were we victims of the weirdest disinformation campaign ever? Bits from the media in the days leading up to the “Lost” finale:

From E! Online:

KRISTIN “WATCH WITH WANDA” VIETCH: Okay, what's going to happen with Charlie?

DOMINIC MONAGHAN: You'll find out more stuff in the finale. Charlie's story intertwines a lot more closely with Claire by the end of it. There's going to be quite a rift in the camp, with the 13 or 14 regulars we've come to know split into allegiances.

From TV Guide:

TV GUIDE: Is Greg Grunberg reprising his role as the pilot in the finale?

DAMON LINDELHOF: He is. He has a scene with Claire at the airport.

Also from TV Guide:

SEASON 2 SECRET No. 3. Expect to see some new faces. Dr. Arzt (Daniel Roebuck), the high school physics teacher and resident explosives expert who first appeared in the May 11 episode, will be back. And executive producer J.J. Abrams hints he won’t be the only actor packing his bags for a lengthy stay in Hawaii.

I notice that AICN did the CYA thing by putting where the quotes came from. I'm sure they reported these things at one point or another. As an aside, I really wish Moriarty would go to another site - I might read him more often then.


Anyways, I'm sure that the Bad Robot crew filmed multiple scenes with some that they knew weren't gonna make it. So they fed info to the outlets so that it would be a SHOCKING SWERVE!! Without, of course, the bad taste of having Vince Russo as the leader of "the Others"...

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Wait, are we still thinking that it's a "monster"?


When Locke was being dragged away, I heard pretty clear mechanical noises. As if it's a giant machine. That's how I'll be seeing it from here on out until it's shown to be something else.

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Worry not about Walt, he has Super Powers, or I think that Kim had made his way on the boat. As for the ending I was let down. Really nothing about the hatch was answered, still I will watch it next season, but they could of left us with more of a cliff hanger.

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So, do the survivors still think the Others are coming? Obviously they don't know what happened on the raft, so they don't know they took Walt

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this episode was dissapointing as fuck. I cant believe they took half a season introducing the hatch... THREE FULL HOURS trying to blow it open, and then show us nothing. that's fucking cheap. so cheap that i wonder if the writers even have any fuckin' clue what's in there.


The stuff with the others capturing Walt was aces through.

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so cheap that i wonder if the writers even have any fuckin' clue what's in there.


Sad to say, I was and am still thinking the same thing.


They definately could of given us more of what was in the hatch and not spoil it all. I mean, we still know (though no one else does) that Locke did see light come from the hatch. Even a small glimpse of what's exactly in it. All we know now is that it's just a straight tunnel straight into the Earth and not round and full of space.

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so cheap that i wonder if the writers even have any fuckin' clue what's in there.

The answer would be a no. I think it's the case for most shows that opt for the cliffhanger season-ender.

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Walt being taken wouldn't be enough to keep people on the edge of their seats for the summer, waiting for the show to premiere next season. Neither would more backstories, or how the Black Rock got where it is, or anything else that's still outstanding.


IMHO, "what the fuck is with the hatch?" is the one million-dollar question that they have. And to blow that on the season finale would be counter-productive. They could have given us more answers from some of the smaller questions (what made Kate's mom hate her so much? why was Locke in a wheelchair? the significance of the numbers, etc.) but the hatch is the one thing that they have to keep us "holy shit"-ting over for the next 3-6 months.


People that want all the answers (e.g. most of the fark board posters) are the kind of people that read spoilers or only care about the destination and not the journey.


Give me a good journey 7 days a week.

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it'd be kinda hard to do much backstory on a character unless it's an episode about them. They only did flashbacks to the day of the flight, and it'd feel too tacked on for them to talk about why this or why that when they're trying to blow open a hatch or run from The Others or whatever.


I think they showed enough of what's in the hatch. If they'd shown much more, it wouldn't be much of a cliffhanger

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Reason vs. Faith. Classic John Locke indeed.


Most everything to me makes sense. I'm pretty sure I can explain most everything that's going on, and without needing to resort to paranormal explanations (and the producers stated that everything is based in reality here).


Just little factoids

1) Ethan isn't a part of the others. He was aligned with Danielle, possibly. Why? Who knows? I know. Scratch marks prove that they're together.

2) Pandora's box has been opened. Suweet.

3) There is a third side. Sayid. We can pretty much put the Lostaways on both sides, excepting Sayid (who I believe represents the balance and Sawyer (cause you know he's alive).

4) The numbers mean ALOT more than what we even know now. ALOT more. Working on that.


It's great that there's a show finally with some DEEP meaning.


5) And btw, there's a reason why Hurley hasn't lost weight...

6) Oh, and about the "monster" err...sentry. Read some Crichton.


7) Limbo. Waystation. But NOT DEAD.

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We *KNOW* what the hatch is. Pandora's box.


Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is sin. C'mon, the forbidden fruit.

The castaways can no longer delude themselves into ignorance that they're just "lost on an island"


For those of you who were disappointed, man I have no idea what show you saw. That was done to PERFECTION.


Minor spoiler: C'mon do you really think that the OTHERS were that blip? That blip was something else...the OTHERS already knew where they were.


Hi Alex. Thanks for throwing the Molotov.


So, what happens when the sentry grabs you. Who/what was the sentry grabbing when the lostaways first saw it.


(and as for the black smoke, nice swarm, but of what....hehehe...very cool)

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SJ, any ideas you have, I'd love to read. I like your analyses.




As far as the numbers...thinking in terms of Paradise Lost, if you add the first 5 numbers you get 66, then add the 4 & 2 for another 6.


666 works considering Pandora's Box has been opened. Will the hatch release anything besides the sin of knowledge?


Who/what does everyone think the Others are? My initial reaction was that the people on the boat were part of the Others, because Danielle said they took Alex, and there Alex was. But now I'm remembering the distress call: "It killed them. It killed them all." I'm wondering if Danielle saw the sentry pull her team into the ground. Maybe the Others cured the team of the sickness from the Black Rock in exchange for the team doing the Others' dirty work. Remember, if the Island gives to you, you must give to the Island. Kidnapping Alex was one of their first jobs. Walt is the next recruit of age. Maybe when Aaron is older, they'll come for him.


Now for the monster and the hatch. We know it's mechanical. We know it's a security system. But who/what is it protecting...the Others or the Island? And did it want Locke specifically? When Kate threw in the dynamite, I thought that was smoke from the explosion being sucked in by the sentry. Or did I miss something? My theory is that the sentry has some control center under the Island and that the hatch leads to it.

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I'm thinking Walt is an evil little shit. He wanted to be caught by the Others for whatever reason. That's why he burnt down the first raft--so he'd stay on the island.


When the second raft came around, he'd already had the premonition that he'd be captured at sea, so he went along with the plan to leave the island. Walt started to get close to his dad, just to fuck with him for abandoning him after he was born, then trying to do it again (the airport phone call), so it'd hurt all the more when he was taken. I'm pretty sure he was pushing for Michael to shoot the flare.


Or maybe he's seen what's in the hatch, and just wants to get the heck away from Jack, Locke and the bunch, who don't have any idea what they're doing. The Others are the lesser of two evils, because they know not to mess with the island.

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A separate post for the allegiances of the Lostaways.


When Locke revealed the Science vs. Faith battle, I knew the story would have to lead to a balance of the two. Good call on Sayid, SJ. He obviously has displayed his technical expertise. But we also see him praying when he meets the friend whom the intelligence agents send him after. He has also has been a mediator many times.


I see it breaking down like this:




Locke: Obvious.

Sun: She commented about fate.

Rose: Believes her husband is still alive.

Walt: Knows he has special abilities. Trained with Locke.




Jack: Obvious.

Kate: Said she has Locke's back.

Claire: Told Sun there's no such thing as fate.




Sayid: See above.

Shannon: Blames Locke for Boone's death but also holds on to Boone's memory.




Charlie: Locke helped him with his addiction but he has ties to Claire.

Michael: Doesn't trust Locke fully but did see Locke save Walt from a polar bear.

Jin: Loves Sun, but hasn't really stated his feelings.

Hurley: Has a certain faith in the numbers and their damage. But his faith-ness isn't optimistic like Locke's.


Sawyer is a special case. He was tortured by both Jack & Sayid, but he never showed a loyalty to Locke either. His encounter with the Boar has exposed a faith portion of his character. But his propensity is to take his own side. I do feel that Sawyer's redemption is a major plot point of the entire series. Hence the song.

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SJ, any ideas you have, I'd love to read. I like your analyses.




--The numbers I believe, are the second most important puzzle to unlocking what's going on.

--They are geographic coordinates. One set of lat/long puts you over the likely area where the plane crashed. (Not the Marshall Islands, but nearer to French Polynesia actually). Another set is in Tunisia, next to Nigeria (remember the plane?) The rest well, let's just say theres only 1 set of coordiantes not yet explained.

--The survivors were seated in those rows on the plane.

--There is much more to them than meets the naked eye.


Who/what does everyone think the Others are?

--The others were after Walt, not Aaron. Remember that Walt is special. And I mean that, because he IS.


My initial reaction was that the people on the boat were part of the Others, because Danielle said they took Alex, and there Alex was.

--That was Alex


But now I'm remembering the distress call: "It killed them. It killed them all."

--Alex was already abducted by the Others.


I'm wondering if Danielle saw the sentry pull her team into the ground. Maybe the Others cured the team of the sickness from the Black Rock in exchange for the team doing the Others' dirty work.

--Doubtful. The Others were already there. The Others...Do you remember the black cloud that preceded the security system? Bingo.


Remember, if the Island gives to you, you must give to the Island. Kidnapping Alex was one of their first jobs. Walt is the next recruit of age. Maybe when Aaron is older, they'll come for him.

--There is reason why they might like children, but their focus was Walt for his abilities. More likely, his imagination.


Now for the monster and the hatch. We know it's mechanical. We know it's a security system. But who/what is it protecting...the Others or the Island?

--Sounded like a chain and a winch didn't? And it pops out from anywhere on the island. Again, I am going back to the black cloud that preceded the security system. THAT is the security system.

--The dynamite blew up, and what happend. A black cloud out from another whole that then went away. Locke knows.


And did it want Locke specifically?

--Locke is now a threat.


When Kate threw in the dynamite, I thought that was smoke from the explosion being sucked in by the sentry. Or did I miss something? My theory is that the sentry has some control center under the Island and that the hatch leads to it.

--The hatch does not lead to any control center. Or rather...THAT hatch.


--Question: Why is there a big cable coming from the Ocean to Danielle's hut.

--Question: Why are there two other islands on Danielle's map?

--Just what is the black cloud? Hint: It's intelligent by design.


--That was NOT the same blip on the radar screen. BTW, wtf are hillbillies doing there, unless they came in FROM ANOTHER SOURCE.


--How does a plane have its tail ripped off around 40K ft in the air, then lose its nose, and not lead to nothing but a greasy spot? Simple, it did not fall 40K feet.


--Which camp are you in, Locke's (Faith), Reason(Jack) or none (Sayid). Btw, you can split the groups up very easily between the camps.


--Our Raft friends are not dead.


--Compasses don't work. There's a reason. Too much magnetic interference.

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Update on the allegiances




Locke: Obvious.

Sun: She commented about fate.

Rose: Believes her husband is still alive.

Walt: Knows he has special abilities. Trained with Locke.

Hurley: Has a certain faith in the numbers and their damage. But his faith-ness isn't optimistic like Locke's.




Jack: Obvious.

Kate: Said she has Locke's back.

Claire: Told Sun there's no such thing as fate.

Charlie: Locke helped him with his addiction but he has ties to Claire.




Sayid: See above.

Shannon: Blames Locke for Boone's death but also holds on to Boone's memory.




The Tail Survivors

Michael: Doesn't trust Locke fully but did see Locke save Walt from a polar bear.

Jin: Loves Sun, but hasn't really stated his feelings.




Sawyer is a special case. He was tortured by both Jack & Sayid, but he never showed a loyalty to Locke either. His encounter with the Boar has exposed a faith portion of his character. But his propensity is to take his own side. I do feel that Sawyer's redemption is a major plot point of the entire series. Hence the song.



There are two poles in the show. Foils.

Hurley and Sawyer.


It is no coincidence that every other character revolves around these two.

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Instead of just criticizing, tell me why what I said doesn't make sense.


I'm vague for a reason, so that other people can THINK.


I've been dead on the entire season about Locke, about the numbers, and about the others.

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Lost last night almost seemed to have a big time movie feel to it. While it would have been nice to have maybe one major question answered, it'll be a great way to kickoff season 2.


And some of you people put way too much thought into what's going on. Doesn't it take some of the fun out of viewing.

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Lost last night almost seemed to have a big time movie feel to it. While it would have been nice to have maybe one major question answered, it'll be a great way to kickoff season 2.


And some of you people put way too much thought into what's going on. Doesn't it take some of the fun out of viewing.

its the journey of discovery, not the destination.

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I'm not sold on the Others wanting Walt because he's special. We know Alex was a target in the past as a child, Walt was the only child on the island until Aaron was born. I think it has more to do with children being more easily brainwashed and molded into what they want.

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my impression is that the others are basically survivors of all the varoius crashes on the island (old pirate-ish ship, drug plane crash, french expedition, etc etc). The kids are captured and raised as one of the Others. or perhaps the adult survivors are also captured and dont age.

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