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Obscenely long, but well-thought-out theory posted on imdb.com. Notice his mapquest location by putting in the coordinates 4.815 and 162.342!!!


Ok, this may be right, and if it isn't then its one of the biggest coincidences I have ever seen. Theres factual background information in it to introduce the theory, so bear with it please.


Ok, so here goes.


Something caught my attention in the mural in the hatch that rekindled some old research knowledge from high school days. I decided to refresh my knowledge of it, and heres what I came up with (I am referring to the circle with the dot in it, or the zero with the point...thats how i said it to myself and thats what started this).


Philosophical Idea Relationship

There is a philosophical concept that describes the return of consciousness to higher thoughts and awareness. Metaphorically, it refers to your consciousness spiraling outward towards a higher awareness. Often referred to as the Zero Point, it is a game that requires one to create and restore balance and realized that it is just a game itself. “If you feel a part of your soul in that game called out to you - with messages about changes there and in our game - then pay attention - as all things are parallel and move in spiraling motions.” Lets look at the mural Jack looked at in the hatch.




If you look right above the number 42, you see a circle with a dot in it. Or is it a Zero with a point in it? Lets move on to the blue, hieroglyphic eye right above the word “sick”. This philosophy also incorporates many Eye metaphors. One of which being The Right Eye of Horus, which is a reference to the information stored in the DNA priests and other people from ancient times (information referring to Creational Geometry), in which this information will be released at the end of the world. The color blue makes reference to the end of the world. This whole philosophy is called “Atlantis Rising”. The people the information was stored in were people who were resident on Atlantis.



The Lost City. It’s location is generally unknown, but theorized (believed best theorized by the following picture)




Atlantis was an ancient island that sunk years ago. An island with a mild climate with a power source described as mysterious electromagnetic crystals. The location above is the proposed location at that time. But it lies in the middle of a tectonic plate that pretty much flows around the world. It is speculated to have moved due to shifts in the plates.


Mayan History

Mayan history also tells of a lost island named Mu. This island is historically believed to be the same as Atlantis. The Mayans were also very good at math and astrology, operating off of a number system that has a base of 20 (like the metric system has a base of 10), they were able to create a calendar 1000s of years ago that said there are 360 days in a year (which is extraordinarily accurate). This is known as the Mayan Calendar. The calendar it self predicted the end of the world in 2012, because it used a deductive math structure. The end of the world would represent events like their god Quetzalcoatl returning as a messiah.


The DHARMA Initiative

Created in 1970 by two scientists and funded by the Hanso Foundation, it is an initiative set up on the island to analyze the geological phenomena of the island. It was said that there are six stations set up on the island. We also know from the Hanso Foundation website that they have different initiatives running as well, including “The Life Extension Project”, “The electromagnetic research initiative”, “The mathematical forecasting initiative”, “The cryogenics development imperative”, and “The accelerated remote viewing training facility”.


Connecting the Dots

The philosophy of “Atlantis Rising” clearly represents what is happening psychologically to the castaways (take Locke for a basic example). The other ideal are too. The Zero Point is on the Mural. The Blue Right Eye of Horus is also on the mural representing the end of the world coming “Out of the Blue”. And also the Creational Geometry information to be released (can be represented by the priest found in the tree, even though he wasn’t really a priest, but its still symbolic).


Other indications of the mural include the Mayan Messiah, Quetzacoatl. Translated into English as meaning “Feathered Serpent” or “Serpent Bird”, if you really look at the right of the mural, you can see what can be construed as a bird with its beak wide open around the word “Sick” (you can even infer a tongue there too). The everything to the north of it looks like overlapping shapes of similar color (feathers?). The possibility of this being the monster on the island cannot be rejected.


We know that something went wrong in the middle of the DHARMA initiative that requires them to push the button every 108 minutes (which is the sum of the infamous numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42). But what went wrong? I propose that the island started to move along the rifts. The island was stationary to begin with in the Atlantic. Probably just starting to rise a century or two ago. What do we know that is that old on the island? The Black Rock of course. If it was indeed a slave trade ship, it would have been traveling between Africa and America. It hit the island when it was lower than it is now. Over the years, the island rose more, which is why there is no beach around it. Next we have the ship with Rousseau. 16 years ago, her ship was doing a geological study off of South America only to pick up the signal and crash there. About 10-12 years ago, a small airplane containing drugs crashes on the island. Maps of Nicaragua are found on the plane. Hurley’s insane mental patient friend was working a post in Alaska about 7 years ago, analyzing signals over the Pacific and picked up the island’s transmission. 3 years ago, Desmond’s ship gets caught on the Great Barrier Reef and drifts to the island. And flight 815 crashes on the island, off course between Sydney and America, heading slightly north towards Fiji. Here is a Tectonic map with specific locations and times. Note that going by either Antarctica OR Alaska areas would result in the polar bears on the island.





And one more picture. This is from Map Quest




The star indicates the location with the coordinates of 4.815 Latitude, 162.342 Longitude, or the numbers as coordinates.


And now the Mayan mythology and the connection to the DHARMA initiative. I mentioned the Mayan Calendar before. In the orientation video, there is a clip (which I don’t have the picture of) with the two creators of the initiative sitting in there office. On their bookshelf is none other than the Mayan Calendar. As mentioned before, the calendar predicted the end of the world in 2012. If we look at the names of the projects of the Hanso corporation, they certainly do have a theme of life preservation. I think the DHARMA initiative is not a study of the island, but a control of the island. Six stations set up to control the island itself. I think the problem that was encountered was either the island was rising or it started moving. Pushing the button every 108 minutes probably prevents the island from rising somehow. Just as Desmond’s partner said when asked why he pushed the button: “Just saving the world, my friend”.


The Others bear a striking resemblance to the scientists in the orientation video. My theory: once the island started to move, its location may not be hidden anymore. If someone were to find it, then they would come to it and ruin the initiative. The same goes for those who castaway on it. I think the main purpose of the others is to keep everyone who is on the island ON the island. Take Danielle for example. She has been there 16 years and instead of focusing on how to get off the island, she is trying to find her kid. Same with Michael as he leaving, the Others take Walt, and now Michael doesn’t want to leave (the only guy who knows how to build a raft).


Here’s where things get cool

Notable quotes from the producers:

It's important to note," Lindelof says, "that we've never said when the plane crashed. I think the assumption is that it happened in 2004 when the show premiered, but we've never said that

Lindelof: “The number [23] is important to the scheme of the show.”


The numbers represent the final location of the island before the end of the world, and the present time is 2012. Remember how I said the Mayan Calendar predicted the end of the world in 2012…well, more specifically…


December 23, 2012


It makes sense. In Sayid’s first flashback, he lets a girl go during some war in the Iraq area, and the second flashback says he hasn’t seen her in 7 years and it’s the flashback of him before he gets on the plane. Most of us just assumed he was in the Gulf War era. But it doesn’t add up. If he was serving during, say, the current war, it would be about 2005 when he let the girl go, thus making 7 years later 2012. Also, the apartment he was in while he was undercover was ridiculously run down, yet it had a Plasma?!?. Yeah right.


My Theory: The Island is Atlantis/Mu. The DHARMA initiative is preventing the end of the world as predicted by the Mayan Calendar. The Numbers are the final position of the Island. The Others are trying to keep everyone on the Island and keep away the rest of the World. They are also scientists part of DHARMA. And if you still aren’t convinced, here’s this. The DHARMA initiative started in 1970. If it was meant to run till the end of the world, it was meant to run 42 years.




First off, I would like to clarify a few things about this theory before I go to add-ons/corrections.


The Sayid example was a loosely based example. It IS true that he served in the Gulf and he was part of the Republic Guard (or whatever its called). However, it is ALSO true that we don’t know the time of his first flashback. It is rashly assumptive of one to say that it was during the Gulf, or while he was in the Republic Guard (he could have just been serving in general). The example isn’t solid, but it isn’t necessarily wrong either.


I NEVER said the Island was moving due to continental drift. I have an extensive knowledge of geology and physics, and I know that isn’t possible. I was insinuating that something was propelling the Island and that it would make sense (or make it easier to ‘propel’) to do this along the faults of the planet.


Also, I am talking about the idea of Atlantis rising out of the water, both physically as well as metaphorically (psychologically speaking). I get to that in the updates. And I also realize that information on Atlantis is varying and unstable…there is no definitive source for it, which is why my information on Atlantis is small compared to everything else.


Now for the updates



The type of plane that this was is the Beechcraft C-45. THIS IS A MILITARY VESSEL that was specifically build for World War II as a variation of the Beech Model 18. Only 4526 were build starting 1933 and production of the stopped in 1945. THEY ARE ANTIQUE WORLD WAR II BOMBER PLANES. They can only fly 1140 miles before needing to refuel. Taking this into account…I need to re-determine where I can place this on the scale with more research.


Rousseau’s Boat

She is French and so is her team. Remember that there is a French country in South America called French Guiana. Its to the north of South America…and fits in perfectly with the timeline that I made here.



Upon further analysis of Desmond’s account of what’s happened, I think he is lying BIG time to the castaways. When Jack met him in the flashback in the stadium, he said he was training for “a race around the world”. This can be interpreted in two ways. One: The race actually spans the distance around the world and it’s a competition. But lets not forget one thing. Desmond’s shirt he was wearing in the flashback had the DHARMA logo on it. I think he knows everything (the DHARMA initiative would contain all knowledge of the island). Maybe he meant he was participating in a race that takes place in a singular point around the world from where they are at (i.e. the race is only on the island). Desmond also said his boat crashed on the reef (assuming Great Barrier Reef). That places him WAY to far from the Island’s location currently. And remember, he told the castaways that his ship crashed, similar to what Rousseau told the castaways. If Desmond is lying, then maybe Rousseau is as well, and the “ship crashing” story is what the DHARMA initiative tells them to do when talking to people who aren’t affiliated with it. (I am not sure, but I think that Rousseau asked Sayid when she captured him if he was “him”, just like Desmond asked Locke the same thing)


The Hatches/Black Rock

Isn’t it interesting how the hatch seems to be constructed in a similar fashion to a submarine (appearing to be aquatically sealed). Perhaps the DHARMA initiative built the hatches while the island was underwater, before it started “rising”. The Black Rock had a hole in its hull, suggesting that maybe it didn’t crash on the island, but some of the explosives exploded in its journey and it sank onto the island (all the explosives that were uncovered seem to have residue on them similar to the kind of residue you would find on an object that has been underwater for a period of time). Also, Hurley’s mental patient friend with the numbers was monitoring LONG WAVE TRANSMISSIONS when he heard the numbers. Long wave transmissions are what submarines use because they can travel underwater through certain depths. Perhaps when the island rose high enough was when the transmission could be picked up (16 years ago). Keep in mind that we never heard that transmission. If each number was stated in a different voice, it could be a verification system between the hatches, if each one is assigned a specific number. This would also explain why there is still a hatch(es) underwater (if in fact there is one underwater).


I have a corrected trajectory map of the islands traveling path that I will post later. Keep giving me your thoughts so I can make more corrections/elaborations.




Heres food for thought. The DHARMA initiative was doing experiments in cryogenics. Maybe they were cryogenically frozen and reawakened later? It would make sense. That maybe the airplane crash was a fabrication to their waking up...the time difference would be explained, the quote from the producer would be explained (where he only emphasized that the plane didnt CRASH in 2004), and it would explain why the computers looked 20 years old instead of 30-40 which would be more accurate. It fills the time gaps. Maybe THATs why Locke's legs works again and why he lost that ability temporarily as part of an unfreezing process? Just a pondering

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The same poster followed up that post with this addendum:


Just a follow up...


There was no specification on when in Iraq's timeline Sayid served for them...its an assumption that we all infer. I misread the website....it was NIGERIAN money and maps. Nigeria is however in the arc of Africa on the West side, facing more to the south. They could have been flying towards south america, in the Brazil area across the Atlantic (consider the fact that that distance would be the smallest in crossing the Atlantic). It just shifts the time domain. Even if Hurley's friend WAS in Austrailia when he heard the signal, we can still consider the fact that Danielle never said which coast of South America she sailed off of. It is still possible for her to hit the island before the plane (and I am only going off the assumption that Locke said that the Priest LOOKED to be dead for about 10 years) and instead of following the RING OF FIRE direction, the Island could have followed the ANTARCTIC PLATE, still explaining the Polar bears and still going past Austrailia in a reasonable time frame for Hurleys friend to hit the signal...(this new arrangement actually works BETTER with the Desmond crashing incident). The only problem here is the time scale of past events because the only things we know for sure is that Danielle crashed 16 years ago (even we think thats true) and that Desmond crashed 3 years ago.


I messed up, yes, but im not even close to stretching this theory by saying what i just did.

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The entire thread that discusses this is very interesting. Arguments supporting as well as contradicting the opening post are made, with key points that I had never noticed or thought about. Here is the thread:




You do have to be a member of imdb.com, but all you need is to have a valid e-mail address. I never get any messages from them, so sign up if you want to read this discussion. A lot of things to think about.

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Can anybody give me the Cliff Notes version of that?



Well, he references the Mayans, who had an island named MU in their mythology. The Mayans also predicted the end of the world on Dec. 23, 2012 by their calendar. He theorizes that they are actually much closer to the year 2012, and that punching in the numbers keeps the island from drifting from its current location. His timeline of the islands location is supported by several different arrivals to the island (ie--Rousseau, Desmond, flight 815, etc.)


Deep theory! I don't necessarily think that is the answer, as it would be very difficult to explain to the average tv viewer, but it's fun to read and discuss.

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That's been around for a few years.


Scientifically speaking, the island shifting on the plate fault lines cannot physically happen in this physical world as governed by laws of physics.


However, that being said, the coordinates are I believe right for the island, and I think the island is simply a nexus for the triangles (vortices of energy). Pacific, bermuda, other locations...blah blah

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I don't understand how it has been around for a few years due to the fact that "Lost" debuted on Sept. 22nd, 2004. He is talking about a mythical island as well, which would probably not adorn itself to be held back by physics. It's a TV show, man! Walt makes things appear if he thinks about them hard enough. Show me where physics explains that.

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I mistyped, I meant months


The producers have made it very clear on numerous occasions that whatever weird stuff is going on in the show, it has a basis in science or pseudo-science.


Atlantis, being a mythical island, was never in the myth said to move around.


Again, there are many more likely answers.


EDIT: Oh yeah, the nanobot theory takes care of polar bears and all that like

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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Guest Vitamin X
Is ABC trying to get Lost fans fired?


As if there wasn't already enough material out there for superfans to obsess over, including a plethora of fan sites and message boards devoted to the show, now a Lost storyline is making the jump from fiction to reality.


ABC has announced plans to introduce a Lost subplot about a character named Gary Troup, a fictitious author who supposedly perished in the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, but left behind the manuscript on which he had been working, having dropped it off with his publisher just days before boarding the fatal flight.


Here's where the line between fact and fiction blurs: Hyperion Books, ABC's sister publishing label, is actually putting out said manuscript in book form this spring--here in the real world--to coincide with the related episodes of Lost.


Titled Bad Twin, the private eye thriller is said to be about a rich heir's search for his devious sibling. Hyperion said it has commissioned a well known writer to pen the book, with the help of writers from the show.


"Fans of the show are obsessive," Hyperion President Bob Miller told Daily Variety. "We think a lot of them will be buying the book just to look for clues."


(Hey, who's he calling obsessive? Maybe the hundreds of Powerball hopefuls who played Hurley's unlucky number--4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42--in the $340 million drawing last month to no avail? Just a hunch.)


The marketing ploy may be the first to combine characters and events from a television show with a real-life sales campaign, according to Variety.


While just 9 million viewers tuned in for last week's Lost rerun, the eerie Emmy-winning drama consistently ranks as the fourth-most watched show on television, pulling in over 20 million viewers each week on average.


New episodes of Lost resume Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 9 p.m. Set your TiVos now.

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When Desmond said he was training for “a race around the world” could he have meant the human race and trying to save them?



Man I hate all these theories.

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From the Mayan/Atlantis theory:


Atlantis was an ancient island that sunk years ago. An island with a mild climate with a power source described as mysterious electromagnetic crystals.


Where is that last part from, about the electromagnetic crystals? Is that part of the myth/story of Atlantis in general???? Because if it is, that's a hell of a coincidence as far as the show goes.


I'm not so hot on the plate-edge shifting, but so much of the other stuff the theory mentions really does fit. THe bit about the mayan calender in the video was pretty interesting.

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When Desmond said he was training for “a race around the world” could he have meant the human race and trying to save them?

No, he explained it. Wasn't it a solar boat race or something like that?

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So have most of us read the spoilers or not? It's pretty close to time to start speculating on who dies on Wednesday. I agree with whoever said the chick that hasn't talked yet in the tail section isn't long for the show (I don't think it'll be her this Wednesday). Maybe they'll give her the Oz treatment and introduce her and then kill her 7 minutes later.

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