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I don't know where Echo stands. He's a tail survivor so of course he would side with her, but his reactions to her tonight made me think he wanted to off the btich himself sometimes.

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Extended episode next week? Anybody have any details?


And I have to give props to Stephen Joseph for hitting the nail on the head.

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Ana Lucia: "I'm not lost."


Damn fucking straight you aren't, bitch, now get your no-talent piss poor lame ass character and acting the fuck off the show.


Aside from her character and anything she has done at all (if you didn't catch my drift above, I feel that she is absolutely terrible) this season, it has been a good show. But man alive do I hate her. "I'm a tough girl with a deep voice. MOVE! Come on! Boy am I a bitch! I'm not attractive at all! MOVE OUT!"


Just getting that off my chest.

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Sayid only saw Walt after banging Shannon........STD's are running rampant on the island, who knew hallucinations were a side effect. :D


I also think next week will only be about the tail end survivors, so everybody has to wait two weeks to see what happens when Sayid gets up!


Great bit of editing in the last 30 seconds.

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I always thought Shannon seeing Walt could be part of "the sickness", but its not like we got concrete details from Rousseau or Desmond about what happened to the "sick people". (Symptoms)

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I guess I'll go on record as saying I DON'T believe Ana Lucia killed Shannon. It just seems too simple, why didn't they show her firing the gun? Why didn't she shoot Sayid when he ran into view? Nobody else said anything like, "No don't shoot him!", so she would have shot him too.


Also, the sequence was like...Gunshot>Sayid runs over to Shannon>Sayid looks at Shannon>Sayid holds Shannon>Sayid looks up and sees Ana Lucia pointing the gun.


That seems like a long time for Ana Lucia to stand there still having the gun pointed on them, maybe they were in the area and heard the gun shot and ran over?


Also, why did they make a point of showing us Sayid's gun in the tent? I'm not saying he shot her, maybe another castaway stole his gun. It just seemed like a random thing to show that.


Maybe they were in the area, and heard the gunshot and ran over. I assume The Others are certainly capable of killing someone at long range with a sniper rifle or something.


I dunno, I just don't think she did it.

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It's possible it's a red herring, but as it stands, they didn't show her firing the gun for dramatic effect, and she couldn't have shot Sayid with no bullets. Sawyer had stated in Everybody Hates Hugo that there was only one bullet left.

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Then why would she shoot her? Obviously she knows what The Others look like, and from what the guys on the boat looked like, I'm assuming they look nothing like Shannon.


So either Ana Lucia is just stupid and pulled the trigger irrationally, or it was an accident, or.. ahh fuck I don't know.

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The whole scene just played out very fucking weird to me though. I mean she runs after Walt screaming his name, and then bam, she's shot. Why didn't Michael or anyone hear that?

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Guest wildpegasus

Anna Lucia's got the most heel heat I've seen in a long time. Push her to the moon I say. It's refreshing to have a heel charactor that's actually detested by people and not a cool bad guy that everybody likes. We already got enough of those on the show.

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Extended episode next week? Anybody have any details?


And I have to give props to Stephen Joseph for hitting the nail on the head.


Occasionally, one of my wacky theories hits pay dirt.


She is sooo dead


Sayid: I carry my gun around always, because I have someone to protect


Something tells me the violence erupting will be Sayid wanting to execute Ana-Lucia. All hell breaks loose in the camp when the main survivors hear about the tailies...and just as Sayid's gonna gun some bitch down,


Desmond appears. The actor who plays him is in the credits for Episode 8.



Poor Cindy

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AL shot Shannon. There is no other conclusion.


The whispers were heard by both at the same time. Walt appeared and if SHANNON HAD HEEDED HIS WARNING (finger to the mouth and SHHHH) she would still be alive.


The whispers signal the OTHERS. They heard them when Cindy disappeared, which was at the same time that Sayid and Shannon heard them.


The tailies were RUNNING for their lives. You hear a twig snap in the woods, and AL is a scared ex cop with a gun. She shoots for CENTER MASS (where Shannon was shot).


Note: Shannon is not dead...yet. She was still warm, and there maybe a goodbye to start off episode 8. But she's dead. There was a spoiler that stated that a female would kill another female. Well there you go.


Please Note the following


Boone died so that Locke could continue

Shannon died so that (blank) could continue.


EDIT: More on Walt


Walt has always been trying to warn people but they never listen. He told Locke no to open "IT", told Shannon not to press the button, although that was inaudible, so it doesn't seem that the Others would make him/allow him to do that. Plus, if Shannon actually listend to Walt she would still be here.

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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