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I'm really hoping that Kate and Ana Lucia DONT hate each other right off the bat. I'd rather them get along and then shit starts to break down. Right away seems too obvious especially considering they're both vying for the title of "tough chick".


I can see Ana getting along with Jack, but Kate I think will piss her off quick or vice versa. I'm really interested in how Locke and Eko will get along; either really well or really bad, seeing how they seem so similar. I do get the feeling that Eko will be the first--besides Boone--to know about Locke's "condition" prior to coming to the island. Maybe that will make Eko suspicious of Locke, sense his connection to the island somehow.


Without seeing this week's ep, I'm sensing some similarities between fronties and tailies.

Jack = Goodwin (just a guess)

Kate (or Sawyer) = Ana

Locke = Eko

Hurley = Cindy

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I always hoped someone from the tail section remembered that Locke was carried onto the plane, or saw him in the terminal in his wheelchair.


I think Eko & Locke will be strategical friends.

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Guest Vitamin X

Just watched the downloaded version. Great episode, and was happy to see Shannon get offed, while uniting the front section and tail section survivors. I was trying to figure out (maybe overthinking this a bit, but hey that's what we do here, right?) if there was a connection between the numbers and the number of people they took. The first time they took 3, the next they took 9. The first two numbers are 4 and 8, right? Not sure if it may just be a coincidence, but how many of the tail section survivors were there initially and how many were left afterwards? Maybe there's a pattern, and I find it interesting that all the Others seemed to have done (well besides the gruesome corpse we saw a couple episodes ago which Ecko blamed on the Others) is abduct them. Maybe they're not so bad?


I'm clamoring for another Rousseau appearance. Anyone know when the next one might be?

Without seeing this week's ep, I'm sensing some similarities between fronties and tailies.

Jack = Goodwin (just a guess)

Kate (or Sawyer) = Ana

Locke = Eko

Hurley = Cindy

I agree, there's definitely some sort of mirror image thing going on here. Maybe, the tail section survivor's story is what LOST was originally intended to be, from what I heard on the DVD Jack was supposed to have gotten killed in the first few episodes and then it was supposed to center around Kate.

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I hate Michelle Rodriguez and I hope Sayid bitch slaps her. I've always hated the tough chick character that is like a total badass that nobody can stop and Rodriguez always plays that character.

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I miss the big invisible crashing 'monster' security system. it seems like the others have replaced invisi-monster as the big heel.

I think part of the problem is how slow this season has been moving chronologically. We're still only a few days ahead of where the first season ended, and will still be so even after this week's 7th episode. Maybe the security system's still sulking about that dynamite.

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Short and sweet. Ana killed Shannon...


the rest are spoilers from tvguide


First off, I have a bone to pick with you, Damon. Last July, I asked you if a female character was getting killed this season on Lost, and you said — and I quote: "I think it would be fairly silly for us to kill a woman — there are only three or four of them on the show. And they're all really hot." So, I guess my question is, how can I ever trust you again?

Damon Lindelof: I never said we weren't going to kill a woman. I said it would be silly. And you know, Carlton and I are pretty silly guys. You should see the hat that he's wearing right now.

Carlton Cuse: That's all I'm wearing.

Damon: And also a sock, but that's another story.


Did it bug you that Maggie Grace's people leaked that tidbit about her possibly joining the cast of X-Men 3 over the summer? It was a pretty major tip-off that she might be leaving the show.

Carlton: There's no incentive for them to preserve the creative sanctity of Lost. You have an agency full of people whose job it is to get Maggie Grace other work. And how could we begrudge her that? We can't prevent her from going out and earning a livelihood, you know?


There's the perception that Maggie had to turn down X-Men 3 because of Lost.

Carlton: I don't think that was the circumstance. We would have been accommodating had she been offered that job.

Damon: Carlton and I would have bent over backwards to see if there was a way to make it work.


Why was Shannon marked for death?

Damon: It was by no means a result of Maggie's abilities as an actress, which, we felt were gaining ground every time we saw her on the screen. But Shannon is a 22- or 23-year-old character, and the flashback stories and limitations in terms of her life experience…. The younger the character is on the show, the more limited you are in terms of stories you can tell. So, before we started running Shannon into the ground and doing the same stories over and over again, it felt like it was a very natural time to kill [her] off. And the idea that was appealing to us, and certainly to Maggie, was that we would finally show Shannon in this different light. Make her incredibly sympathetic and then she would die.


Will Shannon be back, like, say, in one of Jack's flashbacks?

Carlton: It's always possible she could pop up in someone's backstory. But she is definitely dead. When a character dies on the island, they stay dead.


Are you concerned that Ana-Lucia is beyond redemption? I can't tell you how many e-mails I got from AA readers asking, "When is that bitch going to die?!"

Carlton: At the beginning of last season, people didn't like Josh Holloway's character either. And by the end of the season, he was one of the most-liked characters on the show. It'll be really interesting to see, as we tell more about Ana-Lucia, whether that changes the audience's perception of her. We think it will.

Damon: In the same moment that we decided Shannon would die, [we also decided that] Ana-Lucia would be responsible for that death. It would be the first time one castaway was responsible for killing another, and it would give so much inherent conflict and trauma [heading to] the merge. We're walking a very tenuous tightrope with her, but we feel that over the course of the next two episodes the audience will hopefully get a better understanding for that character and what she's been through.


Can you confirm that Shannon was, in fact, shot? Fans have been speculating that she looked like she had a stab wound.

Carlton: She was shot.

Damon: People are getting a little too…


They're reaching a little too much?

Carlton: They totally are. And she did not have a Dharma Initiative stamp on her.


Let's talk about Malcolm David Kelley and Walt. Why was his role reduced this season? Were you concerned about him aging faster than the time line on the show?

Carlton: That's a legitimate issue. We've only gone 50 days on the island, and he's a kid in puberty. But Walt's disappearance and, ultimately, Michael's efforts to reunite with him were part of a grander plan. There are also financial considerations. Since Walt wasn't going to be around for a lot of episodes, we had to make an arrangement to have his role be a more reduced role.


Whether you use him once or twice a year or every week, the aging thing will still be an issue, no? Might you recast?

Damon: To answer that question is sort of to reveal what the plan is for Walt, and there is a plan. I always feel like recasting is the nuclear option. You do not do it unless it is absolutely, 100 percent necessary. But obviously, we have a story that we want to tell about Walt and about Michael and Walt.


Last week Shannon and Sayid gave us our first big Lost sex scene….

Carlton: It was the second big sex scene. Boone and Shannon had sex together [last season]. So, if you have sex on the show, you're pretty much going to end up dead.


So, who's having sex next?

Carlton: (Laughs) As we move into the middle run of episodes, we're definitely emphasizing the Jack-Kate-Sawyer romantic triangle. The level of sexual tension between those three characters is definitely being ramped up.


How will Ana-Lucia figure into it?

Damon: As the respective leaders of their respective units, Ana-Lucia and Jack have a great deal in common with each other, and that's definitely something we're going to be exploring. But [the fact that] Ana-Lucia inadvertently murdered one of the members of the tribe doesn't exactly [lend itself] to candlelight dinners and walks on the beach. She is a woman; she will have romantic entanglements. But I think the one that will begin to emerge over the season will be the one that you least expect.


What about Charlie and Claire?

Carlton: We're definitely going to be paying attention to their relationship, but it's not going to turn in ways the audience expects.


Will we get any clarification about the numbers this season?

Damon: Carlton might want to punch me for actually going on record and saying this, but I think that that question will never, ever be answered. I couldn't possibly imagine [how we would answer that question]. We will see more ramifications of the numbers and more usage of the numbers, but it boggles my mind when people ask me, "What do the numbers mean?"


Will we find out why Ethan abducted Claire?

Damon: Yes.

Carlton: You'll learn more about it this season.


Will Claire get some of her memory back?

Damon: The loss of her memory happened so long ago that it requires a sort of deft touch in order to reintroduce the concept. Once we start assuming that everybody is intimately familiar with everything that has ever happened on the island, I think the show risks becoming slightly confused. But all of that stuff is in play. It's just a matter of when and how we reactivate it.


Are you still planning to reveal why the plane crashed this season?

Carlton: Yes.


Are you saving that little doozy for the finale?

Carlton: We're saving it until later. We consider that on the ground of fairly major revelations.

Damon: We don't want to stick that one in the middle of March.


ABC billed last week's episode as the one "everyone will be talking about." What'll be the next one "everyone will be talking about"?

Carlton: Ironically, it's the next episode [airing tonight]. We think for us, it's even more of a water-cooler episode than the death episode. This is really a very special episode in that it's kind of a concept episode. It deviates from the form and style of our other episodes.


On Nov. 30 we'll finally learn what Kate's precrash crime was that landed her in so much hot water. Any other big flashback revelations this season?

Damon: In the next string of episodes, one of the really compelling backstory elements is what happened to Jack's marriage. We think Julie Bowen is amazing and she and Matthew Fox are so great in scenes together, and I think the audience is really curious as to what went wrong there.

Carlton: And you should pay attention to Mr. Eko's stick.



Carlton: Yeah.

Damon: Keep your eyes on Mr. Eko's stick.

Carlton: That stick is an important ongoing clue.


Will we learn more about Monster this season?

Carlton: Definitely.

Damon: Absolutely.


Has Disney approached you about doing a Lost feature film?

Carlton: No.


And if they did, what would your response be?

Damon: I would punch them as hard as I could. We couldn't even begin to wrap our brains around how we would produce a feature film. Obviously, the production team in Hawaii is amazing, but the amount of time [it would require] to do a TV show and a feature on top of each other… I think it's safe to say it would be impossible.


Last question: Will there be another death this season?

Carlton: (Laughs) You're very good, but we can't say.


On that note, it's time to wrap up the special super-sized Lost portion of Ask Ausiello.

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Guest Fishyswa

Some of that worries me.








The thing with the numbers seems lazy. You lace them throughout all kinds of different storylines, make them seem life or death important, and you scratch your head when it comes to explaining what they mean? Come on. I'm not expecting some insane mirror theory or formula for locating ancient treasures but they at least have to explain why it's those numbers and why they show up where they do.


The thing about Eko's stick is odd, never even considered it was of any importance.






EDIT: Sorry, tags didn't work for some reason.

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In Rolling Stone (the one with Lily on the cover) they talked with David Fury and he basically said they're pulling a lot of it out of their ass. That they don't know what the numbers mean doesn't surprise me. That they don't have an explanation now doesn't mean they won't in the future, thought.


Part of me thinks the Ekos stick was just to mess with people like us who look for every small detail and blow it up. It's fun manipulating people.

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Fuck that, almost none of what is in all of that yellow is a spoiler and it's not giving away ANY of the plot. It's just an interesting article that all Lost fans should want to read. If you want to be kept in the dark, don't read it, but it's not going to spoil anything.

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Haha Boone made contact with the back of the plane...

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In Rolling Stone (the one with Lily on the cover) they talked with David Fury and he basically said they're pulling a lot of it out of their ass.  That they don't know what the numbers mean doesn't surprise me.  That they don't have an explanation now doesn't mean they won't in the future, thought.


Part of me thinks the Ekos stick was just to mess with people like us who look for every small detail and blow it up.  It's fun manipulating people.

How come David isn't on the show anymore?

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Well, FOX probably offered him a good deal of money - he went to help out Tim Minear's The Inside and now I believe is working on 24, which are both on FOX. I also kinda get the feeling that Fury didn't like working there, as he seemed frustrated by the other writers on the show.

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That was pretty wild. Some thoughts:


-So the first season was a little longer than 40 days--Boone's message on the radio came on day 41, making it more like 43 days.


-I'm curious about Ethan more than ever now. He infiltrated our beloved islandgoers, but never dragged anyone off but Claire. The parallels between he and Goodwin are interesting but don't entirely match up. Also, Ethan either had to be the others' strongest guy, or someone/something totally different--Eko taking out two, and another one dying unceremoniously in the second set of abductions makes them look a lot more typical physically than we might have thought.


-Goodwin: "Nathan wasn't a good person." The others taking good people? What that even means could be a billion things.


-Everyone hearing the whispers in the jungle--it's probably not a disease thing or dementia, as some people had wondered.

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