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Awesome episode.


If Bernard was in the tail section going to the bathroom, what was he doing belted into a seat? He should have either been in the toilet or walking down the aisle which means he would have been tossed when the tail section ripped off. I can't see him having the time to get into a seat and belt himself in.


Goodwin being one of the others was one of the best holy crap scenes of the series so far.


Redoing the Jack/Rose scene except with the blonde talking to Echo was great. Adds to the whole survivors mirroring each other theme thats been discussed.


Did anyone else notice that the valley where Ana and Goodwin had their confrontation looked exactly like where Hurley set up the golf course, just reversed. Another mirror image.

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Awesome episode.


If Bernard was in the tail section going to the bathroom, what was he doing belted into a seat?  He should have either been in the toilet or walking down the aisle which means he would have been tossed when the tail section ripped off.  I can't see him having the time to get into a seat and belt himself in.


Charlie had time to get into a seat after leaving the bathroom before it all went down.

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There is way too much that was in this episode to discuss.


- If the Others just took the good, what does that say about guys like Jack, Locke, Rose, etc?


- The Bible and the Glass Eye. Significance?


- The others took people who were good - why?


- One side has a psychiatrist and the other side has a medical doctor. Coincidence?


- One side gets everything they need to survive (Food, Medicine), the otherside doesn't.


- Maybe the reason why the others didn't start taking people from the main beach is because Ethan didn't have enough time getting to know everyones names and whether or not they were good. Maybe the reason why the others took Walt was because they only had enough information to know that they wanted Walt.

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- If the Others just took the good, what does that say about guys like Jack, Locke, Rose, etc?


Two sides; one light, one dark. Maybe they were taking the good from one and were supposed to take the bad from the other

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Someone mentioned in this thread a long time ago that "add the doctor in the video to the people with artificial limbs." I haven't seen season one (should be here in 5 days or so), but have read each episode to catch up. Maybe the glass eye fits in with the artificial body parts?


BTW, I have no idea who they were talking about in regards of adding the guy from the video. Who else had an artificial limb?



EDIT---I ended a sentence in a preposition.

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Awesome episode.


If Bernard was in the tail section going to the bathroom, what was he doing belted into a seat?  He should have either been in the toilet or walking down the aisle which means he would have been tossed when the tail section ripped off.  I can't see him having the time to get into a seat and belt himself in.


Charlie had time to get into a seat after leaving the bathroom before it all went down.


Charlie went past Jack to the ones in the front of the plane. The flashbacks have shown that the people in the midsection had their oxygen masks fall and have time to react to the difference in pressure and stuff since they still had the engines and were still flying somewhat. Bernard went to the tailsection that in the flashbacks just ripped off and fell. Without any engines, I would imagine it was pretty much a freefall to the ground. Bernards a big guy, I don't think he would have cat like reflexes to jump into a seat.

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Superb episode and a leading candidate for best of the season so far.


- Loved the paralell's mentioned above and specifically the tail sections reaction to finding their hatch. It brought them joy and hope and everything that the other hatch didn't bring to the others.


- Great swerve w/ Goodwin.


- Echo is slowly making his way into my favorite characters on the show even though I get the sinking feeling he's not making it out of Season Two alive.


- Didn't hate Michelle Rodriguez as much in this one, the scene w/ her and Echo was well done.

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I have a new fav character...Mr. Eko. He's better than Locke. I actively hope he lives.


Seems very likely that Ethan/Goodwin are related to the more animalistic "Others" btw, didn't the "Others" seem a little small?



Good may not mean morally good. Nathan was NOT a good person to take. Most of the survivors that we know have strong personalities and wouldn't take something lying down.


I thought the "Others" had pretty good strength, picking up people.

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-I'm curious about Ethan more than ever now.  He infiltrated our beloved islandgoers, but never dragged anyone off but Claire.  The parallels between he and Goodwin are interesting but don't entirely match up.  Also, Ethan either had to be the others' strongest guy, or someone/something totally different--Eko taking out two, and another one dying unceremoniously in the second set of abductions makes them look a lot more typical physically than we might have thought.



As far as Ethan goes, I don't think there are just one group of Others on the island. I think that there are two forces on the island fighting each other. Some of the Others (like Ethan and the ones on the fishing boat) were dressed in regular clothing, but the Others that took the tailies were dressed in what seemed like used or handmade clothes. That strikes me as odd that the same group would be different in that way. Whichever sides Ethan and Goodwin were on, I don't know.


I got to thinking about this after rewatching "Exodus" last week. Danielle said that she saw black smoke before the Others took her child. And in the first season's finale, we see Jack & co. encountering a sort of living black smoke and the monster. After rewatching the scene, I don't think that the monster was the living smoke. The monster has always been invisible before, why would it take a visible shape at that point? Maybe the monster was fighting the black smoke, which is a force that is controlling the Others. Danielle said that the monster was a security system, maybe it was doing its job.

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I thought it was kinda funny how the hatch on the main side had all this melodrama attached to it - Locke breaking down, Boone dying, Jack, Hurley and Kate... while they find a door and are like "hey, a door".


I agree Rudo. I told the wife "well, I'm glad the other survivors were the first season because that would have sucked and probably been canceled.


The thing I noticed rewatching last night's episode though...when they first get to the door, Goodwin has that wtf look on his face. The Others obviously know the layout of the island to get around so fast, you would think they would know about the bunker the group came upon, especially if they themselves were using a hatch as is believed.

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Actually, I was thinking about the Others. Obviously, they've been on the island for quite a while. It seems to me like there is definitely a group of "leaders" who control what's going on. Ethan and Goodwin would definitely be in this group, although maybe not at the top level.


Meanwhile, the skinny Others that walk around with no shoes are just people who have been captured and brainwashed by the Others and now do as their told. This fits in with the fact that they were given a list of people to grab, rather than just observing the group and picking off whoever they felt was appropriate.

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Eko kills two people and go silent for 40 days. Pennance? Could he be a priest? A........NIGERIAN PRIEST!?


Ok that last part might not be true but it's not too far off to think that Eko could've been a man of the cloth.

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I think the tailies were just thrilled to find shelter. Our middies hadn't really been attacked like the tailies had been, so that tells me they were really focused on the goal of finding shelter.

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Thinking about the mirrors thing, just as there are two groups of survivors with their own alphas and followers, the same could be true for the Others. I'm not saying they're warring with each other, but they just seemed to have their own motives and tactics. Ethan, and if he was with those on the boat, were more selective, brutal and physical. Goodwin's group seemed weaker, getting picked off more easily, and just seemed to take what they could, leaving out the strong personalities and concentrating on building up their numbers, while relying more on deception and attacking when it was easiest.

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I think the tailies were just thrilled to find shelter.  Our middies hadn't really been attacked like the tailies had been, so that tells me they were really focused on the goal of finding shelter.


Yeah, that's what I find funny. The middles had it so good that they could afford to have all that frivolous melodrama. Last year, when the hatch was found, it was like "OH MY GOD THERE'S A HATCH ON THE ISLAND!!!" "WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!" "NO DON'T GO IN THE HATCH!!!!". If it was the tailies, they'd be like "ok, there's a hatch... now what?" That this could be one giant social experiment looks likely in light of this. You give the haves and the have nots the same situation and see how they deal with it. There are certain class issues being addressed on the show that I don't think we've even explored. When you look at it, Boone, Shannon, Hurley, Jack, Sun - rich people. Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Jin - not so much.

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Just got to this as my DVR failed and didn't tape the show last night. Luckily, my remote survived the brutal toss it took across the room. For the record, the $1.99 downloads of Lost from Apple are really good quality for the most part. It played perfectly full screen on my big ass 20' widescreen monitor.


Anyway - great episode. I called the Goodwin swerve to my girlfriend early on - but damn I can't wait until next week.


The downloaded episode didn't have next week's preview. What was in it?

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