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Read on another board where someone was getting increasingly bored with Lost as the show goes on, and cited "an animal on the island annoys Sawyer" as a retread of a story. Well, you know what the big difference was between that episode and this one?


With the boar, Sawyer let it go in peace in the end. However, now that we had him go more badass and acquire all the guns, he crushed the tree frog in his hand and was sarcastic about it. THAT is what the point of Sawyer and Hurley chasing a frog was all about; to show the change in Sawyer's attitude.

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Interesting point el dandy, I didn't think of that.


Looking forward, do you think Claire was "abducted" to see if her baby was going to be healthy? I guess the shot against that was the scratch marks on Rousseau.

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I think Claire is returning to the Hatch because she was programmed to do so. Kinda like a one-month (it's been about that much time since she gave birth) check-up. A preview I read mentions something about her wanting to find the cure for Aaron's mysterious illness so that most likely is her main point in leaving. Now, how she left with only Kate and Rousseau and not any of the menfolk baffles me.

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Read on another board where someone was getting increasingly bored with Lost as the show goes on, and cited "an animal on the island annoys Sawyer" as a retread of a story. Well, you know what the big difference was between that episode and this one?


With the boar, Sawyer let it go in peace in the end. However, now that we had him go more badass and acquire all the guns, he crushed the tree frog in his hand and was sarcastic about it. THAT is what the point of Sawyer and Hurley chasing a frog was all about; to show the change in Sawyer's attitude.



There is also a big difference between killing a boar and killing a tree frog.

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Yes, he had a gun pointed at the boar and it was at his mercy. He could have killed it for the food. It was a well-made point that he did not kill it because he felt like he had been wrong for killing the wrong man in Sydney. Sawyer felt compassion for something he had a gun pointed at. However, the harmless tree frog, he listened to Hurley's pleas, then crushed it in his hand while joking about it. I think it was pretty deliberate to show how he has changed.

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Is that what he told you?


Dude, he said it like five times.


That one clearly went over your head.


To be fair, the quote was wrong and used out of context. :P /nerd

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Also, regarding the glyphs.. I've read on a few boards that it translates to "the command word for die" - whatever 'command word' means, I am not exactly sure.

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in response to the rumors about Locke's dad being the real sawyer, spoilerfix.com posted this on 2/15: 02/15 - During Locke's next flashback episode — slated to air in March or April — we're going to discover that he has a surprising connection to Sawyer.

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in response to the rumors about Locke's dad being the real sawyer, spoilerfix.com posted this on 2/15: 02/15 - During Locke's next flashback episode — slated to air in March or April — we're going to discover that he has a surprising connection to Sawyer.

Hmm, that would be very interesting.


Some people hate the connections between the characters "because it is unrealstic," but I love them.

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God do I fucking hate them. Once or twice is neat when it's kept to the more central characters (Locke, Jack, Kate) but soon enough we'll be finding out that Bernard was a dentist who gave braces to a girl that said hello to Sawyer at a Wal-Mart. And then everybody will make a big deal of it.

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God do I fucking hate them. Once or twice is neat when it's kept to the more central characters (Locke, Jack, Kate) but soon enough we'll be finding out that Bernard was a dentist who gave braces to a girl that said hello to Sawyer at a Wal-Mart. And then everybody will make a big deal of it.


and then they'll find a charred corpse with those same braces in one of the hatches

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God do I fucking hate them. Once or twice is neat when it's kept to the more central characters (Locke, Jack, Kate) but soon enough we'll be finding out that Bernard was a dentist who gave braces to a girl that said hello to Sawyer at a Wal-Mart. And then everybody will make a big deal of it.


Though the connections seem to be one of the major underlying plot devices to the show, so you must hate a lot of it. Seriously. It's like hating Gilligan's Island for Gilligan doing something stupid and the Skipper hitting him with his hat. You're obviously not going to find out the REASON for the connections for quite some time so you might as well try to get over it. :P

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Anybody catch Matthew Fox on the Daily Show? Pretty standard, but a few things I thought were interesting....


-The show has always been plotted out from point A to point B, meaning the beginning and end are already established. This should calm everyone who's worried they don't know where it's going.


-He said he doesn't want to see the show go longer than it's supposed to. Whatever the story is it's not gonna take 10 seasons to tell.


-HE is interested to see how the conflict between making money off the show and telling the story is gonna play out. It's a hugely succesful show but the story can't be dragged on forever.


The last part I thought was hilarious. If the actors are worried about that conflict, I can't imagine how fans would react to finding out everything other than season 1 and the last season was slightly useless. Heh.

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Well, he probably meant that it could be told in 5 seasons; but if the network told them after season 4 that they want 2-3 more years, then it would be stretched out for money over content.


I doubt he meant only the first and last seasons would be necessary with everything in the middle being because they like the money it brings in.

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I also hate seeing Lost actors on talks shows as they always do a piss-poor job of selling the show (which I can't really fault them for) and the host always asks a bunch of stupid questions that the actor cannot answer. It's a running gag on Regis and Kelly that whenever a Lost person is on Regis asks them about the dinosaur running around.

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-The show has always been plotted out from point A to point B, meaning the beginning and end are already established. This should calm everyone who's worried they don't know where it's going.

David Fury, who used to write for the show, said the writers DIDN'T know where they were going with the show. They were making it up as they went.


I'd trust Fury over Fox because he was behind the scenes and Fox wasn't.

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So, now that Claire goes back to a DHARMA bunker and she says that the "baby is sick now..."


Can we assume that Ethan was with DHARMA and not the Others? That's what I'm thinking at this point. Obviously we'll find out more on Wednesday.

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-The show has always been plotted out from point A to point B, meaning the beginning and end are already established. This should calm everyone who's worried they don't know where it's going.

David Fury, who used to write for the show, said the writers DIDN'T know where they were going with the show. They were making it up as they went.


I'd trust Fury over Fox because he was behind the scenes and Fox wasn't.


I believe but I'm curious where you heard that.

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Fury said that in Rolling Stone a few months back (and maybe some other places, too, but that's where I read it). I'd also be more inclined to believe Fury because he's not with the show anymore so he doesn't have to spout the company line.

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Well...we're gonna find out what happened to Claire tonight.


Percentage we're all saying WTF at the end of the night? I'm gonna shoot it at around 65%.

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Ze Official-ness has begun........


Maternity Leave"

A desperate Claire, along with Kate and Rousseau, attempts a return to the scene of her kidnapping where she believes she might find the cure for Baby Aaron's mysterious illness. Meanwhile, Jack and Locke must keep their prisoner a secret from the rest of the survivors.


credit: ABC.com

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