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Guest CronoT

The OAO "Will Orton Actually Get Over?" Thread

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

This segment ruled it. Better than anything Benoit did on the mic as Champ.

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Oh well, at least we know that the company will die in two years if we get a finger poke.

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Triple H is stealing Ole Anderson lines when Sting got turfed from The Horsemen. Great...

Well, he isn't totally ripping it off... just making an homage.

There's nothing wrong with that.

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Guest Staravenger
This segment ruled it. Better than anything Benoit did on the mic as Champ.

Orton didn't even talk.

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Guest Quik

That was one mighty loogie.


Hunter looks like Jabba the Hut. This segment sucked. Well, the end of it, at least.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
This segment ruled it. Better than anything Benoit did on the mic as Champ.

Orton didn't even talk.

Yeah, I wish Benoit had done the same. *rimshot*


But, in all seriousness, I meant the segment in general, not what Randy said.

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This segment ruled it. Better than anything Benoit did on the mic as Champ.

Unfortunately, he's true.


Benoit did nothing to get his character over as champ. Orton's showing that he's still the same cocky son of a bitch that he was before.

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...and he SEMENS* the face turn.



Or at least that what it would seem. That was a hell of a lot of spit.


Looked like the EUGENE!!!!! promo... :P

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Orton won! Stand at attention, boys!

Orton turned against his top! OMG! Now Batista will have to take it from HHH!

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How about Triple H gets locked out of every building he tries to enter, thus never setting foot in a ring again? That works.

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We have 45 minutes left, and have seen about ten minutes of wrestling.

And we still have the wedding to go. That's at least 20 minutes.


We'll get under a half hour of wrestling for sure.

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We have 45 minutes left, and have seen about ten minutes of wrestling.

Why do people still complain about this week after week? ;) I would think people would be used to there not being much wrestling on the show anymore...


And anyways, then..when WWE DOES have matches (PPV) people completely shit all over them..(most of the time) so it's a lose lose situation anyways..

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Guest Fook

So when Orton spits in Foley's face it's disgraceful but when he spits in HHH's it's defiance?

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