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GTA: San Andreas

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Ok, so then cars from different places then. I was just looking in that one alleyway.  Now, you don't have to move from the spot you are in right? You just stay on the roof?

Everytime you hear Cesar say something like "Here comes one now" or "Aw hell there's another one, go into your camera zoom mode and look for someone walking around or getting out of a car. Once the big red arrow appears above their heads, you can take a picture. Don't be afraid to take a couple extra here and there if need be, I took several that didn't "count" because I had taken them before the arrow appeared. Once you do take the picture, let go of all your buttons and wait until you hear Cesar say more is coming.

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Speaking of photos, what do I take pictures of in San Fierro? I know you unlock something if you take a bunch of them, but what exactly do I look for?

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Guest Chris2005

Has anybody got the vigilante mission glitch to work? I read that if you do the vigilante mission and enter any building while doing it, it will eliminate all threats on the current level. I only got it to work a couple of times. It is never accurate and 100 percent.

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So what's everybody's favorite/least favorite characters and songs?


For characters, I'm loving Woozie, Lazlow and OG Loc. Songs, I'd go with "Personal Jesus" and "All My Exes Live in Texas".


Least favorite would probably be Ryder and Catalina and I HATE that "Horse With No Name" song.

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is there a way to shut cheats off so that I don't get that lousy "Do Not Save This Game!" notice? I kill myself off purposely to avoid that and I still get it...got fucked over by that too many times with Vice City and I dont' want it to happen again...

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Guest Shutterspeed

You've used cheats? You may as well erase your memory card and start over, and that'll only work if you're lucky.

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Guest DubWiser
Has anybody got the vigilante mission glitch to work?  I read that if you do the vigilante mission and enter any building while doing it, it will eliminate all threats on the current level.  I only got it to work a couple of times.  It is never accurate and 100 percent.

That glitch works, but you have to use a fast food joint (Cluck n' Bell etc...), not just any building.


The only time it gets buggy is when a "suspect" is really close, or right around the corner from you. In cases like that, it's best to just go kill them yourself, then resume glitching.




Anybody finish the Street Racing Circuit? I did fine for the first few races, but some of these later ones are driving me to formulate elaborate cheating strategies involving the Rocket launcher.

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Guest Shutterspeed
fuck...so this game is basically anti-cheat?

They all are. I had a friend who lent Vice City out without the memory card and when he got it back, he found that he couldn't finish it because the guy he lent it to had entered a cheat. This is without the memory card. It's like copy protection on DVDs.

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now certain cheats worked on Vice City though, like the wanted level shit, the health/armour cheats, the weapons cheats....the only cheat i've used thusfar was the weapons cheat and it gave me that warning...

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i mean it's been fairly easy so far and all, but getting extra bullets right away rather than the hard way has been helpful...guess I'll have to just go without now...

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Using cheats..will not corrupt your game file or anything like that though...so there's no point. Plus...I believe you can even still get 100% so there's no danger in cheats..


At least not ones like 'Wanted Level, and Health'. I've used them, I've also completed the story, as well as I'm on my way to 100%. Don't know about all the other cheats though, but I don't believe the basic ones do any harm...

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What I'm saying is, the only one I've used was the weapons cheat...now in Vice City that cheat never corrupted my file, only cheats like playing as someone other than Tommy, crowd riot, etc. (the lame goofy cheats) would do that...so i was surprised when it told me not to save with only the weapons cheat going...

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I always used cheats in VC and it never told me not to save or messed up my game in any way. The only thing it did was lower my criminal rating. Which was irritating.

Does it lower your criminal rating in this one?

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Guest Shutterspeed

It's 3:20 AM Sunday morning now, I restarted my game at a little before 6:30 PM. Work playing time around SmackDown!, going out and constant TV watching and Internet (I'd check my total gaming time but I've put it away), I'm up to "High Stakes, Low-Rider".

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So between work, playing SvR to buy everything, and watching some DVDs, this game sat on the backburner for a bit, but I played a pretty good 5 hour session today (2 more hours than I usually game at once)... man, those OG Loc missions are great. The intial one was pretty easy, not sure where the complaints of difficulty were coming from there. However, I am still having a hell of a time with Wrong Side of the Tracks... Big Smoke can't seem to shoot the people at all, and this must be my fault somehow. I'll read the other pages I was avoiding to see what tips were given for this.

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Guest Evolution

Venkman: Get as far right as you can without going completely off the two lanes of tracks. Stay on that course until you reach the sudden right turn that will take you above the train as you go over the underpass, which will give Big Smoke a couple of extra shots in. Then get right back down there and reposition yourself, and hope for the best.

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Probably had my favourite San Andreas moment so far today.


During the Pier 69 mission, I ran out of Tec-9 bullets after pumping T-Bone full of them. So during the Ryder mission, all I had were five sawn-off shotgun bullets and a few dozen sniper bullets, which wouldn't do me any good while trying to chase Ryder. So after an AMAZING 20 minute boat chase that almost flipped me over a bunch of times, Ryder gets stuck on the beach and so do I. He's able to free himself and I knew that since I couldn't back my boat out in time to chase him, I better use my shotgun ASAP. So as he's trying to motor his ass out, I put three blasts into his boat which oddly made him stop. With Ryder just standing there watching, I was able to free my boat, move up to him and aim my sniper rifle at him. Instead of just killing him, it blew up the boat (which still took him out). Weird, but still a cool end to the battle.

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well at least I'm not as deep into it as I was with Vice City when I got screwed by that...

I got stucked twice. Last mission. I died after Los Deperados. TWIIICCEEE. TWICE. I got to it fucking TWICE because of my stupid peice of shit friend. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I can't beat it now. So, basically, im not beating this game. I'm pissed about it.

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Guest Shutterspeed

I'm just remembering how, every time I hear OG Loc's laugh, I want to cut his vocal cords.

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well at least I'm not as deep into it as I was with Vice City when I got screwed by that...

I got stucked twice. Last mission. I died after Los Deperados. TWIIICCEEE. TWICE. I got to it fucking TWICE because of my stupid peice of shit friend. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I can't beat it now. So, basically, im not beating this game. I'm pissed about it.

..Can you explain what you're talking about? I'm gathering from that...that you weren't able to do it, because of a cheat? or something...Using cheats will not stop you from completing the game...so yea...?

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Guest fanofcoils

During the Wuzzy mission, I stepped out of the car and CJ wouldn't move, I had to restart the game.

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