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Hulk Hogan agrees.......

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he following is an interview with Hulk Hogan conducted by USA Vanguard’s Nadia Mohandessi:


Q: How hard was it to body slam Andre the Giant?

A: “It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Everyone tried to pick him up and couldnít. And in practice, I couldnít do it either, but we did it. Unbelievable.”


Q: What happened to Hulk Hogan Vitamins?

A: “They went down the trail. There was a huge problem with the federal government and they indicted Vince McMahon for distributing steroids while I was in WWF and he was innocent and just the bad press made the vitamins go away. They were awesome. I have a couple boxes left in my freezer now. Iím saving them.”


Q: Do you think the media and the entertainment industry is taking over the wrestling industry?

A: “Oh, definitely. Thereís too many choices now. Itís a bad Jerry Springer show now, brother. The art form is lost. Like when I would start a fight with you. If this was like November and I would start a fight with you, weíd start in November and maybe wrestle in March. Now you turn on the show at 8:00 and Iíll start a fight with you. We fight by the end of the show. TV moves so fast trying to keep up with the Joneses because thereís so many choices with Satellite and also the reality shows. People surf so much that theyíre afraid to lose the quarter hour. They live by the numbers. If you have a bad quarter hour thereís all kinds of meetings, people panicking. They donít let things ride. People are job scared. Itís a whole different business now. I think that if you really gave them something with some meat on the bones and really got back to the art form of creating emotion and good vs. evil. Itís real easy stuff. Itís the KISS theory: Keep it simple stupid. And theyíre just over-thinking things.”


Q: What’s next for you?

A: “Iím getting ready to do a VH-1 show on a consistent basis with my family. Fox and ABC have pitched shows to do a reality wrestling show. And I was like ‘How in the hell do you do a reality wrestling show?’ And basically the premise of starting out in minor league wrestling doesnít mean anything to anybody. Basically, they approached me with Hulk Hogan with one foot in the glue factory. All of a sudden, he takes his foot out and saves the art form. Because of some of the guys who want to work for me that used to work for me when I ran Turnerís company like Goldberg, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Sting want to work for me. The whole thing is that everyone knows that the WWF means wrestling but so does one name: Hulk Hogan. And the public opinion is to start my own thing like the past is now the future type deal. That with Goldberg and Sting and Stone Cold and Nash, we could probably take over pretty easily. Iím thinking about it. We may go back to the old days again for a while.”



I just thought this was interesting. Hogan agrees about the business rushing things. Maybe Hogan had more than simple monetary issues with Vince Mcmahon in their last falling out.

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Whatever. Why doesn't Hogan try to say how he would fix things? I'm sure his idea of fixing things is put the title on him and let him go over all the heels. That's his "good vs. evil".

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Hogan, Austin, Goldberg, and Nash would make an awesome stable as the New World Order 2004 Edition. B-)

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

He's right about the stroies moving too fast. But as usual he has to throw in his carny stuff about Andre and what not. But hey, thats Hogan.

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Hogan, Austin, Goldberg, and Nash would make an awesome stable as the New World Order 2004 Edition. B-)

I hate you. Why pollute these childrens minds with such bad ideas, you are the reason for global warming! NO MORE NWO or WIRE HANGERS EVER!

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Nah. Everyone on the 'net knows Hogan had WCW in his back pocket since he signed in 94 :P I sitll like him though. he entertains me.

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Because of some of the guys who want to work for me that used to work for me when I ran Turner's company like Goldberg, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Sting want to work for me.

Does Hulk know something we don't?

That implies we didn't know that. :huh:

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Hogan must be the strongest man in the world if he is the only man to bodyslam that 950 pound Andre The Giant.

In front of 3 million people, no less.

Yes, establishing an all time milky way galaxy record crowd. Eclipsing a 2.5 million crowd for a wrestling match on Saturn.....


If you don't believe me....it's in his book.

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Guest MikeSC
Hogan must be the strongest man in the world if he is the only man to bodyslam that 950 pound Andre The Giant.

In front of 3 million people, no less.

Yes, establishing an all time milky way galaxy record crowd. Eclipsing a 2.5 million crowd for a wrestling match on Saturn.....


If you don't believe me....it's in his book.

Hulk changed the story.


Andre actually weighed 3,000 pounds.


And he had 3 heads.


And claws.


And breathed fire.


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Guest gregb7677

Well If hogan is gonna go back ot the old days. I guess its time to grab the wife and kids and head on down to the fallout shelter.

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Hogan, Austin, Goldberg, and Nash would make an awesome stable as the New World Order 2004 Edition. B-)

I think a promotion with all these names would draw a good few fans if it had turners backing.




Fans would tune out after about the third week though when all the main events continue to end in draws

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Guest GreatOne
Hulk changed the story.


Andre actually weighed 3,000 pounds.


And he had 3 heads.


And claws.


And breathed fire.


He was actually up to 15,000 pounds (and ten feet) going by the Warrior's '90 Rumble promo......

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