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What has wrestling taught you?

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- Never bring a cake to the ring, since it's probably going to wind up in your face. Similarly, never bring a trophy in either, it WILL get smashed (probably over your head if it's small enough).


- Anything can be settled with a wrestling match. Love triangles, power struggles, evil undead sibling rivalries, Japanese shampoo commercial contract disputes, you name it.


- Weddings = *snore*. Weddings + midgets = RATINGS BONANZA~!


- You can be buried in a glass coffin of cement, and survive with "serious injuries".

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Guest Staravenger

You can survive a 30 foot drop inside a car from a fork lift.


When someone says They are going to lay the smackdown on your crippled ass, they ram you with a semi.

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Flat metal objects (chairs, ringposts, steps, title belts, the ramp) can cut you open.


The forehead is the only place most wrestlers can bleed from.


Doing a 360 degree flip before jumping on someone is DEADLY.


The ankle lock really does hurt.


DTA- Don't Trust Anybody.


Referees are easily distractable.


If you're a good guy, cheating is good and perfectly moral. If you're a baddie, cheating is evil and inexcusable.


If you have entrance music, you can magically turn it on and off whenever you want to enter a room (or, do a run-in), even if it's the most unexpected entrance (or run-in).


It doesn't matter what occupation you work in, be it binman, taxman, member of the armed forces, clown etc. ...you can easily become a wrestler. Oh, and it doesn't matter that you never actually DO that job because you're at wrestling events every day of the week.


Japanese people are either evil or they want to be American.

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A kick to the gut is the ultimate way to temporarily stun someone.


Running across the ring twice, halting your momentum to do a silly pose, then dropping an elbow will deal extra pain to the victim.


Wearing Reebok Pumps gives you super strength.


A neckbreaker will not literally break your neck. At least not for long. See also: Backbreaker, Gutbuster, Brainbuster, Spinebuster, etc.


If you were burnt as a child, later in life, you will be able to make fire burst out of the same 4 places, every week, simply by raising, then quickly lowering your arms.


Various "splash" moves, ironically, do not involve any water.

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It's always 1997 in Canada.


Edit: Oh, and I also learned that everybody's got a price, everybody's gotta pay because the million dollar man always gets his way.

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I learned from wrestling:


The way NOT to pronounce "feces".

Undead brothers can shoot lightning out of their hands.

No one ever truly has a baby in wrestling.

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I've learned to never ever punch a balding blond man with an extreme tan and a handlebar mustache who favors the colors yellow and red, particularly if he's shaking.

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I've learned that women I don't like are "jezebels".


I've learned that if I don't like my boss, I should just challenge him to a steel cage match for control of the company.


I've learned that a title belt is the MOST DEVASTATING WEAPON _EVER_~!~!~!

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Guest Paul H.

The stronger you are ..literally ..ripped...the better your life is.

Politics and freinds will get you far in life.

Training &Talnet mean shit.

Women are just ey-candy.


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Guest Staravenger

A punch from a boxer can knock you out cold (see Buster Douglas/Savage; Tyson/HBK), but apunch from anyone else just knocks you back half an inch, if any.

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Any non-American is automatically an evil foreigner and acts in the most stereotypical ways possible.


And if you piss off your boss, no matter who you are you're sent to face a 7 Foot murdering necrophiliac nutsack-electrifying ugly-female impregnating arsonist in red and black bondage gear with magically dissapearing burns, the ability to shoot lightning, project his flashbacks to a national television audience and command fire to appear at any time.

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Wrestling has taught me many lessons, some already mentioned in the post. But the one lesson I've learned over and over again in the past 17 years of watching.....




Sting is the most gullible man on Earth.

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Guest Staravenger
Sting is the most gullible man on Earth.

How did we all miss THAT? The only time I think he DIDN'T fall for it was with Elizabeth at Starrcade '99 when he gave her "pepper spray", then she turned on him and it ended up being silly string.

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The only crime that will get you arrested is vandalizing a car.


Cameramen are extremely difficult to notice (One explantaion for wrestlers revealing their evil plans on tv)


No one in the back actually watches the show (The only other reason)


If you hate your boss, it's ok to beat him up.

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Heel tag teams may switch in and out freely with the referee trusting them when they claim to have tagged during a period when he wasn't looking. However, said referee will physically restrain a face tag partner if he didn't see the tag.


When a wrestler is thrown into the ropes, he will ALWAYS bounce back.


Your theme music will always hit the moment you come from behind the curtain, no matter if you have a match or are running in at any random time.

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