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Guest Anglesault
And the double header is canceled. Of fucking course.

Quadruple Header!

The imbecile Commissioner is probably trying to figure out a way to pull that off as we speak.

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See, you're ducking the question.




No, you're misunderstanding.


As bad as the Yankees have been, and as good as the Red Sox have been, New York is still in first.


The Yankees don't have to be better than Boston from this point on. They can be as muct as a game and a half worse. The burden is on Boston to continue playing .800 baseball for the rest of the year. The Yankees just have to ride out the storm.


The burden is always on the team or person that has to overtake someone else.

What I'm saying is that with a lackluster rotation, the Yankees have more to be concerned about than "hanging on" as you put it, since it doesn't look like they can hang on.


I guess that remains to be seen.

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Guest Anglesault
See, you're ducking the question.




No, you're misunderstanding.


As bad as the Yankees have been, and as good as the Red Sox have been, New York is still in first.


The Yankees don't have to be better than Boston from this point on. They can be as muct as a game and a half worse. The burden is on Boston to continue playing .800 baseball for the rest of the year. The Yankees just have to ride out the storm.


The burden is always on the team or person that has to overtake someone else.

What I'm saying is that with a lackluster rotation, the Yankees have more to be concerned about than "hanging on" as you put it, since it doesn't look like they can hang on.


The Yankees starting pitching, barring Loaiza who's gone anyway, and two post DL Mussina starts hasn't been a real issue for a while. They weren't winning, but they weren't necessarily pitching bad games either.


The Yankees have had seven good outings in a row after the 22-0 debacle, had (with the exception of Loaiza) a good road trip before that. Even Brown and Lieber pitched well during the Angels sweep. The reason they went 8 billion starts in a row without winning was largely due to offense. If they keep playing the way the've been playing for the last three weeks or so, that's all they need to hold off Boston.

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The dynamic duds are at it again. Sosa strikes out with a runner on second and nobody out and Alou one-ups him by getting doubled off AGAIN on a FLYBALL from Aramis Ramirez. He must have a clause in his contract that says he's gotta do that at least once a week.


And the top of the third gets rolling with Sosa misplaying a ball, landing a runner at second.


Don't look now, but the big bad announcers, Chip and Steve are talking about how the Cubs are going to have to iron out their running game if they're going to find any success the rest of the way. Those bullies.

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Guest Staravenger

Seems like Alou does that EVERY GAME. Is it illegal to perform good base running for Chicago or something? I guess now half the team is more worried about what the commentary team is saying than actually winning.

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Did Steve Stone play professionally?

He certainly did. While not a great pitcher, he did enjoy a fairly long and successful career. He's certainly got enough knowledge of the game to have room to talk. Regardless, if you make the same mistake over and over, I think people have a right to talk, whether they're a HOFer or never served a day of service for MLB.

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Speaking of Cy Youngs (or at least Cy Young talent) Josh Beckett has a shutout going against the Mets into the 8th. It would be his second straight complete game shutout, if he can do it.

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Did Steve Stone play professionally?

He certainly did. While not a great pitcher, he did enjoy a fairly long and successful career. He's certainly got enough knowledge of the game to have room to talk. Regardless, if you make the same mistake over and over, I think people have a right to talk, whether they're a HOFer or never served a day of service for MLB.

Oh, that wasn't what I was asking the question for. It was just a query more than anything.


I think Alou is thinking about Steve Stone 24-7 now.

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Guest GreatOne
And the double header is canceled. Of fucking course.

Quadruple Header!

The imbecile Commissioner is probably trying to figure out a way to pull that off as we speak.

There WAS the infamous Indians vs Twins/White Sox doubleheader in 2000--yes I know they used to play them into the 50s.


I always thought if certain old-time traditions like scheduled twinbills were to stay locked up and the key thrown away forever that that would too.................

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Cubs can't catch a break, as they've been blanked through six against a guy with an ERA close to 7.00. He's pitched great, but yet again, they're exposed for the homerun team they are when the wind's blowing straight in.


On one of the spectrum, you've got Sosa misplaying a line drive that resulted in the game's only run and on the other, you've got Expos' outfielders diving for hard-hit balls, robbing the Cubs of extra bases.

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Beckett gets pulled for Benitez to start the 9th, but 3 up 3 down and the Marlins win their 9th in a row.


If Beckett and Burnett keep pitching like this, forget about it.

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should be a great game in Oakland tonight on National TV with Pedro v Hudson



The Mets are so bad, I'm more psyched for this game than any Met game in about a month or 2.

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Thanks to shitty defense and Mike f'n Remlinger, the Cubs are now down 6-0. The way they've been going, I'd say this one's over and the Astros will reside in first. Pathetic, simply said. I'd be pissed if I were paying hundreds of dollars to watch these embarrassing games.

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.....and in game 2 Jd Drew gets beaned and leaves. FUCK YOU PHILLY.

Our compensation pick for Drew's greed was Eric Valent. We're even now.

Eric Valent isn't that bad, you know, if he gets time.

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Valent has practically been the Mets best hitter this year, which goes to show you how pathetic it has gotten. I know it can suck to be a Phillies fan, but I would trade places in a minute with any one of them

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.....and in game 2 Jd Drew gets beaned and leaves. FUCK YOU PHILLY.

Our compensation pick for Drew's greed was Eric Valent. We're even now.

Eric Valent isn't that bad, you know, if he gets time.

Valent had stalled big time in the Phillies organization. If he were to succeed, he had to move elsewhere. Don't get me wrong though, I'm happy for him. In fact, he autographed my Phillies cap a few years ago.

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Yeah, it must suck to see Zeile getting the playing time he should be getting.

Oh yeah, Zeile's quest for 2000 hits, come to Shea!!!, Baseball Fever!! Catch It!!! What a joke Zeile plays over Valent, the whole organization is so political, Zeile is friends with the veterans (Franco, Leiter, Piazza, Glavine) so he gets playing time to get a meaningless accomplishment, while Valent busts his ass and sits on the bench.

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Guest Staravenger
bases loaded, 0 outs for the Sox in the top of the 1st

Jesus...who can stop the Sox?

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I really hope Hudson getting beat up his last start and his bad first inning here isn't a sign that his oblique injury is bugging him again. Mulder has been pitching like shit the last month (still no one seems to a explanation as to what is wrong with him) so the last thing they need is Hudson to start struggling.

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