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I am so glad I didn't know you during the 1999 ALCS. You probably thought that was the greatest officiated series ever.

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Guest Anglesault
Why would either guy be suspended in the first place? Wasn't Kapler attacked by Tanyon "Hulkamania" Sturtze? He should be suspended for that?

If A-Rod gets suspended for getting slapped by Fairitek.

Yeah, because A-Rod didn't attack Tek back or anything...

Well, no he didn't. Manly Man Jason Varitek slapped him before A-Rod (while wearing full catcher's gear, mind you) touched him. And then he started feeling around Alex's crotch. I'm not really sure what that was about.



Why is it that every time a rule gets bent even the slightest in the favor of the Yankees, it's a perfectly acceptable exception, but as soon as your Yankees get "screwed" you're calling for people's heads on a stick?


Replays showed Kapler going after Bernie, but whatever. There was still a three on one mugging after that.

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Guest Anglesault
I am so glad I didn't know you during the 1999 ALCS. You probably thought that was the greatest officiated series ever.

You're certainly going to have to be more specific than that. All I remember from that is the Clemens drubbing at Fenway and the Bernie home run off Beck.


I don't dwell on series where nothing really happened.

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Well, there was that time a couple of years ago in the playoffs where Jeter made that terrific play at the plate, and the umpire forgot the rule that says if the runner touches the plate before he's tagged out, the run counts.


Or are you going to spin that around and say "Well, I MEANT rules about things OFF the field" like you tend to do?

I hate the Yankees JHawk but you're wrong.


Giambi was out by half a step.


The 2001 World Series DVD has it in slow motion frame by frame replay. The guy was out.


Use Jeffery Maier or something

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Ken Macha really seems to want the A's to lose this game by leaving The Avatar in well over 100 pitches.


Edit: Hey good job Macha getting him out after giving the Red Sox the lead! Fucking moron.

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Guest Anglesault
Edit: Hey good job Macha getting him out after giving the Red Sox the lead! Fucking moron.

I concur

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Guest Anglesault

Damnit, Mecir, don't let Penis Head get a hit in front of Manny.


Fucking useless, thw whole bunch of them.

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Guest Anglesault
WOW, that was a terrible call. Clear trap by Manny Ramirez.


Uh oh Kotsay is going to pull a Kevin Brown.

It was clear on the replay. not so much at the time.

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dammit, can the A's please cut arthur rhodes already......this is pathetic. Oh and it would be nice if the umpire knows the difference between a catch and a one-hop snag.......ugh.

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my favorite part about games like this is all the pretend Red Sox fans, showing up to the game out of the woodwork.


Oh look, Manny the fuckface doing something else to make himself look like an ass. I hope he feels all cheery when his team tanks AGAIN in the playoffs.......1918 you piece of shit.

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WOW, that was a terrible call. Clear trap by Manny Ramirez.


Uh oh Kotsay is going to pull a Kevin Brown.

It was clear on the replay. not so much at the time.

Kinda like the Giambi-Jeter play mentioned earlier?


And Bob...


The 2001 World Series DVD has it in slow motion frame by frame replay. The guy was out.


Well, some of us only saw it slowed down one speed instead of four or five and therefore never saw it that "conclusively".


And the Jeffrey Maier thing isn't ringing a bell with me right now. Care to elaborate?


You're certainly going to have to be more specific than that. All I remember from that is the Clemens drubbing at Fenway and the Bernie home run off Beck.


I don't dwell on series where nothing really happened.


No, you don't dwell on series where your team wins. If you want proof that you dwell on series where nothing really happened, two words: Jeff Weaver. Anyway, if I went into every piece of shit call the Yankees got in that 1999 ALCS that they shouldn't have, we'd be here until the World Series. Either Boston didn't get any close calls for six full games (your story I'm sure) or that was one of the worst called series in recent memory.

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Guest Anglesault


Oh look, Manny the fuckface doing something else to make himself look like an ass. I hope he feels all cheery when his team tanks AGAIN in the playoffs.......1918 you piece of shit.

I'd ask what he did, but I'm scared.

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What about all the A's fans leaving after Ortiz clears the bases? And the Raiders fans warming up for the season by throwing crap onto the field.


What's with all the rage in Oakland? I thought people were supposed to be mellow out West?

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Guest Anglesault
WOW, that was a terrible call. Clear trap by Manny Ramirez.


Uh oh Kotsay is going to pull a Kevin Brown.

It was clear on the replay. not so much at the time.

Kinda like the Giambi-Jeter play mentioned earlier?

Don't see your point.


Well, some of us only saw it slowed down one speed instead of four or five and therefore never saw it that "conclusively".


Still don't.


No, you don't dwell on series where your team wins. If you want proof that you dwell on series where nothing really happened, two words: Jeff Weaver


Jeff Weaver threw a game away.

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What's with all the rage in Oakland?
Playoff frustration boiled over and that they let them tailgate for about three hours before the game.

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Well geez, you'd think there would be full scale riots at Fenway after each loss then (no tailgating, but with all the bars surrounding the place, people are half-cocked when they get into the place already).


And it looks like Damon is heading for the DL. They'll miss his bat, but I think Roberts can make up for his speed and defense until he comes back.

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WOW, that was a terrible call. Clear trap by Manny Ramirez.


Uh oh Kotsay is going to pull a Kevin Brown.

It was clear on the replay. not so much at the time.

Kinda like the Giambi-Jeter play mentioned earlier?

Don't see your point.


Well, some of us only saw it slowed down one speed instead of four or five and therefore never saw it that "conclusively".


Still don't.


No, you don't dwell on series where your team wins. If you want proof that you dwell on series where nothing really happened, two words: Jeff Weaver


Jeff Weaver threw a game away.

I'd explain why I think you don't see my point, but I know two things:


1. You still wouldn't get the point.


2. You wouldn't bother paying enough attention to try to get the point.

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Boston got nothin' on Oakland and Philly for liquored up fans. Unfortunently the bigger the game, the bigger the crowd, so the bigger number of idiots in the stands.

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Me and two friends were just watching the last few frames of the game and wow, we just about died laughing when the ump said the Kotsay didn't catch the ball. On the replay, it was pretty clear he didn't, but it just seemed ironic and hilarious that the same ump who had screwed him over the previous inning, didn't make the call in his favor on virtually the same play.


But I told my buddies that it was over once they brough in Rhodes. Not a whole lot he could do about Roberts getting on, but loading intentionally putting Manny on is retarded. The odds may be against Ortiz, but he's still a dangerous hitter and with the bags full, you've got no room for error.

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Boston got nothin' on Oakland and Philly for liquored up fans. Unfortunently the bigger the game, the bigger the crowd, so the bigger number of idiots in the stands.

speaking of liquored up fans......er umm......yeah anyways, I will be at the A's/Red Sox game tomorrow night. Lowe vs. Redman.........

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Guest Anglesault
WOW, that was a terrible call. Clear trap by Manny Ramirez.


Uh oh Kotsay is going to pull a Kevin Brown.

It was clear on the replay. not so much at the time.

Kinda like the Giambi-Jeter play mentioned earlier?

Don't see your point.


Well, some of us only saw it slowed down one speed instead of four or five and therefore never saw it that "conclusively".


Still don't.


No, you don't dwell on series where your team wins. If you want proof that you dwell on series where nothing really happened, two words: Jeff Weaver


Jeff Weaver threw a game away.

I'd explain why I think you don't see my point, but I know two things:


1. You still wouldn't get the point.


2. You wouldn't bother paying enough attention to try to get the point.

Well, you were comparing a situation where an ump blew a close call to one where an ump got a close call right. I don't really see the point.


And after it was pointed out that replays showed Giambi was out, you rant about how you never saw it that way. I guess that must change it.

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Got your trash throwin' arm all warmed up?


I also question why they walked Manny to get to Ortiz. Yeah, they say "well, Ortiz doesn't hit lefties as well", but it seems like he's hitting well against both this year. EDIT: Well, according to the stats, he's only batting .248 against lefties while batting .329 against righties.


Just to get AS going again: they weren't going to just forefit the game. When was the last time that happened? Boo hoo, they couldn't get there in time. Make it up later on.

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Guest Anglesault
Just to get AS going again: they weren't going to just forefit the game. When was the last time that happened? Boo hoo, they couldn't get there in time.

So, in your world, teams can show up to games whenever they damn well please?

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Wow, it almost makes me cry thinking about the past years when the A's bullpen would basically laugh and giggle at Ortiz being up to bat with the bases loaded being counted on to get a hit.......oh how the mighty have fallen.....:(

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What about all the A's fans leaving after Ortiz clears the bases? And the Raiders fans warming up for the season by throwing crap onto the field.


What's with all the rage in Oakland? I thought people were supposed to be mellow out West?

Conventional cartographers are wrong: Oakland is NOT a part of California, but rather lies at the confluence of Ohio, western Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Texas.


I don't get it either.

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