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Unforgiven this Sunday

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I love the fact that he's playing up the 7 time Champion thing.


While I can understand while Jericho being back in the midcard may upset most of you, personally, it reminds me of the days where the IC Title was the "wrestling" title and usually got you ready for the next level. After Orton's 7 month reign and now with upper midcarders like Jericho, Edge and rising stars like Christian make the belt seem more important again.


If they play up on it...it would work.



I agree. It seems like they're legitimitely trying to make the IC title mean something again. I like it. Better Jericho, Christian, Orton thatn freakin Billy Gunn or Road Dogg.

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I wish they would fucking treat it like a sport sometimes. Like show a graphic with the top 5 wrestlers who have held the IC Title, show stats like "# of total days as champion", # of title defenses, # of pay per view matches", etc.


Even if they wanted to do silly storylines, they still can, just take some time out to give the average fan a reason to cheer on someone by giving them something they can relate to instantly.



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Guest Coffey
While I can understand why Jericho being back in the midcard may upset most of you, personally, it reminds me of the days where the IC Title was the "wrestling" title and usually got you ready for the next level.  After Orton's 7 month reign and now with upper midcarders like Jericho, Edge and rising stars like Christian make the belt seem more important again. 

I don't know, I kind of agree, but I kind of disagree too. Afterall, for every "Ravashing" Rick Rude or Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, there was an Ahmed Johnson or Ultimate Warrior. For every Bret "Hitman" Hart or Mr. Perfect, there was a Chyna or Diesel.


I also disagree with your assessment of Christian. I feel he's come along better than Edge has since their Brood days. Both, in my opinion, are better off with the other as a tag team partner, but solo I'm consistantly entertained greater by Christian. If I'm in the minority in that opinion, I wouldn't be surprised though.


...unless, of course, by "rising stars" you meant that Christian was above Edge & Jericho both.

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I wish they would fucking treat it like a sport sometimes. Like show a graphic with the top 5 wrestlers who have held the IC Title, show stats like "# of total days as champion", # of title defenses, # of pay per view matches", etc.


Even if they wanted to do silly storylines, they still can, just take some time out to give the average fan a reason to cheer on someone by giving them something they can relate to instantly.



I wish they would have rankings, like maybe the top 5. I think it would add a lot.

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Guest SteveyP93

At least the Ultimate Warrior was a legit superstar. Even if he did suck at wrestling. More than you can say for Chyna or Ahmed.

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Guest Rrrsh

A: Edge smokes Chrsitian


B: Deisel, Warrior and even Johnson were great runs. A better example to your point would be Road Dog, Godfather and Val Venis.

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Guest Coffey
At least the Ultimate Warrior was legit. Even if he did suck at wrestling. More than you can say for Chyna.

Of course, but Chyna was trying to hit a different demographic in a different time period as well.

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Guest Coffey
A: Edge smokes Christian

Well, I strongly disagree. I think Christian is a better heel...and since Edge's face run, at least his Raw face run, BOMBED...and Christian is never a face...I think that alone gives Christian the edge. Yes, pun intended.


Christian, at least in my opinion, is better at giving promo's. When E&C were together and trying to be humorous, although Edge had his moments, Christian was consistantly the one of the duo that made me laugh.


As far as serious promo's are concerned, Christian is light-years ahead of Edge.


In the ring? Edge finishes with a shitty spear. That takes away almost everything else in my eyes as besides being an awful move, it doesn't make sense in the progression of the match either. Sure, Christian uses resthold...but so do a lot of people.


I'll ignore point "B" because it HAD to have been a joke.

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Guest Rrrsh
A: Edge smokes Christian

Well, I strongly disagree. I think Christian is a better heel...and since Edge's face run, at least his Raw face run, BOMBED...and Christian is never a face...I think that alone gives Christian the edge. Yes, pun intended.


Christian, at least in my opinion, is better at giving promo's. When E&C were together and trying to be humorous, although Edge had his moments, Christian was consistantly the one of the duo that made me laugh.


As far as serious promo's are concerned, Christian is light-years ahead of Edge.


In the ring? Edge finishes with a shitty spear. That takes away almost everything else in my eyes as besides being an awful move, it doesn't make sense in the progression of the match either. Sure, Christian uses resthold...but so do a lot of people.


I'll ignore point "B" because it HAD to have been a joke.

I dont want to get into a Egde v Christian war. But if you think Deisel and Warrior were bombs of IC reigns, that your smoking sumthin funky.

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Nothing wrong with Edge's spear. It's like a quick move to knock the breath out of a guy, long enough to get him on the mat for 3 seconds. Makes sense. You guys act like it is as bad as Goldust using a regular neckbreaker for a finisher.

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Val Venis.

Whoa. Val had a good IC title run as a heel with Trish. He had a decent feud with Rikishi with a memorable blow off (the cage match Rikishi won with a splash off the top of the cage).

Actually Val won that match when Tazz slammed the cage door on Rikishi.

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Guest Coffey
I don't want to get into a Egde v Christian war. But if you think Deisel and Warrior were bombs of IC reigns, that your smoking sumthin funky.

I don't want to get into an E&C debate either, as it's happened many times before (not between you and I minde you) and people are on each sides of the arguement...like us.


As far as Diesel and Warrior are concerned, I never said their reigns bombed. They were over. I won't argue that. Hell, growing up I marked for both men. However, let's not act like they had some mighty wrestling talent...which is what the IC discussion originally stemed from by Dames' comment about the title being the wrestling title....

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