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The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

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... for me to poop on! ;)


I'll have MNF on the big screen, and RAW on the PIP, but since I don't have any fantasy players in this week's matchup, I'll probably flip to RAW more than usual if anything sparks my interest.

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This can't possibly qualify as boxing, seeing as how boxing isn't, ya know, fixed.

Ever seen Snatch?

Have you ever watch Mike Tyson fight bums or any Don King promoted PPVs.

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Meh...I don't care what anyone says, I'll say that in my opinion, The Divasearch is interesting. F you all who think thats stupid or whatever but it's true. :) Would I rather see wrestling? Yea, why not, but I can't say that I haven't been entertained even if it was a WTF entertained by almost all of the diva search segments. And RAW for the past few weeks, at the top of the list of things that I want to see...has been the diva search because I want to see what crazy/stupid thing they will do next. So I have no problem with the boxing match tonight...or even pillow fight if that's what its going to be.


As for Unforgiven fallout, the thing that comes to mind is what will Kane do now? I mean, who will he feud with..? Unless he takes it to HBK again, which I doubt, beecause I'm sure he'll be in ME soon. And we might be getting some HBK/Orton 'glad you finally saw the light' promos like he did with Jeff Hardy before his departure. But hey, who knows.

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The only thing Kane does is fight runts like Xpac, Hurricane, Matt Hardy.......so unless Zach Gowen comes to Raw I don't see anything other than Kane & Lita lovefest.

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Guest PimpDaddySarp

No, I am from Cleveland, for the last time the Carmella arrest is true but it is not a big deal, its only a misdemeanor and the police wouldn't have even tracked her down if she hadn't turned herself. News articles on this can be found at numerous sites, including www.cleveland.com and www.espn.com.


I am too lazy to find the actual links though.


And more on topic, the Divasearch sucks.

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I refuse to believe you. It's gotta be a work--just like Brock's "departure" from WWE. (i.e. extended vacation) :P


If it IS real, then it won't really matter anyway. When has a little thing like an arrest been an impedement to being a WWE Superstar?

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Is HHH going to take time off to film that movie? As of right now, I guess all signs point to HELL NO!! :(

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HHH the night after a title win. That's 20 minutes at the start and another 10 later, easy.

And at least two segments of Eric Bischoff offering to blow HHH.

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Is HHH going to take time off to film that movie? As of right now, I guess all signs point to HELL NO!! :(

Probably they're going to film Eye Scream Man....









....first, and in the meantime HHH will stay on Raw, plug Blade: Trinity, and when Eye Scream Man is filmed, distributed, and if it makes any money, he'll leave for his movie...maybe after Wrestlemania.

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The only thing Kane does is fight runts like Xpac, Hurricane, Matt Hardy.......so unless Zach Gowen comes to Raw I don't see anything other than Kane & Lita lovefest.

Not true, sometimes Kane fights bigger people who made Eric angry. KAAAANE.


Just once I want to see:


"Oh, that's it! Because you put sweet-n-low in my coffee, you're gonna face...(goes into Shatner mode)KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!"




"Oh that's it! Because you put sweet-n-low in my coffee, you're gonna face...KAAAAANE!"


"No he's not. I don't want a match this week."




"I just need a little me time."

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"Oh that's it! Because you put sweet-n-low in my coffee, you're gonna face...KAAAAANE!"


"No he's not. I don't want a match this week."




"I just need a little me time."

Bischoff: OH YEAH? Then Kane, you will faaaaaaaaaaace Kane!

Kane: WTF

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Maybe HHH will somehow piss of Bischoff starting the feud that everybody has been waiting for HHH vs Kane. And with Paul E. writing long term storylines in advance be prepared to mark out for the HHH & Stephanie vs Kane & Lita main event at Halloween Havoc..........this time its personal!

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I bet Randy Orton pops out of the cake, hits HHH, and runs away. The Randy-in-a-cake should satisfy many a TSMer's dream bachelor party ideas.

Only if he's in a neon green speedo that has Dx on the back.

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