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Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

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I think they would keep in the Stormtrooper conking his head on the door.


In Ep II, Jango did it getting into Slave 1, and the commentarry by Lucas and staff said that it's going to be an in-joke: Jango couldn't see well through the helmet and kept hitting his head on doors, and the Stormtroopers, being clones of Jango, had the same problem.

Well, that's a nice retcon, I guess.


Ditto to that....I have a question for the prequel haters, how would YOU have done it better than Lucas? I can't wait to see this...

More emotion from the actors. In Ep II, if Anakin isn't as wooden, I think that the movie works much better.

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Whenever I watch Ep 2 on DVD, I always skip the Anakin-Amidala scenes


That lets you know how I feel


Everything else was fine though

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Ditto to that....I have a question for the prequel haters, how would YOU have done it better than Lucas? I can't wait to see this...

More emotion from the actors. In Ep II, if Anakin isn't as wooden, I think that the movie works much better.

I thought Anakin came across as TOO whiney, not so much wooden...Padme was the wooden one, I can't think of one movie with Natalie Portman in it that I actually thought she gave a good performance. Other than being stroke material, she is worthless...

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Ditto to that....I have a question for the prequel haters, how would YOU have done it better than Lucas? I can't wait to see this...

Anakin would have shown more emotions. I know Jedi are supposed to reign them in, but for 3/4th of the movie he was really wooden. And as somebody else said, when I watch Ep. 2, I also skip the Anakin/Padame love scenes (And the scenes came off great in the books, so I blame the acting).


As for all of the fuss over the Special Editons- I don't mind the changes (though the non-scream in 2 was a bit weird for me). But Downhome is right- just make the originals available so the die-hards will be happy.

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Guest El Satanico

I don't hate the prequels, but as others have said they feature alot of bad dialoge and wooden acting. You can't really blame the actors, because most of them have been good in other things.

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I dislike episode I and II mainly because of George Lucas. As far as I'm concerned he's a horrible...HORRIBLE director. He's got a very creative mind, there is no doubt about that. He just doesn't have a great director's mind. He did a nice job on American Graffiti and Star Wars: ANH, everything else has either been just ok, or flat out bad.


All of the really great films, in my opinion, that has Lucas' name attached, he didn't direct.


Heck, even in the Star Wars documentary in this DVD set some of the actors point out his flaws as a director, and I do not doubt he had the same issues with episode I and II.


He should leave the writing of the screenplay, and the direction, to others.

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Guest SP-1

Considering the rumors of it going the PG-13 route, I don't think George is playing in the kiddie pool this time.


Even watching the originals, you can clearly see that Lucas has favored a stage style of acting, despite it being film. Ep 1 and 2's acting styles, I think, were deliberate choices by Lucas because of the setting and the time. Within the Jedi order, passion was a rare thing. Mace Windu betrayed a hint of it with the, "This party's over" line in 2. I think 3 will see all the Jedi reserve melt away as everything goes to hell.

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Considering the rumors of it going the PG-13 route, I don't think George is playing in the kiddie pool this time.

It isn't the "kiddie" thing...it's his method of directing. Look at I and II, and even IV, you can tell a huge difference between those films, and V and VI.


Episode III will be darker, without a doubt, but the Lucas style and marks will still be all over it, which will hurt it as a film.


I don't buy the PG-13 rating either, I'll believe it when I see it.

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Guest SP-1

Lucas himself has said its possible and I don't think he's going to sacrifice the intensity of Anakin's fall to get a PG.

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The guy has said time and time again that he doesn't care what the fans say, and that these are HIS films and he only wants the version that he intended to make to start with available. He said recently in another interview that if you want the original versions, then you should just keep your VHS copies.


Geez, what an ass.


Does he realize VHS copies tend to age faster than DVDs.


I can account to this, first hand, since the covers to VHS ones have tore apart, among other things.


He should make the people who made him rich and famous happy.

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The word of George Lucas means next to nothing to me. I just don't see him having all of the films, but one, PG.


For the record, I hope to God that it's PG-13, it really needs to be...I just doubt that it will be.

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Guest SP-1
The word of George Lucas means next to nothing to me. I just don't see him having all of the films, but one, PG.


For the record, I hope to God that it's PG-13, it really needs to be...I just doubt that it will be.

Really now, DH. What's your reasoning for this? Because he's pissed you off? If anything that he's been so rabid about it being HIS vision (which, it is his vision so I don't see the point in getting pissy with him about it since, y'know, he created it), is a bit of support for him not wussing out on the PG-13 rating.


The blind hatred of Lucas is staggering considering he should have the right to do whatever he wants with, y'know, his story.

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BTW, has anyone noticed that in the scene in Episode IV where Luke and Han are in the gunner seats, that the tie fighters have large brown blocks surrounding them?

with all the digital technology at his disposal, George still didn't get rid of the grey boxes around the TIE fighters in the "Escape from Death Star" battle


Not at all

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From what I understand, it is a film quality issue there. The film was in such bad shape that they just had to color correct they best they could. As I remember, that was one of the last sequences finished for the movie, so my assumption is they rushed it a little and didn't get the color-correction right, which isn't suprising considering how difficult it was in the pre-digital era.


Besides, I thought those of you who want to burn George Lucas in effigy becuase if the changes and insertion of CGI would be thrilled that he hasn't altered the original film in this sequence.

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The blind hatred of Lucas is staggering considering he should have the right to do whatever he wants with, y'know, his story.

That, in itself, isn't a big deal. It's the fact that he insists that the current reissues are what he actually envisioned from the beginning that annoys me.


If Lucas "envisioned" Greedo shooting first, then he would've done a retake in '77 to do just that. And I'm sure he didn't "envision" a Trooper whacking his head on a doorframe, yet it's still there. And he certainly had no clue what Coruscant would look like - the world wasn't even NAMED until "Heir to the Empire", an EU novel.


All Lucas had to say was that he was tinkering with the movies to make them better, and that would pretty much be that as far as I'm concerned - because for all the obvious stupid things (and to be honest, there isn't a giant amount) that Lucas threw in there, the SEs WERE quite nice, and the DVDs are even better. But he didn't, and he insists on propogating this myth that he created about the trilogy, and that's what bothers me most.

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SP, just chill out.


I'm not getting pissy, I just DOUBT it'll be rated anything but PG-13, based on the guy's history. Is that too hard for you to grab a hold on? I've already said I want it rated PG-13 or something, that would be great. I just highly doubt that he'll get that rating.


What he says means nothing. The film will not be officially rated until it has been screened by the proper guys and gals.

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Just some Star Wars thoughts that I had while looking at the old movies:


1) I know that it's 30 years between Episode 1 and Episode 4...and 10 years between Episode 1 and Episode 2...but how long of a time frame is it between Episodes 4, 5, and 6?


2) If Padme survives in Episode 3, which I figure she does...does that mean that she was on Alderan when it was destroyed by Death Star 1?


3) Not really major...but what happened to Gardula the Hutt? I'm assuming that was her when Jabba came out to watch the Pod Race in Episode 1...


Any ideas?

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Guest ken adams

Padme better not survive ep3.


In ROTJ, Leia says her real mom died when she was very young.

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2) If Padme survives in Episode 3, which I figure she does...does that mean that she was on Alderan when it was destroyed by Death Star 1?

I thought it was always assumed that Padme was supposed to die. Isn't this event supposed to drive Anakin over the edge and into the darkside?

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Guest ken adams

She has to be alive after Anakin turns because he did not know she gave birth to twins.

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Just some Star Wars thoughts that I had while looking at the old movies:


1) I know that it's 30 years between Episode 1 and Episode 4...and 10 years between Episode 1 and Episode 2...but how long of a time frame is it between Episodes 4, 5, and 6?


2) If Padme survives in Episode 3, which I figure she does...does that mean that she was on Alderan when it was destroyed by Death Star 1?


3) Not really major...but what happened to Gardula the Hutt? I'm assuming that was her when Jabba came out to watch the Pod Race in Episode 1...


Any ideas?

first question...I'm thinking the time frame between episodes 4, 5 and 6 is probably no more than a year or two between 4 and 5 and less than a year between 5 and 6...for 4 and 5 you figure it takes the Rebellion a good amount of time to move operations from Yavin to Hoth and Luke seems to have somewhat advanced in his Jedi self-training (remember he used the force to pull his lightsaber out of the snow in that monster's cave), plus the Rebellion seems to have really bolstered their forces between 4 and 5...as far as 5 and 6, I say less than a year because I highly doubt it would take them any longer to learn the whereabouts on frozen Han, I'm thinking Lando and Chewie would be smart enough to know that any bounty hunter in the galaxy would have took Han to Jabba...


2. Remember, Leia mentions to Luke that their mother died when she was very young, Leia was a grown woman when Alderaan was destroyed...chances are her mother probably just died from something natural...


3. The Hutts, to me, seem to be similar to the Mafia where there was probably a lot of infighting with Jabba being the ultimate one on top by the time the dust settled...so chances are either Gardola just died or he had him/her wacked...


As far as Anakin's turn to the darkside...I truely think it happens when he faces Dooku in a showdown and ends up mercilessly killing him, basically the opposite of what Luke did in his finaly battle with Vader (Luke had the chance to kill him which would have turned him to the darkside but he chose not to)...I'm sure I'm way off, but that is my theory, perhaps it APPEARS that Padme is killed somehow by Dooku or his forces which drives Anakin to the point of confronting Dooku and letting his anger and aggression totally take control...I also read somewhere a little blurb about Anakin thinking Obi-Wan and Padme have some lovin going on on the side, I sure to god hope that's not how it goes, but knowing Lucas I'm sure that will be the case...

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Guest El Satanico
She has to be alive after Anakin turns because he did not know she gave birth to twins.

That doesn't mean she gave birth after he went to the darkside. Maybe she had a reason to hide the pregnancy, birth and children from Anakin before he turned. Maybe Anakin was away on Jedi business while all of it was going on.

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Minor note after watching the trilogy with the Audio Commetarry.


I like the point that Carrie Fisher made...that Han had 1 outfit basically the entire trilogy...Leia had about 6...and Leia's mother had about 3 Million ("Every time she walked through the door, she had a new outfit")


Just made me laugh for some reason.

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Padme probably doesn't die in Episode III. I don't think Anakin falls to the dark side until after the twins are born. But, we shall see, eh?


As far as how much time passes between movies, here is what the standard thought is:

10 years between 1 & 2

Probably like 3 or 4 years between 2 & 3

about 19 years between 3 & 4

3 years between 4 & 5

1 year between 5&6

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Question: How the hell does Luke become so advanced in the ways of force? Didn't he train with Yoda for like 2 days?


Question 2: Wouldn't watching the movies in sequential order kill the shock value of "No! I am your father!"?

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