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Your favourite WWE PPVs.

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My personal favourites are:


Judgement 2002 - Was a very good card. You had Eddie-RVD for the IC title, the debut of Brock, Angle-Edge in a Hair-vs-Hair classic and HHH- Jericho in the 1st HitC in a while (considering the bad blood between them, this was justifed and it showed). Hogan lost the belt thank god.


Survivour Series 2002 - I cant say nothing but wow. You had 3 Minute Warning vs Bubba-ray, Spike & Jeff Hardy in a tables match, Victoria and Trish in a streetfight, Noble vs Kidman for CW title, the SD Tag Team Elimination Triple Threat, Heyman turning on Brock and ending his streak, plus the 1st ever Elimination Chamber. All titles changed hands.


WrestleMania X19 - I just loved 4 out of the last 5 matches and the undercard was passable.


Those are the ones which stick out for me.

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In the last three years, can't really say. Summerslam 2002 would be one, and Backlash 2004 would be another, but for the most part, I haven't really enjoyed a PPV from top to bottom since WM X-7. Oh, there are PPVs where I enjoyed one match, and then there are some where I wanted my money back (Armageddon 2003) because every match was a bore.

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Brock actually had his PPV Debut against Jeff Hardy at Backlash 2002. Mine would be Armageddon 2004 because I was there live. Summerslam 2002 with Kurt-Austin. and Wrestlemania 20.

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I thought he debuted on PPV in tag match. thanks for pointing that out!


WM20 ended up as a freak show IMHO. That would be SummerSlam 2001 (my 1st WWE PPV in ages), 2002 was HBK-HHH (unsanctioned) and Brock vs Rock.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle-Edge in a Hair-vs-Hair classic

classic what?


I liked Mania XIX, BTW.

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Guest Anglesault
Match maybe? Come on it was a good match. **** if Im not mistaken.

You're mistaken.

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SummerSlam 2002, WrestleMania XIX and WrestleMania XX are my three favourites of the past few years, but several of the PPVs of 2001 smoke 'em.

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Guest curry_man2002

Mine would be survivor series 2002 which i think was and still is the best ppv since mania x-7, the i would have mania 19 and finally survivor series 2003

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(zyn081 @ Oct 3 2004, 04:46 AM)

Match maybe? Come on it was a good match. **** if Im not mistaken.


You're mistaken.


I tried to find Dame's report of JD but couldnt. TI must be mistaken after all. They had a 4 star match sometime though for sure. Just cant remember when.


I liked Surviviour Series 2003 too. Survivour Series is the best concept PPV WWE. You always get classic elimination matches or a variant thereof. The only better gimmick of such style is the Royal Rumble, which is at the end of the day just that really. KotR became meaningless really (the last one was a disaster, even with the title shot).


I must admit I was dissappointed with WMXX. I expected alot more from it. The only matches that I liked were The Triple Threat (which could have been better), Angle-Eddie and Christian-Y2J. The watered down UT didnt impress me, neither did Brock-Berg at all.

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Granted I haven't seen all the ppvs of the past 3 years, but I'll go:



- Vengeance 2003

- ummmm . . . I'll go Vengeance 2001 just for the markout of seeing Chris Jericho become the "First Ever Undisputed Champion". Cheap ending? Without a doubt but it was still cool to see it live . . . the aftermath in the coming months was not.

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WM XX, Vengeance 2003, WM XIX, Royal Rumble 2003, and Summerslam 2002.


WM XX definitely could've lost 1-2 hours, but there were some really good matches. I loved both Vengeance 2003, WM XIX, and Summerslam 2002 from top to bottom. I was at the 2004 Rumble, and while the undercard wasn't very good, the Rumble Match is my favorite. And, the 2003 Rumble had a really good Rumble, I thought, and the amazing Angle-Benoit match. I thought that show was worth the money.

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The last PPV I saw was No Way Out 2003. I can't for the life of me remember any of them without watching them.

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Summerslam 2002, Wrestlemania 18, Wrestlemania 19, Backlash 2003 (was there), Royal Rumble 2003 (was there), Vengeance 2003...that's just quickly off the top of my head.


For whatever reason, I wasn't that excited about Wrestlemania 20 (I actually had some other stuff happening that distrcated my attention), but after I bought it on DVD...I appreciated it more.


TV hasn't been very good the past few years, but the PPVs are always good stuff (except for this year since Backlash, which was the last enjoyable PPV).

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Summerslam '02

Wrestlemania XIX

Royal Rumble '04

Wrestlemania XX

Summerslam '04

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Its funny that it always WM, SummerSlam, Survivour Series and Royal Rumble. I know that they are the big 4, but that means the WWE couldnt care about the rest.


For me, GAB was the worst this year and not Backlash (at least you had Orton-Foley).

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

Summerslam 02

SurvSer 02

Rumble 02

Rumble 03

Mania XIX

Vengeance 03 (July SD PPV, forgot if that was the right name)

Rumble 04

NWO 04

Mania XX

Backlash 04

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Guest TigerDriver91

WrestleMania XIX - I was there to see it live and it was an amazing experience.

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Survivor Series 2001


Summerslam 2002


Wrestlemania XIX


Vengenance 2003


Wrestlemania XX


Mine would be Armageddon 2004 because I was there live.

Damn time travellers.

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In terms of a top-to-bottom card, Mania 19 probably takes it.


Rey vs Matt- ***

Taker vs A-Train/Show- *** 1/2

SD Triple Threat Tag- ***

Jericho vs Michaels- *** 1/2

Booker vs HHH- ***

Hogan vs McMahon- ***

Austin vs Rock- ****

Brock vs Angle- ***.


No other WWE PPV has delivered as much solid wrestling as this one. Of course, the career-ending burials of Jericho and Booker kinda hurt it a bit.

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No other WWE PPV has delivered as much solid wrestling as this one. Of course, the career-ending burials of Jericho and Booker kinda hurt it a bit.

How exactly was Jericho buried on that card?

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In terms of a top-to-bottom card, Mania 19 probably takes it.


Rey vs Matt- ***

Taker vs A-Train/Show- *** 1/2

The hell?!? Rey/Matt was a rushed 5 minute match, and the handicap match (though not nearly as horrible as most say) at ***1/2? Rey/Matt as good as Booker/Trips?


I always thought you were a harsh rater LOTC.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick
In terms of a top-to-bottom card, Mania 19 probably takes it.


Rey vs Matt- ***

Taker vs A-Train/Show- *** 1/2

SD Triple Threat Tag- ***

Jericho vs Michaels- *** 1/2

Booker vs HHH- ***

Hogan vs McMahon- ***

Austin vs Rock- ****

Brock vs Angle- ***.


No other WWE PPV has delivered as much solid wrestling as this one. Of course, the career-ending burials of Jericho and Booker kinda hurt it a bit.

Angle-Brock was worse than that crap Taker match? Odd.

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Here's my WM 19 Snowflakes, didn't enjoy it very much:


- Rey vs Matt- * 1/2 Too short to be anything. Just spots.

- Taker vs A-Train/Show- * 1/2. Long bout with nothing embarassing, but just power/double-team stuff.

- SD Triple Threat Tag- ***. I agree. I think this match was kind of overlooked/underrated.

- Jericho vs Michaels- **** Very good, very very good.

- Booker vs HHH- ** So slow. Plodding. Decent ending until the Pedigree plus 1 minute stall finish.

- Hogan vs McMahon- **. Come on. Geriatrics. **? I give it that for nostalgia. Wasn't awful, but nowhere near the better "special attraction

efforts Vince did with Shane, Austin, etc.

- Austin vs Rock- ** 1/2. A shell of their former matches, due to injuries.

Brock vs Angle- ***. I agree.


No other WWE PPV has delivered as much solid wrestling as this one. Of course, the career-ending burials of Jericho and Booker kinda hurt it a bit.

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Guest Anglesault
I tried to find Dame's report of JD but couldnt. TI must be mistaken after all. They had a 4 star match sometime though for sure. Just cant remember when.

That match was a solidish match that may (may) have been the MOTN, but doesn't hold up at all.

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