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Guest Astro

Fun Facts about the Backstage of the WWE

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Guest Astro

RVD and Kane were both supposed to go over HHH for the title in late 2002 at the PPVs, but HHH veto'd both wins


Scott Vick (Sickboy) was supposed to play Katie Vick's brother and fued with Kane while aligning with HHH's "New Horseman/Evolution"


Torrie Wilson was to fued with developmental wrestler Nikita, who would play her sister, over Al Wilson's inheirtence


Taker and Brock's HIACell match was almost made into a Texas Death match cause HHH didn't want "his" match to be used by others


Shawn Micheals was originally supposed to drop out of the SSeries 02 Elimination Chamber match and allow Edge to replace him and win the title, jumpstarting a new star, Shawn won the belt instead


The manager of the WWF World restarant embezzeled over 500,000 from the company


When the WWF vs WWF lawsuit for rights was ongoing Vince wanted to wrestle a man in a Panda suit on a UK PPV, but the agents convinced him otherwise


Jeff Hardy gave Matt a dead fish for Xmas with a note saying "I'm the #1 MFer!"


The WWF accidently signed the wrong 1 legged wrestler, and ended up tossing out several 1000 for a guy they had no intention of signing.


HHH and Booker T supposedly did not recieve main event money for the WM 19 payoffs, dispite being a World title match

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I don't see how RVD and Kane were both suppose to go over HHH and then Edge winning the title as well. This seems a bit far fetched. Wasn't Edge on smackdown anyways? I think HBK winning the title at that time wasn't a good move because that could have been saved for later in the feud that is never ending. If Edge had won the title then it might have propelled him to be a real star although wasn't he getting booed at MSG in the tag match? It does seem like HHH is trying to make HIAC his match now. He has gone over Foley and HBK who basically made the match famous with their bumps. I wonder what would happen if Trips wanted to do the match with Taker? Vince would be torn on who would go over, but family is family I suppose.


I read about the Sick Boy thing before. I guess the fans do have power because the backlash and apathy toward the Katie Vick crap probably made them stop with furthering the storyline. The same with the Al Wilson nonsense. I can't believe they actually came up with such fantasy related stuff in this era. They wouldn't even be able to pull that stuff out in 1989-1992.

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If anyone should see HIAC as their match, it's Undertaker, seeing as how his matches with Shawn and Mankind put the match over in the first place. I don't see any logical reason why HHH should see HIAC as 'his' match, at least back in late 2002, when he had only had two of them at that point in time, and nobody really remembers either of them.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Oh, WOW. You guys think this stuff is great. Wait till my book comes out and you read all the things I know about the WWE backstage that isn't true......well, I'll throw in a few rumors from the internet that were true.........or people think are true........or something.

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I have actually heard the RVD/Kane stuff before, that they were supposed to beat HHH in Sept/Oct. of 2002. I even remember an interview with Kevin Kelly where he laughed about HHH refusing to job to either and saying "I'm better than both of those guys, why should I lose to them?"

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Guest Astro

No one thanked me for sparing them the 13 bucks for providing the only worthy notes in the craptastic book. Sigh.

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No one thanked me for sparing them the 13 bucks for providing the only worthy notes in the craptastic book. Sigh.

Oooooh, only 13 bucks? I'll buy that :D






Just messing around, thanks, man!

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Guest Trivia247
Jeff Hardy gave Matt a dead fish for Xmas with a note saying "I'm the #1 MFer!"


Uh... :huh:

Its a Sicilian Msg Matt


It says Shannon Moore Sleeps with the Fishes

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Jeff Hardy gave Matt a dead fish for Xmas with a note saying "I'm the #1 MFer!"


Matt Hardy wrote about that in one of his columns. Wow, thank god SKeith had the inside scoop there.

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I bought a coffee and read through the book in a little over an hour (skipping over match reviews) at the local Borders.


I bought his last two books, though.

That's exactly what I've been meaning to do if I can get together some spare time this week, though it would be nice to add another wrestling book to my collection.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I bought a coffee and read through the book in a little over an hour (skipping over match reviews) at the local Borders.


I bought his last two books, though.

That's exactly what I've been meaning to do if I can get together some spare time this week, though it would be nice to add another wrestling book to my collection.

You know that you can just give me the $13 and I'll just write you a bunch of bullshit that makes little to no sense.......all that and I'm light years better looking. B-)

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Did any of the major "sources" (Meltzer, Keller) ever actually say that they were going to bring in Scott Vick as Katie Vick's brother? I remember a lot of speculation about it on this board, but I don't remember anyone actually saying that it was going to happen.

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Most of this sounds like BS to me. It almost sounds like SK was making stuff up to support his "HHH is power hungry and insane" and "Vince is looney" theories.

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Most of this sounds like BS to me. It almost sounds like SK was making stuff up to support his "HHH is power hungry and insane" and "Vince is looney" theories.

I don't think those theories need any support from the likes of SK. I'd heard the talk about RVD and Kane getting their title wins vetoed by Triple H ages ago, around the time of their apparent wins getting nixed. The one about Vince and the panda was first reported by Meltzer when he wrote up about a UK PPV. I have no doubt that it's true, simply because Vince is just that petty to want to do something like that.

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Guest GreatOne
I'd heard the talk about RVD and Kane getting their title wins vetoed by Triple H ages ago, around the time of their apparent wins getting nixed.

And people say HHH doesn't do anything GOOD for the company...............


I can just the post-RAW now.............




Kane: Either 'I-WON--I-WON--LET'S-PAR-TEE' or


'I DO...WHAT...I...WANT....'


(Snitsky run-in with pipe---'IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!!!!)

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Most of this sounds like BS to me. It almost sounds like SK was making stuff up to support his "HHH is power hungry and insane" and "Vince is looney" theories.

Who said they where theories? With that out of the way, who on Earth listens to Keith anymore these days. Every one of his rants is "Triple H is power hungry" or

"The glass ceilling is holding everybody down." Honestly Keith, just shut up. Your last book was only a mixed bag, and you repeat yourself so much, you've become nothing but a bad parody of us internet smarks. Sure, we complain, but at least we can do it without making asses of ourselves. At least we aren't piss poor characatures, like you've become. Just do the IWC a favor and shut up Keith.

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Guest Loss

I have no doubts that given the opportunity and the right motivation, I, or RavishingRickRudo, or Hunter's Torn Quad, or Nikjohns, or Sass, just from these boards alone could write a better, more informative, more interesting and (cross your fingers) better selling book about the downfall of WWE. Of course, the topic has been beaten into the ground, and those who've given up on the product aren't really going to care to read a book about it at this point, and those who have been around for it know the story already, so perhaps I don't understand exactly who the niche audience is here.

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Dude, my book would be one page.


Chapter 1:


"Vince McMahon is stupid and did stupid things and surrounded himself with yes men who never told him he was stupid."


The End.


I assume Keith is trying to "build an audience/following" as his last book broke even, so they're guessing all the people who bought the last one would buy this one + x amount of new people attracted to the WWE name. And so on and so on.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Dude, my book would be one page.


Chapter 1:


"Vince McMahon is stupid and did stupid things and surrounded himself with yes men who never told him he was stupid."


The End.

Now on sale at Amazon.com for only $13.99..........

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Guest Coffey
I have no doubts that given the opportunity and the right motivation, I, or RavishingRickRudo, or Hunter's Torn Quad, or Nikjohns, or Sass, just from these boards alone could write a better, more informative, more interesting and (cross your fingers) better selling book about the downfall of WWE.


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I don't agree with a lot of what Keith says, but before anybody makes fun of him, think of this: he's an author. With several books published. On wrestling, no less. To say that's not an easy thing to do is a massive understatement.


Keith found a way to turn it into a business. The rest of us are just pulling our puds on a message board.

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