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Full Smackdown spoilers

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PWInsider.com is reporting that Carlito Carriben Cool defeated John Cena for the US title in his debut tonight. I think except for the time Jerry Lynn beat Crash for the then worthless Lightweight title, this is the frist time a wrestler has ever won a title on his debut.


*edit* Ok, you guys are right, but this is probobly the first time someone won a title that matters in their debut.

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PWInsider.com is reporting that Carlito Carriben Cool defeated John Cena for the US title in his debut tonight. I think except for the time Jerry Lynn beat crash for the then worthless Lightweight title, this is the frist time a wrestler has ever won a title on his debut.

Christian won the light-heavyweight title on his debut, and Gail Kim won the women's title in hers.


Oh and in regards to the news: *slaps forehead*

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Since Cena's gonna be gone filming a movie, they had to get the title off of him somehow . . . . but Carly Colon? I guess I'll reserve judgment until I see the match and/or see how this push goes as the weeks pass. I've yet to see him wrestle, dark match or otherwise, but I've been told he's fairly good in the ring, and it looks as if he'll be OK on the mic, so maybe this won't be such a bad thing.


What can it hurt? Put Colon in a feud with Booker T or something of the sort until Cena comes back . . . it'll at least be something fresh, as long as Colon can work and be accepted by the fans.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Too bad Colon absolutely sucks in the ring. He's easily the most limited guy on the active roster right now. A full nelson is about as complicated as it gets for him.

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Smackdown spoilers from Boston


by John Orquiola


Smackdown results from Fleetcenter in Boston, 10/5/04:


Dark match:


Shannon Moore pinned Akio with a somersault neckbreaker.




Luther Reigns defeated Matt Vega.


Torrie Wilson, raiding Sable's old closet and wearing a black vinyl outfit, was Velocity's ring announcer.


Rob Van Dam defeated Doug Basham with the Five Star Frog Splash.


The Dudleys (with Spike) defeated Nunzio and Johnny Stamboli. Stamboli was pinned with the 3D.




Hometown boy John Cena comes home with the US Title. His promo is interrupted by the debut of Carlito Caribbean Cool. Carlito challenges Cena for the title, DDT's him on the belt, and spits an apple in his face.


Rey Mysterio (with Rob Van Dam) pins Kenzo Suzuki (with Rene Dupree) with a rollup.


John Bradshaw Layfield is interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. We learn that JBL faces Hardcore Holly next.


Theodore R. Long comes out before the live crowd to announce that John Cena will defend the US Title against Carlito Caribbean Cool tonight.


Hardcore Holly defeats JBL by countout. Orlando Jordan returns and distracts Holly, allowing JBL to crawl to the back and escape. JBL was still nursing the gash on his forehead from No Mercy and it opened up and started bleeding early in the match.


Theodore R. Long confronts Paul Heyman backstage and informs him that though the paramedics used the jaws of life to open up the hearse Sunday night, the Undertaker was not inside. Heyman announces that Heidenreich will read a poem in the ring tonight.


Kurt Angle, Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns converse backstage. Angle plans to be in Jindrak's corner as he faces The Big Show next.


The Big Show pinned Mark Jindrak with a chokeslam. Angle did commentary. Luther Reigns tried to get involved and was stopped by Eddie Guerrero. Eddie and Show cleaned house after the match.


Josh Mathews interviews Carlito Caribbean Cool backstage. Carlito informs Mathews he isn't cool.


Billy Kidman wrestled Charlie Haas (with Miss Jackie, soon to be Mrs. Haas.) Kidman was about to do the Shooting Star to Haas when Jackie entered the ring and covered Haas's body with her's. She tried to slap Kidman, who retaliated with a BK Bomb. Kidman mounted the top rope for the Shooting Star but decided not to do it. Kidman leaves while Rico and paramedics run in to help Jackie.


Orlando Jordan, running errands for JBL, runs into Booker T backstage. Booker angrily rebukes Jordan's overtures of friendships and busts out his catchphrase "Now can you dig that... sucka!" A babyface turn seems imminent.


Heidenreich (with Paul Heyman) tries to read a poem to the crowd. Tremendous heat for Heidenreich, who is unable to finish the poem despite three tries because of the crowd booing. Heidenreich jumps the railing and attacks a fan/indy wrestler plant at ringside.


Theodore R. Long announces that next week from Manchester, England, Smackdown's main event will be JBL defending the WWE Title against Hardcore Holly in a hardcore match.


In the main event, Carlito Caribbean Cool pinned John Cena to become the new United States Champion. Cena dominated the match. Carlito brought a chair into the ring, which Cena took. As the referee tried to get Cena to release the chair, Carlito took Cena's chain, rolled it up in his fist, and knocked him out with it.


No after show events. Cena is helped to the back, selling the chain shot. The crowd is shocked their hometown boy lost the title to Carlito.


If RAW is Jericho, then now Smackdown is Cool.


Very good show to see live because of the main event and angle surrounding it. Cena was the most over the entire show. RVD was second in crowd reaction. Heidenreich got the most heel heat of anyone. Kidman was second for not doing the shooting star, which was odd since choosing not to use his finish on a woman got him more heat. Undertaker chant broke out after the Heidenreich segment, but he was a no-show.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Nice to see RVD stuck on Velocity duty while Hardcore Holly gets a win over the WWF Champ for some reason. This had better not be the start of another main event Holly push.

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Guest JMA
Theodore R. Long confronts Paul Heyman backstage and informs him that though the paramedics used the jaws of life to open up the hearse Sunday night, the Undertaker was not inside.

Tell me they didn't say that. I'm having bad memories of RR '98.


Why does the Undertaker always teleport away when no one can see him?

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Maybe you could argue Teddy is just playing mind games with Heyman.


But yeah, that's dumb.


Cool they're getting over the SSP as so deadly.


Holly feuding with Bradshaw is gay.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Is Carlito as bad as people are letting on? His promos were horrible.

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So I see RVD/Rey are a regular tag team now. That's cool. If they're doing nothing, might as well. They're a fun tag team afterall.


Wow, seems kind of wasteful for Cena to struggle so much to get the US title only to lose it to CCC (now if he had one less C, he'd be REALLY cool I tell ya). On the other hand, who would have Cena defended it against, since Booker is apparently going face again?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

But if CCC becomes a huge star, the fued will be tailor made for when Cena returns.

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But when Cena returns, won't his reactions warrant a main event push? Absense makes the heart fonder, right?


But I could see where you're coming from. I just assumed they put it on him so people won't just see him as a joke character.

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

Here's my spoilers


WWE Smackdown Tapings Results

October 5, 2004

Boston, MA

Fleet Center


Dark Match


Shannon Moore vs. Akio

Nice opener between the two.  No high spots, but a nice match nonetheless.  Moore takes the win with the Mooregasm and the cover.

Winner:  Shannon Moore


A vignette for Carlito Carribean Cool is shown.


Tony Chimel introduces Josh Matthews and Bill DeMott for Velocity.


Pyro for Velocity




Luther Reigns vs. Ricky Vega

Vega was announced as being from Boston.  Typical squash match with Reigns taking the win with his inverted swinging neck breaker. 

Winner:  Luther Reigns


Torrie Wilson came out to be the guest ring announcer for the next match.


Rob Van Dam vs. Doug Basham w/Danny Basham

RVD has Doug on the ground and jumps up top for the Five Star Frog Splash prompting Danny to come in the ring.  The ref tries to stop Danny from coming in, but is unsuccessful.  RVD jumps off delivering a thrust kick to Danny.  RVD goes up top again and delivers a Five Star Frog Splash to Doug for the win.

Winner:  Rob Van Dam


FBI vs. The Dudleys w/Spike Dudley

Good match between the two teams.  Bubba gets the crowd riled up before the match, by getting on the mic and trying to start a "Lets Go Yankees!" chant.  Nunzio plays the face in peril.  Hot tag to Stamboli who overpowers the Dudleys.  Nunzio knocks Bubba to the outside.  Spike holds Stamboli on the ring apron for D-Von, but misses.  Stamboli hits a spine buster, but only gets a two count.  Stamboli prepares D-Von for Nunzio who goes up top for a double team move, but Bubba distracts the ref while Spike pushes Nunzio off.  Bubba climbs back into the ring and a 3D is delivered to Stamboli.  D-Von makes the cover and gets the win.

Winners:  The Dudleys


Tony Chimel introduces Michael Cole and Tazz for Smackdown.


A pick up truck is backed into the arena with a YJ Stinger cooler on it.  Micahel Cole introduces the winner of the contest is named Matt Martel who made a great video of himself as the Hurricane.  He already won a pick up truck and a pair of tickets to Wrestlemania.  If he can shoot a basketball from the ring apron all the way(about 45 feet) inside the cooler on the pick up truck, he'd win a million dollars.  He went to make the shot and the basketball bounced off the rim of the cooler.  All in all, no million smackeroos.




We are shown the result of the WWE Championship match from No Mercy.  We get the intro followed by the pyro.


Being that it's Boston, the first one out is John Cena.  Cena gets some face heat from the crowd by mentioning the Red Sox in the playoffs, the Patriots winning, and the champ is home.  He says that he normally would be making fun of people, but he has to give some respect to Booker T.  After a brief moment, he says now it's time to make fun of people.  He chooses to pick on Michael Cole.  Cena talks about Michael Cole wondering why Cena is always listening to rap music rather than O-Town or the New Kids On The Block.  Michael Cole probably thinks that Joey McIntyre has got some moves.  He goes on to say that Cole wonders what Cena has under his boxers and calls him a sicko.  He then decides that he wants a member of the audience to come in the ring and make fun of Cole.  As he looks around for someone, Carlito Carribean Cool comes out.  The funny thing is that he carries an apple to the ring with him.  The two exchange some words about being cool and Cena being a punk.  Carlito spits in the face of punks like Cena and anyone else who doesn't want to be cool.  Cena says that tonight instead of spitting, Carlito will be swallowing.  Cena wants a match tonight and is putting the U.S. Title on the line.  Carlito says putting the title on the line is cool, but fighting right now isn't.  He needs to change first since he didn't want to ruin his clothes.  Carlito wants to shake Cena's hand.  Cena does the "You Can't See Me" gesture.  Carlito tries to pull the title away from Cena.  The title drops to the ground.  Carlito kicks Cena in the stomach and DDTs him on the belt.  Carlito pulls the apple back out of his pocket, takes a bit and spits it in Cena's face.


Rey Mysterio w/Rob Van Dam vs. Kenzo Suzuki w/Hiroko and Renee Dupree

Kenzo, Hiroko, and Renee come out first.  Renee cuts a promo in French.  Hiroko then talks about how Kenzo loves America and has a message from everyone.  Kenzo starts singing Frank Sinatra's song New York.  He even gets in between Hiroko and Renee to do the Rockettes dance, but the two just look at him strange.  Rey comes out with RVD.  Rey sets up Kenzo for the 619, but Renee hops up on the apron on the opposite end.  RVD goes to try to get him down.  Rey gives Renee a 619 and knocks Kenzo down again for the set up.  Rey hits the 619 on Kenzo and sets up the West Coast Pop, but Renee grabs his foot.  RVD kicks Renee.  Rey does the springboard, but gets a claw to the face from Kenzo.  Rey reverses it into a roll up and gets the victory.

Winner:  Rey Mysterio


Josh Matthews interviews JBL in the back.  JBL talks about how he beat the odds and defeated the Undertaker.  He didn't know that Heidenreich was in the hearse at all.  He says that he shouldn't have to face Hardcore Holly tonight since he's an NYC native, but he'll do it since his fans are expecting him to do it and that's next.


Theodore Long comes to the ring and announces that tonight's main even will be John Cena vs. Carlito Carribean Cool for the U.S. Title.


Hardcore Holly vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Pretty much a brawl between the two.  Orlando Jordan makes his way to the ring.  JBL misses a Clothesline from Hell and Holly hits the Alabama Slam.  Orlando gets up on the rope to distract Holly.  Holly knocks him down while JBL leaves.  Orlando holds on to Holly's leg while JBL makes his exit and gets counted out.

Winner:  Hardcore Holly


Backstage, Paul Heyman encounters Theodore Long.  Long tells Heyman that their actions could be filed as criminal.  He told them that they needed the jaws of life to open the hearse.  Long asked Heyman if he knew what they found after opening the hearse.  Heyman has no idea.  Long says nothing.  Heyman has a scared look on his face.  He says Heidenreich will still go out and recite poetry tonight.  Heidenreich is a fearless demon.  Long says that he's not gonna fire him or even suspend him because the Undertaker will deal with him his own way.


We get a Raw rewind.


Kurt Angle is backstage with Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns.  He talks about how he shouldn't have been forced to wrestle at No Mercy because he's got bronchitis.  He would wrestle tonight, but only if his doctors allowed him to.  Thus he needs Mark Jindrak to teach the Big Show a lesson tonight.


We're shown a promo of Chavo Guerrero who will be returning in two weeks.


Big Show vs. Mark Jindrak w/Kurt Angle

Show takes the early advantage.  Angle sits down to do commentary.  After Show exchanges a few words with Angle, he walks to the outside and doesn't do anything, but Jindrak takes the advantage when he gets back in.  Jindrak works over the arm of Show.  Show makes a come back prompting Luther Reigns to run down, but he is stopped by Eddie Guerrero who beats him down.  The ref gets distracted so Angle brings a chair into the ring.  Show kicks the chair into Angle's face.  He then delivers a chokeslam to Jindrak for the win.

Winner:  Big Show


Eddie and Show celebrate in the ring briefly.


We're shown the conclusion of the London/Kidman match at No Mercy.


Billy Kidman vs. Charlie Haas w/Miss Jackie

Kidman comes out sporting a new jacket.  Good technical wrestling between the two.  Kidman sets up Haas for the Shooting Star Press, but Jackie gets in the ring to try to cover him up.  Kidman gets down and argues with Jackie.  Jackie tries to slap him, but gets a BK bomb instead.  Haas is sent to the outside with a dropkick.  Kidman drags Jackie over to the corner and goes up top.  He has second thoughts about doing a Shooting Star Press and comes down.  Rico runs down and Kidman leaves.  Paramedics attend to Jackie while Kidman walks up the entrance way with a smirk on his face.  Miss Jackie is then helped out of the ring.

Winner:  No decision


Theodore Long is shown backstage and says that Smackdown is about the fans.  Due to JBL's actions earlier, next week in Manchester, England, he will defend the title against Hardcore Holly in a hardcore match.


Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring with Heidenreich.  Heyman does a little talking and then introduces Heidenreich.  Heidenreich thanks him and says the Undertaker nor the fans better interrupt him while he reads his poem.  He starts reading it to much heel heat.  He tries three times and tells Paul to read it.  Heidenreich goes out to the crowd and starts trashing them.  He knocks a few fans out and Paul holds him back taking him backstage.  Those guys were probably students from the Chaotic Training Center.


Orlando Jordan is coming out of JBL's dressing room asking him about coffee.  He runs into Booker T and does his 5 time WCW champion impression.  Orlando also wants to hear some of the sucka stuff as well as calling him dog.  Booker tells him not to touch him and he's not anyone's dog, especially someone who fetches coffee among other things.  Booker has a few more choice words for Orlando and asks him if he can dig it, sucka.


Josh Matthews interviews Carlito Carribean Cool about the match tonight.  Carlito talks about Josh's frosted haircut, fake tan, and ugly shirt.  He says Josh isn't cool.  Tonight there will finally be a U.S. champ that's cool.


WWE U.S. Championship Match

John Cena© vs. Carlito Carribean Cool

Cena takes the offensive for the first few minutes of the match.  The bout actually spilled outside the ring more than once.  At one point, Cena borrowed a foam hand from a fan and did the "You Can't See Me" gesture wearing it as well as using it to put the middle finger up.  Another point when it spilled to the outside.  Cena took a sip from a fan's drink.  The end saw Cena attempting the F-U, but Carlito grabbed the top rope so he was sent to the outside.  Carlito brought the U.S. title into the ring, but Cena took it from him.  Cena wanted to use it, but the ref would not allow it.  The ref finally took it from Cena and gave it back to the timekeeper.  This gave Carlito enough time to take Cena's chain and deck him in the face with it.  Carlito covered Cena for the pin and became the new U.S. champion.  Carlito had the ref put the belt around his waist and he even wore Cena's chain.

Winner and new U.S. Champion:  Carlito Carribean Cool


Carlito leaves, while trainers help Cena to the back.  Tony Chimel thanks us all for coming.

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Guest JMA

Maybe they're setting up a Booker T/JBL feud by having Booker resent Orlando acting like a servant to a rich white guy. SOMEONE needs to beat JBL for the title, and soon. It looks like the only babyface choices are Eddie, RVD, and Booker T (assuming he turns soon).

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Holly and Bradshaw title feud? Hooray. Hopefully it's just a few weeks worth of a feud. Although no one is buying Bob as a contender (or JBL as champ, but that's another story).


Agreed on the RVD/Rey team. I really liked the tag match from No Mercy, and considering Dupree is average at best and Kenzo is wretched, it was a pleasant surprise.


Kidman injures his ex-partner and now hurts Jackie? Seems like a good way to continue building him up as a heel. A returning Chavo vs. Kidman could become a very good feud for SD!, although I'd hate to see London left in the dust.

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Maybe they're setting up a Booker T/JBL feud by having Booker resent Orlando acting like a servant to a rich white guy. SOMEONE needs to beat JBL for the title, and soon. It looks like the only babyface choices are Eddie, RVD, and Booker T (assuming he turns soon).

Well, not Rob, since it looks like him and Rey are a tag team for awhile now.

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I could see them using Booker as a transitional champ for Angle, who would then feud with Taker

Or Big Show, even. Angle could get his win back and then move on to feud with Taker.

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Smackdown sounds good this week. It's been much better than Raw recently.


I don't mind the JBL/Holly mini feud. As long as they're not fighting on the PPV. JBL's cheating bastard champion routine works for me. I can imagine that a JBL/Orlando/Angle/Reigns/Jindrak vs. Show/Booker/Eddie/Holly/?? Survivor Series match is being setup. And I love the Heidenreich character and heel Kidman.

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Guest wrestlingbs
Holly and Bradshaw title feud? Hooray. Hopefully it's just a few weeks worth of a feud. Although no one is buying Bob as a contender (or JBL as champ, but that's another story).

Yes, because the last time Holly was a title contender it just stayed a mini-feud...

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What a way to make the I-C belt into more of a piece of shit than it already is.

Without a doubt, cause CCC as the U.S. champ makes Jericho's belt look terrible.

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