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Guest Corino 1000

Any ideas for a finisher?

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Guest Corino 1000

Well I didn't know where else to post this so I figured why not in general wrestling. Well my situation is as follows I have been in a wrestling school some what of a time and now Im being put on a show, and I'am having trouble picking a finisher. So I decided to ask you.


Here's a description of my attributes. I'am a very small person so I was thinking more along the line a light weight move. I thought of the a variation of the Canadian Destroyer but somebody else uses the move. Can someone help me out! :firing: :firing: :firing:

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Use Christopher Nowinski's old "Honor Roll" move. It isn't the flashiest, but if you are working a smaller wrestler, it would be effective, especially if you guys stay somewhat grounded. Check out WM 19 for GameCube...it's a double underhook powerbomb position (Pedigree setup), with you then lifting the opponent up and spinning them onto their back with a slam.

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Don't do that Canadian Destroyer head dropping crap so soon. Aim for something (at first) that you know you can perfect so you won't have a chance of injuring your opponent.


I'd go for a leg submission or The Stroke.

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Guest Corino 1000

Well thanks for the ideas guys but I just thought maybe the shining wizard would be good. Powerful, can pull out of almost anywhere, and looks cool. What do you guys think?

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One wrestler, not sure of his name, in a local indy fed uses a very unique finisher. It starts off as a piggy-back-ride, then he throws the guys legs out backwards, and drops into a Stunner. I can best describe it as an extra-stiff reverse Widow's Peak.

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Rude Awakening Neckbreaker.


Or you could use a variation of the Fameasser. Just hook one of the guys arms, and do it.


Or you can use my brother's old finisher. Safe, but many people thought it looked pretty cool. It starts out as a Rock Bottom, you just pick them up then you spin and land into a Bulldog.

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Wouldn't recommend the Shining Wizard. I've seen so many people do it without never really doing it justice.


Depends on your strength level, too. I've seen a guy do a pretty cool variation of the F-5 where he lands seated in an X-Factor position. Hell, call it X-5.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

I agree with an earlier poter here; find something that you know you can do safe and make look good. The Shining Wizard sounded like a good idea, if you can pull it off. You don't mention if you're a flier, but if you can get some height, a fairly standard ol' splash off the top is always a safe bet.


Or you could use the Vortex or whatever it's called - grab the guy for a spinning neckbreaker (stand there with him, not the running variant), and spin the other way (you go beneath him). One of our smaller guys uses it as a secondary finisher for people too big for him to do the Evil Dead Driver safely.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Bring back the Armbar!


No I'm serious, make it out so you have the most dangerous armbar in the business, and you can hit it from anywheres.


Simple stuff is what you need right now. Wait until youve got some years experiance before going for a canadian destroyer or whatever. Get a move thats simple, safe, and one you're able to get over. Don't be like these crazy guys who are having to end their careers 5-6 years in ebcause of injuries. Be the Indy Ric Flair...hell, the Indy Dusty Rhodes!

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Guest Corino 1000
Wouldn't recommend the Shining Wizard. I've seen so many people do it without never really doing it justice.


Depends on your strength level, too. I've seen a guy do a pretty cool variation of the F-5 where he lands seated in an X-Factor position. Hell, call it X-5.

I guess your right if anything I will trademark it. What do you guys think of this trademark I was coming up with, alright you know the doublestomps one of the briscoes does followed by the knee? Well I was thinking on my 3rd stomp I could pull of like an SSP or just a flip to keep it simple.

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Guest Corino 1000
One wrestler, not sure of his name, in a local indy fed uses a very unique finisher. It starts off as a piggy-back-ride, then he throws the guys legs out backwards, and drops into a Stunner. I can best describe it as an extra-stiff reverse Widow's Peak.

That sounds pretty awesome, I'll try that and tell you how it goes. Thanks! Keep going with suggestions though, I might find one I like more.

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i think you should use a burning hammer. it would set you apart from others and be easy to perform. how big are you? and how big are most of the guys in your company?

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Guest Corino 1000
i think you should use a burning hammer. it would set you apart from others and be easy to perform. how big are you? and how big are most of the guys in your company?

I'm to small for that move.

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One wrestler, not sure of his name, in a local indy fed uses a very unique finisher. It starts off as a piggy-back-ride, then he throws the guys legs out backwards, and drops into a Stunner. I can best describe it as an extra-stiff reverse Widow's Peak.

also known as Rainman's Dark City Street Cutter or Alex Shelley's backpack stunner.

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Guest JebusNassedar

Springboard Missle Dropkick, if possible.


The move I'm planning to use as a finisher (if this whole thing works out) is an Enzui Shotei, so there's an idea.


You could always use Kobashi's Black Crush (Brainbuster into Ace Crusher).


Another springboard move is a Springboard Knee Smash, a.k.a. Hyper Knee KUGA.


Ditto on the armbar. That shit hurts, and I hate how WWE hs made it into a transitional. If you use it and need flash, try a Minoru Special #2 (Northern Lights into Crossarm.)


Saw Akiyama use an interesting submission recently; a sitting figure four, then he grabbed his opponent and rolled to his back in a chokesleeper.


DEFINATE no on Burning Hammers. We have enough headdropping fools in pro wrestling.


If all else fails, study old Jake Roberts matches and learn how to do a PROPER DDT. As it is said by Very Hairy Lee, "Fear not man who practice 1000 moves once. Fear man who practice one move 1000 times."

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Do a kick-ass Enziguri. Not enough people do good ones anymore, and if you're able to hit it out of ANYWHERE, it could be taken as a believable finish. I mean...IT'S A KICK TO THE BACK OF THE FUCKING HEAD!

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One wrestler, not sure of his name, in a local indy fed uses a very unique finisher.  It starts off as a piggy-back-ride, then he throws the guys legs out backwards, and drops into a Stunner.  I can best describe it as an extra-stiff reverse Widow's Peak.

also known as Rainman's Dark City Street Cutter or Alex Shelley's backpack stunner.

Thats pretty cool that a few other wrestlers use the move (i dont get to watch much indy wrestling). It was souch a simple move, yet it looked so devastating seeing as how it was the promotion's 350 lb Heel "Commissioner" doing the move to their top baby face who dressed like RVD, moved like the Amazing Red, and was about 150lbs soaking wet.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Don't get anything thats way too contrived and complicated to set up and do. Fans pop for stuff thats simple, been built up well, and can be hit from nowhere. Thats why The StoneCold Stunner, Rock Bottom, etc. are over. Personally I like the idea of an Enziguri, its simple and if the person sells it right, it can look deadly.


I still support my armbar idea. In basic training, they taught us how to do legit armbars...those bitcehs hurt. Of course, I volunteered to be the dummy for the girls....Girls+Armbars=Bad Business


What about the Trifecta Suplex? IOts simple, and people love it. Maybe if you want to change it up go vert., vert, northern lights suplex.


Do you have a gimmick idea yet?

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How about a Diamond Cutter? quick move that can be done to anyone and has a load of ways to be used.


Get some tapes of DDP in wcw from 97-98 and you'll easily have at least 5 different ways of doing it.


It's also a good idea to have a Trademark submission move, try a Texas Cloverleaf if you want one that looks good.


Edit: Just make sure you do it DDP's way and not Randy Orton's

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Guest NoMercy

It bothers me when anybody hits a Diamond Cutter or a Stunner but they only use one arm instead of two. It should always be done with two hands.

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The Texas Cloverleaf is a good idea. I see a lot of matches where people try to do sharpshooters, but nobody goes for the cloverleaf. If you want an impact move, the enziguiri, if done right, is also a good idea. When I was wrestling, one of the small guys used an elevated reverse DDT. You go for a normal reverse DDT, lift the guy in a suplex and fall forward. That's a safe landing on his back, and it looks good.

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Guest Evolution

I concur with the armbar idea and depending on what you want in an impact finisher you could use the STO.

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