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Chuck Woolery

SWF Storm Card, 10-22-04

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The Smartmarks Wrestling Federation presents...


(5:00pm PDT, 8:00pm EDT; check local listings)


Send marked matches, promos, etc. to Thoth!


The SWF invades Tampa Bay, because it's not like the Lightning are going to be using that arena this year! We saw some huge upsets on Smarkdown, and people are FEASTING for this show! It's the last show before the SWF Halloween Spectacular, so just what the hell will happen? Let's find out!




Toxxic (SWF Heavyweight Champion) v. Alan Clark

-> Alan Clark? ... Alan Clark? Well, it looks like it is indeed Alan Clark, that Toxxic has been "watching swing from psycho hippie to fun-lovin’ rock ‘n’ roller to Bloodshed or Apostle or whichever other half-arsed persona you wanted to be at that moment in time." And now, like TSM's very own Mr. Rant, Toxxic appears ready to do some hippie-bashing... but the shadow of Nathaniel Kibagami looms heavy over this match, and one has to wonder if he'll play a part in the outcome.

Rules: Standard singles affair.

Word Limit: 6000

Marker: 5_moves_of_doom




Kelly Connelly (SWF Womens' Champion) w/"The Icon" Max King (SWF Intercontinental-Television Champion) v. Ebony v. Annie Eclectic v. Megan Skye w/Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix

-> Am I a dick for booking this match? I hope not. Kelly proclaimed herself womens' champion a little while back, and CC decided that hey, she can't be womens' champion and not defend the belt, can she? So tonight, Kelly gets the woman she said was unfit to wear the Womens' championship, Megan Skye, and the master of the nutshot no-show match, Ebony. One has to wonder if Ebony will alter her game plan at all for this match. Why is Annie Eclectic here? Well, Ebony got involved with her match with Jamie Drazon, and she naturally wants some revenge. What will happen when three women and a female ferret step into a wrestling ring? Lesbian four-way part two, duh! Max and Landon, I don't know if you have stats up for Kelly and Megan, but you might want to get some up.

Rules: Standard womens' match rules, two persons in the ring at a time. First pinfall wins it.

Word Limit: 4500

Marker: realitycheck



Team ANGER (David Cross and Christian Fury, SWF Tag Team Champions) v. Stryke and Jamie Drazon

-> Drazon is probably dead. Stryke is Stryke, so he's probably dead, to the fed at least. And Cross and Fury are the Tag champs. So, uh, what better to do than randomly team up Stryke and JD and see if they'll actually write against Cross and Fury? As an incentive of some sort, Stryke and JD will get a tag title shot if they win here. But come on, it's Stryke and JD, what are the odds of that happening?

Rules: Standard tag match affair. Use the tag ropes, I guess.

Word Limit: 5000

Marker: Chuck Woolery



Andrea Montgomery v. Longdogger Pete w/Ian

-> Word on the streets is that Andrea Montgomery is pissed about not being in the Womens' title match. Actually, it's not, but any excuse for me to bring that match up again will be used. Bad jokes aside, since we're in Miami, LDP and his toddler son are making a one-night-only return to fight Andrea, who is coming off the debut of her new valet, brother Zutroy Montgomery.


... what the fuck kind of name is Zutroy? Anyway, yeah, this card needed some ZING~... so here's your fucking zing.

Rules: Match will start on Miami Beach, first person to throw their opponent into the Atlantic Ocean wins.

Word Limit: 5000

Marker: Chuck Woolery




Carnage (SWF Hardcore Gamers' Champion) v. Austin Sly

-> Carnage pulled out a huge and controversial victory over Sean Davis on Smarkdown. As a result of the injuries suffered in that match, Davis has the show off, but the WICKED get no rest, as Carnage will put his belt on the line against Austin Sly, coming off an impressive job managing Ryan Dustin in a Cruiserweight championship match. Austin's managerial skills have earned him a shot here, and if it isn't already obvious that this match description was supposed to go to another match it should be now. Carnage is looking to cement himself as a hardcore wunderkind, and a W here could go a long way in doing so.

Rules: No rules.

Word Limit: 5250

Marker: Suicide King



Manson v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins (SWF Cruiserweight Champion)

-> So, yeah. This is, uh, a match, I guess. Manson requested, don't ask me why, but Spike is the Cruiser champion so he'll probably do something flighty or something.

Rules: You know the rules by now.

Word Limit: 4500

Marker: Suicide King




Ace Lezaire (SWF Canadian Champion) v. "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez

-> Eh, so my memory's going, but if I remember correctly, Spike and Todd agreed prior to their contendership tag bout that the pinfall scorer would get the ICTV title shot. Well, that was Spike, and he'll likely get his shot on Lockdown, but for right now Ace Lezaire has no booking and Todd Cortez is looking to cash in on his own title shot. Lezaire is a two-time Canadian champion, while for all of Cortez's tag glory, he's never held a singles' title. What are the odds on that changing?

Rules: Standard singles' affair.

Word Limit: 5500

Marker: Thoth

Edited by Suicide King

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Yay. I'm taking the easy way out and tossing Ian in the ocean.


I picked Zutroy because the Great Galatea used it as an example name when telling n00bs how to head their PMs. "Zutroy vs. Johnny, Zutroy's match". That fucking crazy Czar Galatea.


Oh, and this match shall be quite insane.

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Kelly Connelly (SWF Womens' Champion) w/"The Icon" Max King (SWF Intercontinental-Television Champion) v. Ebony v. Annie Eclectic v. Megan Skye w/Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix

:lol: B-) :wub:

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Well, this is good. I only have to worry about writing half a match this time around. Coolness. Might just help.

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I'm not quite sure I know how to handle this match... but... look forward to much craziness to ensue.

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Well, I haven't had my stats up in a few months, but... yeah...




Secondary: The Wild-Driver: Reverse Double-Underhook Piledriver. This moves starts out the same way as the Wild Ride, where Wildchild bends his opponent over at the waist and stands in front of him, with his back to the opponent. He locks his left arm with the opponent's left arm, and his right arm with the opponent's right. At this point, the maneuver deviates from the Wild Ride, as Wildchild kicks his legs out from under him and drops straight down, driving his opponent's head into the canvas. This move is similar in function to Christian's "Unprettier," but is more of a head bump than a face bump.


This maneuver is Wildchild's most frequent finisher against opponent's weighing more than 230 pounds, especially if he has done extensive head/neck work during the match.


It's all good, though; it's not like I'm worried about Kelly "stealing" my move, or anything. ;)

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In the interest of starting an arguement, isn't Kelly's an inverted, reverse, flip-flopped, other way around, back-to-front Pedigree, where as WC's is an inverted whatever elevated Pedigree (uhm...Stevie Ray's Slapjack?)


Similar but not sameular.

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So much for that arguement. :P


Anyway, cruddums and all but I'm not going to be able to get a match in. I'm away from tommorrow morning until Monday night which sucks. I was going to job anyway, but still. Apologies in advance.

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In the interest of starting an argument - WC and Landon both suck big fat hairy donkey ass.


Yeah, you head me right. I said DONKEY ASS!


*does his thing as World Champ to get a vibe of positivity going through the fed*

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*Must remember to use the Wild Driver in his next match.*




Not against Manson, though. I have special plans for that match.

Like... showing?


*ducks and runs*




Sorry Spike. Stable solidarity and everything, but that was too good an opportunity to miss...

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