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Guest curry_man2002

Fav episode of the simpsons

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Ah, and after reading the entire thread I have to say that Homer at the Bat and Flaming Moes are up there as well.


Another personal favorite is the one where Homer becomes a boxer and is fed to Dedrick Tatum. The shit at the end with Moe saving people with the flying contraption to the tune of "people who need people" has me rolling on the floor every single time :lol:


I'd say generally I'm partial to Moe episodes :P

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This thread seems to be more about good quotes than favourite episodes now, so I'll give a quote that had me laughing from a recent episode thatI think many people seemed to hate (episode in question was from last season with Krusty's barmitzvah)


Krusty: All these years I thought I was a self hating jew, but now I find out I'm just an anti-semite!

Renier Wolfcastle (from out of nowhere): We have much to discuss!

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Guest Shutterspeed

If this degenerates into a quotes thread, it could very well be the longest ever.


[onboard submarine in "Simpson Tide"]

Homer: Mr. Moe, prepare to surface.

Moe: You want to stop calling me Mr. Moe?

Homer: No.

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Guest LooneyTune

Homer: Ow! I sat on something sharp!

Wolfcastle: That's just Lara Flynn Boyle.

Homer: (giggles) I have a Boyle on my ass!

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My favourite episodes are probably Cape Feare, Homer vs the City of New York and Treehouse of Horror V.


Now some nice qoutes:


From Stark Raving Dad:


Burns: Why is that man in pink!

Smithers: Oh, that's Homer Simpson, sir. He's one of your boobs from Sector 7-G.

Burns: Simpson, eh? Well, judging by his outlandish attire, he's some sort of free-thinking anarchist.

Smithers: I'll call security, sir.

Burns: Excellent. Yes, these color monitors have already paid for themselves...


From Blood Feud:


Homer: Hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me.

Postal Clerk: Okay, Mr. Burns, what's your first name?

Homer: I don't know.


From Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy


Homer: Sir! Uh, hello sir! Yes, you look like a man who needs help

satisfying his wife. So --

[man slugs him in the face]

Ow! Oh...I guess people have some sort of _moral_ objection to our sex drug.

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Guest Shutterspeed
Homer: Hello, my name is Mr. Burns.  I believe you have a letter for me.

Postal Clerk: Okay, Mr. Burns, what's your first name?

Homer: I don't know.

Damn, I was just about to mention that one.


From Stark Raving Dad:


Psychiatrist: Is there a lot of screaming at your house?

Bart: Well, my dad's always yelling about the white man keeping him down.

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Homer: You're Darryl Strawberry.

Darryl: Yes?

Homer: You play right field.

Darryl: Yes?

Homer: I play right field, too.

Darryl: So?

Homer: Well, are you better than me?

Darryl: Well, I never met you... but... Yes.

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Guest LooneyTune

From Marge vs. the Monorail...


Mr. Burns: (wearing a mustache) Hello, my name is Mr...Snrub. I come from someplace...far away....yes, that will do. I say we invest the money back into the Nuclear plant.


Smithers: I like the way Snrub thinks.


(everyone gives angry faces, Smithers shoots a Batman type utility up the roof and retracts it to escape with Mr. Burns)

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I think the one where Homer smokes medical marajuana is a winner.


they set up a Homer dummy to get rid of the crows, but it scares away Homer instead, who says, while running away, "I'll regroup at Red Lobster!"

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Kent Brockman: "Did you know that 34 million American adults are obese? Taken together, that excess blubber could fill the Grand Canyon two-fifths of the way up. That may not sound impressive, but keep in mind it is a very big canyon."

My all-time favorite Kent Brockman line comes from the astronaut episode, when Homer accidentally breaks the ant farm, and Brockman thinks that giant ant invaders are coming to enslave humanity.


Brockman: "I, for one, welcome our new ant-overlords...."

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I dig the one with Millhouse's first girlfriend...in the treehouse...and the school video about the bunnies.

Best. Opening. Ever.

That is probably my favourite single scene in the entire run of the series.

My favorite single scene, and probably one that should be on top of alot of lists, is the scene where everyone shows Ned his new house in "Hurricane Neddy"



Ned: Calm down, Neddilly-diddily-diddily-diddily-diddily ... they did their best shoddily-iddly-iddly-diddly ... gotta be nice hostility-ilitity-bility-dility---- Aw Hell diddily-ding-dong-crap! Can't you morons do anything right!


Marge: Ned, we meant well and everyone here tried their best!


Ned: Well my family and I can't live in good intentions, Marge! Oh, your family is out of control but we can't blame you because you've got good intentions!


Bart: Hey back off, man!


Ned: Oh okay, Duuuuuude! I wouldn't want you to have a cow, maaaaan! Here's a catch-phrase you better learn for your adult years: Hey buddy, gotta quarter!?


Bart: I am shocked and appalled.





Then that leads into the "kicking and screaming" bit at the hospital and then into the "I'm Dick Tracy" stuff.

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"Then that leads into the "kicking and screaming" bit at the hospital and then into the "I'm Dick Tracy" stuff."


good thing they stopped the video before he declared that he was now Dick Face

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This is sort of an aside, but I just finished watching the season opener, this year's "Treehouse of Horror", and all I have to say is: Ugh. Maybe the worst Treehouse EVER.

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This is sort of an aside, but I just finished watching the season opener, this year's "Treehouse of Horror", and all I have to say is: Ugh. Maybe the worst Treehouse EVER.

Are you serious? I thought it was one of the better ones of recent years. The last one was okay, but the first two shorts were excellent and the inclusion of the Perfect Strangers theme at the end synched it.

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This is sort of an aside, but I just finished watching the season opener, this year's "Treehouse of Horror", and all I have to say is: Ugh. Maybe the worst Treehouse EVER.



What happened to the real Mr. Burns?

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Guest LooneyTune

The Perfect Strangers theme ALONE makes this episode a repeat viewing. The Flanders sees deaths one was cool and the Sherlock Holmes imitation was fun. The last one was iffy, but not bad.

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The playing of the Perfect Strangers theme keeps me from saying anything bad about the episode, it had me in stitches. I also laughed at a few random things, like Dr. Hibbert laughing right before he hit the ground.

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This is sort of an aside, but I just finished watching the season opener, this year's "Treehouse of Horror", and all I have to say is:  Ugh.  Maybe the worst Treehouse EVER.



What happened to the real Mr. Burns?

I never thought any of the characters should be taken too seriously in the Treehouse of Horror episodes. I could name 10 or 15 lines or things that made this episode worth watching again.


But then again, I know there are a lot of Simpsons haters out there. Not specifically here, but just in general. I had my away message up that I was watching it and my friend, who likes to antagonize me, put one up that said he was watching American Dreams and to hell with a show that had been on for 15 years with no storyline and where the characters never aged. It's people like this that The Simpsons is wasted on. They think it's stupid because it's a cartoon, it's been on a long time or you actually have to have some knowledge in pop culture or the finer points of life to get all of the jokes.

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Guest LooneyTune

The whole point of the ToH episodes was to break away from the mold, kill characters you couldn't in the series, have Kang and Kodos, etc. etc.

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Homer: We always have one good kid and one bad kid. Why can't both our kids be good?


Marge: Homer, we have two kids!


Homer: Marge, the dog doesn't count as a kid!


Marge: I was talking about Maggie!


Homer: Oh, yeah.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Other than the Perfect Strangers opening this episode completely sucked. It's a really bad sign when ToH is unwatchable as it's usually the best episode of the season anymore.

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Guest LooneyTune

FOX also hyped my (not so)big fat obnoxious boss who had a father who's the district attorney too, as well as the Reba Billionaire.

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