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Guest SP-1


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Guest SP-1

Drops tomorrow, the 27th. I'll be at the comic book store right after lunch to make sure I get a copy of no. 1.


I know alot of Kyle fans are scared the DC is going to kill him but I don't think that's what's coming. Anyone else here happy to see the return of Jordan?

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Guest Prodigy

I'm not old enough to be around Hal's time, but I'm stoked for this! I love Geoff Johns and Sciver's art is great! I know this will be good. I remembering seeing a review at AICN, saying that a lot of the other GLs guest star, including Kyle, which I guess means he ain't dead (not yet anyway). I am really looking forward to this, but when does this take place? Like I mean after ID Crisis?


Anyway, I can't wait. You can find a preview at popcultureshock. I haven't loked at it though, as I don't want to spoil anything for myself. Tomorrow is going to be a good comic day for me. :)

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I'd assume that it takes place after IC, especially with the events of #4, I believe.


As for the return of Hal, I'm not sure. The GL I grew up reading was Kyle, but from the various Hal stuff I've read he's been good. Honestly I look forward to what Johns will do, even if it means offing Kyle.


What I'm looking forward to is the reaction from the other characters to Hal's return. I'm sure guys like Ollie will be glad to have there pal back, but I'm sure there's going to be lots of tension especially with a guy like Bats.


Ah well, a few more hours.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah, Bruce can be very unforgiving. That will be an interesting dynamic.


Within the confines of the DCU, one must keep in mind that Hal is a legend regardless of Parallax. The statue erected to him (as seen most recently in ID CRISIS #4, I believe) at his grave site shows that.


I keep seeing rumors that it will be revealed that somehow Hal and Parallax are seperate entities and/or the drive to insanity was the result of Hal using Lord Malvolio's tainted ring for so long.

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The guys at CHUD.com seem to think that this will lead to another Crisis-like event next summer, which helps explain Rebirth, the current Titans storyline, and the Legion revamp.

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Guest SP-1

Alright. I have it, I've read it, and this just might be my favorite comic of all time right now. It raises some huge questions, and the art itself has some things in it when you really look at it that will make you raise some more questions.


Of particular note:


Coast City seemingly being recreated out of nowhere. I love that. There's this epic kind of creepy feeling that struck me when I read it. It's so supernatural and strange that I think everyone has this uneasy feeling that what's happening isn't going to be the usual superhero deal. It's bigger. Much bigger. At the old airfield, the jets, Hal's in particular, transforming from junked out heaps into brand new appearing jets.




I find it interesting that when Spectre judged Black hand, the arm that reaches out from under the cloak is in the form of PARALAX's old uniform! Spectre also has quite the evil looking grin on his face after BH's hand falls off.


The final two pages gave me chills.


This is going to be awesome.

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It also whets my appetite for the I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League story that'll get published in JLA Classified, since, well, Guy's back.

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Guy's surviving Rebirth, since Geoff Johns has gone on record as saying that he won't be killing any GLs off in the mini-series. At worse, Guy is going to get depowered so he can be given a new GL ring once the new GL series gets started up.

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It also whets my appetite for the I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League story that'll get published in JLA Classified, since, well, Guy's back.

That's going to be so weird to read after Identity Crisis...

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I'm incredibly pissed off after reading this.


Pissed off I have to wait another month to find out what happens next. I echo what SP said, the atmsophere in this issue was electric.


Since I don't know how to use spoiler tags


















Does it seem to anyone else that its almost like time is reverting back to Hals GL days in a way?


Plus John Stewart standing up to Batman was fucking ace

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Guest SP-1

Can a mod just throw a SPOILER reference in the post title?



John dressing Bats down was amazingly great. The art there was fantastic as well. Batman was colored completely in shadow until John illuminated him in light when he busted him down a notch. I think that was a subtle hint that John is right. Once you throw light on Batman and strip away the fear he exudes, he's just a man. The art and coloring was done really well there.

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Guest Prodigy

Man Sciver's art was awesome! My favourite page was the one with Kyle in it. He also draws a pretty badass Batman.


The story is really cool, and feels very mysterious, with all the strange things happening. The return of Coast City, Guy's shape-shifting screwing around, Hal's split personality. Really looking forward to what comes next. And from looking at the solicits of the next three issues, things should be pretty interesting...

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This book was damn good im not a big GL guy (kyle, hal or otherwise) and nobody has to be to read this book..in case if you missed all the previous GL stuff the characters do a nice touch-base on the important points you need to know


like your observations and rumors you passed along SP-1

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Guest SP-1

I'm a huge GL mark. I keep re-reading the issue looking for anything Johns and Sciever may have planted for us. :)


I'm not a Hal or Kyle mark so much as a Corps mark. I mean, these are the Jedi Knights of the DCU. I think what I REALLY love about this whole thing is that it's not just a GL event: it's becoming a DCU-wide events. And I love deep character interaction. And within the confines of the DCU, Hal Jordan is a hero to many still, despite the Parallax incident. Within that structure of character relationships, this is amazing and could be really, really cool of Johns handles it well (and I think he will). To the people who knew him, this is kind of like watching one of your best friends rise to being a hero, going insane with grief and having to fight him, watching him sacrifice himself to save everyone, and then knowing he's out there, somewhere, trying to earn his ultimate redemption. And then? All the old things that made him who he was begin to reappear. There's a charge in the world. Something big is happening. Your good friend might be coming back to get a second chance.


It's so exciting for me as someone who loves character driven stories and loves relationship stories to watch this thing unfold.

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Guest JMA

I just got the first issue today. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed.


Did anyone else like how Batman was drawn slightly demonic? The way he moved back when John's light shined on him was great.

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Guest SP-1
I just got the first issue today. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed.


Did anyone else like how Batman was drawn slightly demonic? The way he moved back when John's light shined on him was great.

There was alot of good stuff in the art for that.


I think the art and the coloring is demonstrative of the truth of John's statements. Bruce was high and mighty, perched in the shadows while mouthing off but when John verbally exposed him, he also threw light on the demonc looking Batman, revealing just a man in a costume

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Just got the second issue. It didn't impress me as much as the first, but the story's starting to take shape. Still interested in seeing where it's going with the apparent redo of the Parllax origin.

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Guest JMA

Man, this series keeps getting better and better. You can really tell that Johns has a great deal of love for the Green Lantern mythos and Silver/Bronze Age characters in particular.

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The hero as tryingto break out from forces he cannot control has always been a good comics staple. It's why I really liked Venom before the character was milked to death and his character was destroyed.

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Spoilers ho ho ho...


It seems like Kyle and Ganthet are the only ones of the GL crew that "get it" as far as Parallax goes. Somehow, using the ring is allowing Parallax to take over the user? I also have to say, that while it's nice to see Guy back in action, I didn't really buy how he got a ring back. Doesn't a duplicate have to be given freely by the owner of the original or something?

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Guest SP-1



Methinks there's something bigger happening with the ring duplication business and Guy. Can't say what but it's just got that smell of being a bigger issue. Or it was just super convenient for Geoff. However: KILOWOG, FOOLS. It's good to see him, even if he's apparently been corrupted by the strange impurity.

Edited by SP-1

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Wait a minute. Let me see if I've figured this out.


So Parallax basically takes over the will of the user?


Which would mean that Hal Jordan is essentially absolved of every nasty thing he ever did after going nuts.


.......I'm not sure I like that. In fact, I'm quite certain I DON'T.

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Guest SP-1

We don't know that yet. We don't know where the impurity's control begins and where the user's control ends -- if the impurity just influences but doesn't take over then Hal's definitely got to walk away with some measure of responsibility. I don't think Johns is just going to sweep it all under the rug, at least I hope he doesn't.

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Ok, that teaser from #3 has got me interested in this storyline. Hm, I'll have to check it out when I get a chance and some money.



Do I need to know any GL lore? Cause I'm like drawing blanks on the whole thing and I was a GL fan when I was younger.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest SP-1

Haha, that preview ends perfectly.


You just know that Ganthet is about to wreck house

Edited by SP-1

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