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Favorite submission finisher/hold

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Guest Prof_Plague

So many to choose. But Sharpshooter is most legendary for me. I would always mark when Bret sinched it on.

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So many to choose. But Sharpshooter is most legendary for me. I would always mark when Bret sinched it on.

I love it when Benoit uses it now. It wasn't quite as cool when The Rock used it.

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I always had a soft spot for Saturn's Ring of Saturn...always thought that it it quite simple to apply and painful, too.


Other fav submissions: dragon sleeper, dragon clutch, sharpshooter, figure four leglock, regal stretch, brock lock, indian deathlock...and cross armbreaker, I wish this deceptively simple move would be put over more in the States.


Count me in as another one who is in the dark about Haas of Pain. Any description would be appreciated.


From little that i've seen of Cattle Mutilation (no doubt it looks cool)...seems like it require elaborate amount of setup. I could be wrong here, so apologies in advance.


Good topic. :)

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From little that i've seen of Cattle Mutilation (no doubt it looks cool)...seems like it require elaborate amount of setup. I could be wrong here, so apologies in advance.

It's actually a pretty natural mat-wrestling position. Think back to when Angle was running hammerlock pinning combinations and such - it's not at all a stretch to throw on a double chicken wing, and in fact it happens in the amateurs all the time. Taking it from a somewhat risky pinning combination to a submission that's damn near impossible to escape is something that I appreciate, at least.

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Does anybody has a pic of the Cattle Mutilation?


And I'll try to describe the Haas of pain.


1. Opponent on his belly.

2. Lock legs like you would for a Regal Stretch, but instead, put your right foot on the leg that is locked behind the opponent's knee.

3. Pull back until you are side to side with the opponent. The guy looks like his back is about to break.





Hope it helps.

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Noble's front Dragon Sleeper (or, near enough, someone correct me) gets my vote too.


If we're talking submission 'finishers', then you can put in Shamrock's Ankle Lock because it actually was a finisher. Angle's Ankle Lock has been turned into a transitional move now, where as Shamrock's always got a crowd pop and nearly always got the tapout. Not the snazziest submissions move or the most inventive, but one of the more credible.

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Guest thatdude21601

I have this thing for the octopus stretch, and Ayako's Ayakita or whatever she calls it. The leg cranking on the neck just looks mean.


Usaully it doesn't really matter to me what hold is being used, but rather that the victim sells it like death..or escapes beleivably(doesn't have to be fancy reversal, but make the rope break look important atleast).

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Guest wildpegasus
Cross Armbreaker-Especially when it's treated right. All the different ways it can be applied and escaped has led to some great moments in wrestling history.


And I'm sick of the only Bret and Owen could apply the Scropion Deathlock"Sharpshooter" bullshit. Ricky Choysu was doing the move just good all the way back in the early 80s. And for the record, Hase's version owns both Bret and Owen's.


Kawada, Akiyama, Sasaki, and even Sting all did the move very well. Benoit's is good too as long as he has someone who is willing to be stretched.


Yeah, the Rock's version was weak but that doesn't mean there were other people who could do the move.

Bret did have the best sharpshooter overall. Even a touch better than Owen's sharpshooter. Others aren't too far behind but they still weren't quite as good. Choshu's sharpshooter is not even close to the quality of several superstars. Hase's version while being better than Choshu's is not as good as Bret's either.

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Guest NoMercy

After seeing pictures of the Haas of Pain, it look incredibly easy to break out of, not really threatening, albeit cool.


And I'd also like to add the Christo to the list of my favorite submissions.

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The best looking sharpshooter I saw was Choshu's on Akira Maeda back in 1988. It looked good because Choshu was really clamping down hard, and Maeda's legs were really being pulled back. I've never seen it applied anywhere near as good in the US, outside of the Bret v Owen at WM X and Bret v Perfect at SummerSlam 1991. I don't know why that is, but I put it down to the Japanese style being more snug than US stuff.

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Sugarhold - Stu Harts signature move. A fullnelson while in the camel clutch position (It's in No Mercy N64), but I was doing it back in grade 4 :)


Crossface Chickenwing - The angle with Backland is still one of my all time favourites, because they just built that move up as lethal.


The Mega Manoeuvre - back when I was a kid, this was the most devastating move me and my buddies did to each other. The move? A headlock :) It'd get you tappin anytime.

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Guest DVD Spree

Dr Death - straightjacket crossface camel clutch thingy (I know it's got a proper name, but damned if I can remember it).


Jesse Ventura - (Canadian) Backbreaker


Big Bully Busick - The Bully bender. Nuff said.

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Today to my surprise I saw a surprising decent spotfest match from AAA it was Black Family vs Barrio Boys. One of the members of the Black Family it was either Cuervo or Ozz did a STANDING SURFBOARD submission! The setup to the move was that one of the Barrio Boys was running the ropes to attempt the bodyscissors move that everybody hates but instead of the usual transition of armbar the Black Family guy caught him and countered with what looked like a double armlock forming the Surfboard move.

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Bret did have the best sharpshooter overall. Even a touch better than Owen's sharpshooter. Others aren't too far behind but they still weren't quite as good. Choshu's sharpshooter is not even close to the quality of several superstars. Hase's version while being better than Choshu's is not as good as Bret's either.

Hase's was better because he was able to link his hands together, something I can't recall Bret doing very often if at all.


I also forgot about Hokuto, who would turn around and pull her opponent's hair while keeping them in the hold.

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Guest wildpegasus
Bret did have the best sharpshooter overall. Even a touch better than Owen's sharpshooter. Others aren't too far behind but they still weren't quite as good. Choshu's sharpshooter is not even close to the quality of several superstars. Hase's version while being better than Choshu's is not as good as Bret's either.

Hase's was better because he was able to link his hands together, something I can't recall Bret doing very often if at all.


I also forgot about Hokuto, who would turn around and pull her opponent's hair while keeping them in the hold.

The last sharpshooter I've seen done by Hase back in 87 wasn't as good as Bret Hart's sharpshooter. I think I may go back and study various sharpshooters, specifically Hase's (give me a couple of dates of his best sharpshooters if you don't mind) but I don't have the time right now to do so.


The reason why Bret's is so great looking is because of his feet placement which makes sense and the angle he does it on. Bret doesn't completely sit down on his sharpshooter like many wrestlers do and than pull back. He tends to hold them up (Davey at Wembley Stadium) which not only is more impressive by effort/technique standards but the angle is more devestating looking than when somebody else sits down first and than pulls back. Bret sits down which of course you're supposed to do but it's more of a "squatting backwards sit". (That drains the giver of the hold by the way) You mentioned the hand placement which is kinda funny because it's one of the reasons why I like Bret's sharpshooter. I like where he has his hands at in comparison to others. I also like Bret's facial expressions more than most when he puts on the sharpshooter as they emphasize the effort he's putting in the hold. Even the long hair Bret has adds to the effort he's putting in the hold. The way some strands fall over the face add to the toughness of Bret and are a perfect accesory to the effort and the facials that he puts in the hold.


Than we can even go into Bret's modified sharpshooter which he hit against Perfect at Summerslam which I say is one of the coolest looking sharpshooters I've ever seen.


Bret's sharpshooters against Davey at Wembley and Benoit at the Toronto WCW Mayhem finals just can't be beat because it's perfection. I challenge anyone to find better sharpshooters than those. Maybe someone can tie it some day but you just can't surpass that level of excellence.

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Cross arm and legbreakers. I love simple looking yet devastating moves


There's also a very damn cool looking submission I once saw on a Joshi tape. Double-underhook Pedigree setup except she leans back and forces the back of her opponent's head to rest onto her stomach, basically into a can opener. For extra pressure, she pulled down on her opponent's legs with her own. Looked painful as hell. I see wildpegasus and Coffin Surfer lurking about the thread, so maybe you two can help me out on the move name.

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The stretch muffler that Brock was using was very cool, and looked pretty legit.


The Scorpion Deathlock back before Sting started leaning forward. Guess working with all those Senior Citizens who shouldn't be in the ring can destroy your work.


If applied right, I think the Camel Clutch is a great submission.

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Guest wildpegasus
Cross arm and legbreakers. I love simple looking yet devastating moves


There's also a very damn cool looking submission I once saw on a Joshi tape. Double-underhook Pedigree setup except she leans back and forces the back of her opponent's head to rest onto her stomach, basically into a can opener. For extra pressure, she pulled down on her opponent's legs with her own. Looked painful as hell. I see wildpegasus and Coffin Surfer lurking about the thread, so maybe you two can help me out on the move name.

I'm not sure. Can you give an approximate date and descriptions of the wrestlers in the ring?



Bull Nakano, the wrestler with the hair that sticks up to the sky has a cool version of a modified sharpshooter she uses regulary.

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Guest BrokenWings
The "Rock Bottom/Urunage Slam" that Wrath delivered to Glacier at Uncensored 1997 after the very good Mortis/Glacier match was just phenominal. He swung Glacier around like a baby and then SPIKED him.

I'm confused. ;) Was it a submission?

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^^ SUBMISSION finisher


anyways i always loved the Liontamer back in WCW, especially since Jericho was always wrestling cruisers and they bended like pretzels it looked awesome.


another favorite of mine althoug it's more of a UFC thing, it's a good guillotine choke.

I love it because i use it everytime my friends and i fight and they always tap out, it's the most effective hold i've ever used.

And the cool thing it's that it doesn't need to hurt the other person, as soon as they fell inmovilized by you the panic and tap out, no pain involved.

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Guest thatdude21601
There's also a very damn cool looking submission I once saw on a Joshi tape. Double-underhook Pedigree setup except she leans back and forces the back of her opponent's head to rest onto her stomach, basically into a can opener. For extra pressure, she pulled down on her opponent's legs with her own. Looked painful as hell.

That was from the main-event of Dreamslam II I believe. Manami Toyota used it on Ozaki. Not sure it has a name.

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Guest wildpegasus

Any crazy lucha submission hold.


Mariko Yoshida's arsenal


The Brock Lock




Crippler Crossface


Rings of Saturn with the pulling up of the neck at the same time.


A million others. It's impossble to pick. What I love about submission wrestling is not the only the submission move but how the opponent gets in that hold.

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There's also a very damn cool looking submission I once saw on a Joshi tape. Double-underhook Pedigree setup except she leans back and forces the back of her opponent's head to rest onto her stomach, basically into a can opener. For extra pressure, she pulled down on her opponent's legs with her own. Looked painful as hell.

That was from the main-event of Dreamslam II I believe. Manami Toyota used it on Ozaki. Not sure it has a name.

I knew it was one of the Dreamslam events and that's the match I was thinking about. It looked like it could easily injure somebody that didn't know what was going on.


Triangle Choke would be my favorite, but most wrestler don't do it right.

Like the Undertaker's "My legs are kinda around your neck so it's good enough" Triangle Choke? That brings up memories of my crazy MMA friend just screaming at the TV for Undertaker to cinch it on correctly. However, slightly in their defense, I wouldn't want a proper Triangle Choke applied on me.

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