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OAO Victory Road Thread

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It's been awhile since we've done a OAO for a TNA event. How many people are ordering? What are your thoughts going in?


I'm ordering and I'm kind of excited, but I think that's more because this is TNA's big show and not because of a stacked line-up. Regardless, I think Styles/Williams and AMW/XXX will be gold, and the X Gauntlet could be fun. Here are my predictions:


NWA World Title Ladder Match (and for the title of "Best Jeff"): Jeff Jarrett© vs. Jeff Hardy


Granted, I didn't see Jarrett/Hardy I, but part of me (probably the tiny mark part that is dying a slow death) likes this match. They've has been buiding to a ladder match between these two for the better part of six months, and this is it. I think the gimmick will definitely improve the quality of the match. If Hardy takes a few big bumps, the crowd will be on his side all over again and I think it plays to Jarrett's brawling strengths. It can't be 10 minutes though. They are going to have to make sure to go at least 15, or else the ME will be very underwhelming. I think TNA is going to actually put the belt on Hardy here because Jarrett went over in the cage match on the BDSSP special. So I think Hardy gets the win here in his speciality match, and has the shortest reign in TNA history by dropping the belt back to Jarrett "3 days later." I think they cage match "rematch" will be necessary because Hall and Nash will align with Jarrett, but 3LK will make the save for Hardy and brawl with them to make the match one-on-one (and set up the next feud). This way, even though TNA had no one come out with the belt for the cage match, they can have the commentary say the cage match is for the title.


X-Division Title Match: Petey Williams© vs. AJ Styles


If this match gets the kind of time Styles and Kazarian got in their first match, we could have a MOTY candidate on our hands. These guys can flat out go and I'm looking forward to it. I think it's important that Styles look strong for the new audience, but I also think him winning the belt would be a division killer, so I think Williams will retain, with plenty of interference, and goes onto feud with the winner of the Gauntlet (Sabin, Garza or Dutt). Where Styles goes from here is anyone's gues, but I'd wager by his table match with Abyss on the BDSPP that he's heading back to the Heavyweight division.


Tag Title Match : Team Canada© vs. 3 Live Kru


I think these guys will work a nice little old school match that will surprise some people. I don't think it'll be a ***** affair, but it will definitely be fun and have the crowd in it. Look for this to go about 10 minutes (anything more would be criminally, because it would take valuable time away from the matches that need to go long to be effective), with BG doing his best Ricky Morton impersation until the hot tag to Mr. Arriba La Raza. TNA might pull the change here since 3LK is so over, but since I predicted a change in the main event, I'll stick with Team Canada here.


Last Team Standing Match: AMW vs. XXX


Well XXX going heel certainly makes things more interesting. Could that mean we see the return of Low-Ki and their patented numbers game that produced 4 victories over AMW? I dunno. I was going with XXX since AMW went over in there last "big match," but with Daniels and Skipper working singles matches on the BDSSP special, AMW might take this one and move on to challenge Team Canada.


Monster's Ball No DQ Match: Abyss vs. Monty Brown vs. Raven


This match has had the best build of anything on the show. Monty's facials as Abyss played with the thumbtacks on Impact were priceless. The addition of Mitchell makes it less obviously who's going over here, but I think TNA is ready to strap a rocket to Monty, so I think he wins here to move in line to challenge Jarrett, after someone (most likely Raven) takes a fireball from James Mitchell.


In The Pit With Piper


I thought it would be DDP, but since Piper has implied it's an unborn star, I'm going with Kanyon or Sean O'Haire, someone who can benefit from the rub of an angle with Piper. I'm hoping for O'Haire though, because I loved his devil's advocate gimmick and think it could get him over huge, which is good because TNA is gonna need a super heel besides Jarrett to challenge Monty.


Trinity's Open Challenge


I think TNA wants to bring in Chyna, but there's no way she'll job to Trinity, so I'm guessing Nicole Bass! No really, I'll go say its Desire or Jazz.




I don't know even know who they are. The mini match at the anniversary was a lot of fun for the live crowd, but I don't know how well it will play on television.


20-Man X-Division Gauntlet


This will probably open the show and really get the crowd into it if these guys are on. It looks like Sabin is next in line for a push, but I wouldn't put it past TNA to put over Hector Garza or Sonjay Dutt here. Either way, I think the winner here challenges Petey at Turning Point, and probably dethrones him.


Eight Man Tag: Johnny B. Badd, Ron Killings, Empire Saint, and Erik Watts vs Kid Kash, Dallas and the Naturals


This match is thrown together to get some guys a big payday. While I can appreciate TNA wanting to feature as many of their guys as possible, couldn't have thrown together a little storyline. Or even had the guys on TV. Only Badd and Killings have been on TV recently in any kind of prominent way. Anyway, the crowd will probably be into this too, because they like Badd and Killing and hate Kash. We'll probably see the faces win here just because. It's not like it means anything or anything like that. One more thing....Mero really needs to grow his hair out if he's gonna do the gimmick. It's just not the same w/o it!


All in all, I think this will be a good show. The build has been good, if not speculatur, outside of the main event. The Monster's Ball match is as intriguing as anything Raven's done since his feud with Sabu and the Last Man Standing Match has been built well too with respect giving way to anamosity between the teams. Even though there isn't a "match for the ages" on the line-up, it seems like a bigger deal than any one show in their history, which is good. It's not like they're selling the show just on Jarrett/Hardy, they'll selling it as a "must-see supercard."


I also like that even though they're bring in "names," the big matches all feature TNA talent. Smart move IMO. People tuning in to see what Hall, Nash and Piper are doing will be introduced to AJ Styles, Monty Brown, AMW and XXX, which can only be good for TNA in the long run. I'll definitely be ordering.

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I'm looking forward to the show tonight. I'm not a blind TNA supporter and I know they have their faults, but some of the stuff intrigues me, I too believe the X Title and Last Man Standing matches will steal the show, and I'm hoping that we get a few nice surprises.

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Im looking forward to the show as it is the first big TNA show. It will also likely determine if I watch any future monthly shows from TNA. As long as the X Title, AMW vs XXX and the gauntlet deliver I will be pretty happy.


And please no Lex Luger.

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I'll download this and see how TNA has progressed since I stopped watching somewhere around 5-6 months ago. TNA is fucking insane if they think I would pay $30 for it though, especially since the booking is going to be pure shit I'm guessing. The surprises are most likely going to be groans or blehs as well.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I would've seriously considered buying this show for $19.99 but there's no way I'm dropping $30 on this.


But I think it'll be a solid card as XXX/AMW, Styles/Williams and Raven/Abyss/Brown will all be entertaining matches.

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Guest Coffey

I said that I wasn't going to order Victory Road as soon as Jeff Hardy beat out Abyss, Monty Brown & Raven as the number one contender.


I'm sticking to that.

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Guest JJW

I'm gonna order it cuz they can't afford to put on a bad show and amw/xxx usually deliever.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think Raven/Abyss/Brown will probably be the best match on the card. Raven and Abyss are probably going to make it an awesome brawl.

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My friend's mom is ordering the show. I am hoping and praying that TNA really does a good job tonight. A lot is riding on this show. I hope that they have gotten their booking heads out of their asses and decided to step up the booking tonight. I'll get on tomorrow night and give my thoughts. Gotta get up early for work so can't be on all night talking about the show.

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Well there's JJ/Hardy, either way, people will either be pissed Jeff is champ. The Outsiders are fat and embarassing looking.


Styles/Petey - Barring run-ins, should be very good.


Tag Titles - Will suck.


Women's "Challenge" - Will suck.


Gauntlet Match - Could be very good...will probably be "good", due to quick eliminations/no story being developed.


Piper's Segment - Will suck, as always.


Monster's Ball - Could be good. Raven hasn't done anything to show he has talent in years. Monty is exciting. Look for Mitchell with Abyss. I think Abyss goes over by pinning Raven.


8-Man Tag: Good, hopefully.


Dusty/Russo vote: It's like voting for tetnis or herpes.

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Hector Garza just won the 20-man X Division gauntlet. Last two men were Kazarian and he. Everyone is saying it was an amazing match, easily over 4 stars.

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Guest BrokenWings

It was what it was supposed to be, which was a good spotfest to heat the crowd up...


No complaints from me regarding Garza winning, hopefully he can somewhat rejuventate the division.


Surprised at how little time Spanky was in, though.


Truth being on this team is just sad.

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Guest BrokenWings

Truth, Watts, Badd and Simon Diamond over Dallas/Kash and The Naturals.


Meh. Basically what you'd expect, with the highlight being Dallas going for a moonsault.


Lucha minis up next. One of them is a really fat pirate. Yeah.

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Guest BrokenWings

The non-pirate mini won. That was bad, and the comedy they tried was terrible.


1 for 3 so far.


3LK -v- Team Canada up next...


EDIT: Wait. There's Scott Hall. I guess he's getting promo time.

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Guest BrokenWings

Hall's saying Nash won't be there tonight. "You can trust me on that one."


Other than that, the basic gist of it was to promo the main event. He also mentioned how he was the one who invented the ladder match, or something similar.


Okay for what it was.


Now it's time for the tag match.

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Guest BrokenWings

3LK over Team Canada, in an okay little tag match. Team Canada did their usual cheating bit, but when D'Amore went to hit James with the flag Truth ran in and scared him off, leaving enough time for Konnan to hit an X-Factor on Bobby Rude.


Good Raven promo from the night vision camera.

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Guest BrokenWings

"You're a legend." chant (I believe) for Piper.


Jimmy Snuka is the Piper's Pit guest. This could be interesting.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
"You're a legend." chant (I believe) for Piper.


Jimmy Snuka is the Piper's Pit guest. This could be interesting.

Why didn't they just make this the new Heroes of Wrestling PPV? Lots of oldies, ya know.

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Guest BrokenWings

Piper's really putting over Snuka. "The X-Division has some good one's, but there's only one great, and that's you." Mentions the coconut, and how no one could take that and not back down other than the Superfly.


Piper places a coconut in Jimmy's hand, tells him how he can't take his conscience, and asks him to hit him upside the head for retribution, but Snuka doesn't do it.


And Kid Kash is out, disrespecting Snuka, and saying Piper shouldn't be putting him over, for the only reason he's respected is for "falling off the cage at Madison Square Garden", and asking where Snuka was when Kash did a hurricanrana off a 20 foot cage through a table, or something.


Kash goes to hit him, and Snuka nails him, and chops him down, before Kazarian/Shane come out, and they triple team Snuka until Piper/Sonjay make the save.


Then Kash hits Sonjay with a coconut, and bails out with the other two.


They sell the coconut like death, with Kash saying several times, "I DIDN'T BRING IT IN THERE!"


Good segment.

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Guest BrokenWings
How does Hall look?

Eh, he was only out for a couple minutes, but he looked okay. Looked pretty excited to be out there, as the crowd was pretty hot for his entrance.

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Guest BrokenWings
Man, the E already rehashed the Piper angle on SD! last year. How many times is this one going to get pulled out of the mothballs?

Yeah, that's what I thought as well, though I believe this one was done much better.

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