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The Marine who shot dead an injured man

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The stupidity level from INXS has reached a baffling high in this thread. I can't stop laughing, from claiming he'd join the insurgency, to explaining how stringing up bodies is part of Arab culture, to championing Saddam for women's rights to claiming how Iraqis had the right to vote, I don't know when he'll stop topping himself. It reminds me of the SNL skit from a year or so ago where "Al Sharpton" was on Hardball saying all these outrageous conspiracy and race baiting things, and "Chris Mathews" just kept laughing and going "this guy is great, gimme another, c'mon say something else outrageous". Cerebus, powerplay, et. all, good luck, but really, what's the point? C-Bacon has been just as moronic just without the brazenly ignorant style of INXS...

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I think there are people who are genuinely opposed to the war for moral reasons who also genuinely don't want American troops harmed


That's true, they don't want them harmed, but so what...that isn't supporting them at all. "I hope you don't get killed" is not supporting them. If you do not support the mission that they are engaged in, you do not support them.


BTW, you said you're pro-war (in favor of our actions in Iraq?)--then don't be so hard on SideFxs. You are in agreement with him on that. He speaks bluntly, deal with it.

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This really solidifies you as a morally dangerous shithead. In fact, I think you just moved beyond that and became a morally irredeemable piece of subhuman shit. You would kill CIVILIANS and drag their bodies thru the streets? *Civilians*, who are there to do work that helps your country and have nothing to do with the military conflict? Fuck you. I hope you die, miserable and alone, in a pool of your own blood, excrement, and vomit, after weeks of unspeakable agony, you absolutely worthless waste of sperm and egg.


Quote of the year.

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The stupidity level from INXS has reached a baffling high in this thread. I can't stop laughing, from claiming he'd join the insurgency, to explaining how stringing up bodies is part of Arab culture, to championing Saddam for women's rights to claiming how Iraqis had the right to vote, I don't know when he'll stop topping himself. It reminds me of the SNL skit from a year or so ago where "Al Sharpton" was on Hardball saying all these outrageous conspiracy and race baiting things, and "Chris Mathews" just kept laughing and going "this guy is great, gimme another, c'mon say something else outrageous". Cerebus, powerplay, et. all, good luck, but really, what's the point? C-Bacon has been just as moronic just without the brazenly ignorant style of INXS...

Chris Matthews: How about it, Rebecca DeWitt? Should we be throwing genie-portrayed basketball players in jail?


Rebecca DeWitt: Chris, every society needs police. But who will police the police? My idea: terrorists! Give the terorists guns and badges, and the ability to arrest law enforcement and military personnel. That way, there are checks and balances.


Chris Matthews: Dear Lord. Belefonte! Hit me with a quick one!


Harry Belefonte: The war in Iraq is in a minstrel show!


Chris Matthews: Fantastic! Another!


Harry Belefonte: Winston Churchill was a house Negro!


Chris Matthews: One more time!


Harry Belefonte: Poodles are the black man of the dog world!


Chris Matthews: Whoa-oa! [ laughs uproariously ] I'm never gonna get tired of this!

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I will give our soliders the benefit of the doubt. They are in a warzone and should be allowed to defend themselves however they see fit. When the enemy fights a guerilla war, we shouldn't have to put our own soldiers at risk. Either both sides play fair, or the gloves should come off. This wasn't just an innocent bystander shot. He was shooting from a mosque. He deserves what he got.


!!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, that sums up how every AMERICAN should feel right there.

tear I feel so...American. ^_^


intensifier, since you seem to be new to the board, let me give you a little briefing. INXS (renamed #1 Dubya Disciple since he lost a bet with me over the election) and C-Bacon, are both insane. Not just liberal, we have our share of normal, rational thinking dissenters from that side of the spectrum here who have some intelligence and human decency and can argue their side like, non-insane persons. These 2 are not of that breed. So don't take them too seriously, just heartily laugh at them like the rest, and if you're in the mood try refuting their arguments and wait for the next outrageous opinion from them to be posted.

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The stupidity level from INXS has reached a baffling high in this thread. I can't stop laughing, from claiming he'd join the insurgency, to explaining how stringing up bodies is part of Arab culture, to championing Saddam for women's rights to claiming how Iraqis had the right to vote, I don't know when he'll stop topping himself. It reminds me of the SNL skit from a year or so ago where "Al Sharpton" was on Hardball saying all these outrageous conspiracy and race baiting things, and "Chris Mathews" just kept laughing and going "this guy is great, gimme another, c'mon say something else outrageous". Cerebus, powerplay, et. all, good luck, but really, what's the point? C-Bacon has been just as moronic just without the brazenly ignorant style of INXS...

Chris Matthews: How about it, Rebecca DeWitt? Should we be throwing genie-portrayed basketball players in jail?


Rebecca DeWitt: Chris, every society needs police. But who will police the police? My idea: terrorists! Give the terorists guns and badges, and the ability to arrest law enforcement and military personnel. That way, there are checks and balances.


Chris Matthews: Dear Lord. Belefonte! Hit me with a quick one!


Harry Belefonte: The war in Iraq is in a minstrel show!


Chris Matthews: Fantastic! Another!


Harry Belefonte: Winston Churchill was a house Negro!


Chris Matthews: One more time!


Harry Belefonte: Poodles are the black man of the dog world!


Chris Matthews: Whoa-oa! [ laughs uproariously ] I'm never gonna get tired of this!

Ah, right it was Belafante. Thought it was Sharpton, thanks.

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That's true, they don't want them harmed, but so what...that isn't supporting them at all. "I hope you don't get killed" is not supporting them. If you do not support the mission that they are engaged in, you do not support them.


If that's the way you see it, fine. Do you think that makes the anti-war set traitorous?

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Wasn't it these same perpetually boneheaded assessments that gotted INXS banned last time?

Surely you are not insinuating that INXS and hunger4unger are in fact one in the same!?

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If you guys keep feeding flames to INXS, you simply encourage him to keep being stupid.


Tom, either ban the guy for surpassing our Moron Quotient (the same Moron Quotient that also thankfully eliminates every insane right-winger who rambles on about how being gay is something people choose to do to be offensive and how gay relationships bring our society down) or just ignore him and let him keep spouting bile.


Because going on about what a waste of cells he is isn't going to do anything. And I honestly think INXS crossed the Moron Quotient test long ago.

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Gotted? What the hell was I thinking?


Anyways, INXS/unger/Malton represents the rare breed of internet people that aggravate me to the point where I would punch his face continually until it was mush (not like he could get any uglier) and then kick in the crotch until he couldn't reproduce anymore

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Guest MikeSC
Nobody had an ACTUAL right to vote (which is how Saddam would pull down those impressive 99% wins).

Yeah, of course without the sanctions, the Iraqi's could have rebelled and removed this problem in the first place.


I find it cute that you ACTUALLY believe that. If we ignored the UN's pleading in 1991 and aided the Kurds, he would've been removed years earlier.


Live and learn.

Sorry, wasn't aware that I said we should have anything to do with Egypt or Arabia.

You need not say it Mike, it's ever so clear. Just an example of hypocrisy

How is it an example of hypocrisy? Like it or not, as bad as the current Egyptian and Saud regimes are --- there are no better alternatives.


But don't worry --- the left has not really given a shit about the darker-hued folks for many years.


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Guest MikeSC
If i'm not mistaken, Iraqi women had the right to vote under Saddam.

Nobody had an ACTUAL right to vote (which is how Saddam would pull down those impressive 99% wins).

So they had a few more rights than other US supported dictatorships *cough* Saudi Arabia *cough* Egypt *cough*

Sorry, wasn't aware that I said we should have anything to do with Egypt or Arabia.


At least WE didn't take money from Iraqi children --- nor have WE kept Castro and the Iranian theocracy in business.


No, you didn't take money from Iraqi children - just blew their arms and legs off for them. And starved them with sanctions.

Shockingly, in SPITE of sanctions, Saddam somehow made BILLIONS and had no problems building new palaces. But the people who starved the Iraqis were us --- NOT the gov't who controlled the economy.


Weird how that works, huh?


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Guest SideFXs
This really solidifies you as a morally dangerous shithead. In fact, I think you just moved beyond that and became a morally irredeemable piece of subhuman shit. You would kill CIVILIANS and drag their bodies thru the streets? *Civilians*, who are there to do work that helps your country and have nothing to do with the military conflict? Fuck you. I hope you die, miserable and alone, in a pool of your own blood, excrement, and vomit, after weeks of unspeakable agony, you absolutely worthless waste of sperm and egg.


Quote of the year.

For those reading this thread, you might interpret that this is something I wrote. I didn't.


Just because I agree with him on one issue doesn't mean I have to verbally fellate him.

Don't flatter yourself

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Guest MikeSC
I never mentioned terrorists, what are you on about? The terrorist groups that now operate within Iraq, that specialize in hostage taking, are barbaric, of course but they are not to be confused with 'insurgents'. I would say that the insurgents are no more or less barbaric than the US Army.

You'd be unbelievably wrong --- but you're used to that by now, I suppose.

I'm not aware of the US going to any great lengths to avoid "collateral damage". Infact, it seems quite the opposite with little regard being shown for civilian life.

If we WISHED to, we could level every building in Fallujah and kill everybody who lives there in about 2 days.


Instead, we're trying to spare mosques and avoid killing civilians. If only the monkeys would do the same.

Do you think that the insurgency is made up of foreign fighters and terrorists?


Certainly foreigners will ahve joined the cause but the core of the insurgency, and the majority of it's build up is that of the Iraqi people.

Yet there is no lack of recruits to join Iraqi security. Weird, huh?

I think the problem with the lack of electricity and clean water in Iraq has more to dso with the bombing of whole towns and cities by US forces rather than bombs from insurgents or terrorists.

Which is odd, since we've never once done that. We are quite precise with where we drop the bombs.

George Galloway still maintains his innocence and I believe him.

So did Alger Hiss. And some people believed him, too. Doesn't make him innocent or truthful in his statements.

It is a FACT that Bush ahs sold theoil contracts to US companies who in turn are making billions of $. You can't argue that. It's a fact.



In case you re unaware, I don't take your work on much of anything.


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Do you think that makes the anti-war set traitorous


No, it makes them illogical.


As far as liberalism being a mental disease, he means the far left, the extreme left, the real nut-jobs. Like the people that claim Bush went into Afghanistan for the drug trade, etc.

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I think there are people who are genuinely opposed to the war for moral reasons who also genuinely don't want American troops harmed


That's true, they don't want them harmed, but so what...that isn't supporting them at all. "I hope you don't get killed" is not supporting them. If you do not support the mission that they are engaged in, you do not support them.

This is unnecessarily and inaccurately reductive. The troops are human beings; the mission is a policy. They are the executors of a policy; they do not make the policy, only carry it out. However, even if I disagree with the policy, the policy exists. It is their job to act it out regardless of my opinions on the policy, and I hope they do it well and safely.


I'm not too fond of this particular war, but I'm very fond of our soldiers and, generally, how they do the job that our government gives them.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Gotted? What the hell was I thinking?


Anyways, INXS/unger/Malton represents the rare breed of internet people that aggravate me to the point where I would punch his face continually until it was mush (not like he could get any uglier) and then kick in the crotch until he couldn't reproduce anymore

Don't do that, remember the STD thread he started.

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Gotted? What the hell was I thinking?


Anyways, INXS/unger/Malton represents the rare breed of internet people that aggravate me to the point where I would punch his face continually until it was mush (not like he could get any uglier) and then kick in the crotch until he couldn't reproduce anymore

You know, I'm reminded of the great verbal bitchslaps that FK Teale used to lay down upon Frank Zappa Mask whenever FZM would post something equally as moronic.


They were things of beauty. I wish I had archived them for posturity.

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Gotted? What the hell was I thinking?

How come did you typed gotted?


Anyways, INXS/unger/Malton represents the rare breed of internet people that aggravate me to the point where I would punch his face continually until it was mush (not like he could get any uglier) and then kick in the crotch until he couldn't reproduce anymore

I concur wholeheartledly. Though I'd probably want to gouge out his eyes and piss in the empty, bloody eye sockets. That way, he could never see a computer screen again. The hands would have to be cut off next (and all the dangling nerves in the forearm cauterized with a hot knife) so he couldn't type anymore. Then I'd need to cut out his tongue, so he couldn't use one of those crappy voice-recognition programs.


Then I'd kick him the crotch one more time, just for good measure.

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They were things of beauty. I wish I had archived them for posturity.

At least one of those threads is in the Classics section. And as good as they are, they won't improve your posture, hippie. :P

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I'm reminded of the great verbal bitchslaps that FK Teale used to lay down upon Frank Zappa Mask whenever FZM would post something equally as moronic.

I'm guessing there was more than that one thread in classics?


(this was before my time)

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This really solidifies you as a morally dangerous shithead. In fact, I think you just moved beyond that and became a morally irredeemable piece of subhuman shit. You would kill CIVILIANS and drag their bodies thru the streets? *Civilians*, who are there to do work that helps your country and have nothing to do with the military conflict? Fuck you. I hope you die, miserable and alone, in a pool of your own blood, excrement, and vomit, after weeks of unspeakable agony, you absolutely worthless waste of sperm and egg.


Quote of the year.

For those reading this thread, you might interpret that this is something I wrote. I didn't.

Obviously you didn't write that, Dr. Tom did, thus earning Quote of the Year Honors.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I concur wholeheartledly. Though I'd probably want to gouge out his eyes and piss in the empty, bloody eye sockets. That way, he could never see a computer screen again. The hands would have to be cut off next (and all the dangling nerves in the forearm cauterized with a hot knife) so he couldn't type anymore. Then I'd need to cut out his tongue, so he couldn't use one of those crappy voice-recognition programs.


Then I'd kick him the crotch one more time, just for good measure.


Where's the love for slamming his head in a car door about 3000 times?

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I concur wholeheartledly. Though I'd probably want to gouge out his eyes and piss in the empty, bloody eye sockets. That way, he could never see a computer screen again. The hands would have to be cut off next (and all the dangling nerves in the forearm cauterized with a hot knife) so he couldn't type anymore. Then I'd need to cut out his tongue, so he couldn't use one of those crappy voice-recognition programs.


Then I'd kick him the crotch one more time, just for good measure.

Where's the love for slamming his head in a car door about 3000 times?

Calm down now, Mad Dog. There's no need for gratuituous violence...

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I concur wholeheartledly. Though I'd probably want to gouge out his eyes and piss in the empty, bloody eye sockets. That way, he could never see a computer screen again. The hands would have to be cut off next (and all the dangling nerves in the forearm cauterized with a hot knife) so he couldn't type anymore. Then I'd need to cut out his tongue, so he couldn't use one of those crappy voice-recognition programs.


Then I'd kick him the crotch one more time, just for good measure.


Where's the love for slamming his head in a car door about 3000 times?

Because that's too quick. He should suffer for a while.



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BTW, when I said I had yet to decide on the issue, I definitely rules out 'war crime.' What happened in there was either a calculated decision because he thought his life was in danger (when cops shoot a guy who's making a move, and he ends up not being armed, the vast majority of the time it WOULD have been someone reaching for a gun, not, say a wallet) or at least a case of nerves panicing him. I don't know what the consequences of shooting someone dead out of panic in a war would be, but I doubt it would involve prison time. Probably military consequences?


There were other living prisoners in there. It would have been a war crime if they had gone through there and summarily executed them.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Where's the love for slamming his head in a car door about 3000 times?

Calm down now, Mad Dog. There's no need for gratuituous violence...

Sorry I didn't mean to get carried away.


2999 then.

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