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Guest bigm350

How much did HHH rip off

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Guest bigm350

After reading threads here and over at places like DVDVR about how much HHH ripped off Douglas it got me to thinking; how much has HHH ripped him off?


I guess similarities can be detected with Shane Douglas calling himself 'The Franchise', while HHH then proceeded to call himself 'The Game', which seems somewhat like an inside rib or whatnot.


Or promo's. After watching alot of Douglas promo's, I see that HHH tends to copy Douglas' cadence and delivery when it comes to cutting a promo.


Workrate-wise, they seem somewhat similar, but I would give the nod to HHH over Douglas, but that's not saying much, as HHH is not the awesome worker as he was in 2000. It seems injuries really slowed both guy's down alot.


Well, what do you think?

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Guest Trivia247

only comparsion I've seen is that Douglas in heel form in ECW seems the Mastermind style who may hide behind henchmen when needs be but was pretty much the better wrestler than most he faced. Now that is a mere slight comparsion I can't see whatever HHH stole off of Douglas. Douglas usual beef was with Ric Flair

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Guest bigm350

I should have phrased it differently but for the life of me I've seen posts( mostly at DVDVR) where HHH has copied alot of Douglas' mannerisms.

So, judging by your guy's responses I'm guessing I'm off base.

Somebody said that Douglas had beef with Flair but I know he also had a beef with the Clique.

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Shane Douglas means nothing to HHH. If anyone Trips takes from its Heel Michaels and Heel Flair. You can run a case with these two. You can NOT in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM find a comparision between Triple H and Shane F'N Douglas.

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I've heard that HHH ripped off Douglas as well, but I only heard about it on the 'net (and we all know how reliable net-rumors are) and, even if it is true, for all I know it's Douglas himself that started these rumors.

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Shane Douglas means nothing to HHH. If anyone Trips takes from its Heel Michaels and Heel Flair. You can run a case with these two. You can NOT in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM find a comparision between Triple H and Shane F'N Douglas.

That is all

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I guess similarities can be detected with Shane Douglas calling himself 'The Franchise', while HHH then proceeded to call himself 'The Game', which seems somewhat like an inside rib or whatnot.


I've heard Triple H refer to himself as "The Franchise" before.


Then again, Triple H rips off a LOT of people. WWF ripped of a LOT of stuff from ECW, as well.

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Guest LooneyTune

Triple H is a mixture of Ric Flair and Harley Race. Where Shane Douglas comes into play is a mystery.

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Guest Trivia247

Love how people get so emotional over this.


is it that much of a offense? And which side is being harmed by the possible comparsion, HHH who has two or three people he has studied and melded their styles together, or Douglas who was one of the top guys in ECW for years.

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Other then throwing a random number of "AH HA!" into his programs they do sound a lot like Shane's did. Although Shane would come up with something new to say every now and then.

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I have always saw it. they remind me alot of each other in promos and heel tactics.



And I am sure that Sandman meant jack shit to Austin, but he saw something in his act he could use. HHH "giving a shit" about Shane Douglas has nothing to do with it. As a wrestler, if you see something you think could help your character, you take it. I see some of those things in HHH's heel style that remind me of DOuglas, and Douglas no doubt borrowed from someone before him. Its the nature of wrestling.

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You know I've never thought about that before but now that you mention it I can see some similarities between the two. The way Triple H carries himself and the Franchise/Game thing for instance. Hell even his promos bare a resemblance.


I don't know why a bunch of guys are getting so annoyed becuase you dare mention Triple H and Shane Douglas in the same posting.

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Evolution vs Triple Threat


HHH - Douglas

Batista - Bam Bam

Orton - Candido

Flair - Rude


Before DX oficially named themselves, I remember them throwing up the triple threat hand gesture a couple of times. They even swiped Rude from the TT.


In terms of his ring style, he's definitely closer to Flair, Race and Michaels but in his mannerisms and promos (I remember thinking that "this is the genesis of Degeneration X" promo reminded me a bit of the infamous Douglas ECW change over with Michaels in place of the ECW title) I can see some similarities.

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Guest bigm350
You know I've never thought about that before but now that you mention it I can see some similarities between the two. The way Triple H carries himself and the Franchise/Game thing for instance. Hell even his promos bare a resemblance.


I don't know why a bunch of guys are getting so annoyed becuase you dare mention Triple H and Shane Douglas in the same posting.

That's what I don't understand either. I've read and seen the similarities between the two and I thought it would be worth mentioning. Who cares if Shane Douglas doesn't mean jack to HHH; its the tiny quirks and mannerisms that are similar between the two that I thought I would bring up.

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I think the problem is people are assuming by Trips taking some stuff from Douglas, it means they are a like.


HHH is in a different league than Shane Douglas. As much as the internet can bash his brains in, it's stupid if you say otherwise. Wrestling wise, promo wise, drawing power wise, crowd reaction....EVERYTHING. Trips has a lot of people beat in a lot of different ways.


But I certainly can see that he could of taken a few things away from Douglas to add to his character. And hey, more power to him. You've got to get your ideas from somewhere.

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The evolution of being inspired by Flair:


Shane Douglas - took the idea of making a top heel stable and taking over the show in ECW.


HHH - took the interview style of Douglas and copied the stable concept of wanting to be 4 Horsemen.


HBK - likes to do the Flair Flop


All 3 also have the fact that they were injuried proned for one reason or another during their career.

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is Hunter injury prone? besides the one big injury which kept him out in the second half of 2001 i don't remember him missing much more time with injuries.

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Guest bigm350
is Hunter injury prone? besides the one big injury which kept him out in the second half of 2001 i don't remember him missing much more time with injuries.

Not for the last few years but I'll bet alot of that has to do with him being off the gas.


But for his overall career? Yeah, he's been injury-prone. I think he had a knee injury back in the summer of 1998, sometime after he beat The Rock at SS 98, or it could have been prior to that. I know he lost the IC belt not long after winning the Ladder Match at SS 98.


Of course we all know about the Quad tear.


And I think he had a few hematomas in his legs around the time of his 'classic' feud with Steiner.


And we can't forget the groin pull he suffered when he was programmed with Goldberg in the summer of 2003.


So yeah, he's had quite a few injuries. I might be missing some, as these are off the top of my head.

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Why the fuck would SHANE DOUGLAS mean anything to Triple H?

Well, since he took Douglas's gimmick, he should mean something to H.


HHH has always, to me, been a poor man's Douglas. Douglas was never boring to me like HHH is now.

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is Hunter injury prone? besides the one big injury which kept him out in the second half of 2001 i don't remember him missing much more time with injuries.

Not for the last few years but I'll bet alot of that has to do with him being off the gas.


But for his overall career? Yeah, he's been injury-prone. I think he had a knee injury back in the summer of 1998, sometime after he beat The Rock at SS 98, or it could have been prior to that. I know he lost the IC belt not long after winning the Ladder Match at SS 98.


He got injured so they ran an angle where Ken Shamrock slammed a car door on his knee during a Smackdown episode. I think they then ran a tourney on RAW which Shamrock won to get the IC title (if I remember correctly he beat X-Pac in the final).

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I actually think averaged out, Shane cuts at least as good a promo as HHH, who was really pretty good back in the 'my time' era, but has since been pretty boring. They both had the same 'I repeat ad nauseum that I'm the best, so that makes it true' interview that I don't particularly care for.

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is Hunter injury prone? besides the one big injury which kept him out in the second half of 2001 i don't remember him missing much more time with injuries.

Most of Trip's injuries are due to the fact he's carrying too much bulk for his frame (i.e. various muscle tears he's had in the last few years including the quad tear). The only injuries I can think of that were actually ring-related (direct result of accidents while performing) were the bone chips in his arm from Undertaker and the RVD-caused throat injury.

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Evolution vs Triple Threat


HHH - Douglas

Batista - Bam Bam

Orton - Candido

Flair - Rude

Or you can compare Evolution to the Original Triple Threat:


Shane Douglas - Triple H - The Boss


Benoit - Batista - The Muscle


Malenko - Orton - The ring technician


Rude - Flair - The Manager(well technically Rude wasn't a part of the original TT, but for the purposes of comparisons, I will use him here)

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I would take a Douglas curse-laden promo (dude really didn't need to swear to convey his emotion, but it was "cutting edge" so whatever) over a droning Trips snorefest ANY DAY, and that's not my personal bias talking.


Of course, I would also take early-mid 90's Shane over Triple H workrate wise any day. Before he got lazy and injury prone, Douglas busted his ass.

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HHH - Douglas

Batista - Bam Bam

Orton - Candido

Flair - Rude


Before DX oficially named themselves, I remember them throwing up the triple threat hand gesture a couple of times. They even swiped Rude from the TT.


It's worth noting that Douglas, Bam Bam and Candido were all disliked by the clique, so there was definitely something there with them using the triple threat sign and stealing Rick Rude seemingly right after he debuted with ECW.


Oddly enough I think there may have been an overlap where Rude was associated with both groups, showing up as HBK's "Insurance Policy" right before his blow-off in ECW, though I could wrong on that..

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