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Team Angle Pusher

The What If Thread

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Someone aks a "What if..." question and others answer it and we all ask them here instead of starting a new thread.


What if Bret Hart decided to resign with the WWF in 1997?

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probably a double Dq or something at survivor series to get Shawn out of jobbing, and he'd hold the title until WM14 when he'd drop it to Austin. maybe a rematch the next month, then down to the midcard to work with people like Shamrock or maybe Owen, then a babyface turn at some point and solid matches to shore up the midcard while the IC division had Rock/HHH and the top of the card was all about Austin/Vince/Foley/Taker/Kane, because quite frankly aside from those feuds 1998 and 1999 absolutely sucked. once Owen died Bret would've walked away from wrestling.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

WCW probably would've killed the WWF by 99 as Vince/Austin would've never happened. Austin and the Rock would've ended up buried under Hart and Michaels political games.

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Someone aks a "What if..." question and others answer it and we all ask them here instead of starting a new thread.


What if Bret Hart decided to resign with the WWF in 1997?

That's not a good question, since Bret had already resigned in 1996, but was asked to leave the following year.

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Someone aks a "What if..." question and others answer it and we all ask them here instead of starting a new thread.


What if Bret Hart decided to resign with the WWF in 1997?

Then I suppose Bret Hart really WOULD have led the Invasion.

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Oh, RESIGN (re-sign?), I thought you meant resign

Well, if he did mean resign as in "quit", its still a dumb question since that's essentially what happened anyways.



Okay, now I'm confused...

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Maybe you mean, what if Bret had accepted a pay cut in 97 (like vinc wanted)and not negotiated with bischoff


but vince seemingly wanted to get rid of bret. for some starmge reason, probably cuz Bret was complaining about the adult themes on raw.

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