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DrVenkman PhD

HHH injured neck, collapses

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Triple H injured his neck at the Raw taping this past Monday with the injury being so bad that at one point, he collapsed backstage.


According to several sources, the initial injury occurred during Triple H's handicap match against Hurricane and Rosey when Rosey legdropped H and landed on his neck and head. At one point, it was thought Triple H may have had suffered a concussion as well, but we don't have the concussion confirmed at this time.


After the handicap match, H spent a lot of time backstage icing down his neck and keeping a towel around it. He went back out for the show closing angle with Jim Ross and WWE World champion Batista and reaggravated the neck injury while taking a bump during the segment, as he collapsed upon arrival backstage at the gorilla position after the angle.


It is believed that Triple H's injury was the reason why the scheduled dark match main event (Shawn Michaels and Batista vs. Ric Flair and Triple H) was canceled. John Borchardt, who attended the Raw taping, sent word on Tuesday morning that Earl Hebner ran down from the back and yelled to ring announcer Lillian Garcia that there was no tag match.


It also appears Triple H's neck injury may have prevented Stepanie McMahon from traveling to Louisville, Kentucky with other members of WWE management and the creative team today to scout WWE's developmental talent in Ohio Valley Wrestling. The scouting went on for about four hours during this afternoon's training session, with the writers heading home prior to tonight's OVW TV taping.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Oh please let this get him off of tv for at least 4 months.

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To bad he won't miss anytime.


BTW, Rosey is screwed.

If the blame goes to anyone (if we're "blaming") it was The Hurricane's fault. It was clear that spot was...different, as usually the person would hold up their opponents legs (like the Hardy's) but for some reason, Hurricane had HHH's whole body elevated, like he was doing a halfway version of...uhh, AMW's finisher.


At least it was nothing serious. (well..he was able to come back out) as I dont really like HHH as much as the next guy, but if he went out now, that would be a killer blow to the championship scene for the next month or so.

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Guest Fook_Theta

When Rosie did the legdrop you could easily notice that he landed wrong. I'm curious if HHH will be a dick about this and fire Rosie or not.



Unlike most people about to post here, I cannot wish any neck injury upon HHH. Leg injury.. perhaps.. definitely not a neck injury though. :lol:

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Wow, this is actually real? I saw the other thread was closed, and I thought it was some stupid joke. Well, I guess all you assholes hoping for an injury for your wish, but I really hope that Trips is at least good to go by Backlash.

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"Tell me a lie-uh...and say that you won't go..."


I have a feeling it won't be serious at all and he won't miss any TV time.


However, he'll be on TV the entire time he's recovering.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

I kinda wish I could feel bad, but it's more like a "hey, lookit, karma works"/"what did you expect when the guy's roided up and going eight days a week?" type of thing. I don't feel bad, just pity that he can't tell when to quit.




You know, it's gonna be interesting to see over the next couple of days how this polarizes the wrestling community. One half is gonna be riding HHH's ass while the other half clings to his balls.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I don't want to be happy about it but I'm so sick of him on my tv that if it takes him getting hurt to be rid of him then so be it.

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I don't want to be happy about it but I'm so sick of him on my tv that if it takes him getting hurt to be rid of him then so be it.

The tragic part is that this is going to hurt Rosie bad, when it would have been more fitting for him to take a few bad steps, blow out both quads, and do it to such a degree where he'd never be able to wrestle again and nobody else could be blamed.

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I don't want to be happy about it but I'm so sick of him on my tv that if it takes him getting hurt to be rid of him then so be it.

That's exactly how I feel, but I don't want him to be gone for too long.

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In this day and age of wrestling, it's hard to justify anyone staying on the top of the main event scene for as long as HHH has. He seemingly never gets sidetracked by a fued that doesn't involve either the world title or HBK. And yet, the first ever Undisputed Champion, who beat Rock and Austin in the same night, is dying to win that IC title yet again. For reasons such as that, I feel no shame in admitting that I was not upset to see that HHH was injured.

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To bad he won't miss anytime.


BTW, Rosey is screwed.

Rosie released.


Rosie has been released. World Wrestling Entertainment wishes him the best in his future endeavors.


credit: WWE.com, in a day or two I'm sure.

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I don't watch often, but I still don't see why it is intelligent at all to be happy that the #1 heel and one of the top workers on Raw is injured, despite all the TV time he might get.


And am I the only one who remembers that releasing that fat untalented piece of shit Rosey would be a good thing?

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HHH should get to his match at Backlash, lose the match and then they can run a Batista injured him as well. Then you'd REALLY establish Batista as an unstoppable wrecking ball. Orton and HHH both injured by the new champion? That would be one hell of a positive for Dave.


Then you have, what two months to build to the next PPV? Set up a program with either Flair or Hassan or Edge if you must. Hell, whoever they feel like. Can't build a feud in two months, you can't build a feud.


As for HHH being injured, I can't celebrate. Neck injury is too serious to joke around with. Quad tear, that's different. Neck, nope.

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To bad he won't miss anytime.


BTW, Rosey is screwed.

Rosie released.


Rosie has been released. World Wrestling Entertainment wishes him the best in his future endeavors.


credit: WWE.com, in a day or two I'm sure.

RVD crushed HHH's trachea and didn't get fired.

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