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DrVenkman PhD

HHH injured neck, collapses

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To bad he won't miss anytime.


BTW, Rosey is screwed.

Rosie released.


Rosie has been released. World Wrestling Entertainment wishes him the best in his future endeavors.


credit: WWE.com, in a day or two I'm sure.

RVD crushed HHH's trachea and didn't get fired.


They weren't stupid enough to release RVD. He might actually have the ability to draw and help another company. RVD knows the worse they can do to him is not push him and he knows they probably wouldn't push him anyway. Hence, his interviews outside of the WWE as well.


Rosey? Not gonna happen.

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Guest JMA
HHH should get to his match at Backlash, lose the match and then they can run a Batista injured him as well. Then you'd REALLY establish Batista as an unstoppable wrecking ball. Orton and HHH both injured by the new champion? That would be one hell of a positive for Dave.

They could go even further by having Batista destroy Flair in a five minute match the night after Backlash, "injuring" him as well. That way you have him destroying all of his former partners in Evolution and putting them on the shelf.

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I'm curious if HHH will be a dick about this and fire Rosie or not.

Triple H still brings up the RVD incident nearly three years later so it wouldn't surprise me if he holds a grudge.

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Guest JMA

Isn't Rosey well liked backstage? Wasn't that the reason he was kept when Jamal was fired? They might not want to fire another well liked guy in the wake of Matt Hardy being let go.

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If HHH is not seriously injured and doesn't require year long surgery, I will be disappointed.


RVD should have took him out for good when he had the chance.

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It will also be terrible to see the main event heels that they will have on RAW for a year. One month is good enough.

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It will also be terrible to see the main event heels that they will have on RAW for a year. One month is good enough.


They gotta build and sadly, they cannot with HHH there. For some odd reason, they can't make another main event heel on RAW with "The Game" still around. If it takes an injury to force their hand then that's just going to have to be what they do.


They've had, what? Two years?

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They do need to build, but with what?


Christian could be built into something. Shelton could work, Jericho could be turned into something, Hassan could get INSTANT MEGA HEEL if he leaves Hogan a bloody mess at Backlash, and who knows if Edge would actually develop into something interesting they would have one there.


But they gotta make a move. Right now they have HHH....and then a gap. And that is pathetic.

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Christian won't work, Edge is boring, and Hassan isn't ready yet. I totally agree with the draft or a lottery as ideas.

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Guest BDC
I can't wait to see him show up on Raw wearing a neck brace. <_<

It's a beautiful daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

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Can someone explain how the Draft will do ANYTHING in the long run?

You don't have enough main heels on either brand.


It's a problem and a lottery/draft doesn't fix it. It's not even a damn band-aid at this point. They need to actually MAKE the heels instead of transplanting the ones from Smackdown onto RAW. Smackdown isn't the damn minors, they shouldn't be building heels to be sent to RAW so RAW can bury them and forget them.


They need to create heels, not lottery and draft which doesn't solve the problem at all.

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Goddamn, I knew that was going to be bad. I cringed when I saw that legdrop spot on TV, as it looked like Rosey's fat ass crashed down nearly on his skull.


BTW, if it isn't obviously apparent already, Rosey is target #1 for future cuts.

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I didn't say Hassan would never be ready, but not yet. I think he will be ready by Summerslam.

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This week's Raw was completely nonesnsical anyways (more than usual),


and if he's off TV now, maybe it'll be less nonsensical in the future.


As far as Triple H v. Batista 2 goes, I honestly didn't think he was gonna get the title back anyways, so maybe it's good if he just gets squashed, like Team Angle Pusher said.

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Jesus Christ.


I know you guys all hate him, but seriously.

Exactly what I thought.


Rosey is dead weight anyway, he should've been culled a long time ago with his former tag team partner. Poor Shane Helms though, like he could afford to piss anyone high up in the company off.



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Guest Dazed
Exactly what I thought.


You're right, it's horrible to wish injury on him, but nothing else will keep him off of TV. Remember when he filmed his movie, and managed to remain World Champ and main event a PPV? Yeah.

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DOn't worry folks, he's ok.



HHH neck injury update


by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


HHH suffered a neck injury on Monday's Raw when Rosey landed on him with an ass bump. The injury was serious enough that Stephanie McMahon didn't stay for the Smackdown show last night in Chicago, or go to OVW today.


However, the current belief is it was a stinger, but not serious enough to keep him out of action. At this point, he is still expected to wrestle on Monday night's Madison Square Garden show

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Guest Ransome

Even if Triple H was injured and taken off of TV for 6+ months, I still doubt it would effect any long term changes. No matter who got elevated in those (say) 6 months, they'd only be crushed shortly and swiftly after Triple H's return.


Remember his January 2002 return where entrance alone ate up five minutes ? I imagine it'd be even more overblown if it happened now, given they've spent the last three years buildly Raw entirely around him.

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I was worried for a second there. I enjoy JR getting the shit beaten out of him.

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I was worried for a second there. I enjoy JR getting the shit beaten out of him.

They probably would have had a stand-in waiting in the wings, like Snitsky VS JR. That would be fun, too, because not only would JR get beat up, but it'd probably be too stiff and he might fall victim to a badly botched move.

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If Matt Hardy can get fired for ruining a TV taping for causing unexplainable chants directed at a heel, surely Rosey can be fired for jeopardizing the career of the guy who the entire promotion is built around.


I find it sad that while Triple H has become so stale that even the tiniest hint he's been injured causes us to hold our breaths in anticipation that he might miss TV time, no one at the WWE has even realized people are tired of him.

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