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Shanghai Kid

Christian is OVER

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Um, I hope the WWE is starting to recognize that Christian is starting to get those Rock type chants when Rock was a midcard heel. As in, he called himself the people's champ until people started to love him and get into him. People have caught onto captain charisma, and the peeps are coming out in full force.


Will they capitalize on it? Turning Christian face would be horrible, but keep having him as a borderline cocky heel and they could really build him into somethig.

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I love Christian, but you can't really go by the response a wrestler gets in MSG (if you in fact were only judging by tonight). I do hope he goes to Smackdown and gets pushed to the main event, though.

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I love Christian, but you can't really go by the response a wrestler gets in MSG (if you in fact were only judging by tonight). I do hope he goes to Smackdown and gets pushed to the main event, though.

He's actually been starting to getting cheered for the last few weeks. It seems like every week theirs a bigger pop for him. That's why it's nice, it's not some sudden thing that the WWE has forced down our throats, it's spontaneous, people have slowly been getting into Christian more and more.


And that promo he just cut on Cena put him over the top.

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Hopefully does get drafted to SD for a main event push. People said they had a lack of heels, Christna would be a good addition on Smackdown.


And of course Christian and Cena still have 'heat' from last year, stemming from the confrontation with that rap battle and all...(what ppv was that..?) Survivor Series I think.

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I think the real test will come next Monday night in that main event against Batista. If he gets a reaction that's anything like the one he got tonight, they'd best begin seriously considering his future in regards to the draft.

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Christian vs. Cena would be the worlds most fantastic feuding ending in an incredibly boring match, simply because both guys "get it" in terms of how to merchandise and market themselves. Christian has the hand gestures, a defined style and character, the nicknames for himself and fans, and he has someone to play off of (the best straight-man they have in Tomko - did you see that reaction to Batista/Christian?!).

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I was surprised to see McMahon back on his feet so soon.


I also like how Triple H's video package buried almost the entire upper and mid-card of the WWF.

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Christian vs. Cena would be the worlds most fantastic feuding ending in an incredibly boring match, simply because both guys "get it" in terms of how to merchandise and market themselves. Christian has the hand gestures, a defined style and character, the nicknames for himself and fans, and he has someone to play off of (the best straight-man they have in Tomko - did you see that reaction to Batista/Christian?!).

The difference between Christian and Cena is that Christian has that coolness, but it doesn't feel forced. He doesn't go over the top with it like Cena. But Christian has slowly pretty much got himself a defined character. I think if the MSG crowd loves you it's a good sign, we've seen that particular crowd turn people's careers around.


Tomko is a great straight man, sort of the Diesel to Christians HBK (not that Christian is anywhere near that).

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I was surprised to see McMahon back on his feet so soon.


I also like how Triple H's video package buried almost the entire upper and mid-card of the WWF.

I like how the feud is centered on 'can X hit this move?' I liked it with Brock-Big Show and I like it now.

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That rap battle was at Royal Rumble.



"Tomko. Gimme a beat.

My name is Christian, the king of crunk.

I'll take you to school Cena, and you're gonna flunk.

I'm Captain Charisma...I'm Captain Charisma, read 'em and weeps.

I'm gonna throw you out for all my peeps.

Just like Dracula comes from Transylvania

I'm winning the Rumble, and going on to Wrestlemania

bff a chicka bff bff pa chicka chick"

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Guest Salacious Crumb

No, it's fucking stupid. If they really wanted to put Batista over it should be about how Triple H is afraid of him. Not some circle jerk for Triple H.


Christian should've been pissing his pants at the mere mention of fighting Batista tonight.

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To the regular WWE public, Cena is very cool. What you're talking about is seen by a very small portion of the fans. Eventually, more and more people will see it if his character doesn't develop, but for now Cena is over like rover.


Another thing Cena and Christian have in common is frequent mic time and creating new phrases/gimmicks/etc. They keep their character fresh, which is very important. Cena used to be REALLY good at keeping his character fresh but has slowed down since becoming a face.

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I was surprised to see McMahon back on his feet so soon.


I also like how Triple H's video package buried almost the entire upper and mid-card of the WWF.

It did not 'bury' most of the upper and midcard in the WWE.


I mean, it's noted that he's a top guy. He's beaten people before, that's obvious. Showing it again isn't really 'burying' a person. Did Kurt Angle's anglelock hype video bury the entire roster? Did HBK's video bury the entire roster?

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When Christian called Cena "Marky Mark", I about died laughing. God, Christian better than Edge by more than leaps and bounds. Edge gets the push but damn, Christian is 100 times more entertaining as a heel.


I will watch Smackdown, or at the least tape it, for a feud between Christian and Cena. And I gotta agree, Christian acting cocky while Tomko was pissing his pants was perfect. It really demostrated how cocky Christian is and it was sold perfectly.


So many workable feuds right now. So many.

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I would love a Christian/Cena feud, not a Batista/Christian feud though. I just don't think that would end up so good.


And Rudo, I completely agree with your Tomko observation. Keep the dude with Christian forever. He's awesome for him.


Yeah.. the thing with Christian becoming so amazingly cool lately... will they do Cena/Christian when Christian's pops out number Cenas?


That's a huge assumption, seeing as Christian has never gotten huge face reactions, with maybe the exception of the beginning of the Alliance with Edge making fun of the WCW midcarders. I just don't think Christian is likeable enough to be a big time face.

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Christain was the highlight of the night for me, as he often is, but is he doing at Backlash? It would suck if he didn't get a match. Hell, it looks as if Vis is getting a match.

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Guest Rrrsh
Will they do Cena/Christian when Christian's pops out number Cenas?

That won't happen since Cena is more over than anyone right now.

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This is simply fantastic. Pretty much everyone on the board seems to love Christian myself included, the thought that he may finally be getting his due is well, like I said simply fantastic.

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I have been starting to enjoy Christian lately, and he is INDEED giving me this Rock like feel, similar to the feel of The Rock when he was going from heel to MEGA FACE. WWE.....you smell what Captain Charisma is cooking? I hope they are.

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Didnt Christian start to call himself The New Peoples Champion for a little while once?

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