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Backlash Discussion

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With all the stuff floating around the main event and the interaction between them.. and the less the small card so far... what's the chances of this?


Triple H v. Batista

Hassan/Daivari v. Hogan/Michaels

Y2J v. Benjamin

Edge v. Benoit

Viscera v. Kane

Heart-Throbs v. Regal & Tajiri


Any chance of Flair v. Lawler added in? I'd be all for seeing that match again.. just for nostogalia.... Although I'd rather have Christian get on the card... And I don't think their will be a womens title match. Christian and Tomko may just destroy Hurricane & Rosey on Heat, with Christian getting a segment about how he was left off the card after taking Batista to the limit just one week ago.

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Edge vs Benoit...how many times must we see this?

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Guest LooneyTune

1,000 times if Benoit keeps carrying him to good-great matches.


Jericho/Benjamin has a chance to be good if Jericho doesn't blow too many of his moves, HBK/Hogan v. Hassan/Daivari is good for mark-out value, Batista/HHH could be good if the same as the WM match, and if on the card, Regal/Tajiri vs. The Heart Throbs could be good, if the crowd can get into it.


Kane/Viscera has to be a 2:00 squash, and that's really the only bad thing on the card if it's not done on the next week's Raw in England.

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Guest LooneyTune

Maybe a mix of everything, but the majority will be for Batista/HHH. There are a few people who will order to see Hogan... (looks away and whistles), but I'm sure it won't make too much of a difference.

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Hogan will get ALL credit.

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Lawler-Flair would be fun again (see their last match on RAW in January). Of course, you'd have to give them a 15:00 segment (3:00 for entrances) for them to REALLY put on a show, but a little 6:00 match would be alright as well.

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Hogan will get ALL credit.


In his mind he will. And then he'll come at Vince with insane demands, forcing them to shelve Hogan/HBK.

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Guest LooneyTune

A WWE PPV featuring Hogan, Jerry Lawler, and Ric Flair... legends from years past for three different promotion regions. The quality of wrestling will suck, but that has to be a first.


Of course, Flair/Lawler has to happen for this to be possible.

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Hogan will get ALL credit.


In his mind he will. And then he'll come at Vince with insane demands, forcing them to shelve Hogan/HBK.

which means Hogan goes over Batista for the World Title and then refuses to drop it to anyone except for The Undertaker.

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Guest LooneyTune

Hogan still may only care about the money, but he has jobbed quite a lot in his latest WWE runs.


In 2002, he lost clean to the Rock, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and Triple H, barely went over Triple H, Chris Jericho, and Ric Flair, and was made the Undertakers bitch. The only people he beat clean were Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo.


In 2003, he wrestled 5 matches. He lost to the Rock in another Montreal imitation, lost by lame CO to Sean O'Haire, and pinned by the Big Show. The only people he beat were Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper, who combine an age over 100.


I seriously doubt he is in the position now to demand anything but money.

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I hadn't thought of Lawler vs. Flair, but with Lawler taking the pedigree last week I suppose it could happen. Doesn't really serve much of a purpose, though.

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Question about Hogan "popping the buyrate" ... are there really enough people that care to see that old man do the same shtick that he's done for 2 decades to cause a noticable bump in the buyrate? It's not like anything shocking or amazing will happen, and it's highly unlikely that it's really his last match.

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Guest LooneyTune
Question about Hogan "popping the buyrate" ... are there really enough people that care to see that old man do the same shtick that he's done for 2 decades to cause a noticable bump in the buyrate? It's not like anything shocking or amazing will happen, and it's highly unlikely that it's really his last match.

There are a few people who will order to see Hogan... but I'm sure it won't make too much of a difference.


I think realistically speaking, Hogan won't pop the buyrate at all. Nothing can save the WWE from it's current slump, even if they did a live execution to some convict.

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From PWInsider.com:


WWE is currently sending via satellite from Stamford some graphics to use tonight during Raw to promote Backlash matches.


These graphics show two matches which appear now official for this Sunday's pay-per-view:


Viscera, with Trish Stratus, vs. Kane, with Lita.


Tag Team Turmoil Match for the World Tag Team Championship involving William Regal and Tajiri, The Heart Throbs, La Resistance, Simon Dean and Maven and the duo of Hurricane and Rosey. (So two weeks after getting their last tag team title match, La Resistance gets another shot. Wow)

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Guest Shadow

At least they bothered to do something with the tag titles this time and yay~! it's hurricane's yearly non-rumble ppv appearence. Turmoil is the gauntlet match right?


Aside from the Hoss-Showdown, this isn't a bad ppv @ all. One of the better brand specific shows since they split the shows. So far the best show was Vengence 2003 but if they wanted to, this could top it.


However, looks like christian is left off the card. They should insert Christian/Tomko into the Turmoil match and haven Tajiri/Regal start and beat the other 4 teams and Tomko just kills a tired tajiri and Christian hits the unprettier and puts the title on them.


They already got the shawn/diesel thing going, might as well commit to it fully with the tag title reign.

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with the current and rumored matches for Backlash. I think this is going to be the best Raw PPV sence last year's backlash. I could see Viscera Vs Kane being somewhat of a entertaining match, even if it isn't a technical masterpiece. and the Tag Team Termoil sounds like an entertaining match aswell.


just be glad we don't have Trish Vs Christy II like I thought they would do.

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Guest Shadow

I'd say it starts Tajiri/Regal Vs Le Rez, goes 4 minutes, then with the champs going over, dean/maven last like 25 seconds, then hearthrobs for another couple minutes, then hurricane/rosey for 3 minutes and then I'd have the christian/tomko surprise and have them beat down a tired regal/tajir and win the tag titles.

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I'd say it starts Tajiri/Regal Vs Le Rez, goes 4 minutes, then with the champs going over, dean/maven last like 25 seconds, then hearthrobs for another couple minutes, then hurricane/rosey for 3 minutes and then I'd have the christian/tomko surprise and have them beat down a tired regal/tajir and win the tag titles.

sounds awfully familiar.

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Better yet, let's kill the division by having Christain and Tomko beat Regal/Tajiri in 4 minutes, have Maven cut a promo then get pinned in 30 seconds, the Heartthrobs get themselves DQed somehow, have them destroy La Rez and then beat Hurricane and Rosey in a few minutes. Christain>Tag Division. But seriously there are only 2 face teams?!

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From PWInsider.com:


WWE is currently sending via satellite from Stamford some graphics to use tonight during Raw to promote Backlash matches.


These graphics show two matches which appear now official for this Sunday's pay-per-view:


Viscera, with Trish Stratus, vs. Kane, with Lita.


Tag Team Turmoil Match for the World Tag Team Championship involving William Regal and Tajiri, The Heart Throbs, La Resistance, Simon Dean and Maven and the duo of Hurricane and Rosey. (So two weeks after getting their last tag team title match, La Resistance gets another shot. Wow)

Meltzer is reporting these two matches noted are actually going to be on Raw tonight and not the ppv, he could be wrong though.

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Why the hell would they do that? They need some filler for the PPV.

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Tonight on Monday Night RAW from the United Kingdom, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Batista and much more...


Last week on Monday Night RAW, Christian told Mr. McMahon he would have no problem winning the WWE Championship if he were moved to SmackDown! during next month's momentous Draft Lottery.


Well, Mr. McMahon told Christian he wouldn't have to wait that long to face a champion, placing Captain Charisma in a match against World Heavyweight Championship Batista, live this week on RAW from the United Kingdom. Will Christian prove his main-event worth when he takes on The Animal? Or will Batista make Christian another victim of his recent success? Watch RAW tonight on Spike TV (9/8 CT) to find out.


Also this week on RAW, hear from WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan and his tag team partner for Backlash, Shawn Michaels. What will these two legends have in store for Muhammad Hassan and Daivari at Backlash? Watch RAW to learn more.


Viscera did a favor for Trish Stratus last week when he took out Kane. "I do something for you and then you do something for me," Viscera said backstage afterwards. What exactly did Big Vis mean? Find out more on RAW when the Women's Champion and Viscera go out on the town.


Plus, what could be the fallout after Jim Ross scored an improbable upset victory over Triple H last week thanks to some timely help from Batista? And what kind of shape will JR be in after the beating he took?


Also, don't miss any final details regarding Backlash, which takes place live on pay-per-view on Sunday, May 1.


Raw Preview seems to say no.

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Yeah did anyone else notice they didn't do the normal rundown for the ppv matches. It's like they just threw this show together...which figures but c'mon, how many matches were on RAW tonight? 2 or 3. The rest was talk. Not a great hype of Backlash


As for Benoit/Edge. My theory is Edge will win small matches, like vs Venis etc. but lose the ppv matches against Benoit, Benjamin, whoever. Because even though he loses the match, he can't be demoted in chamionship rankings for the WHT. Just a thought.

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Tag team turmoil has been officially added:


From WWE.com:




This just in: Backlash this Sunday will feature Tag Team Turmoil for the World Tag Team Championship.


It'll be newcomers The Heart Throbs vs. La Resistance vs. The Hurricane & Rosey vs. Simon Dean & Maven vs. William Regal & Tajiri. Will the champions retain against such odds?


RAW's newest tag team, The Heart Throbs, battled the World Tag Team Champions in their RAW debut.

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