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Wrestling Moves you busted out In Real Fights

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Well, I studied judo for a while, so I've done a few moves in real fights that approximate wrestling moves, but not on purpose. The closest thing to a "move" that I've done intentionally was that multiple sledgehammer thing that Demolition used to do; me and my boy used to do that all the time.

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Guest Rrrsh
Apparently, a lot of people here are either lying --- or fighting some epic pussies.


I definitely agree. Someone here said they used the Lion Tamer on someone in a real fight?




I used to try wrestling moves on my 12 year old cousin when I got bored, and that move is impossible to lock in unless the other person either cooperates, or is unconscious. It's just way to easy to roll around and stay on your back.


Dude was on his gut, I dropped my knee in his back, grab his legs and BAM, Liontamer.


Not hard.


And, like I said, it was a bunch of us fucking around, it wasnt a shoot or anything.

Well, I guess it might be possible if the other person's already on their stomach. Turning it over like Jericho does though, when they start on their back? Not humanly possible.

Well, yah.

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Well, I guess it might be possible if the other person's already on their stomach. Turning it over like Jericho does though, when they start on their back? Not humanly possible.

I've done it. It's not hard.


I'm sure it would be impossible in a real fight. But if someone is just squirming around, it's still pretty easy to put em in it. All you do is step over, turn, drop to one knee, put the other one in their back to turn them over the rest of the way, and it's on.


Although in a real fight, i'm sure someone would just grab your leg...then you got no chance.

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the thing is, if you're gonna take the time to set a person up in a leglock manuever, why not just drop a knee or a fist or a foot to the nuts and end the fight right then and there?

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Guest BDC

Because people won't MARK OUT~! that way. Duh, Lushus.


But seriously, you make a great point. The guy probably has friends. You don't want to be stuck giving him some dumbass hold while they find a good vokda bottle to crack over your skull. If you're going to apply a hold, then do something like an anklelock and just BREAK, don't do something stupid like make him "give up." He'll get up and kick your ass as soon as you let go anyway.

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Because people won't MARK OUT~! that way. Duh, Lushus.

I suppose, I know I would probably mark out like a sissy girl if I actually see someone pull off a wrestling move in a fight...

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Guest BDC

I'll make sure to bust out the Roll the Dice in your honor next time I get in a fight.

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I've noticed that its a lot easier to do the Liontamer if you've been kicking them in the back repeatedly, and by the time you attempt the move, in real fight, he would not be too uncooperative, but that's just me. I've had moderate success using submission moves in shoot fights with the intention of not tapping, but breaking their body part.

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Guest davidearl

I like to use the double arm bar and apply a tight reverse figure-4 headscissors.... and then slowly choke em out.... very embarrassing for them too..... I used this constantly in high school wrestling and it was a very effective pinning combination.... your legs are usually very strong compared to your arms....


I once applied this while wearing a speedo at the pool and the guy had to kiss my spandex ass.... was very sweet ..... his friends all watched as his face slowly buried into my ass cheeks..... I just kept squeezing like a python squeezing it's prey.... total domination


I like the triangle choke too cause I can just slowly punch them in the face and watch them slowly choke out....











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Guest davidearl
I've noticed that its a lot easier to do the Liontamer if you've been kicking them in the back repeatedly, and by the time you attempt the move, in real fight, he would not be too uncooperative, but that's just me. I've had moderate success using submission moves in shoot fights with the intention of not tapping, but breaking their body part.


I often will use "old school pro" style techniques like repeated elbows and knees to the head and back and arms....wear down the arms...or legs....to break them so they cannot use them against me..... like Dick Murdoch and Tully Blanchard used to do....


also love to apply the atomic knee drop...crush the nuts.... sweeet


Then I go for the headscissor and choke em out..... sweeet


if they are really broken down I try to apply the indian leg lock... but this is a very hard hold to apply to a guy period







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When I was in Jr. High I ended up getting in a fight with this fat fucker. He put me in a headlock, so I did the elbows to the guts until he let go, and then I bulldogged his head onto a desk when he was hunched over.


Later that year I got in a fight with my fuckhead neighbour. I ended up tripping him up and he landed on his stomach. I grabbed his legs and manged to slap on a pretty decent sharpshooter (wasn't easy with his fucking legs going crazy). I must have done it pretty good, because the jackass couldn't move his back for about a week.

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A kid in Jr High tried a DDT or a choke from a standing position, but I was able to pick him up the air and when he let go of my head I just swung him forward into a Ron Simmons style spinebuster. Then I walked away as he was gasping for air.


Only fight I've ever been in.


Although some buddies and I did some submissions/moves shootstyle to see if in reality they would hurt.


Most dissappointing in my young age? Atomic Drop does nothing. And I used to love that move.

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Back in high school, I got into a fight with a boy and I was able to put a variation of the cross face chicken wing on him, then hooked my legs around him and dropped him with the hold on. People finally seperated us but he wasn't getting out of it unless everyone stepped in.



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A friend of mine actually hooked in a Figure Four in a real fight, it was torture for the other guy.

I've done this.

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Guest supermp


Best story is from high school, may have even been junior high. An unpopular kid (not that I was super popular myself) challenged me to wrestle and I declined saying I wouldn't unless I could use any moves I wanted. He agreed.

He was my first DDT recepient and my classmates popped. Amazingly the kid wanted to go again the next day.

Feeling my oats from the DDT, I gave a face first piledriver (nothing flashy, Ron Bass style where I just dropped down to my knees) and then had the GREAT idea of attempting a gut-wrench suplex. Problem I was I wasn't strong enough and he was too heavy. So instead I lost my balance and ended up basically dopping him on his ribs. My botched move hurt him worse than any of the other stuff. In retrospect it was all very stupid on my part as I had no idea what i was doing and could have serioulsy injured this kid. Had that happened I don't think anyone would have thought it was as cool as they did.


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well maybe not so much a "wrestling" move per say, but in 5th or 6th grade this red head kid who I had problems with broke a fairly thick stick across my back and the stick broke, then I eventually caught up with the kid and started to strangle him

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I found the side headlock to be my bread & butter in a lot of fights in high school.


One day I got into an argument with a friend about something and he shoved me. I shoved him back onto a couch, and then kind of sat on him and locked in the side headlock. He couldn't escape, and two other friends, trying to break up the fight, tried to pull me off by grabbing each of my legs and pulling. This only hurt the other guy even worse. Eventually I let go when the guy was about to pass out, and his face was beat red.


Good times.

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Guest Super Leather

A+ thread, dudes. I'm even posting on this one.


In the fifth grade, I no-sold a baseball bat shot to my leg and proceeded to scoop slam this kid into the concrete. He somehow landed in a sitting position with me standing behind him, so I curled a fist around the top of his head and knocked him out. Everybody went apeshit because they weren't sure if I, as the "new kid," could fight or not. A couple kids grabbed his stuff and threw it in the street where it got run over by a truck.


If the opponent is unsure of your fighting ability, it is quite easy to use basic wrestling moves and tie them up like a pretzel. I once took someone over with a side headlock...they were positioned behind me, so I was able to keep the headlock and grab a leg at the same time. Lock your hands together and start to squeeze. That dude was toast. And pissed because I kicked his ass that easily.


Chokeholds like the khati hajime/Tazmission are good when breaking up fights. I tend to modify it into a chokehold/half-nelson when I use it. And a good front facelock (a grovit, I guess?) will end a fight quicker than most moves. So will a well-placed DDT.

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It's not REALLY that hard, I remember when I had my first wrestling 'class', when I started training we had a little submission wrestling on the first day. Everybody was giving 100% trying to impress the trainer, and one of the kids hit a rock bottom on the guy he was wrestling.


Best thing about that class was a bigger guy being drawn with a smaller guy, the bigger one ran in, pushed him over and put the sharpshooter on him all in one movement and he tapped immediately.


I got choked out in my first match and had to tap before I passed out.

I also got a bollocking from the trainer because I started off kicking the other guys legs.


Kicks weren't legal but choking was.


That was bullshit.

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Most of these examples aren't in actual real fights. Fucking around with your friends, it's really easy to put on submissions. You usually don't have the threat of being punched or kicked too much. My friends and I used to wrestle each other a lot, submissions and slams only though, no strikes. Makes it much easier to slap on a sharpshooter or a Boston crab. I'd say in a real fight, the most effective moves are going to be moves adapted from Judo or amateur wrestling. I don't see anyone pulling off an actual Rock Bottom, but maybe a uranage or an STO or something.

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But the other guy has to jump in the air to make it work. It's not like you can just pick someone up with one arm around the front of his neck.

Sure you can, as long as you're strong enough and the other guy's small enough. Plus it's not all one-armed, to do it right you have to use both hands, the other one grabs the guy's hip or back and helps push him up.

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I'm surprised to hear that about the Rock Bottom, I find it to be one of the easiest moves to do in a fight. I guess in practice it might look more like an STO or something, but if you place your free hand in the small of their back you can use their momentum against them and swing them into the air. Works great as a punch counter.


Actually, out of all the similar moves out there, the Rock's version is probably the one the real fight version looks like the least, so it might be better just to say uranage. Still, it knocks the wind out of somebody pretty good. You've got time for a quick People's Elbow (without the bouncing off the ropes part), provided this a schoolyard brawl. Should seal the deal.

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Guest davidearl
Besides punishing my younger brothers with figure 4 and sharpshooters the only I used in a real fight was a rear naked choke. I ended up dragging the guys face back and forth across that pavement and it took a couple friends to pull me off of him.


raking guys face in pavement works!


I used this to punish a guy for being an ass and trying to mess with me.


I wear wrestling singlets to the gym to lift and this idiot was making stupid comments about me and my black singlet to his lame friend. Outside later he and his friend try to intimidate me in the parking lot behind the gym. He starts to attempt to punch me and I take him to the ground and end up with a figure-4 headscissors and turn him over and repeatedly smash his head and face into the ground.... his friend was so shocked and scared he just ran away.... I then noticed a parking attendant at the next lot watching me punish this guy. Meanwhile I'm still just in my singlet.


I realize the guy is videotaping me on his cell phone. At that point I crank up the pressure and grind the stupid fucks face into the gravel. I actually get hard at this point. I kept raising my hips and dropping the guy's face into the gravel. After the guy is choked out and I feel some blood on my legs I got up and posed for the nearby attendant...flexing over the limp body of the fuckhead. It was hot. I got so hard my singlet stretched out and I then got back down and proceeded to hump the guy's face. I came in my singlet and smeared my gizz all over his bloody face. I still fantasize about this to this day..Damn how I'd like a copy of that video and pics...




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Guest davidearl

any high school wrestlers out there have any stories about applying the reverse figure-4 headscissors to pin a guy in a match?


did your coach actively teach this move/hold?







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