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Worst song ever?

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Who gives a fuck about their politics? I think their songs are catchy and funny.

You're preaching to the choir, I listen to white power bands. That was a joke, I wasn't aware they had politics.

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On a side note, my brother's friend actually hangs out with those cocksuckers (Bloodhound Gang) here and there. I had the opportunity to go up to a Halloween party that either they threw or they were going to be at, but I wasn't allowed because I made it quite clear that my intentions were to punch that goddamn lead singer in the face for wearing that stupid monkey outfit and permeating the airwaves and television with that fucking song.

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On a side note, my brother's friend actually hangs out with those cocksuckers (Bloodhound Gang) here and there. I had the opportunity to go up to a Halloween party that either they threw or they were going to be at, but I wasn't allowed because I made it quite clear that my intentions were to punch that goddamn lead singer in the face for wearing that stupid monkey outfit and permeating the airwaves and television with that fucking song.

RAWK AWNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Has anyone ever listened to Gretchen Wilson? A less talented star doesn't exist. She sings what stupid bitches think, but are too stupid to say. She, on the other hand, is stupid enough to actually say them.

This is truth...yet she sells records like chaw tins at a rodeo. Further proof of why America re-elected the likes of George Bush.

Please, her popularity isn't because of "red-state America". It's because, though she's nowhere near the upper level of hot female country singers (like Faith Hill or Shania Twain), she has sex appeal. In a sort of dirty, filthy whore kind of way.

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What's reggaeton? Is that like Dancehall?

Reggaeton is a form of music from Puerto Rico that mixes Salsa, Merengue , Bachata , Bomba , Plena and Dancehall. It's most popular in the spanish caribbean islands like Cuba, Dominican Republic and some south american ones like Venezuela and Colombia. Like X said it's not really that popular in Mexico since our cultures are really different.

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Guest Vitamin X
Why do they refer to Miami as South Beach? I thought South Beach was just one neighborhood of many, or a suburb.

Actually, it's both. Miami Beach is right next to Miami, over a causeway, but it is not actually IN Miami as they're different cities, but South Beach is in Miami Beach. It's just most people immediately associate Miami with South Beach because it's the main party hot-spot of the town, where the E!s and MTVs of the world catch their footage.


It's just Miami is one of those towns where people act like they know what it's all about and end up surprising quite a few people when they find the city's majority is hispanic...

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"all your friends are make believe" = good Bloodhound Gang song


Bad Touch is very very played out though.

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"all your friends are make believe" = good Bloodhound Gang song


Bad Touch is very very played out though.

Their finest moment. It's acheived quite an emotional status among me and my friends, actually. I think it's cos it got one of us through an awful cleaning job and shit period of his life that made him want to check into a mental institute, I think. Dunno how, but he thinks it did.

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Current worst:


Let's Go - Shawn Desman. 


If this guy wasn't Canadian, would he get any airplay at all?  A mortal lock for Fromage 2005...

Any Shawn Desman song is wrong. The end.

Well, the non-Canadian posters deserve to know the kind of shit that passes for dance-pop music here. Even if they're more of the metal/punk crowd.

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Anything by/with Sean Paul irritates me. It is truly horrible, at least to me. So Sean Paul's entire material gets the #1 spot.


Country music as a whole comes at number 2 as a kind of "lifetime achievement" award for "Worst song ever."

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Country has just been the genre which has been hardest hit recently by corporate greed and lack of executive understanding for the artform. Living in Nashville, I heard all kinds of bitching about Music Row's companies on a daily basis.

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What's reggaeton? Is that like Dancehall?

Reggaeton is a form of music from Puerto Rico that mixes Salsa, Merengue , Bachata , Bomba , Plena and Dancehall. It's most popular in the spanish caribbean islands like Cuba, Dominican Republic and some south american ones like Venezuela and Colombia. Like X said it's not really that popular in Mexico since our cultures are really different.


...and it sucks. I'm from Venezuela and i can't stand it, it seems to be dying down around here, but damn for the last year or so it was the ooooonly thing that was played in the radio and everyone liked it and i never understood why. It really sucks....imo of course

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Proper country music has plenty of the best songs ever don't forget.

I guess none of them make it over here.


Around here, country music is Shania Twain, and a couple of 50-60 years old people singing about how they are lonely and/or their love left them.


All that with shitty guitar.

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Current worst:


Let's Go - Shawn Desman. 


If this guy wasn't Canadian, would he get any airplay at all?  A mortal lock for Fromage 2005...

Any Shawn Desman song is wrong. The end.

Well, the non-Canadian posters deserve to know the kind of shit that passes for dance-pop music here. Even if they're more of the metal/punk crowd.

And what the hell is up with that mini mohawk hair strip he has going on? God I want to punch that guy's lights out. Like he'd get those hot girls in real life, semi-famous or not. His music has no substance to it whatsoever. NO EMOTION!

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Has anyone ever listened to Gretchen Wilson? A less talented star doesn't exist. She sings what stupid bitches think, but are too stupid to say. She, on the other hand, is stupid enough to actually say them.

This is truth...yet she sells records like chaw tins at a rodeo. Further proof of why America re-elected the likes of George Bush.

Please, her popularity isn't because of "red-state America". It's because, though she's nowhere near the upper level of hot female country singers (like Faith Hill or Shania Twain), she has sex appeal. In a sort of dirty, filthy whore kind of way.

I think you hit the nail on the head right there.

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What's reggaeton? Is that like Dancehall?

Reggaeton is a form of music from Puerto Rico that mixes Salsa, Merengue , Bachata , Bomba , Plena and Dancehall. It's most popular in the spanish caribbean islands like Cuba, Dominican Republic and some south american ones like Venezuela and Colombia. Like X said it's not really that popular in Mexico since our cultures are really different.


...and it sucks. I'm from Venezuela and i can't stand it, it seems to be dying down around here, but damn for the last year or so it was the ooooonly thing that was played in the radio and everyone liked it and i never understood why. It really sucks....imo of course

I used to hate it too man mostly because of the radio....I live in Dominican Republic right next to P.R and it was the only fucking thing on the radio which got me annoyed and started to hate it with a passion but then I started to listen to it on my own and realized this is the best genre of spanish music.

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I agree Sean Paul is horrible shit and he should die.

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