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Black Lushus

One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

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We are totally geeking out for this. This Wednesday, we're marathoning all the movies and the first Clone Wars DVD with a huge group of friends.


It's too bad the last 5 (longer) Clone Wars episodes aren't out on DVD yet because they literally lead right in to Episode III. Oh well, that's what torrents are for.

Or you could just go here if you don't mind quicktime.



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Yeah, well then you can make the argument that Han is the chosen one, b/c w/o his presence at Death Star I Luke wouldn't have gotten that shot off, or that Lando is the chosen one b/c w/o his presence at Jabba's Palace, Boba Fett would've shot Luke.


Not really.


Luke directly caused the deaths of both Palpatine and Vader. It was Luke who convinced Vader to kill Palpatine, which, in turn, killed Vader.


Granted, Vader did commit the act itself, but it was Luke who caused the act to happen. Thus, I think he could arguably be the chosen one.




It's funny really, it seems like Vader is somehow redeemed for stopping the Emperor finally, yet he oversaw the deaths of all the Jedi (Obi Wan aside), aided in blowing up an entire planet, killed his own men, etc. Would him helping Luke out really excuse all THAT shit?


You know, I wondered about this the other day. I mean, at the end of RotJ, we see Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan all nice and happy. Do you *really* think Obi-Wan would be so happy hanging out with the guy who not only killed him, but also a number of Jedi, and helped usher in the reign of the emperor.


I dunno. It seems akin to shooting someone, then rushing them to the hospital so you can take credit for saving their life.


Also: I've read that, in the next movie, it'll somehow come out that Qui-Gon was the first Jedi who learned how to become one with the Force. If this is so...how does Anakin do it? Is he just so good that he doesn't even need to be told how to do it, it just kinda happens? Like, I assume that Qui-Gon teaches the trick to Yoda and Obi-Wan, but who in their right mind would show it to Darth fucking Vader?


And on what Kotz was saying; I think it'd be neat if, in the movie, they mention that the prophecy says something along the lines of "And he who is without a father will rise up . . . etc", which would make them think of Anakin, since he has no father.


But then, near the end of the movie, have Yoda or someone re-read the original prophecy (which would be in some bizarre language) and he realizes that there's a chance they mis-interpreted the prophecy, and it was more like "And he who never knew his father will rise up", which of course points to Luke. I dunno, I think something along those lines, that would make it more likely that Luke was the chosen one (or at least blur the lines a bit) would be neat.

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Alright, so, I know next to nothing about Star Wars. So maybe I'm a jump-on-the-bandwagon geek here but I've seen all five movies, have a decent idea of what's going on, but are there any good websites just to browse through to get the little things? I knew I'd want to see the third one but this has really begun to have gotten to me- I am hyped.


If Vader was the Chosen One wouldn't it be an insanely dark twist if it just proves that the Dark Side of the Force is the most powerful, the pure spirit of the force. I mean some could see it as a parasite. A stretch but it'd be amusing.

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Sorry but I'm a bit late to the conversation here. Are we referring to the Chosen One as in, "will bring balance to the Force"? I always thought that the Jedi didn't think through the literal meaning of the prophecy, and trained Anakin out of some misguided belief that he would lead a Golden Age of the Jedi. Instead he becoming the manifestation of the literal meaning by killing all but two of the Jedi (Yoda and Obi-Won) while leaving two Sith (Vader and Sidious). Hence, dark and light are balanced.


Actually, looking back to the last page, I see BlackFlagg had the same idea. Damn I thought I would be the only one to not read too much into Lucas' writing.


P.S. Dammit! I forgot to DVR the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network! I suppose I'll have to try to download them all now.

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This wont happen but this would be a great way to end the film


After the last shot you dissolve into a scene of Luke (Mark Hamill of course) a few days after the destruction of the Death Star II on Tatooine over the graves of Owen and Beru


You pan out and see Anakin (Hayden Christansen of course) in Force Ghost form standing over, so it appears that the entire PT has been a conversation between Luke and Anakin on Tatooine


Last words of course from Anakin as he dissolves back into the Force "Son, the Force will be with you, always"

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I'd actually dig something like that but some might find it a bit too cheesy.


There is a limit to my geekness. I am not about to sit around watching a bunch of Star Wars cartoons. It is way too similar to dorks sitting around with this Animatrix crap to fill in the gaps between films. Here's an idea: If it's really important, put it in the fucking movie.


Sigh. I have a feeling I'm going to get a call from someone in the next couple days wanting me to see it at midnight. And like a madman I'll probably do it, even though I'll have a ton of work to do on Thurs.

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I'd actually dig something like that but some might find it a bit too cheesy.


There is a limit to my geekness. I am not about to sit around watching a bunch of Star Wars cartoons. It is way too similar to dorks sitting around with this Animatrix crap to fill in the gaps between films. Here's an idea: If it's really important, put it in the fucking movie.

You haven't seen the Clone Wars cartoons, have you?

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Dammit!  I forgot to DVR the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network!  I suppose I'll have to try to download them all now.

Or you could BUY them.


The first Clone Wars DVD ain't expensive at all. I'm not sure when the second is coming out.


Also, LOL @ cabbageboy for making fun of the Animatrix and Clone Wars cartoons.

Both were insanely better than the last two films from either franchise.

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Random Questions:



-Does Palpatine continue to use clones after he firmly establishes the Empire or does he switch to actual human people?


-What was the reasoning for Palpatine not being able to sense Luke making the trip to Endor, yet Vader knew? Was Vader possibly able to mask things from Palpatine through the force? Come to think of it, how did Palpatine not know of Vader's treacherous speech to Luke at Cloud City? Maybe he just figured it was Vader's way of goading him to the Dark Side?


-Who are the two guys that Palpatine hangs with in ROTJ? The ones that come out of the shuttle with him and are in his chambers with him...

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Just bought my tickets for Thursday going to see it at 11:20am first showing in my home town. Am insanely excited.

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Random Questions:



-Does Palpatine continue to use clones after he firmly establishes the Empire or does he switch to actual human people?


-What was the reasoning for Palpatine not being able to sense Luke making the trip to Endor, yet Vader knew? Was Vader possibly able to mask things from Palpatine through the force? Come to think of it, how did Palpatine not know of Vader's treacherous speech to Luke at Cloud City? Maybe he just figured it was Vader's way of goading him to the Dark Side?


-Who are the two guys that Palpatine hangs with in ROTJ? The ones that come out of the shuttle with him and are in his chambers with him...

-According to an interview Lucas did with....IGN I think, he says that the Emperor continued to use clones as long as they were available. However, as the clones began to die off he replaced them with 'actual' people because it was cheaper to train people to be stormtroopers than it was to clone and grow them. Apparently Basic Marksmanship was not part of the training for the new recruits though.


-I always thought Vader was able to sense Luke because of the family connection. The paternal connection bonded them closer through the Force.


-The guys in red? His royal guards. Apparently they are all kinds of bad ass. Too bad we never get to see them actually fight. I don't know if that's who you meant, I'll have to roll back through my copy of ROTJ to see if there's anyone else that fits the bill.

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-According to an interview Lucas did with....IGN I think, he says that the Emperor continued to use clones as long as they were available. However, as the clones began to die off he replaced them with 'actual' people because it was cheaper to train people to be stormtroopers than it was to clone and grow them. Apparently Basic Marksmanship was not part of the training for the new recruits though.

So...it may have been the remaining Clones that hit the Jawa tank...but humans for the remaining movies then?

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This wont happen but this would be a great way to end the film


After the last shot you dissolve into a scene of Luke (Mark Hamill of course) a few days after the destruction of the Death Star II on Tatooine over the graves of Owen and Beru


You pan out and see Anakin (Hayden Christansen of course) in Force Ghost form standing over, so it appears that the entire PT has been a conversation between Luke and Anakin on Tatooine


Last words of course from Anakin as he dissolves back into the Force "Son, the Force will be with you, always"

The only problem with doing something like that is that Mark Hamill nowadays looks very little like he did back near the end of Return of the Jedi.


Unless you made a Digital face for Mark...which I could see Lucus doing.

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Guest SpiderFan
Unless you made a Digital face for Mark...which I could see Lucus doing.

Why stop at just the face? Just CGI his whole body. It'll be so lifelike!

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Unless you made a Digital face for Mark...which I could see Lucus doing.

Why stop at just the face? Just CGI his whole body. It'll be so lifelike!

Cause then we'd have to call the character Jar Jar Luke...and no one REALLY wants that, now do they?

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Question: Do we actually see Storm Troopers opposed, to Clone Troopers, by the end of Episode III, or do they not appear until the OT?

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God no, my friend Ian has told me all sorts of stuff about the post ROTJ books.  It sounded REALLY horrible, stuff like: 

Luke does a heel turn and joins the Emperor, who amazingly survived his fall in Jedi.

That's from the Dark Horse comics, not the books. And the Emporor didn't survive his fall, he was cloned

Not to mention the fact that Dark Empire pretty much sucked the fat one, as does most Star Wars stuff written by Kevin J Anderson, IMO. :P

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Question: Do we actually see Storm Troopers opposed, to Clone Troopers, by the end of Episode III, or do they not appear until the OT?

The uniforms of soldiers have become even more similar to the classic stormtrooper design, but we don't see the REAL stormtroopers until the OT.


And that idea about Anakin and Luke talking on Tatooine at the end of the THIRD episode in a six episode series is retarded. It's a bad idea for the end of ROTJ also.

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Dammit!  I forgot to DVR the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network!  I suppose I'll have to try to download them all now.

Or you could BUY them.


The first Clone Wars DVD ain't expensive at all. I'm not sure when the second is coming out.

Haven't you people got access to Cartoon Network? They've been playing both seasons back to back here in Australia in preparation for the new Star Wars movie. It's the ultimate cash in on Star Wars fans who are hyping themselves for Episode III, I don't see why Cartoon Network Ver.Yank would be any different.


But yes, just buy the DVD if you can't find it elsewhere. It's so crazy worth it. NOTHING beats the level of smackdown Mace Windu reaches in his little droid-kicking scene.

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Random Questions:



-Does Palpatine continue to use clones after he firmly establishes the Empire or does he switch to actual human people?

Nobody knows for sure, but in the Ep.2 DVD commentary, Lucas indicated that Stormtrooper's predisposition to bump their heads on doors was inherited from Jango Fett.

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No, we do know for sure, Lucas said himself in an IGN interview that the stormtroopers are eventually based upon recruiting people rather than cloning.

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It's funny really, it seems like Vader is somehow redeemed for stopping the Emperor finally, yet he oversaw the deaths of all the Jedi (Obi Wan aside), aided in blowing up an entire planet, killed his own men, etc. Would him helping Luke out really excuse all THAT shit?


You know, I wondered about this the other day. I mean, at the end of RotJ, we see Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan all nice and happy. Do you *really* think Obi-Wan would be so happy hanging out with the guy who not only killed him, but also a number of Jedi, and helped usher in the reign of the emperor.


I dunno. It seems akin to shooting someone, then rushing them to the hospital so you can take credit for saving their life.

There is an interview online now, with Christensen and Lucas Unscripted, wher ethey ask each other fan's questions. In it, he doesn't say HOW Anakin learns it, but he does say that the reason he out Hayden in the end of ROTJ was to show that he was entering the force as his original self- Anakin, instead of what he became- Vader. And I think that Obi-wan and Yoda would be happy to have him back. Even though he caused so much death and destruction, even Obi-wan tells Luke thta it was VADER that did that, and that the good man that was Anakin had died. They don't associate Vader's wrath with Anakin in that sense, and to have him 'in the Force' is akin to having him come back from the dead to them.

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No, we do know for sure, Lucas said himself in an IGN interview that the stormtroopers are eventually based upon recruiting people rather than cloning.



That kind of contradicts what he said on the Ep. 2 commentary.


Besides, this is the same man who used to tell people that C3PO was over 100 years old, and that Luke would get a love interest in the third trilogy.


In other words, if you don't see it in a movie, don't count on it being true.

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Random Questions:



-Does Palpatine continue to use clones after he firmly establishes the Empire or does he switch to actual human people?

Nobody knows for sure, but in the Ep.2 DVD commentary, Lucas indicated that Stormtrooper's predisposition to bump their heads on doors was inherited from Jango Fett.

I bought the new book out that has the original trilogy novelized in it, and very early on Luke and Biggs have a conversation where Luke states that he 'Doesn't want to be conscripted into the Empire's Army', thus implying that the Storm Troopers are now regular humans. And since the book had an intro by Lucas, I'd say he approved everything in it and take it as cannon.

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Random Questions:



-Does Palpatine continue to use clones after he firmly establishes the Empire or does he switch to actual human people?

Nobody knows for sure, but in the Ep.2 DVD commentary, Lucas indicated that Stormtrooper's predisposition to bump their heads on doors was inherited from Jango Fett.

I bought the new book out that has the original trilogy novelized in it, and very early on Luke and Biggs have a conversation where Luke states that he 'Doesn't want to be conscripted into the Empire's Army', thus implying that the Storm Troopers are now regular humans. And since the book had an intro by Lucas, I'd say he approved everything in it and take it as cannon.

That doesn't necessarily mean he'd be recruited as a Stormtrooper.


He could have been one of those nameless soldiers that get ordered around by people like Piett and such.

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"The idea is that over time, there were new clone strains introduced, and then they even conscripted guys to be Storm Troopers. So it's not just purely clones: It started out as clones, but then it got diluted over the years as they found out they could shanghai guys [more cheaply] than they could build clones."


So we were BOTH right.

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I did watch a little bit of the Cartoon Network marathon of the Clone Wars, and really I didn't care either way about it. I wasn't going to spend such a crazy amount of time on a bunch of cartoons, especially when the films themselves should cover the important stuff.


The Animatrix might be great but since the Matrix sequels sucked the fat one I am really not inclined to check it out. As I said, don't spend so much time making cartoons and all that extra crap so great...make the actual movies great.

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