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When's the last time WWE did an I Quit match?


Edit: Where's the Undertaker? Is he injured or something? I can't believe he's not going to be at Judgment Day.

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The night after the Royal Rumble '99, HHH faced The Rock in an "I Quit" match which HHH lost after Bossman made him say "I Quit" or Kane would Chokeslam Chyna. Also the same night Chyna joined the Corporation.

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The last I Quit match was Vince vs. Stephanie from No Mercy 03, but the rules got changed throughout the PPV to allow pins for Steph.

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Rey Vs Eddy - Should be for the WWE title...

No it shouldn't. The title should be the focal point of a feud, and it wouldn't be if it was involved at this stage

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Guest hhheld_down

what does everything think of the brock lesner rumor, personally i think its bullshit, the most that could happen is a hype video of him coming bat back soon but even that seems slim.

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So, is HHH the only guy to actually yell out "I QUIT" to 'cleanly' end the match. I thought Linda yelled it for Steph. Rock/Foley has a copout finish.



This PPV will be a real test to see if Cena can draw.

Not really.

Yes, really. It's his first PPV as champ. If the buyrate sucks, it's Cena's fault, if we're going by the JBL method of draw judgement.

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what does everything think of the brock lesner rumor, personally i think its bullshit, the most that could happen is a hype video of him coming bat back soon but even that seems slim.

Brock is not coming back.


"I liked the money, the experience, but I didn't like the pain... I wish that I didn't take that path (professional wrestling),...


Yes I know, he's been trying to talk to Vince about it, but has been asking for too much money. If it ever does happen, it won't be anytime soon.

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Guest *KNK*

I dont even know the card.


haven't seen Smackdown in 3 weeks.


all signs point to this being an apathetic buyrate.

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I understand that London/Chavo has yet to be confirmed, while Heidenreich/OJ and the tag title match have. I am getting worried that London/Chavo will not be confirmed at all, and won't take place. That's quite sad, really.







London (if it happens)

Big Show




I was going to say a lot more, but there's no real point, so whatever.

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all signs point to this being an apathetic buyrate.


I actually think this is going to shock a few people. I'd be lying if I said the Eddy~!/Rey stuff hasn't gotten me excited. I mean, I'm still against the turn and all, seen as Eddie was the most over face in the company, but, at the same time, he's such an awesome heel that I find myself accepting it more and more as each day passes. I'd expect their rivalry to add quite a few buys to this. Eddy~!'s promo two weeks ago was a real winner. JBL and Cena have cut some great interviews, too, so I think they'll get some buys. I HOPE this show kills Backlash.

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Just to score a hat-trick, I really, really think that Eddy~!/Rey is going to be the (company) MOTY to date. It's **** or bust really. I don't think anything this year has hit the magical **** mark, but this has a real chance. They're up against themselves, really. I think Angle/Rey 02/05 and Angle/Eddie 04/05 are, thus far, the two best matches this year. If Eddie and Rey can produce the goods in 20 minute TV matches with Kurt Angle, with little to no hype going in, SURELY they can deliver in this environment. They've got me real excited for this match, so they need to live up to expectations.



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From V-Lo reports I read it sounded like the match was confirmed (or at the very least referenced / built to) last night but still nothing on WWE.com


It's very sad that I was looking forward to this PPV a few weeks ago thinking it had 4 winning matches in the CW and Tag title matches, Angle/Booker, and Eddie/Rey. I also think there's the outside chance JBL/Cena could be a good brawl with weapons and such but that remains to be seen. Anyway, since the Angle/Sharmell angle, I've just really lost interest in this show and wondered if I should even bother going out tonight.


Hopefully Eddie/Rey makes me happy and Angle/Booker is still a good match regardless of the awful angle it now has going for it... Kurt being pissed off at losing his chance for a title match was good enough.

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You know, JBL really should have went over at Mania. They should have had a twenty minute brawl, used every shortcut in the book - ref bumps, interference, weapons, blood. Just overbooked it to Hell. JBL would escape with a win, eventually, or even give the DQ to Cena. Then they should have had Cena go nuts, and come THIS close to quitting the company, only to stay for the fans, or something. Then he'd beat JBL in a No DQ match at JD. Then JBL would quit on SD, until Cena baits him in to a return, and they have the I Quit match at GAB. In the run up, you could have JBL make Cena run the gauntlet of all the gimmick matches he's survived in the past year - 3-way, 4-way, cage, bullrope, etc. Have TRL say that Cena has no obligation to compete in these matches, but he does anyway, JUST TO PROVE HE CAN! Then Cena beats JBL.


I don't know why I posted this, but I think it's better than what's happening now, so there.

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It's confirmed, this is the card:


Cena vs. JBL


Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero


MNM vs. Haas & Holly


Orlando Jordan vs. Heidenreich


Kurt Angle vs. Booker T


Carlito Cool (with Matt Morgan) vs. Big Show


Chavo Guerrero vs. Paul London

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Guest Fook_Theta

I'm going to die from laughter if Haas/Holly goes over MNM. They've gone from actually being something to squashing jobbers in only a few weeks.


Darkage, unless one of the guys is hurt or there so sort of crazy booking change Chavo vs London is confirmed from Velocity. They played it up the entire match he had, and London even came down to be a commentator before the match. IT IS CONFIRMED

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It's all about WWE.com, my friend. And it's Dark Age, not Darkage. If you came up to me in the street and called me Darkage, I'd be tempted to punch you in the face. No screwing up my name.



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Guest BobBacklundRules
Well, WWE.com still hasn't listed London/Chavo so I'm not taking it as confirmed just yet.

It was confirmed at the press conference, and on wwe.com in the "free for all" video package show or whatever.


I'm heading down there now too.

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Well, WWE.com still hasn't listed London/Chavo so I'm not taking it as confirmed just yet.

It was confirmed at the press conference, and on wwe.com in the "free for all" video package show or whatever.


I'm heading down there now too.

It was confirmed last night on Velocity, also, complete with match graphic.

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Guest Rrrsh

And London, during commentary of the Chavo/Moore match, was saying stuff like "See you tomorrow" and "I will pin his shoulders in 1 day".


I higly doubt they pre hype a Heat match.

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Cena vs. JBL - I Quit


I think they should have had one more match to justify using an I Quit stip. Hart/Austin went on much longer and was much more heated whereas this has mostly been a farce. Maybe a bullrope/chain match in between their Mania bout would have done something. I haven't liked the direction of this feud at all, especially in how they could have handled it. I have confidence in these two to put together a good match, and I hate that a lot of people (not really here, but elsewhere) have referenced their WM match to determine the quality of this one, since the WM match had a good 10 minutes left on it but was cut short for time. Since HHH/Batista won't be on the card, they can afford to use some tricks - blood, weapons, run ins, finishing sequences, etc. - for heightened drama. It could go to a solid ***1/2.


Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero


Not interested in this match at all, despite DEAN's awesome comic work. How many times have we seen Eddie Guerrero beat the piss outta Rey just for Rey to come back for the win? I just don't "buy" it, because it's been sold to me so many times before. Every time Eddie turns heel (which is often), and if Rey is on the roster at the time, they will have a match like this. Been there, done that, and neither guy is as good as they were in 1997. Their Mania match flopped, and even with direction I don't see this match being fantastic. **** tops, MOTN but that's not really saying anything. In a year, they will be buddies again.


MNM vs. Haas & Holly


Meltzer says these guys had a good house show match. Meltzer is a giant tool who has a hard-on for OVW. It will be a standard WWE tag match. *** tops. Do Haas and Holly even have a tag move?


Orlando Jordan vs. Heidenreich


Fuck, if I could be an agent for this match it would fucking rule. I enjoyed, for the most part, the Undertaker/Heidenreich series of matches. Both guys throw good-great punches (especially for the WWE), and the dynamic is pretty fun - the big stupid nice guy, the sinister blackman - there could be heat from this, but the way they have done it hasn't really gotten it. Orlando should have kidnapped one of Heidenreichs 'friends' and then said "If you don't do what I say, you're friend is dead", and the match (and the feud) basically has Heidenreich get the shit beat out of him. Lots of opportunity for drama and punches. The friend gets brought down to ringside, manages to escape, Heidenreich goes nuts on OJ, the friend "turns" on Heidenreich for money, Heidenreich breaks down and cries, gets pinned by OJ. As is, *1/2


Kurt Angle vs. Booker T


Eugh. Booker T has been horrible in-ring for YEARS now. If he and Angle can find a similar pace together, this could be passable. The resolution to this is Angle -the rapist- is better than Booker? Jesus, The Bookman gets NO love in the E. **1/2


Carlito Cool (with Matt Morgan) vs. Big Show


You've got to be kidding me. ** tops.


Chavo Guerrero vs. Paul London


Silly cruiserweights. ***1/4 tops, especially if they ground London for most of the match (which they will.)

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Wait... The original post states that MNM lost to Holly and Haas in a non-title match. When did this happen? I don't recall MNM ever losing, although Hardcore Holly did pin Joey Mercury in a singles match.


Also, Chavo/London was indeed confirmed on last night's Velocity.

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Jesus Christ people, ok, I accept it! London/Chavo is confirmed, I don't need every one of you telling me so! I'd use an angry smily but I'm not actually angry!


Oh, and Matt Young, Hardcore/Haas didn't win a non-title match. Hardcore and Charlie were Paul London's "mystery" partners against Chavo and MNM, a match which ended with Chavo pinning London. This was enough to earn Hardcore Haas a title match. How that earns a team a title shot I don't know, but it did.

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