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Comments that don't warrant a thread

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I think you blew a previous chance. When I confronted you on your shameless bias when posting the Revolution controller with no accompanying news text or article links, you basically ignored it. 



I did? Not on purpose then. I must have missed your reply.

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I made the thread and all so I might be biased, but I think we should keep a thread like this going, maybe a new one when the old gets too big.

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Actually I like the thread. And actually it condenses the board some, as individual comments and opinions about games can just go here rather than making new threads that die after a week or two.


Come on, Andrew, purposefully starting arguments?? You can do better than that. I had such hopes for you.


I was thinking about buying volume 3, I still am, but I am simply having too much fun with CCC. I wonder if my Chun-Li SF controller would work with the SF games. Lord knows it would making things easier.


I forgot just how high-powered Blanka is in SF2. Holy crap.

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Hey Andrew by "worst fears" do you mean multi part games? It actually seems to gaining popularity. Besides the whole .hack thing (STILL need to go back and finish that series) I know Too Human is planning on being an RPG trilogy, and I seem to remember another one but the name eludes me. I have no problem with a multipart game IF it doesn't spend too much time on things that just make you sit there (Xenosaga's 1/2 hour long FMV's spring to mind). Let the characters develop is short scenes as you play the game rather then throwing everything at you at once.

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Wonder what the world of Street Fighter would have been like if they made Zangief to be a collegiate wrestler, Ken to be a fat martial artist, Ryu to be a total rip-off of whatever the main character in Fist of the Northstar is named, Vega was some crazy ass knight with Blanka's hairstyle, and kept the character that looked like Kamala with an afro.

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Guest clockworkraven
Wonder what the world of Street Fighter would have been like if they made Zangief to be a collegiate wrestler, Ken to be a fat martial artist, Ryu to be a total rip-off of whatever the main character in Fist of the Northstar is named, Vega was some crazy ass knight with Blanka's hairstyle, and kept the character that looked like Kamala with an afro.


You'd need a new sig.


I'd still play it.

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Come on, Andrew, purposefully starting arguments?? You can do better than that. I had such hopes for you.


Anya and I don't really argue anymore. We just have spirited discussions. Then we ramble on about stupid little things in games that make no sense/are a tad annoying, when the simple answer is that the makers of the games didn't really put that much thought into it when they made the game.


Hey Andrew by "worst fears" do you mean multi part games? It actually seems to gaining popularity. Besides the whole .hack thing (STILL need to go back and finish that series) I know Too Human is planning on being an RPG trilogy, and I seem to remember another one but the name eludes me. I have no problem with a multipart game IF it doesn't spend too much time on things that just make you sit there (Xenosaga's 1/2 hour long FMV's spring to mind). Let the characters develop is short scenes as you play the game rather then throwing everything at you at once.


Multi-part games, no. It's actually somewhat more comforting if you know up front that they've got a set plan rather than making a game that they intended to stand-alone, and only tacked on a sequel to milk a hit.


Said worst fears for gaming would be a revival of the "interactive movie" genre, which threatened console gaming when the CD was assumed the next big thing for the biz, at least by Sega. When Sega was banking the SCD's success on said new phenomenon, it was a sad time for the industry.


Of course, hardly anything lately has come close to those horrid games. Although Xenosaga is a multi-part RPG with barely any gameplay and ridiculous spans of time where you do more watching than playing.


RPGs already are usually less gameplay and more story. However, once in a while one comes out that seems to go too far.


Adventure games (as in, the PC kind like Monkey Island) are also kind of hovering between them, but they're relatively harmless because they've such a niche, and the better ones have a charm that you rarely see anymore.

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I think you blew a previous chance. When I confronted you on your shameless bias when posting the Revolution controller with no accompanying news text or article links, you basically ignored it. 



I did? Not on purpose then. I must have missed your reply.


Yeah, you did. :P


Wonder what the world of Street Fighter would have been like if they made Zangief to be a collegiate wrestler, Ken to be a fat martial artist, Ryu to be a total rip-off of whatever the main character in Fist of the Northstar is named, Vega was some crazy ass knight with Blanka's hairstyle, and kept the character that looked like Kamala with an afro.


Like 80's WWF, but with a Japanese guy getting a huge push.


Although I'd love to play that game still.


Oh, and until I played CCC, I had no idea that human players could climb Vega's cage in any version of the game.

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Yeah they took that out in later versions. Probably for the best since climbing it sucks anyway.


The way the cage slams down in the beginning in Super and ST is so cool. CCC would be worthwhile if SF1 and ST were on it.

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According to someone that worked on the game (see above for the link to that thread), Capcom is not embarassed of SF1 at all. If that is true I do wonder why it's excluded from everything.

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They did put SF1 in a PC compilation a few years ago.




After a few months of barely playing I'm addicted to Tekken again. 5.1 is sort of lame though...

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I think I'm the only one in the world that wants Capcom to remake SF1 proper. I know that's what Zero/Alpha was pretty much intended to do, with mere allusions to the happenings SF1, but I still want to see it. It's not like there's a lot of new direction to go with the series, outside of another 3D attempt or SF4, so you may as well bleed all you can out of SF1 as well.

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I'd play it. It has a few characters that haven't been seen since, like Geki, Lee and Joe. Gen, Birdie and Eagle ended up being pretty cool when redesigned and fully developed....they could too.

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Too many games!


Thanks to CAG (yes, I referenced that site again) I have way too many unfinished or unplayed games. I've been trying like mad to finish some of them (there are 15-20 for GC and Xbox) before the TRU buy 2 get 1 free sale that starts Sunday, but no luck. I wonder if maybe I should give up and use guides. With 6 days until the sale and me getting Live back, my free time will be limited.


Also, I planned on getting a PS2 during the sale, but with only $300 extra available for me to spend, I'll be sticking to GC and Xbox games (DS and GBA games are not included in the sale... bastards). I'll have to wait ont hat til Christmas or my next big paycheck. Same with the 360.


Damn work, women, the internet, and online gaming for taking up all my time.

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Anyone tried Under the Knife or Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney yet? I was thinking of picking up one or both of them.

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Guest MikeSC

Can't find Phoenix Wright anywhere, but Under the Knife is a surprisingly difficult --- but damned good --- game. A shitload of dialogue, but the surgical procedures are not easy by any means.

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Just so I can say I did, I'm going for 100% in San Andreas and am right now at 90%. To make it easier, what DON'T I have to do to get there?

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Guest clockworkraven
Just so I can say I did, I'm going for 100% in San Andreas and am right now at 90%.  To make it easier, what DON'T I have to do to get there?


...not a lot. The only thing I can think of is that you shouldn't bother buying all the clothes. Or the girlfriends.

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Wow, one week til Soul Calibur 3 and no one cares. So different than SC2. I guess people really did just care about silly exclusive characters and not about the game itself. No surprise really. I kinda miss the hype though. And all those arguments about what version to get.

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SC2 wasn't exactly earth shattering either, if you're just talking innovation. From what I've read it seems like there's going to be more gameplay differences (for better or worse) between SC2 and SC3 than between SC and SC2.


The time between releases isn't really all that short, either. Arcade SC2 came out in Summer 2002. It's been more than three years.

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Some of the guys I play T5 with are still into SC II and are really pissed about no arcade release. I wonder if it will be unbalanced.

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I'm pretty worried. I hope for the best, but they're making some changes that could have a significant impact on balance and then not giving the game any chance to be tested by high level players. Hopefully they'll get lucky.


If not, it'll be fun for a few months and then DR will come out.

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I want DR to play more like 5 then 5.1. I hate the new tech roll and some of the random changes. Like altering Bryan's b+1 is going to somehow put him on the same level as Kuma. It doesn't really feel more balanced, just tweaked for the sake of changing things. Some of the changes don't even make sense. Was Law's b+1,2,1 really too strong?

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Yeah agreed. Toning down SNBF was fine, but randomly toning down other non-broken stuff to make the whole cast weaker was just silly. My favorite bit of stupidity was making Marduk's d+4 minus frames on hit. I mean, huh? Was it broken before? Were people whining about Marduk's dominance? What possibly could have inspired them to make a change like that?


Still, I'd have preferred 5.1 overall if it wasn't for the oki. The balance is admittedly better. The oki is just dumb, though. The complex oki was part of Tekken's charm. When you got knocked down you really had to think about what to do. Now that you can just hold back whenever you fall down and get up safe, the oki is as mindless as it is in Soul Calibur. Blah.

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Yeah one of my favorite things about Tekken is how brutal and unforgiving it is. The oki, walls and juggles are just merciless.


The other day I was playing someone trying to learn Tekken and he kept doing lows with long recovery so he'd get hit with Jin's ws+2 and then a juggle. He kept whining that it was unfair. I was like, if you don't like losing half your life for making a mistake then this isn't the game for you.



I wonder if Namco will hold another tournament for DR. We just had one for 5.1 but it didn't have much hype.

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Yeah I think all the Namco arcades have been trying to run little 5.1 tournies, but most arcades don't have anywhere near enough players to support one. But I won a bunch of tokens and a t-shirt, so I guess that's cool.


What would be really cool is full blown regionals and nationals for DR, but Jason Arney hates the Tekken community now so it seems unlikely.

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